Tuesday, March 06, 2018

It´s Comics Titan Tuesday with Will Eisner !

I was so busy working on something for my last posts that I didn´t check the birthdays the last two days. Especially since I had already written cult siren Jolene Blalock´s post in advance and was free to do other things Yesterday. Thankfully I finished what I was doing Today - or trying to do since it didn´t work out - or I would have missed Will Eisner´s anniversary.

The last few days were really hard because we watched DUNKIRK and that was a complete waste of time. After that I was so depressed that I had to think of something else so I started to do some animated GIFs of former Miss Uruguay MILF Monica Farro whom I had mentioned in an earlier post.

Now while I was in the middle of doing that the Oscars were held so I watched that and not only did they keep bringing up the crapfest that was DUNKIRK but they could not stop giving awards to this train wreck. And speaking of the Oscars, was it just me or was this the most boring Oscar show of the last ten years ? Really, after that I was even more depressed and more determined than ever to make the animated GIFs with Monica Farro. Okay, since I have been trying to dial down the hot babes in the last months this was probably not my most brilliant idea.

But on the other side I didn´t want to share the fate of the Oscars and become too boring for my readers for the sake of being political correct. If I look back on all the posts I´ve written I have always done what I wanted and it´s not like there havn´t been any naked women on the blog before.

So for the last few days I tried to finish the GIFs but the more I tried to wrap things up quickly the longer it took and the more difficult it became. What initially should have been just two GIFs became three than four and in the end five. I had to dial down the number of pictures for a GIF more and more because for some strange reason the longer I worked on it the more trouble my laptop made so that I had to restart and re - initiate the damn thing almost for each new try. I was working on this non stop after the Oscars because I wanted to get it over with but Yesterday I just had to accept that I wouldn´t finish it any time soon so I finally went to bed.

And the first thing I did Today was finish the GIFs. And again I had to split the last one into two GIFs. It took me almost all day but in the end I made six GIFs instead of two and posted four. Which is more than I had initially planned but at this point I don´t care. Two days of fighting windmills is enough for this Don Quixote and there are other posts I want to do.

Speaking of other posts, normally I don´t do two independent comic posts in a row but because of everything I did for the last two days I will have to do the other two posts that I had planned - the next installment of Mark Waid and George Perez´ THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD and the post on EC Comics non horror titles - later. Now thankfully I had plenty of material in my Will Eisner folder for a new post although it was not easy to select all the pieces. I did try not to repeat anything I posted before and not to have only hot women in this post. Because besides being one of the big pioneers in comics Will Eisner also drew some of the hottest females.

Since I found these art pieces a very long time ago I have probably already included the usual thank you´s and kudos to the original uploaders in a previous post but if you see some of the material from your website here and want me to include a link to your site - or if you have anything related to Will Eisner or The Spirit that you want to share with the world - just drop me an e - mail or use the comment section and I´ll put up a link.

Speaking of which, we start Today´s selection of supreme supplements as James B. Page tells us his first encounters with Will Eisner´s The Spirit on JIM`S WORLD AND WELCOME TO IT that give the phrase " diving for comics " a new meaning. He also talks a lot about the coloring in the reprints that were available in the 80s. Today you can easily find the complete Spirit re - printed in hardcover or softcover but back then hunting for them was a real adventure. I may have mentioned it before but I DID buy The Spirit - A Celebration Of 75 Years hardcover DC published and I think it´s one of the few where you can´t complain. Yes, there are some very old stories in there but since there really are no bad The Spirit stories it doesn´t matter that much. Plus for a comic reader who mostly knows the later stories of The Spirit this has a lot of material I don´t already have in my collection. Last but not least because most of the stories are only between five and eight pages long this 470 plus hardcover has a lot of bang for your buck. As it tries to cover 75 years there are also the obligatory tales by other artists which is the only downside to it. Now I like the Darwyn Cooke stuff they included but from all the artist who worked on The Spirit - The New Adventures only Dave Gibbons did Will Eisner any justice in my opinion.

And while I can understand that the money grubbing suits at DC included a story by Neil Gaiman because he´s popular now with non comic readers thanks to the American Gods tv series they could have as easily gone with an Alan Moore story that was drawn by Dave Gibbons. The story from the third issue by Alan Moore is really not up to his usual standards and Daniel Torres´ art also falls flat. Apart from that tiny bit of nit picking I can really recommend this 75 year anniversary collection. Wow, I think this is a first. 

If you haven´t read anything of Will Eisner´s  The Spirit yet and wonder where you should start maybe I Am Baytor at GOTHAM CALLING is the right address for you as he lists his Top 20 Stories of The Spirit by Will Eisner.

Which brings us to the celebrity birthdays which as always has a bit of the old and some new things. I try to switch up things every year but that highly depends on if I have something new to say or add about a previous candidate so I hope I keep things interesting for my readers. Kieron Dwyer celebrates his 51st birthday and since I still haven´t read Sea Of Red let´s talk about the now classic Captain America No More story line in which Steve Rogers gave up the mantle of Captain America and the Superpatriot became the new sentinel of liberty which is where I first saw his art.

People will tell you that when you´re in the eye of a hurricane you are not aware of the storm but when this story came out I knew it was something special because I was just about to give up reading Captain America. I had missed all of Mike Zeck´s issues and I wasn´t thrilled by Paul Neary´s art that I saw in a Secret Wars II crossover and other issues. Because of the Mike Zeck cover I bought another issue where Wolverine for some reason called himself D - Man but I was already halfway out the door. Then issue 332 came out and I got hooked again. Kieron Dwyer would not come on the book until issue 338 when John Walker a.k.a. Jack Daniels a.k.a. Jim Beam ( you know that the guy who came up with those was an alcoholic ) was firmly established as the new Captain America. Around that time Captain America was a fixture on my pull list so I read a lot of Kieron Dwyer through the complete story with Captain America and the U.S. Agent, one of my personal highlight The Bloodstone Hunt and the Acts Of Vengeance tie - in issues. I stayed on the book when Ron Lim took over since he is one of my favorite artists who sadly isn´t seen so much in comics anymore. I read all of his tenure but I bailed when Rik Levins came on board because I couldn´t take Madame M.O.D.A.M. and the Capwolf.

Now as reading recommendations so far there is no official Epic Collection that includes material by Kieron Dwyer. There is Captain America - The Bloodstone Hunt, which comes out in Mai and which collects issues 351 to 371 so you might want to wait with buying the old trade. Now I said that there is no official Epic Collection so far and the reason is the paperback called The Captain. Which is practically the same package because it costs around 40 bucks and clocks in at a whopping 520 pages. It collects issues 332 to 350 which is probably the reason why the new Epic Collection starts with issue 351. I said it a few times but Disney always seems to be careful not to hurt sales of previously published collections by their new releases.

Tom Arnold turns 59 and so far I never mentioned him because the only thing I really know him from is True Lies with the stunning JaMILF Lee Curtis. Jamie was not always a sex symbol and started out in horror movies like Halloween and The Fog where she quickly became famous for her impressive set of lungs as one of Hollywood´s scream queens. Although she later became quite literal famous for her impressive set of lungs as her boobs had busted out and she quickly got the nickname " freezeframe " because her scenes in movies like Trading Places or Perfect became the most paused on the vcr thanks to her 34C - 22 - 34 measurements. Today she is best known for her incredibly hot striptease on True Lies, the best striptease in movie history - at least according to a poll conducted in 2007.

Which is all the more impressive if you keep in mind that Jamie Lee Curtis was 36 at the time. So she did her best movie scene when her body was in remarkable shape - she exercised every day for this - and I cannot even begin to imagine how epic it would have been if she hadn´t kept on her underwear and gone full monty frontal nudity. Because James Cameron had seen her in A Fish Called Wanda and wrote the role of Helen Trasker specifically to see her nude body. A lot of other actresses auditioned for the role and while I could definitely see Demi Moore in that part ( who is the number one in my  Top Movie Stripteases thanks to her spectacular performance in Striptease ) or even Kim Basinger, Michelle Pfeiffer, Geena Davis, Rosanna Arquette, Madonna, Jennifer Jason Leigh and possibly Lea Thompson or Sharon Stone I thank God that it wasn´t given to Emma Thompson, Melanie Griffith, Debra Winger, Anette Benning or Joan Cusak.

I have already done a number of posts on JaMILF Lee Curtis : the original post which mostly contains pictures with links to animated GIFs , one post with all the pictures I could find , a re - posted version with a few GIFs added and the post I did on her in 2016 which has lots of spectacular GIFs.

We are staying with hot cult sirens - well, kind of - as Eddie Deezen celebrates his 61st birthday. The name may not sound familiar but you have heard his voice on Darkwing Duck, Goof Troop, Cow and Chicken, Johnny Bravo, Dexter´s Laboratory, Kim Possible, Recess or SpongeBob SquarePants. With his distinctive face he was that weird looking guy who appeared in Grease, Grease 2 or War Games or screwball comedy Zapped ! best known for Heather Thomas topless scene. Because it´s one of the few movies where Heather showed some skin when she was in her prime.

Coming back to Eddie Deezen that was not the only time he worked with Heather Thomas since he was also in episode 19 of the fifth season of The Fall Guy titled The Lady in Green. As longtime readers of the blog already know I watched The Fall Guy religiously. Although to tell the truth a big part of that shows appeal were sexbombs like Heather Thomas and Markie Post who didn´t appear nearly as often in a bikini as I would have liked.

Well, Heather Thomas did since that was her main purpose on the show but Markie Post´s appearances in bikinis on The Fall Guy were very few.

80s Power Girl Markie Post is probably the best known cult siren on the entire blog because not only have I done many re - posts of her original post I also keep mentioning her in other posts and her original post is in the Top Ten Posts widget that appears on every post. Since I have done so many different versions it is not so tragic that I did not do a re - post last year even though I did the last version of her cult siren entry in 2016 .

One of my pet pevees on this blog is celebrating all the brave actresses who turn insufferable dreck into bearable entertainment by taking their clothes off or at least show what their Mama gave them and who don´t get enough recognition for that. So I have to mention another movie with Eddie Deezen, Critters 2 : The Main Course with sexbomb Cynthia Garris.

Since I couldn´t find Critters 2 in good quality and I have already posted all episodes of The Fall Guy with Markie Post in a bikini here is another bikini contest from my formative years or better said a lingerie contest. I don´t know but women had much better proportions back then. In the California Foxhunt Lingerie Contest super bikini babe Jamie Ortlieb alone is worth the price of admission but of course there are other sexy girls.

It´s back to comics again with Al Milgrom who turns 68. He has been everything from penciler to inker - he inked some of Kieron Dwyer´s issues of Captain America - to writer and even editor and besides his eight year stint as inker of X - Factor he is best known for his work on the Whackos how the West Coast Avengers are lovingly referred to by fans.

A few years back I wanted to buy the first omnibus as a birthday present for my brother since it was offered at a very low price but because he said he was not interested in that kind of material I let the opportunity pass by. Since then I have gotten volume two ( mostly because I want to read the famous time travel story ) and the Avengers by John Byrne omnibus but so far I have not found the time to read it. I guess I was still hoping to find the first omnibus at a reasonable price but since the success of the Avengers movies the prices for those seem to go rather up than down.

We start our Dearly Departed section with Bill Ward who is best known for creating Torchy and his knack for drawing the female anatomy. A few years back I ordered The Glamour Girls of Bill Ward from Fantagraphics Books via amazon and because of the price I thought I had ordered a softcover book. Just a few weeks prior I had bought The Pin Up Art of Dan DeCarlo and thought this would also be a manga sized booklet. Imagine my surprise when it was not only in hardcover but the size of european comic albums.

I had to include a video about the godfather of graphic novels ( yes, I know there were some comic books published before A Contract With God that could be classified as the first graphic novel but he made that format popular ) and since I want to safe the episode about The Spirit for another post here are some facts about Will Eisner you might not know.

Since I couldn´t find any music video that ties in to anything in Today´s post I finally decided to use the opportunity to post another k - pop video. Now I don´t know if I am naturally drawn to women with shorter hair or if women with shorter hair are just sexier in general but once again the hottest looking girl in the group is the one with the short hair. And as it has become the norm they don´t pay enough attention to her because she clearly wants to use her superior hasian stripper moves to seduce me.

To keep the post short - or at least don´t make it longer than necessary - I was looking for a video where I don´t have to choose between different versions because then I end up posting between three and five videos. I finally came across Don´t Touch by girl group Rainbow where I have not found another good life performance yet. As far as I can tell they are the main group after the splinter group Rainbow Blaxx split off. You might know their song Cha Cha which will be featured in a few versions in an upcoming post since they had many ultra sexy live performances of it.

We are closing things out for Today with a callback to another post in the form of the animated version of the classic Canterville Ghost from 1988.

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I am Groot.

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