On August the 28th none other than Kelly Overton turned 41 who is famous for showing off her butt cleavage in the 2010 Tekken movie.
As Rollo Tomasi puts it so expertly in his review on FILM BOOK : " Kelly Overton is the only reason for a heterosexual male to see Tekken. Every outfit she wears - except for the first one - shows her ass crack and it´s obvious she isn´t wearing any underwear. Not since Rebecca Romijn´s Mystique has the separation in the Gluteus Maximus muscle been on display in an adaption so salaciously and audaciously. The costume designers on Tekken had no shame .... bless them. "
If you take the correlation between the way a woman dances and how she is in the bedroom into consideration Kelly must be a real freak in the bed.
I think I already posted the link in a previous post but just in case I didn´t or you missed it here is last year´s Gene Colan tribute post ( about his run on the Batman titles ) which not only has the birthday of rumpshaker Kelly but more anniversaries from August the 28th up until September the 1st.
Regular readers know that I am a big fan of the great, late Gene Colan ( I mean there´s an issue of his run on DOCTOR STRANGE in the blog header for Odin´s sake ) so it should come as no surprise that I take every chance I get to put more art by this great master on the blog. Which is my long winded explanation why you always find the celebrity birthdays around the 1st of September in a Gene Colan post. Each year I try to switch it up with the birthdays so you will find different anniversaries in the Gene Colan remembrance post from 2017 which covers those from August the 31st and September the 1st and the Gene Colan post from 2016 which starts back on August the 30th and works it way to September the 1st.
On the 2nd of September we had the 73rd anniversary of Walter Simonson who is one of my favorite artists who has worked on so many different titles over the years that he keeps popping up in the most unexpected places. For instance he did the art on Just Imagine Stan Lee creating the DC Universe - The Sandman and to those readers that already were around last year ( and to whom all of this might seem very familiar but you try writing a blog for so long and not repeat yourself ) might remember that back then I pimped the hell out of the omnibus and not only because you could still get it at amazon Germany for 23 bucks including handling and shipping which is a steal for a 75 dollar hardcover. Now I am not saying it is an indispensable work in the history of comics but you have a veritable list of comicdoms Who´s Who of artists working on this and in fact for some of them who are not longer with us it was their last work. The overall story by Stan Lee is also entertaining and at 23 bucks you could´t go wrong.
Well, Stan Lee, the man, the myth, the legend sadly is no longer with us which may be one of the factors why you pay 81 EUROS at amazon right now even if you can get a copy at your local comic book store for 71.
Coming back to Walter Simonson, while he is one of my favorite artists it took me until 2016 to make a spotlight post for him and even then it was not on his actual birthday. As so often I had to do it later but I wrote a special THORSDAY WITH WALTER SIMONSON post to make up for that.
I thought about continuing with that topic as it has not only been a long time since my last THORSDAY post ( I always get depressed when I see what Disney is currently doing to him ) but I also have broken down and shelved out the cash for the first WALTER SIMONSON`S THOR - ARTIST`S EDITION hardcover from IDW. I know, I said that IF I ever spent my money on one of these mega expensive artist´s editions it would have to be for one of my ultimate favorite runs like John Romita Jr. on UNCANNY X - MEN, Marc Silvestri on UNCANNY X - MEN, Alan Davis on EXCALIBUR, Perez on AVENGERS or THE NEW TEEN TITANS or Jim Aparo on THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD or BATMAN AND THE OUTSIDERS ( or anything else ). I already lost my chance with Mike Zeck so I didn´t want to end up never owning one.
Now there were a few things that factored into my decision to buy this. Oh, for anybody who doesn´t know what an artist´s edition is : it´s a hardcover book that reproduces original art pages in the original size.
Usually comics are drawn at twice the size ( although some artists like Arthur Adams have gone bigger like in his MONSTER FROM THE BLACK LAGOON one shot ) and then reduced so what we as comic readers get is only half the size. There are some collections that reprinted the comics in black and white - like Marvel´s ESSENTIAL phone books and DC Comics´ SHOWCASE PRESENT - but those are just the comics without the color. You don´t get to see the original drawings where you sometimes can still see some of the pencils underneath or the delicate strokes of the ink brush.
It´s not as satisfying as owning a real original art page but for somebody like me who can´t afford them or has no way to store them safely it´s the next best thing. Anyway, as I said I always thought that they are too expensive for me. But as my brother says, I will probably not make it longer than the end of this year so what was I waiting for ? It would be nice to get one of these artist´s edition I dream about but maybe they never happen. My brothers always insist that I COULD afford to buy one since I sometimes spend more on some of my online comicbook orders.
And who am I to say otherwise ? I think the thing that really shattered my reluctance into itty bitty pieces was Mike Allred. Or better his interview in Tomorrow´s Publishing COMIC BOOK CREATOR. As I am currently working on a comicbook of my own I thought I could use some tips from real pros.
So I ordered a few back issues of SCOOBY - DOO TEAM UP ( which is currently not only one of DC Comics best team up books but one of their titles period ) but most of it were issues of COMIC BOOK CREATOR. Now I have issues of the old COMIC BOOK ARTIST magazine which had some very interesting interviews and great art, some of which you could not find anywhere else. And foolishly I thought that a publication called COMIC BOOK CREATOR would be more about the creative process. Nothing could be further from the truth. I guess you have to buy their DRAW magazine for that but COMIC BOOK CREATOR has interviews that are about a lot of stuff - except how to create comicbooks. And especially the Mike Allred interview was so all over the place with stuff I never wanted to know.
So my limit was reached and to add insult to injury it was not even the full interview but only the first part and you have to buy another magazine to get the second part. Which I probably won´t do since I barely survived the first part. Anyway, here I was, just having blown around 50 bucks on issues of SCOOBY - DOO TEAM UP and COMIC BOOK CREATOR which didn´t help me to make better comics. And that was the point where I said : " If you can waste 50 bucks on this you can also buy an artist´s edition that will cost more than 100 bucks but will help you more. " What I mean when I always say that those artist editions are super expensive is that I thought they were sold in Germany for ridiculous prices. That´s because they were always listed with an original price of 75 US Dollar and sold from something between 115 and 150 EUROS. Which is a huge difference. Well, when I finally got my artist´s edition of WALTER SIMONSON`S THOR I found out that the original price was 100 US Dollars while I paid less than 120 EUROS.
That´s less of a price gap. I don´t know why it was listed with an original price of 75 US Dollars but it kept me from ordering these for a long time.
Now you may ask if it was worth it and the answer is totally YES. Before I ordered it I looked up all the artist´s editions I could get from my usual online store and I picked one where I not only liked the art but that is one of my favorite stories so it will be fun to read. Since I don´t have a good place for it - these things are really big - I haven´t had time to really go over it but it has already helped me realize that I have to stop beating up myself over my comicbook pages. Looking at the Walter Simonson art in its original size I learned that even somebody as talented as him doesn´t hit it out of the ballpark in every panel. Sometimes you have to be content with just telling the story and sometimes that means that the person in the panel is not very big or very dramatic. But the storytelling has to come first. In any case, I hope we can discuss this further in upcoming Walter Simonson posts since I guess you are already tired of my boring ramblings.
Nevertheless before closing the book on this topic I have to mention my long postponed FANTASTIC FOUR FRIDAY WITH WALTER SIMONSON post which I planned since I finally managed to buy the Marvel Epic Collection The Fantastic Four : Into The Timestream for a reasonable price which collects part of Walter Simonson´s run on that book. Anyway, maybe I can get a whole FANTASTIC FOUR MONTH thing going since I don´t post often enough that a FANTASTIC FOUR WEEK would go on longer than one post.
Now the reason why I so rarely did a Walt Simonson post on his birthday is that September the 2nd is also Salma Hayek´s birthday - she turned 53 this year - and I just completely overhauled her her 2015 cult siren re - post ( I also did a re - post in 2016 ) because most of the videos I included had been deleted. At first I only wanted to replace the videos but then I also checked all the download links and in the end I fixed everything. So while I last did a re - post of her original cult siren entry in 2017 for me it feels like I just did a post for her a few days ago. So don´t expect one soon.
The Salma Hayek posts historically always contain my private Top Ten Movie Striptease list and if I did a new Salma Hayek post there might be some - albeit minor - changes. The new list would be something like this :
1. Demi Moore ( Striptease )
So far Demi Moore has been positioned at number 2 but for some months now I have written in my posts that she is my number one on this list so it would be about time to rectify this oversight. I mean based on the sheer amount of nudity and stripteases - as well as her near perfect physical condition - she should have gotten the top spot right from the start.
2. Halle Berry ( Last Boy Scout )
Longtime readers know that Halle Berry is one of my all time wet sex fantasies so not only does she appear in my Justice League of America movie casting she had even four solo posts . But of course it was only a question of time before I added some new ones so last year I wrote four more : the first one about Halle Berry in her best movies , the second one on Halle Berry´s comic book movies , part three about my dream comic book movie casting with Halle Berry and the unexpected bonus round .
So it might be understandable that I might have gotten a bit enthusiastic about her. But when you really get down to it she does more of an erotic dance than a striptease since she doesn´t take off that much clothing.
I mean, you almost get to see more skin in Catwoman and we had to wait until Password : Swordfish for Halle to flash her boobs . So for all intents and purposes she should definitely not be in the number one position and would be even lower if she hadn´t redeemed herself in Monster´ s Ball .
The rest of the list would be pretty much the same with one alteration :
3. Erika Eleniak ( Under Siege )
4. Jamie Lee Curtis ( True Lies )
5. Salma Hayek ( From Dusk Till Dawn )
6. Elizabeth Berkley ( Showgirls )
7. Claudia Christian ( The Hidden )
8. Pamela Anderson ( Barb Wire )
9. Kathleen Kinmont ( The Corporate Ladder )
10. Jessica Biel ( Powder Blue )
I´m thinking of turning Kathleen Kinmont´s scene from The Corporate Ladder into an " honorable mention " so I can include Tonie Perensky´s boner - riffic teacher striptease from Varsity Blues since it is not only the highlight of the whole movie and a personal favorite but constantly on the Best Movie Striptease list. But so far I have not found the time to make an adequate animated GIF so for the time being my strip list will stay as it is.
We are staying with cult sirens who have earned an entry in the annals of celluloid striptease history with Yasmina Filali who turned 44 on the 3rd of September ( great, now I can´t get My Pappa Was A Rolling Stone out of my head ). She started her career as a model with 14 thanks to her exotic look from her maroccan mother and you may have seen her in Motown, Half Past Dead or The Antman ( not to be confused with the Marvel character ). Although to german audiences she is best known from her PLAYBOY pictures in May 1999 and as martial arts specialist, bouncer and stripper - not necessarily in that order - Yvonne on Die Rote Meile.
The series was named after the red light district of St. Pauli in Hamburg and was a sequel to The King of St. Pauli. It followed the lives of pimps, prostitutes and strippers but they were all portrayed like regular people not like in american tv where people from this walk of life are always horrible people. Anyway, I watched every episode because they had a very easy concept : one strip in every episode not interrupted by commercials.
Daimn, that girl really has the prototype of the heart shaped ass. Longtime readers know that one of my pet pevees on this blog is celebrating all the brave actresses who turn insufferable dreck into bearable entertainment by taking their clothes off or at least show what their Mama gave them and who don´t get enough recognition for that . And there were some on Die Rote Meile as I found out when I tried to find the names of the best strippers. Yes, only the " real " actors are mentioned in the cast meaning those with a speaking part which tells you which place some women still occupy in Today´s society. So if anybody out there knows the name of the living blow up sex doll with the big melons below put it in the comments.
Anyway, one of the best strippers of the regular cast is Sylvia Leifheit who has a secret identity in the series as she plays the typical devoted wife by day, secret stripper by night. Sylvia made me realize two things : firstly, while I usually don´t go for skinny chicks she is just oozing so much sex appeal that I would do her in a minute. And second, hair color can really make a difference because her character in the series is actually a blonde and despite having the same stunning figure as a blonde she´s kind of - meh - looking while as Luna with the black wig she´s a real firecracker !
A few years back I got the complete first season of Die Rote Meile on DVD at amazon at a pretty decent price and I´m glad I seized the opportunity because it really goes for ridiculous prices now. I can really recommend this show and SylviaLeifheit alone is worth the price of admission.
There are more celebrity birthdays from September the 2nd in this FLASH FRIDAY post and from September the 2nd and September the 3rd in my Jack Kirby tribute post with the complete issue 99 of FANTASTIC FOUR - plus a lot of original art pages - but there´s one more anniversary from September the 3rd I have to mention since it involves the Man of Steel.
None other than Valerie Perrine celebrated her 76th birthday and so far no actress has surpassed her as Luthor´s aide / sexbomb Miss Teschmacher be it on the tv shows or the new grim and gritty DC cineastic universe. On top of that she has also been nude in PLAYBOY and quite a few movies.
Isn´t it strange how the guys at Hollywood always act like the old movies are tame compared to Todays entertainment that´s so cutting edge and risky yet because of the political correctness BS the last version of Miss Teschmacher was a sexually non threatening girlie with as much charisma as a glass of milk while we had a 39B Playboy cover model in the original version who was the first actress to purposely display herself nude on american television ? Many people don´t know it but centerfold Valerie Perrine also appeared in one of the best known scenes from the first Cannonball Run movie and the reason for that is that she´s uncredited.

The most remembered scenes from that movie involve the Lamborghini Babes played by Tara Buckman and cult siren Adrienne Barbeau. I have written about Adrienne Barbeau before who was in such cult classics like The Fog, Swamp Thing, Escape From New York and - arguably - Creepshow.
Now I don´t think I have to explain the Lamborghini Babes whose main trick to avoid getting hassled by the cops is flashing some cleavage .
Which doesn´t work on this hot lady cop played by Valerie Perrine.
You can read more about Adrienne Barbeau in this new spin - off post which also touches on Brian Michael Bendis´s new SUPERMAN series and SWAMP THING - in comicbooks, movies and on tv - and since the post includes a video from the new Swamp Thing tv show here is Brandon´s Cult Movie Review of Creepshow. Longtime listeners know that I already posted a bunch of videos about that film but I don´t think I posted this.
Since we have a plethora of natural born strippers and booty shaking we make one last stop in our cult siren cavalcade on September the 4th as the inventor and living embodiment of the term " bootylicious " turned 38.
Even though - or especially because - I have already done two re - posts of her original post I wanted to do a new post for her. I don´t have the time to look for new GIFs of her but I keep finding them when I am looking for other stuff so I thought I could post my own selection of the best. As always the lack of time prevented me from doing it but maybe I can do one later. The thing is that right now my Beyonce GIFs are all over the place and I have to put them in order. Which I have to do anyway because there is one folder with GIFs of her that has other stuff I prepared but never got to do and as it looks like I will never going to get around to do it I have to throw the stuff out because it takes up too much space on my laptop. Here´s hoping I can do a Beyonce post not too far down the lane.
Now you might ask what happened to the rest of the celebrity birthdays from September the 3rd and 4th but I already covered them in the last Beyonce tribute post I wrote way back in 2016 ( man, it´s really about time that I did a new one ) and there is either nothing new I could add or I just used the birthdays to post stuff about cult sirens which have already been in my latest posts or will be featured in upcoming ones. In any case I am trying to keep this short and only include the breast ASSential ones.
Finding a good Beyonce mix video with the stuff I like best was difficult enough so don´t mind the title. I used to bookmark these but they appear and vanish so quickly that I just don´t bother anymore. I´m also always so out of date where her newest music videos are concerned and these anniversaries always remind me that I still have not taken the time to watch - or even unpack - the I Am .... Beyonce live World Tour BlueRay.
With all the cult siren stuff one can almost forget that this started as your basic comicbook blog so here is a video with the " power couple " Walter and Louis Simonson who have had a big influence in comics, be it editing, redefining characters or co - creating some of comicdoms lasting icons.
There was not a lot of Salma Hayek in this post despite her having an anniversary so to make up a bit for that here are her best scenes from Ugly Betty. If you have read any of my Salma Hayek posts you know that I am a huge fan of the series even though I never got to finish it. I haven´t seen the original telenovela on which this is based but I watched some episodes of the spanish version Yo Soy Betty La Fea and of course the german version Verliebt In Berlin and this is by far the best adaption.
Our second video with Salma is a little montage of the best striptease / dance scenes from various movies with Salma and some of her peers.
Since I mentioned the brilliant Scooby - Doo Team Up in this post here is an episode of the cartoon show even if it is not from the classic series. I am not a fan of random kubism in cartooning which seem to have sprung up after the huge success of Batman : The Animated Series and all the following shows by Bruce Timm but here it is not as off - putting as in other cartoons. I know that it is in spanish but I could not find any full episodes in english. I just hope it doesn´t get deleted as fast as usual.
We are staying with creepy stuff and going into the - only slightly - more adult stuff with The Gate ( yep, that´s another stupid german subtitle ) which was a must seen horror flick when I was a kid. It was a surprise hit at the box office and while it was never much liked by the critics it has become a cult favorite that spawned a lesser sequel. While it isn´t the best horror movie ever made I still watch it whenever it´s on. A great popcorn fright flick that you will finish once you start watching it.
New to the blog ? Everything you need to know about TALES FROM THE KRYPTONIAN : top ten posts / more posts of interest / best of the best
You mean you guys were serious about that demon stuff ?
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