And now back to our post in progress : the only thing I can't wrap my head around is that on german tv the movie is always under the section crime comedy. Okay, there are funny aspects in the movie but they also have that in LETHAL WEAPON. But I guess when someone as hot as sex bomb Demi Moore takes her clothes off nobody pays much attention to the rest of the movie. And germans are strange to begin with so ... who cares ?
Another thing Demi will always be remembered for is dumping Bruce Willis for Ashton Kutcher but - she's the ultimate MILF so what did you expect ?
I'm all for older women going for younger men, older men going for young hot women ( especially asian cosplayers with big boobs ), younger women going for older men, younger men going for older women, younger women going for older women, younger men going for older men. We have to forget about the whole age thing in relationships. The important thing is finding a person you are happy with. So, you go Demi. More power to her.
The only regret I have concerning Demi Moore´s movies is that the Evil Witch of the West ( or like other people call her : Drew Barrymoore ) has her claws so deep entrenched in the CHARLIE´S ANGELS franchise that we don't get to see a movie produced by Demi. We all know it would have been better than anything the witch is going to do. I mean the first movie sucked totally and the only good scenes in the second one were the ones with Demi. When I first saw the first movie I was shocked and couldn't believe that there was a mind twisted and sick enough to believe that the evil witch was angel material. Well, as it turned out she was the producer of the flick so she casted herself. Good going. Sorry, gotta barf......
Now back to more pleasant things. Even though STRIPTEASE is my favorite Demi Moore movie she also has great scenes in other movies though they can be rather short like in G. I. JANE. The training montage scene where she is doing push ups is really short but it has it´s moments.
Damn, she does have the longest legs and what an ass on that woman !
Of course this was one of the scenes where I could not find a proper GIF so I had to make them myself which took quite a while. On the plus side I cut off the unnecessary part of the frame and concentrated on Demi.
Which is what the director should have done here. I mean, this is why guys buy DVDs and high resolution plasma tvs. But where is the zoom ?

Yes, I know that she had a nude shower scene in G. I. JANE but since she only showed her back - all of it, though - and I´m more of a boobs man ( and I actually don´t have a clip from the shower scene to make GIFs ) ...
Another movie I want to mention is 1993´s INDECENT PROPOSAL where Mr. Harrison got to rub his raging Woody all over Demi Moore´s real life blowup lovedoll body much to the chagrin of then husband Bruce Willis.
The movie has an important message though you might think that people already know that you can´t put a price tag on being able to give it to a hot massita like Demi Moore. Actually there are three life lessons here :
For the guys : don´t even think about whoring your girlfriend out because it will eff up things forever. Unless you´re a pimp. Then that´s okay. But if you are not a pimp don´t whore out you girlfriend for money because hot sex with a sexbomb like Demi Moore will get you through financial troubles better than all the money in the world will not get you through not being able to give it to her because you have screwed things up.
For the girls : don´t let your boyfriend whore you out for money. Unless he´s a pimp. Then it´s okay. But if he´s not a pimp he will always think about this and no amount of money will make you two forget this. In the end even if you do it for him he will not appreciate it. Some things you cannot share with another guy and comics and women are among those.
And for the old horny geezer with a truckload of money who makes the indecent proposal : Go for it ! Nope, I got nothing on this one. I mean, you´re old, you have more money than you will ever spend so what is the worst case scenario here ? You croak while an absolute sex goddess like Demi Moore rides you like an electric bull ? There are worse ways to go.
Back to INDECENT PROPOSAL one of Demi´s best scenes is in the shopping mall where she is trying on a very expensive black dress and her shirt is hanging so low she is almost topless. And what a great pair of melons !
To wrap things up once and for all here is a little bonus number by Demi Moore. I don´t think I have posted much from this sexy performance.
And that is the end of our post. I have managed to put all the good and important animated GIFs on the blog and if I have anything else to add I´m sure I will do that over the next few months. Until then Happy B - Day ( Boob - Day ), Demi, many happy returns and thanks for the mammaries !
Speaking of big mammaries and ultimate sexbombs who were just born for the stripper pole, like in the first part I have included a few videos that might not be suitable for my regular more comic book related posts and in the case of the next one it is not so much the topic and more the subject of the video. Namely real life blow up sex doll Ashley Alexa who is just a walking marathon sex orgy waiting to happen. Sadly she has not appeared in any adult movies although she clearly has the body for it and she also does not do nude photo shootings - at least according to her website.
Thankfully she made one exception for PLAYBOY. But I can understand that she does not do naked photo shootings. I mean, the lucky guys probably have a hard time ( no pun intended ) as it is keeping their raging woody in their pants when they are snatching bikini pics of her. If she starts posing nude the penetration invasion is almost guaranteed. Now you might ask why I went to Ashley´s website and the answer is so I could share some information with all who are interested to know more about her. Which is probably everybody. Ashley was born in Miami on June the 12th in 1985 which makes her 33 years old and her measurements are 34E - 25 - 36.
Holey Moley ! She really is a fantASStic dream babe. I bet she has problems remembering her boyfriends faces since she always looks the other way.
You know, this would be my second dream job after comic creator : making pictures of hot sexbombs like Ashley Alexa wearing only the tiniest string bikinis that have even less fabric than dental floss. And not only would I get see every inch of her body I also would get to tell her to get down and spread her legs like a dirty slut. Because it would be part of my job and it would be what I have to do to take the sexiest pictures possible oh her.
And Ashley would not rebuff me like other women, on the contrary she would even be eager to do it and do it right. And I would be like : " Can you spread your legs a bit wider, Ashley ? You know, like dem horny asian prostitutes do. " and she would do her best to spread them apart as wide as humanly possible. Oh lord, she really has earned the name ASS - hley !
We are staying with babes with incredible measurements who were just born for porn with our next video that features a woman with even bigger breasts than Ashley Alexa : real life Big Barda Ana Rica who does do nude photoshoots although I can´t deny nor confirm that she starred in adult movies. Longtime readers may remember that I posted a picture of her in my just recently completely overhauled and pimped to the max post BIG BARDA : DEATH, LIES AND VIDEOTAPES where you can read all about DC´s creepy sex stories with Big Barda - like the time when Superman starred in a porn movie with her and then claimed he could not remember a thing.
In the original FOURTH WORLD comics by Jack Kirby - and this definitely changed in the NEW 52 - Big Barda was built like a brick shithouse with the personality of a lady trucker, the muscles of a female bodybuilder, the hot measurements of a playmate of the year and the cupsize of a porn star.
She got that from her mother Big Breeda, the fiercest female warrior on Apokolips who - nomen est omen - was therefore selected by Darkseid himself to breed the next race of warriors. I don´t know if it was because she spurned his advances or if he just thought she would produce the best offspring but it is implied that they used her like a blow up sex doll !
All for the next generation of Akopolips´ finest of course. Now with Big Barda the melons didn´t fall far from the tree and when she began to develop, especially in certain parts of her anatomy that had to do with procreation Darkseid decided to let her follow in her mother´s footsteps and - like mother like daughter - personally introduce Big Barda to the breeding pens to continue the family tradition. So as soon as she got wind of Darkseid´s perverted plans for her Big Barda decided to ditch Apokolips and hitched the next ride to Earth. According to Big Barda she managed to do that before Darkseid had a chance to break her in but maybe she was so eager to join Mister Miracle because she had tasted the Darkseed.
I also want to give a bit of background info on Ana Rica : she works as a nude model and exotic dancer so you can definitely find lots of nude pictures - and some videos - with her. She was born on March the 11th in 1981 in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico which would make her 37 years old.
Her measurements are 34H ( !!! ) - 28 - 36 ( I told you this latin lovedoll has bigger melons than Ashley Alexa ) and I have no idea what she is currently doing since her last internet activity was in 2013. In the video she calls herself Ingrid which is one of her aliases and she says that she does not have a porn website because she did it right after this video was posted.
I am not even trying to do a witty segueway for the next video but we are staying with big breasted babes you might find at a comic convention.
Two posts ago we had hasian 40D sexbomb Yaya Han and since I am putting the more explicit videos in this post I get one of the rare opportunities to post a video with blonde 38C beachbody Jessica Nigri. In fact her videos are so raunchy that I initially had included two videos but the other one was deleted. Serves me right for not choosing one of her fap challenges.
Although I don´t understand where the challenge part comes in. Like any man can not do it. One thing that always proves that most people don´t know much about Jessica Nigri is that a lot of them criticize her for doing übersexy cosplays. In the case of Yaya Han she can´t help it because she is an asian mega busty sexbomb and it´s almost impossible to hide her oppai.
What most people forget or are not aware of is that Jessica Nigri is a professional model first and a cosplayer second. Which I am not saying to dis her cosplay abilities which are extraordinary. Otherwise she would not have become such a big name in the cosplay arena. But when she makes a costume she does it with the approach of a model so staying true to the original source material may not be her first priority. Maybe she is thinking more about just having fun and how she looks in it. Aww, what do I know ?
So far I had written five posts on Yaya - two of them are pretty safe but the other three are absolutely not safe for work - and I keep mentioning her on various JLA casting posts and any other posts involving exotic sexbombs like Kiana Tom, Ava Cadell, Akira Lane, Miko Lee, Gail Kim or Minka and I swear the completely NSFW BIG YAYA HAN POST is still in the pipeline. In the meantime I have made two new posts about Yaya which showcases a part of her anatomy that I have ignored too often - her legs.
As frequent visitors of the blog know this is usually the part where I make the more or less elegant segueway to asian über sex goddess Jeannie Mai but I am trying to keep this post at a sane length so while I do have new videos for both - cosplay legend Yaya Han and Jeannie Mai - I will have to bide my time until a shorter post with less animated GIFs comes around.
Continuing with the videos, I don´t know if Sonia Monroy is as good at spreading her legs as Yaya Han ( at least for pictures, not that I have any knowledge of her spreading her legs at other more intimate occassions ) or Ashley Alexa ( ditto ) but this is a video I have saved for a looong time.
For those who don´t know, I once missed the opportunity to tape Sonia´s appearance on a talk show where she wore the mother of all plunging cleavages - even putting Kyle Minogue´s sex dress from I Just Can´t Get You Out Of My Head to shame - bordering on a wardrobe malfunction where you expected to see her enormous breasts falling out any moment.
Anyway, one of the reasons why I didn´t post this video for such a long time is the amount of naked skin but the reason why I am finally posting it here is that I found a version where Sonia teams up with Yola Berrocal with whom she was in the aptly named all girls group Las Sexbombs as all members had enhanced breasts. I must say I like the second version with Yola Berrocal better even if the quality is not as good as in the first video.
Even if we don´t have videos with Yaya Han or Jeannie Mai I don´t want my readers to suffer from asian deprivation so here we have not one, not two but four asian sexbombs in a bathtub. I think this is a political press conference and I guess this is what people mean with good clean fun.
From asian bathing beauties we come to the anime video of the day which is the second episode of Mad Bull 34 chosen mainly because of the full bodied blonde lady cop whose porn star body is so bonerinducing that she is sexually assaulted by her horny superior during a stakeout operation.
While it has too much sex and violence to put it in my regular posts the violence is so over the top that you really can´t take it too seriously.
We are closing things out with another midnight classic, Mirror Images from 1992. Originally I wanted to post the sequel with Shannon Whirry but I couldn´t find it. This one has Julie Strain who was in most erotic movies from that time period and who appeared in a lot of Andy Sidaris movies.
Julie Strain debuted in FIT TO KILL, where she played the evil Blue Steele, then she portrayed bad girl Jewel Panther in ENEMY GOLD and bad girl Black Widow in THE DALLAS CONNECTION . The movie is also known under the title DEADWORKS and features two sexbombs who were in a few of Andy Sidaris´ later movies : Julie Strain and Julie K. Smith a.k.a. Julie & Julie the double rack attack. There are two great scenes ( among others ) in DALLAS CONNECTION : in the first one Julie Strain is tying a guy to a chair and stripping to make him ultrahorny - before killing the poor guy.
And because she wanted a recurring role in DAY OF THE WARRIOR and RETURN TO SAVAGE BEACH Julie Strain became federal agent Willow Black.
Andy Sidaris was probably THE BEST director of action movies for adults and his casting list reads like a WHOS´S WHO of playmates : Roberta Vasquez , Ava Cadell , brunette Cynthia Brimhall, Dona Speir , Pandora Peaks, Shae Marks and Samantha Phillips to name just a few of them.
Usually I just copy / paste the part about Becky Mullen into the posts but I am trying to keep this one short so I will skip it. For those who haven´t read any of my previous Andy Sidaris posts there is the main post where I wrote a bit about one of my unsung heroes , the Casting the Justice League of America movie Andy Sidaris special with a lot of stuff about Dona Speir, Roberta Vazquez, Cynthia Brimhall and the Tutti Frutti girls, the Ava Cadell solo post , the Dona Speir post ( with reposts in 2017 and this year ), the Sybil Danning post and the Becky Mullen post ( which I reposted in 2016 ) where you can find tons of links to other cult sirens like Janet Jones Gretzky and real live Power Girl Leslie Easterbrook who had the most famous scene in which she emerges from a pool in a wet t - shirt , the annual re - posts of italian mega soccer MILF Simona Ventura , blonde sexsation Monique Sluyter and of course the obligatory Tutti Frutti girls.
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Never underestimate the power of underwear.
a very nice blog entry with a lot of hot gifs. was a very fun read. thanks for making it along with all those gifs and pictures. have a good one mate!
Thanks, I try to obliege.
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