Monday, January 14, 2019

Of mutants, massitas and Monique - oh my !

Speaking about my music video / erotic movie clips mix tapes, another cult siren that was prominently featured in many of these cassettes was bikini beachbody Janet Jones Gretzky who turned 58 on January the 10th.

The living blow up sex doll with legs up to her chin and a body that just won´t quit is best known for appearing in a white swimsuit in Police Academy 5 - Assignment Miami Beach alongside real live Power Girl Leslie Easterbrook who had her most famous scene in Police Academy 4 - Citizens on Patrol in which she emerges from a pool in a wet t - shirt .

Leslie Easterbrook´s cult spin - off post that is re - posted most years used to be in one post together with the aforementioned Janet Jones Gretzky and buxom blonde Becky Mullen but I had to put it in three separate post.

Besides appearing as Sally, the farmer´s daughter on the first season of GORGEOUS LADIES OF WRESTLING and various guest appearances on every major tv show ( of which her most memorable is an episode of MARRIED WITH CHILDREN opposite Pamela Anderson ) Becky also was in various erotic midnight movies including SINFUL INTRIGUE with Chona Jason.

With all that said german audiences know her best from taking her clothes off on TUTTI FRUTTI . But her biggest contribution to american culture still is HARD HUNTED and there are two other actresses from Andy Sidaris movies who appeared on TUTTI FRUTTI, Sandra Wild and Carolyn Liu. I wrote more on this in my Andy Sidaris edition of Casting the JLA movie .

The post also included 80s cult siren Monique Sluyter and the Tutti Frutti girls but that part got too long and I had to give it a post of its own which I re - posted in 2016 in a new and better version . She was a candidate from my JLA movie casting series - as Fire a.k.a. Beatriz da Costa in the Andy Sidaris Special - and before getting her solo post she was regularly in all the annual re - posts of italian mega soccer MILF Simona Ventura . But the living blow up sex doll from the Netherlands was not only in PLAYBOY multiple times she also was a big factor in my obsession on blondes with giant breast like Power Girl with her impersonation of Marilyn Monroe .

For those who haven´t read any of my previous Andy Sidaris posts besides those I already mentioned there is the Ava Cadell solo post , the Dona Speir post ( with reposts in 2017 and in 2018 ) and a Sybil Danning post .

Andy Sidaris was probably THE BEST director of action movies for adults and his cast read like a WHOS´S WHO of playmates : Roberta Vasquez , Ava Cadell , brunette Cynthia Brimhall, Dona Speir , Pandora Peaks, Julie Strain , Shae Marks, Samantha Phillips and Julie K. Smith to name just a few.

Continuing with cult sirens born for porn one of my favorite tv sex bombs of all times, nubian über sex goddess Traci Bingham ( or Traci Banghim like I like to call her ) celebrated her 51st birthday on the 13th of January.

She is of course best known for her role of 36D hardbody Jordan Tate on BAYWATCH and you can say whatever you want about David Hasselhoff but he sure has an eye for hot babes. Plus Hasselhoff is a really good singer.

BAYWATCH was really big in the 90s and it is like THE ultimate babe tv show. No kidding. No other show had more actresses who were featured in Playboy or playmates. If there was a hot babe during the time the show was produced you can bet that she´s in - at least - one of the episodes.

David Hasselhoff is really my hero for putting all these hot horny sexbombs on prime time television even though he never took them up on their various casting couch sex orgy offers ( at least that´s what he says ) .

Well, if that´s true he was probably the only one who didn´t get any as buxom blonde Pamela Anderson paints a different picture of the set of Baywatch in an article from 2003 . Pam admitted having steamy sex liaisons with all of her hunky lifeguard co - stars and often enjoyed some sextra - curricular activities with her cast mates in their trailers." I dicktamed all male cast members at least once. Everybody was having sex behind the trailers, in the trailers, around the trailers. " Colleague Geena Lee Nolin adds the cast's motto was " If the trailer's rocking, don't come knocking. " 

Speaking of baywatchable ultimate sexbombs, the most prominent on this blog is without any doubt natural born stripper starlet Erika " Double E " Eleniak who boobed out extremely after she left BAYWATCH much to the chagrin of the show´s producers. Erika is of course most famous for her incredibly steamy striptease in UNDER SIEGE so it´s no surprise that I re - posted her original cult siren entry in 2015 , in 2016 and also in 2018 .

What I haven´t mentioned yet on the blog is that Erika Eleniak was one of the big movie stars you could take your picture with at the 2018 Comic Con in Dortmund or like I like to call it the con from hell. I only found out about this on the last day of the con because I hadn´t bothered to look who was announced since our main goal there was to promote the new books from our little comic company Kerosin Comics. My brother told me that she was there and while I understand why he didn´t tell me sooner I have the feeling that it is one of those once - in - a - lifetime - chances like with Yaya Han. I don´t know if I would have done something stupid ( probably ) or embarrassing ( most definitely ) but now I will never know.

Steven Seagal was also there but I am understandably more interested in Erika Eleniak. Chuck Norris was also supposed to come but I think he canceled. I did see Franco Nero talking at a table to some people though.

Coming back to BAYWATCH, go go dancer Carmen Electra was one of my favorite sexbombs on that show. She is in the special Baywatch edition of Casting the Justice League of America movie where I cast her as original Batgirl Barbara Gordon and she had to share the post with Erika Eleniak.

The most famous of a veritable plethora of incredibly hot women that went through the revolving casting doors of BAYWATCH is without any doubt Pamela Anderson and it is beyond belief that so far I have only mentioned her in the first ever Casting the Justice League of America movie post where I naturally cast her as Power Girl ( a role she was born to play ). Because Pam An was not only the very first candidate in my hugely popular SEARCH FOR POWER GIRL series over at my old boob - centric blog.

No, she also is on my TOP TEN MOVIE STRIPTEASE list thanks to her boner inducing wet & wild opening scene from the movie adaption of Dark Horse Comics BARB WIRE. Most of this was cut off in the german version which is one of the reason why the movie flopped so much in movie theaters while the video cassette of the original US version became such a huge success.

Anyway, I still intend to do posts for all of the striptease babes on my list but every year I have to postpone Pamela Anderson´s cult siren entry.

One of the reasons why I did so many Traci Bingham re - posts ( besides the chance to post more about Traci Bingham and the other BAYWATCH babes ) is that it not only gave me another chance to write about Chris Claremont and John Byrne´s iconic run on Uncanny - X Men it sometimes even led to more posts about this indispensable era of the team´s history.

Which we still haven´t seen on the screen. There is a lot of talk about representation in the movies now but what I want to see is an accurate representation of the Chris Claremont and John Byrne X - Men. The next X - Men film is the Dark Phoenix movie but since they made Jean Grey even younger than in previous movies ( I swear, in each new movie the X - Men get younger and younger and if this trend continues we will have the X - Babies in a few movies ) whole chunks of the story like her mindmeld with Scott, her infatuation with Logan, her growing joy at the abuse of the Phoenix Force will either have to be cut out or watered down to a pale imitation of the original classic epic. So I am not really getting my hopes up, heck, so far we even haven´t gotten the famous " To me, my X - Men ! " scene in any of the movies. And that is in every other X - Men comic.

But who reads the comic books  ? And even if every comic book fan tells them that they have to read the comics because they are so much better than the movies people are just lazy and prefer to watch one bad movie after another before spending a few hours reading what is not only the best story in the whole X - Men universe ( and that is saying a lot with all the stories that happened ) but one of the best stories in comics period.

Coming back to the topic of incredible sexbombs in 90s tv series we have Julia Louis Dreyfus who turned 58. To Today´s audiences she´s best known as Vice President Selina Meyer on the comedy show Veep but I saw her first as the funny and stunning Elaine Bennet on the cult show Seinfeld.

Even though it was not shown to the general public in Germany ( they always aired it when most people were asleep ) I managed to catch a few episodes with Elaine´s breast scenes. Seinfeld was in amazon´s bargain section a few times now but as always I didn´t have the money to spend.

Originally I wanted to add another Teens React video but the kids totally dropped the ball on this one. Instead of answering the question - if the show still holds up - those self centered millenials spent the whole time explaining why which episodes would not pass Today´s thought police. I would almost pity them but it is their own fault that their minds are so narrow that they can´t appreciate one of the best shows that ever aired because of what they were indoctrinated to think by other people.

One new Marvel mutant movie I am much more interested in than the new Dark Phoenix saga ( some people forget that we already had a version of this story in the third X - Men film ) is New Mutants. I am not sure if they can do the book justice since it is one of the best Marvel ever published but after seeing the first trailer I like their approach. Anyway, I have no idea if Legion is going to be in the movie but for all those who loved the frirst season of his tv show or all those who have heard good things about it and want to give it a try here is a video explaining his origin from the New Mutants comic book by Chris Claremont and genius Bill Sinkiewicz.

Since we talked so much about bikinis and the 90s here is another of those famous bikini contests that were all the rage back then, the Hot Body International Bikini Challenge Cancun which was the competition of The Bikini Open. And is it just me or were girls way hotter in those days ?

I didn´t think I would find another video that ties in with Todays topic and was about to post a black and white horror film about a werewolf woman when - on a whim - I decided to go through my videos of Faerie Tale Theater. And lo and behold, I did find Sleeping Beauty with Rene Auberjonois who played the main villain in Police Academy 5 - Assignment Miami Beach. And if that is not enough to whet your appetite the star studded cast of the episode includes the best Superman ever Christopher Reeve, the hot Beverly D´Angelo, Bernadette Peters and Sally Kellerman.

Since I could not find a cartoon video with the X - Men here is an episode of Tijuana Toads or like it was called in Germany Sancho and Pacho. It was in one of my favorite shows and I took some notes from their attitude. I´m not sure if the president of the United States of America approves.

New to the blog ? Everything you need to know about TALES FROM THE KRYPTONIAN : top ten posts / more posts of interest / best of the best

To me, my X - Men !

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