Monday, January 14, 2019

By George ! The Brave And The Bold - 10

I thought long and hard about how to start the new year and since my last post was about a series from Marvel I wanted to do the next post about DC. And since it is still a few days until Joe Staton´s birthday I thought " Why not continue with a series that I have neglected for too long ? " .

Now if you are a frequent visitor of the blog you might be a bit bewildered that this is the first " official " post of 2019 because there have been some posts popping up AFTER my last post like the one about asian hotties Gail Kim and Kiana Tom , my newest cult siren Normani or the lengthy post about underrated comic scribe Fabian Nicieza and artist Greg Capullo.

But the thing is that those were originally part of my big Sylvester post and I had to cut them. Now I could have dated them when they were finished. But one thing I try to do on the blog is keep the things as real as possible so in order to make it possible for visitors to read the post like it was supposed to be read - and in the right order - I dated them on the same day so that when somebody reads the blog ( and I am only guessing here that people read the posts the same way I do which means I start at the top, then read to the bottom and continue with the next page ) he already gets them in the right reading order and does not get confused.

Also if I had dated them at the time I decided to cut them from the main post or when I finished them I would have had to include the celebrity birthdays for that particular day which in turn would have made the posts even longer. And maybe I would have had to cut some stuff from those posts too which totally would have defeated the purpose of making them.

Which is why this is the first official post of 2019. The last chapter of Mark Waid and Kurt Busiek´s THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD was posted at the end of April last year so - as always - for those who missed my previous posts or want to go back and re - read them to refresh their memory here are issue 1, issue 2, issue 3, issue 4, issue 5, issue 6, issue 7 and issue 8 .

And with all that taken care of let´s get back to our story in progress. 

The website with the comic book birthdays is working once again so there will be more comic book related content in our posts. I thought of going back and see which anniversaries I missed but frankly said that would be too much work as I would have to change a lot. So we are keeping it real and all the anniversaries I missed have to wait until the end of this year.

So we start the new year in style and our first anniversary is on the 2nd of January. And while I haven´t done an official birthday post for him yet I wrote a tribute post for Don Heck back in August which included a lot of Iron Man pages from the german Williams Comics Verlag since I know that my readers abroad like to see such rarities. I also wrote a lot about Don Heck on his anniversary last year in my tribute post for Jerry Ordway .

Anyway, as longtime readers of this blog know one of my pet peeves is to spotlight artists who are underappreciated, undervalued or underrated, in short any creators where I think they undeservedly got the short end of the stick. I also mentioned that in my opinion Don Heck is such an artist because for most people he is just the guy who drew IRON MAN until Gene Colan took on the title or AVENGERS until John Buscema took over. Most people forget that he did not only solid artwork but he also drew some of the sexiest babes in comics ( which was one of the reasons why he got such high profile titles ) and he also did a lot of work for DC on titles like TEEN TITANS, AQUAMAN, BATMAN or THE JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA.

On January the 3rd we have the anniversary of John Ronald Reuel Tolkien or like most people know him J. R. R. Tolkien. I know that it sounds like bragging but when somebody brings me so much joy I think the least I can do is take the time to learn his full name. Even before the movies by Peter Jackson were made I enjoyed the world of Middle Earth through the Ralph Bakshi adaptation and the books The Hobbit and The Lord Of The Rings trilogy as I have read the latter ones a few times. Anyway, this is a video that I have carried through for a long time but now I am finally posting it.

It´s back to comic books or better said bande dessinee as we are heading to France and Andre Franquin who is best known for his series Spirou ( Spirou and Fantasio in Germany ) that introduced the famous Marsupilami which became so popular that it got its own series before long. Another supporting character who got his own series is intern Gaston Lagaffe.

This is one of the comics where you think it is impossible to do a movie adaptation but you know the french, they not only go ahead and just do it, they also find the perfect actor for the title role. Like the Anacleto movie I am not sure if it will ever be shown in german movie theaters.

For my german readers I want to include a video that takes a look at the politics in comic books with special attention to the way various comics have been translated in Germany to promote certain political agendas.

Our first cult siren is blonde sexbomb Linda Kozlowski who turned 61 on the 7th of January. Thanks to Linda revealing her posterior that almost rivals an afro - american woman´s butt in regards to size and ripeness the first Crocodile Dundee is not only still in reruns on the telly but it´s also an indispensable part of every heterosexual male´s Blue Ray collection.

Despite having re - posted her original cult siren entry from 2015 two times I always looked forward to doing a new version because it gave me an excuse to put more german Superman / Batman covers on the blog.

Continuing with hot sexbombs that know how to wear a swimsuit Amy " bouncing action "  Dolenz celebrated her 50th birthday on January the 8th.

It´s a callback to those hazy, lazy, crazy days of summer we miss so much in the winter as Ami is most famous for one of THE most erotic scenes in movie history running across the beach with a lot of bouncing action in She´s Out Of Control and she´s not even wearing a bikini - or a thong !

I first mentioned Ami in my MIDNIGHT MOVIE MADNESS : PUMPKINHEAD post because she also appeared in Pumpkinhead 2 : Blood Wings. There was a comic adaptation of that movie by Dark Horse Comics with art by Shawn McManus that was supposed to be four issues but only two were published and the second issue ends on a cliffhanger. I didn´t include any links for the series in the old post but I found posts with some of the art on Jim McDermott´s DENIZENS OF THE DARKNESS ( issue 1 / issue 2 ).

Speaking of the Pumpkinhead franchise, a few years ago the guys from Dynamite Entertainment did a new comic book series which I meant to check out but unless I am writing a post I seem to completely blank on it.

We are staying with horror movies and comic books with another gem from Ami Dolenz´ cineastic oeuvre, Stepmonster ( about which you can find more through the links in this post ). Besides an Aquaman reference there is a comic book in the movie that contains the secret to how to kill the terrible Tropopkin but so far I wasn´t able to find a picture of that comic.

Well, as you can see I did find a picture of the cover which is courtesy of John Campopiano´s article Embracing Roger Corman´s Stepmonster With Filmmaker Billy Corben at DREAD CENTRAL which not only has everything you would ever want to know about the movie but also a picture of some interior art from the comic book. Yes, I still don´t know who did the art.

Next we have singing siren Sabrina Setlur who turned 45 on January the 10th which takes me back to the days when there were 2 music video channels I watched and german rap bands. To american readers this may be news but there are also rappers here in Germany, Sabrina started as Schwester S with the Rödelheim Hartreim Projekt and I remember staying up late at night so I could tape the remix of Folge Dem Stern - because there was more Sabrina Setlur in that one. One scene in particular ended up as a loop on many of my music video / erotic movie clips mix tapes.

We are skipping a few days to include Grant Gustin who celebrates his 29th birthday Today. He is of course best known for playing Barry Allen on the hugely popular series The Flash. Right now the show is still on hiatus which means I may have the time to watch the Elseworlds crossover one more time. So far I am enjoying the new season and the new costume.

For those who are mega anxious to continue with The Flash you might want to check out the Lego version. I haven´t seen this one yet but so far they haven´t disappointed - unlike the Justice League of America movie.

There may be people out there who have finally decided to get into the comics but don´t know where to start so here is a look at Mark Waid´s Flash run ( no pun intended ). The Mark Waid series is really where you should start even though it stars Wally West and not the Flash you are familiar with. Because not only do you get to see a hero working his way from the ground up this book also introduced a lot of new concepts to the Flash mythology you know from the tv show like the speed force. Looking at all these Flash videos makes me realize how much I miss writng my FLASH FRIDAY WITH posts which at a time really became a weekly thing.

Since I mentioned them at the beginning of the post I want to come back to these two cult sirens starting with Normani and her best dance breaks.

I thought about adding a match with hasian knockout Gail Kim but I´d rather watch her posing for pictures in a skimpy outfit. Wouldn´t you ?

Closing out things for Today is Cry Of The Werewolf from 1944. I never heard of the movie but I´m a sucker for these old black and white flicks.

New to the blog ? Everything you need to know about TALES FROM THE KRYPTONIAN : top ten posts / more posts of interest / best of the best

One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them, one ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.

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