Monday, February 25, 2019

Karl May / Into the Spider - Verse spin - off

You might think that once I have finished the post I can get to the next one but because this one has become a bit long and I don´t want the latest stuff I added to be overlooked I have made another spin - off post.

When I was growing up there were two writers whose work you had to read, the first one was Jules Verne and the other was Karl May. I have mentioned Karl May and Winnetou ( and especially Elke Sommer´s deep cleavage in Unter Geiern which left a lasting impression on little Subzero ) in a few posts but I only got around to do one post on Karl May with a special emphasis on the Winnetou comic books in 2016. So far I have not made a follow up post because for once I´m not that versed about Karl May and I mostly know the movie adaptions they have made of his books.

Elke Sommer really was the personification of the german Fräuleinwunder and a living screen goddess. Here she is on the Johnny Carson show.

Since all of the Winnetou movies I have posted have been deleted from YouTube I hope I have more luck with The Lion of Babylon. This is one of the few movies with Georg Thomalla as Hadschi Halef Omar Ben Hadschi Abul Abbas Ibn Hadschi Dawuhd al Gossara and Helmut Schneider as Kara Ben Nemsi. In most movies you will find Ralf Wolter as Hadschi Halef Omar and Lex Barker as Kara Ben Nemsi who became famous for playing Tarzan. Man, he really was a man´s man back when I was a kid because he not only was the hero in a dozen of movies he also portrayed the most famous of all : Tarzan, Robin Hood, Old Shatterhand and Kara Ben Nemsi Effendi.

Since I mentioned Brian Michael Bendis and Miles Morales I want to add this video about Spider - Man : Into The Spider - Verse since I have finally managed to see it. I don´t want to say too much about the movie because I don´t want to spoil things but I knew going in that I would not like the movie as much as some of the people who have raved online about how good this film is. And I´m not saying that because I think of myself as more sophisticated than other people or my taste to be more eclectic than the regular non comic book reading movie goer. I know that there are people who think that they are somehow better and more educated because they come from a big city compared to people who come from the small town. I know of some cases from Germany or Spain but from I have heard this is a really big thing in America. Anyway, the reason why I knew that I would not like this movie as much as some of the other ticket buyers is that in my opinion two of the best spider - characters out there are not in the movie. The first may be a personal favorite - although they included him in the end credit scene - Miguel O´Hara a. k. a. Spider - Man 2099.

I have to confess that I have never read a lot of comics with Miles Morales but from what it is said in the video below he does not have any features that distinguish him from Peter Parker. Miguel O´Hara on the other side was not only a character of mixed mexican and irish descent long before diversity and racial representation became nothing more than cheap attempts to sell more comics. Or at least get some favorable reviews by SJWs since they do not buy comic books. But he also was a very different character than Peter Parker so you didn´t have the impression that you were just re - reading old Spider - Man comics. I know that there are some new comic books with him written by the original writer Peter David but for me it´s just not the same without Rick Leonardi. Also I´m not sure if Peter David is allowed to write SJW free stories in Today´s comic industry.

Speaking of which, the other character that I missed in the movie is the one, the true, the golden oldie accept no substitues often imitated but never duplicated Spider - Girl, the daughter of Peter Parker and Mary Jane, May " Mayday " Parker. The best of all the female versions of Spider - Man the guys at Marvel fought against her - and also her fans - tooth and claw, trying to cancel her book various times and when that didn´t work they renumbered her book before she reached issue 100 and then put her in an Spider - Man anthology to use her popularity to sell inferior spider stories.

Now you may ask what this has to do with the comic industry but I knew going in that she was not in the movie. Instead we get Disney´s new try to cash in with the overrated and overhyped Spider - Gwen, one of the most obviously fabricated characters to appeal to fans that I have seen.

I ordered the True Believers issue of her comic book to give it a try but at one buck I still felt robbed. The story was so uninteresting and the art so bad that I could not believe this was a Marvel comic. The other female version of Spider - Man we got was this weird little girl with the robot which was an obvious ploy to appeal to the anime fans. I just hope she is only in the movie and does not appear in the comics. Although since I have given up reading new Marvel comics I don´t really care. Anyway, this are two more reading recommendations, the complete original run of Spider - Man 2099 and the original Spider - Girl series from the MC2.

Okay, with all of that out of the way I have to say that Into The Spider - Verse is a pretty decent film. Since I already knew that my two favorite spider characters were not in the film I didn´t have to worry about that and I can see why it won an Oscar for best animated feature film. There are a few nods to the comics throughout the movie and it even throws you a few curve balls like in the beginning when I thought : " Yes, this is the real Spider - Man. Why can´t we get that in the movies or the comic books. " If you haven´t seen the movie you might want to avoid the video below - although the maker of it made sure not to spoil more plot points than necessary - but I had to include it for those who might think I am the only one who thinks that Miles Morales is a very bland character and that there is not much that makes him that much different than Peter Parker.

Now as some may have seen in the blog header I also write about the translated versions of american comics - although sadly not as often as I would like to. But I mention it whenever the occassion arises and I have already written about the Superman stories that were created exclusively for the german market back when the Ehapa Verlag published Superman.

To boost sales they had a special insert with blue paper and black and white art ( probably so that the comic creators in America didn´t have to color it ) and for these extra pages they needed additional material.

As someone whose family comes from Spain I have read a lot of spanish comic books where the content has been altered from the original american comics and in most cases they did their own covers in Spain.

I also read a few mexican comics when a mexican publishing company got the rights for a lot of DC comics including Superman. What I never knew is that Gwen Stacy was so popular in Mexico that the publisher who had the rights for Amazing Spider - Man had her marrying Peter Parker and that they produced a lot of additional content because they wanted to hold off publishing the issue in which Gwen Stacy was killed as long as possible.

Speaking of stunning blondes, I have mentioned Busenwunder Oana Andoni from romanian tv station Pro Tv a few times and for those who want to know how I became aware of her I explained it at length in this post . Anyway, it has been a long time since I wrote about her because I always wanted to do a follow up post but then all the videos with her I had bookmarked on YouTube were deleted so it made no sense to do it.

Another reason why I never made the follow up post is that there is not much information about the meg busty Oana Andoni especially in regards to her breast size. This must be a thing with hot news casters since she is not the only one where finding some information is almost impossible.

What I can say is that she was born on the 28th of February in 1978 which makes her 40 years now. 40 is also probably her cup size, 40DD or 40E in the least. In her case the term melons is right on spot. You can find a biography here but for some reason my google translate function doesn´t work so if anybody out there wants to lend a helping hand and translate it it would be much appreciated. When I didn´t need it google translate was constantly going off but now that I really could use it it doesn´t work anymore. What you can peruse without any translations is this link to a gallery with some pictures of Oana Andoni and at least she is on facebook.

What I still remember from when google translate worked is that there was a big scandal in 2016 because Oana wore a very transparent shirt during a live newscast - or what ever you call the piece of clothing that tries in vain to cover up Oana´s gigantic double airbags - and so the audience could see more than usual ( sorry, I haven´t found that clip yet ) which surely made for excellent ratings. I don´t know what they are complaining about since this is exactly what every male viewer was praying for years.

I know that I promised to keep posting the new videos I found with Oana until I had them all on the blog but as always a few things came up and so the last time I included a batch was at the end of December. As a birthday present here are the breast ones I have not posted yet and I hope I can post the next ones pretty soon because I still have a lot of them left.

I thought about how to end this post and what could be more appropriate than german rock´n roll group Spider Murphy Gang ? They still have a lot of fans and are giving concerts throughout the year touring now and then.

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Don´t watch the mouth. Watch the hands.

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