Saturday, March 16, 2019

Todd McFarlane´s Hulk - the bonus round !

Yes, I usually consider the post addendum / entertainment / cult siren section / fun block the bonus round of my posts but lately I have tried to make my posts a bit shorter. Which usually means making a little spin - off post or various spin - off posts when the second part becomes too long.

Well, in this I case I thought " Why not do that and at the same time put a few more HULK pages out there ? " Because I have already prepared all the pages and to say the truth, for a post called A SLUGFEST SATURDAY WITH TODD MCFARLANE ! there is not that much fighting in it. So to make up for that here is - in addition to the second part of the pop culture trivia section - a grudge match to end all grudge matches, the big return fight between Hulk and Wolverine from the classic INCREDIBLE HULK 181.

Back then the Hulk was still the unintelligent brute and Wolverine a man without a past only interested in doing what he does best - and what he does is not very nice - as weapon X. In the meantime both have matured.

Logan has found out more of his mysterious past and made his peace with it ( although he would only learn his full past decades later ) a man, not just a wild animal. And the Hulk the less powerful but more intelligent grey version. So you might think that a new meeting of these two powerhouses might result in anything but a new clash of the titans.

Without further ado here is the canadian crippler versus the gamma irridated grey skinned grouch in the battle of the century. Nuff said !

And because I know they are very popular with my readers - at least I hope they are - here are some homage covers to INCREDIBLE HULK 340.

I hope this won´t get too confusing since I now have the celebrity anniversaries split up between this post and the previous one. Speaking of which, we close out the one from March the 14th with music legend Quincy Jones who celebrated his 86th birthday. I tried to go over the complete list of his songs but after being halfway through my mind just switched off. I also don´t have the time or energy to go through all my bookmarked videos from YouTube a third time but luckily Quincy also was the producer of mega successful 80s hit show The Fresh Prince Of Bel Air.

Of course a big part of that show´s success and continued appeal around the world ( there are probably only a few people on the face of the planet who can´t recite the lyrics to the title song in their sleep ) is Tatyana Ali who grew from a cute little girl into an incredible sexbomb over the course of that series and who got to show her musical skills.

Much to the chagrin of the show´s producers she really bOObed all out in later movie appearances like The Clown at Midnight or Fall Into Darkness .

Now Will Smith has gone on record that the relationship between him and the insanely do - able Tatyana Ali has always been like the relationship between a big brother and his little sister but I don´t believe that he never put her booming tireless teenage body to the test not even once.

Either that or the relationship between a big brother and his little sister and what happens between them at night in the bedroom ( or under the shower during the day ) is a lot different where Will Smith grew up.

The only other explanation is that whenever Tatyana Ali got Will hard enough to cut a diamond he vented his pent up sexual energy on one of the other blow up sex dolls on the show. Like dicktamer Yunoka Doyle who played Ashley´s " bosom buddy " Keesha on with a big emphasis on the " bosom " part. She probably spent the rest of the day after the shooting had ended screaming at the top of the lungs as Will banged her brains out.

The truth of that statement notwithstanding Tatyana Ali still looks terrific ( she has one of the breast natural racks in Hollywood - period ) as you can see in this video where her bouncy boobs almost pop out of her top !

It´s back to comic books or better said tebeos with a hugely important birthday for spanish comic fans from March the 15th as Victor Ibáñez Talavera celebrated his 83rd anniversary. He is part of the spanish comic bedrock and most famous for Mortadelo y Filemon but also created such well known comics - at least in Spain - like Botones Sacarino, Don Pedrito, Rompetechos, Pepe Gotera y Otilio, Tete Cohete or Rue Del Percebe 13.

But like I said, the most well known is Mortadelo y Filemon which has been translated into many languages and I think in England it was called Flip and Flap. Here in Germany it was called Clever & Smart and it has been coming out forever. Not as long as in Spain where the series is still going on but I remember that during all my time in school and while doing my apprenticeship to become a car mechanic Clever & Smart was a steady presence. And the series sold so well that they actually did two editions side by side - one with new albums and one with reprints. I don´t exactly know when they stopped publishing the series in Germany but they just announced this year that they are continuing. I also mentioned Mortadelo y Filemon in my JLA movie casting solo post of spanish / french sexbomb Marlene Mourreau because there is a connection to that classic comic and you can check out her post if you are curious what that connection is.

But to know more about Victor Ibáñez and all the different comic series he did check out the post I wrote on his birthday in 2017 . If you DO check out the post you will notice that I announced a follow up post but I never did get around to do that. And I have all the material for it lined up and prepared which is why I´m a bit bummed out that I didn´t get to do a post on Ibáñez. Anyway, maybe I can do the second post at a later date.

Since I almost never get the chance to write about stuff from my tierra I want to include some clips with the aforementioned Marlene Mourreau.

Despite being french she has worked mostly on spanish tv either as a guest or host on various shows or with her x - rated dance numbers. As a fixture of spanish tv she also appears in the gala of Best of Telepassion.

As for Marlene´s solo performances those took mainly place on spanish tv after midnight which had a lot to do with the fact that she didn´t wear much clothes to begin with and got rid of the little she did wear very quickly. The pornographic appearances of the french blow up sex doll were always so sexually charged and her stage outfits so skimpy that she almost got banned from spanish tv. And everyone who has seen the heavily sexual content they show on spanish tv knows that it takes a lot to get banned.

Sadly I have not found Marlene Mourreau´s scandalous performance of Salome - see GIF above - so we have to make do with another video.

Writing this part has made me realize that it is high time that I did a proper cult siren post on Marlene Mourreau since I haven´t really posted that many good pictures or information of her in her JLA casting solo post.

There are a few birthdays of Today that I put here to avoid having two videos with full episodes from old tv series in one post and the first one is Victor Garber who turns 70. People Today know him best from his many appearances on The Flash and DC´s Legends Of Tomorrow where he played Doctor Martin Stein one half of the hero Firestorm. I first saw Victor in Alias ( not the new show from Marvel with Jessica Jones ) or how me and my brother called it during the last seasons The Jack Bristow Show because everything his character did on the show was much more interesting than follow Jennifer Garner on her missions. Although I DO have to say that she had a few very nice outfits in those episodes.

Coming back to DC´s Lesbians of Tomorrow one thing that really bothered me when I binge watched the first two series with my brother is that it seems the legends want to get rid of the black dude. Because on every mission where they have to get back to a time when black people did not have equal rights ( well, they still don´t have but you know what I mean ) instead of leaving him on the ship he has to go with them. And not only go with them but they deliberately put him in situations where he will most definitely get killed. It´s all " Why should the old white dude talk to this traumatized girl ? Let the black kid talk to the white girl. In public. "

At the moment LGBT´s of Tomorrow is on hiatus but even when it comes on Victor Garber is not going to be in it because they killed off Martin Stein. I enjoy him and I am not giving up hope that we will see another version of him in this years Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover. Who knows we might even get the original Martin Stein / Ronnie Raymond Firestorm. 

Pop culture icon Erik Estrada also celebrates his 70th birthday whom I know mostly from the Andy Sidaris movies since I never watched an episode of CHIPs. By the way, looking for pictures of that series is a nightmare because all the pictures you find are either potato chips, bags of potato chips or people eating potato chips. Now I want to eat chips.

Longtime readers may be already tired of this but it seems that nowadays I can´t write a new post without mentioning hot sexbomb Becky Mullen .

Besides appearing as Sally, the farmer´s daughter on the first season of GORGEOUS LADIES OF WRESTLING and various guest appearances on every major tv show ( of which her most memorable is an episode of MARRIED WITH CHILDREN opposite Pamela Anderson ) Becky also was in various erotic midnight movies including SINFUL INTRIGUE with Chona Jason.

With all that said german audiences know her best from taking her clothes off on TUTTI FRUTTI . But her biggest contribution to american culture still is HARD HUNTED and there are two other actresses from Andy Sidaris movies who appeared on TUTTI FRUTTI, Sandra Wild and Carolyn Liu . I wrote more on this in my Andy Sidaris edition of Casting the JLA movie .

Andy Sidaris was probably THE BEST director of action movies for adults and his cast read like a WHOS´S WHO of playmates : Roberta Vasquez , Ava Cadell , brunette Cynthia Brimhall, Dona Speir , Pandora Peaks , Julie Strain , Shae Marks, Samantha Phillips and Julie K. Smith to name just a few.

Becky Mullen´s post is a spin - off that used to be in one post with Janet Jones Gretzky , best known for appearing in a white swimsuit in Police Academy 5 - Assignment Miami Beach and real live Power Girl Leslie Easterbrook who had the most famous scene in Police Academy 4 - Citizens on Patrol in which she emerges from a pool in a wet t - shirt .

The post also included 80s cult siren Monique Sluyter and the Tutti Frutti girls but that part got too long and I had to give it a post of its own which I re - posted in 2016 in a new and better version . She was a candidate from my JLA movie casting series - as Fire a.k.a. Beatriz da Costa in the Andy Sidaris Special - and before getting her solo post she was regularly in all the annual re - posts of italian mega soccer MILF Simona Ventura . But the living blow up sex doll from the Netherlands was not only in PLAYBOY multiple times she also was a big factor in my obsession on blondes with giant breast like Power Girl with her impersonation of Marilyn Monroe .

For those who haven´t read any of my previous Andy Sidaris posts besides those I already mentioned there is the Ava Cadell solo post , the Dona Speir post ( with reposts in 2017 and in 2018 ) and a Sybil Danning post .

Since you can already find anything you ever wanted to know - and then some - about Andy Sidaris and his movies through the links above and I wouldn´t know which episode of C.H.I.P.S. I should pick I am going to indulge myself a little with Legacy of Terror episode 17 of Kolchak - The Nightstalker ( in german ) where Erik Estrada makes an appearance.

This is the part I don´t look forward to because sooner or later people end up in the Dearly Departed section and Today it is Jerry Lewis who among his many credits appeared in two comic book adaptations, the Batman tv series and the Lil Abner musical which I just mentioned in my last post.

Jerry Lewis also was in another comic related movie Artists And Models where he roomed with Dean Martin who was a struggling comic book artist who used Jerry´s vivid dreams about the hero Vincent The Vulture and the secret formula X34 minus 5R1plus 6 - X36 as the basis of a new comic.

Unbeknownst to them they live in the same apartment as Dorothy Malone, the creator of the Bat Lady comic - of which Jerry is a huge fan - and Shirley MacLaine who is Dorothy´s secretary and model for the Bat Lady.

So we get to see her dress up in super hero fashion and there are even some mock pages from the comic in the movie which you can see on KLEEFELD ON COMICS . Of course the secret formula is real but only half of the formula and some spies are after it, Dorothy got fired and her comic was replaced by Vincent The Vulture and is on a crusade against comics, Jerry begins to like Shirley MacLaine not knowing she is the Bat Lady and hijinks ensue ( you can read more on DIAL B FOR BLOG ). I already posted a clip of Artists And Models so here´s a dance scene from The Ladies Man.

Of course Jerry Lewis has not only been in comic related movies and shows like The Simpsons he had his own comic and there was even a storyline in which he met various members of the Justice League .

I found a full episode of the Jerry Lewis cartoon but like most shows from that time the quality is not that great. Still I was lucky to find this one.

George Perez often uses people he knows as models for the characters in his comics which is okay as long as you personally know them. Todd McFarlane on the other hand has used the names of people he didn´t know personally in the pages of Spawn which led to some legal problems.

There probably won´t be any new posts for the next two weeks so I want to include a longer video. It doesn´t have a Bat Lady but there is The Bat.

New to the blog ? Everything you need to know about TALES FROM THE KRYPTONIAN : top ten posts / more posts of interest / best of the best

Every artist is going to torture himself, whether you´re in music or in Hollywood or whatever else and comic book artists aren´t that much different.

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