Friday, May 31, 2019

Forgotten heroes and comic book movies !

That strange feeling of deja vu. Yes, just when I thought I had finished all the spin - offs I had to go and split another one into two separate posts.

From the 90s we are traveling back even further to the 80s which is when U - Comix was published in Germany and it was in this magazine that I first saw such historic comics like The Fabulous Freak Brothers or Wonder Wart - Hog by Gilbert Shelton who turned 79 on May the 31st. I don´t get to write about a lot of comics outside of super hero books and much less about seminal underground comic artists but I managed to do a post here .

Our next birthday babe is model / actress Brooke Shields and the 54 year old massita was one of the most lusted after actresses of all the sexbombs in Hollywood during my teen years and there were many contemporaries who would have liked nothing more than to re - enact The Blue Lagoon with her which was quite the scandalous movie when it was first released.

Back then I didn´t know it but this was not the first version of The Blue Lagoon and you can read all about the various adaptions of it in this post .

If you haven´t seen Paradise you MUST check it out ! Phoebe Cates nude scenes alone are worth the price of admission as it is the only film where she did full on nudity apart from her famous scene in Fast Times At Ridgemont High where she comes out of a pool and takes her top off.

Brooke Shields even starred in a comicbook movie where the main character had the same initials as her : Brenda Starr. This was a very successful newspaper comic strip ( ask Dad what a comic strip is, then ask him what a newspaper is ) which was reprinted in comicbook format.

This movie is often overlooked as far as comic adaptions go because the source material is a bit older but fans of Brooke Shields should check it out because she looks really gorgeous in it and Timothy Dalton co stars. Plus there is this scene where Brooke almost has a wardrobe malfunction .

Yep, an entire generation lost their shi .... head over Ms. Shields getting completely soaking wet and here are more of Brooke´s breast moments.

And we are staying with sexbombs from my youth who have starred in not so successful comic book movies with Lea Thompson. She celebrated her 58th birthday and she had the misfortune to star in the comic book movie everybody wants to forget. Poor Howard the Duck, nobody loves him.

Now those who DO remember Howard the Duck most definitely remember Lea Thompson because her body was the only good thing in that movie.

Lea also starred in another movie and this was much bigger in geek culture. Or rather pop culture since it has become part of the cultural mainstream. In Back to the Future she was the hot Mom who made the timetravelling Marty McFly sweat bullets to finish his secret mission.

She almost turned him into a MF before the term MILF was invented !

It has been a long time since I mentioned blonde Busenwunder Oana Andoni from romanian tv station Pro Tv - for those who want to know how I became aware of her I explained it at length in this post - because all her videos I had bookmarked were deleted. But I found a lot of new ones recently and after I replaced those that I had previously posted and which were deleted I want to include a few new Oana videos in this post.

Another reason why I never made the follow up post is that there is not much information about Über busty Oana Andoni especially in regards to her breast size. This must be a thing with hot news casters since she is not the only one where finding some information is almost impossible.

Ever since I first wrote about Enki Bracaj I have been getting request for more videos with her since those are not that easy to find on YouTube but it seems I never get to do it. So I am including links for the best ones I have left right below. There are a few ones I am keeping just in case but these are the best ones of Enki in action that I have not posted yet. As for news about everyone´s favorite news girl aside from an interview where she went on record that her breast size is 34DD and all natural ( sadly I can´t link to the interview because the website is NSFW ) there is nothing new to report. Here are the videos with Enki in all her glory :

7:47 min of Enki letting it all hang out / 7:14 min of Enki´s boobs trying to bust free / 6:05 min of Enki fronting / 6:00 min of Enki letting it swing / 5:56 min of Enki letting it all hang loose / 4:55 min of Enki pushing her big boobs together / 4:47 min of Enki trying to keep the twins down / 4:17 min of Enki delivering the goods / 3:46 min of Enki getting jiggly with it

Coming back to Oana Andoni she was born on the 28th of February in 1978 which makes her 41. 41 is also probably her cup size, 41DD or 41E in the least. In her case the term melons is right on spot. OMG ! You can find a biography here but for some reason my google translate function doesn´t work so if anybody out there wants to lend a helping hand and translate it it would be much appreciated. When I didn´t need it google translate was constantly going off but now that I really could use it it doesn´t work anymore. What you can peruse without any translations is this link to a gallery with some pictures of Oana Andoni and at least she is on facebook.

What I still remember from when google translate worked is that there was a big scandal in 2016 because Oana wore a very transparent shirt during a live newscast - or what ever you call the piece of clothing that tries in vain to cover up Oana´s gigantic double airbags - and so the audience could see more than usual ( sorry, I haven´t found that clip yet ) which surely made for excellent ratings. I don´t know what they are complaining about since this is exactly what every male viewer was praying for years.

Now most of these videos are rather short so I am including a batch of five as usual. By the way, is it just me or do Oana´s giant boobs look bigger than ever ? I don´t think she got herself breast implants but either she is pregnant or auditioning for a movie from the new heir to Russ Meyer. Man, I would love to spend my summer vacation between those titanic tits.

Time to get back to comicbooks and since I could not find a good video for Gilbert Shelton here is one of the greatest - and funniest - independent superhero comics which I mentioned before on this blog. If you have never heard of The Tick comicbook check out the cartoon series, the live action tv series and especially the new live action tv series on amazon.

Since this post is all about comicbook movies that are forgotten by the general public here are more of them. I have seen all of these movies.

So there are some movies like the ones above that most people forget and then there are others which you not only remember but want to see again and again. Just last week I re - watched the entire trilogy of The Hobbit but when I see - and especially hear - Ed Sheeran´s I See Fire music video I want to watch those movies again. Now some people are campaigning to bring this and the Lord Of The Rings trilogy back to cinemas and while I am not absolutely against this I would like to see some new J. R. R. Tolkien material. After all we still haven´t seen The Silmarillion as a movie series.

We close this post with a superhero cartoon where I am not sure if anybody remembers it. I don´t even remember if I have seen it before. What I do know is that I couldn´t find any complete episodes on YouTube.

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You´re not going crazy you´re going sane in a crazy world !

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