Sunday, June 09, 2019

Of goddesses, thieves and mighty mortals

Because of current SHAZAM ! and CAPTAIN MARVEL movies I thought it pertinent to give Captain Marvel creator C. C. Beck´s anniversary on June the 8th a post of its own so I could elaborate a bit more on the subject.

I have to confess that I don´t know that much about the original source material. Because I have not read many original Captain Marvel comics by Fawcett Comics and so my first encounters were with Marvel´s Kree warrior Mar - Vell and DC´s knockoff Captain Thunder but you can read all about that in this post I wrote in 2016 . So far I have not found enough material by C. C. Beck himself to do a full post and I am more familiar with later incarnations anyway. Like The Power Of Shazam ! ( I think at that time there were once again restrictions by Marvel that prevented DC of using the name Captain Marvel on the cover which may also be one of the reasons the new movie is called Shazam ! ) which I am constantly pimping and you can find some of Jerry Ordway´s wonderful covers right here .

I also did a special post for the series interior artist Peter Krause ( Jerry Ordway did a terrific graphic novel that is a must read for all comic fans ). Peter Krause delivered solid art but I have no idea what he´s doing now.

I don´t know if I have mentioned it before but while I can see why DC´s Captain Marvel movie is better received than Marvel´s Miss Marvel movie ( I´m sorry, but I just can´t call Carol Manvers Captain Marvel. For me she has not done anything to deserve the title ) but it is just awful and I am going to tell you how I come to that conclusion. The guys who made the movie just didn´t get what the important message BEHIND Captain Marvel is all about and that has a lot to do with the character of Billy Batson.

Now I do know that from the moment when a movie is conceived to the moment when it is finally in theaters a lot of time passes. Years in fact. So keeping that in mind when they started with the first draft of SHAZAM ! the NEW 52 was still in full effect at DC Comics. Right now the guys at DC have finally realized how horrible the idea was ( which I have been saying since day 1 ) and are trying to rectify it with the whole REBIRTH thing.

Looking at the movie from that perspective they did stay very faithful to the NEW 52 version of Captain Marvel and Billy Batson. So they tried to do the comic book justice. Somewhat. Because while they read SOME comic books with Captain Marvel they did not go to the trouble of seeking out the original source material to find out what the comic book is all about. And if you only read the NEW 52 version of the comic book you think that it´s a comic book about a kid - or in this case a teenager for whatever reason - transforming into an adult with powers by saying a magic word.

And to some extent that is a big part of the appeal that made CAPTAIN MARVEL outsell SUPERMAN - it´s the ultimate wish fulfillment. I mean, how big are the chances that a kid was sent to earth as an infant from the doomed planet Krypton and gains super powers under Earth´s yellow sun and lower gravity ? But meeting a wizard in an abandoned subway tunnel and getting super powers by saying a magic word ? That´s totally doable.

So on a surface level the comic is all about a kid becoming an adult and an adult super hero at that. Which might lead people to the conclusion that the comic is about Captain Marvel and his adventures when in reality it is about Billy Batson. Because the message revolves about him. In the movie they dropped the ball on this and it is not surprising since Hollywood has totally given up on making movies that have important messages to tell. Nowadays they are too busy with selling equality disguised as diversity and their gender agenda to teach kids the important messages in life.

With that much of an introduction let´s take a look at the Billy Batson in the original comic. He is on his own, but not because his father is in jail and his mother just split. His parents were murdered and the uncle who was supposed to raise him instead just keeps his inheritance to himself and tosses Billy Batson out on the streets. But instead of becoming a bitter and sarcastic person who thinks it´s okay to lie and cheat and steal police cars like the Billy Batson in the movie he stays a decent person.

I don´t know why Hollywood always nurtures the cliche that people who are poor are less educated or have to become criminal to survive but that´s okay because they are stupid or poor or homeless. The are a lot of people who don´t have enough income to support themselves or who live on the streets and I´m sure that the majority of them are honest people who are not criminal. Your guess is as good as mine where this idea of the " good criminal " for the right reasons comes from or why movies and tv shows seem so enamored with it but as somebody who comes from a poor background I feel personally offended by this narrow minded propaganda.

Billy Batson in the comic books had it really bad but he still managed to live in a apartment instead of living on the streets through his job as a reporter at a local radio station. If he needs something like food or clothing and he doesn´t have the money to pay for it he doesn´t just steal it but offers to work for it or compensate the owner in another way. If he has to go somewhere he either takes public transportation or if he doesn´t have the money for the fare he tries to hitchhike or he just walks. He doesn´t hijack a police car. And he always tells the truth.

Which is why he was chosen by the wizard to receive the power of Shazam. Because only the purest of hearts can resist the temptation of the seven deadly sins which is the main duty of Captain Marvel on earth. To stop the seven deadly sins from corrupting mankind. Which he can´t do if there is even a hint that he might give in an inch to even one of them. 

So the Billy Batson in the movie normally would not have a chance going up against any of the seven deadly sins since he not only gives in to one of them but all seven : he´s proud, he´s envious, he´s greedy, he´s hateful, he´s selfish, he´s lazy and he´s unjust. Which makes him not the wrong person to receive the power of Shazam but the worst person ever.

You may think that is a minor point and argue that you can´t find such a person nowadays which is also the point of the SHAZAM ! movie. That Billy Batson is not perfect but he is striving to be a better person and that is all we can do. Which is totally wrong. The wizard cannot give his powers to anybody who is tempted by the seven deadly sins in the slightest way because otherwise they will rule the earth. That´s not something where you can take chances and say : " Ah, let´s try out this guy, maybe he will work out. " We are talking about the fate of humanity. That is why the wizard chose a kid to become Captain Marvel in the first place. Because he hadn´t been corrupted. Only a pure heart can wield such great power.

The reason why Billy Batson received the power of Shazam and why he is worthy above anybody else is the message behind the comic. It tells kids that if they stay honest and decent and real no matter what life throws at them that they will be rewarded. And the most important part of it is that Billy Batson is not rewarded right away. In Today´s society full with instant gratification seeking millenials that may be a foreign concept but it takes years before the wizard seeks out Billy. But in the end Billy is rewarded.

So while the SHAZAM ! movie is funny ( after the success of DEADPOOL prompted DC to abandon their whole grim and gritty approach to movies and go with the nonsensical humor instead no matter if it fits the hero ) and more entertaining than the CAPTAIN MARVEL movie it doesn´t deliver a very important message which for me is the worst of all the numerous details where the movie fails ( which I may address in future posts ).

That said, I am including a cosplay video with what the main audiences now sadly think is a valid representation of Captain Marvel. One reason is that it is funny and the other is that cosplay queen Yaya Han appears in it ( to whom we will return later on ) who makes every video worthwhile.

Since I have already chewed up your ear enough as it is and I am a little bit exhausted at this point here is a video with more info about the original CAPTAIN MARVEL comics and how they managed to outsell the Superman.

Among all the birthdays I missed my faithful followers were probably the most surprised that I did not do a post on June the 9th since we had three birthdays concerning my favorite subjects on the blog. The first and most important one of course being George Perez´65th birthday. As any body knows who has read this blog for some time I am a huge fan of him and though I am a bit bummed out that he has now officially retired from comic books I am still continuing with my posts on him and the series he worked on. If anybody has deserved a rest it´s George. Now usually I just put up a link to previous posts but in the case of George Perez there are just too many posts to list them all. So instead I am putting up the links for one of the posts ( either the latest one if the series is still going or the first one if I have concluded the series ) on THE NEW TEEN TITANS , THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD , FINAL CRISIS : LEGION OF THREE WORLDS , THE AVENGERS or LOGAN`S RUN and you can follow the links to the other posts. As far as George Perez comics I am currently reading, after finally watching the Wonder Woman movie I read the first omnibus of George´s post Crisis revamp of the title and it was an excellent read. I am however undecided if I should get volume 2 since that will have less George Perez.

The second anniversary on June the 9th is sorbian Jurij Brezan who wrote the original version of Krabat. Here in Germany the version by Ottfried Preußler is the best known as it is a book you read in schools. Now the only reason why I even am familiar with Jurij Brezan´s work is that I made a mistake. During Realschule ( which is like german middle school ) I was at the library and without looking at the author I borrowed this book called Krabat because I had seen the animation film by Karel Zeman ( I learned his name many years later ). Anyway, when I read the book it was nothing like the movie I remembered and the story was more epic rivaling J. R. R. Tolkien´s The Lord Of The Rings trilogy. Still I did not think much of it but when I wanted to read it again I could not find it. For months or better years I kept looking for this book in vain until I was convinced that I had just imagined reading it. Well, I was a kid with a very vivid imagination and could not always trust my memory. Fast Forward a few years with me now writing for a blog when I decided to write a post about one of my favorite books growing up and lo and behold while doing the research I found out that I had not imagined it but rather that I did chance on one of the three Krabat books Jurij Brezan wrote. Which are apparently very rare so it was a stroke of luck that I got my hands on a copy. Now if you want to read more about Krabat - or have no idea what Krabat is - you can check out my Krabat Reloaded post from 2016 or my original Krabat post which I wrote way back in 2008 since I have nothing new or important to add.

The third anniversary from the 9th of June is the one my readers were probably most expecting - at least a quick repost - since it was the 38th birthday of hasian megasexbomb Akira Lane and as obsessed with asian women as I am it is hard to wrap your head around the fact that I let a chance pass by to put more unadulterated asian persuasion content on the blog. In the case of Akira Lane it is not the end of the world since she not only got her own cult siren entry but also keeps popping up in any comic book casting posts involving asian characters not to mention the posts about Yaya Han or the ones where Yaya Han is only mentioned.

One reason why Akira Lane kept popping up in the posts about Yaya Han is that I needed a body double for Yaya´s more explicit scenes I had in mind.

Which is not ideal since Yaya Han has a 40D bust and Akira Lane is nowhere near in that league. Thankfully it looks like hasian talk show host Jeannie Mai is auditioning for the part and while she also is a bit smaller than Yaya in the chest area she does have an impressive skill set. I am convinced.

This hot sexbomb is of vietnamese descend and even though she is " only " a 37C and not a 40D like Yaya I think she could be a body double for her.

At least it would be fun to put her body to the test for the sex scenes.

Now I have gotten some comments that I should ease down with over - sexualizing Jeannie Mai but that´s not easy when you keep in mind my obsession about asian women and the fact that Jeannie has never made a secret about what a sex freak she is and how much she enjoys having sex.

I mean, literally the very first thing I found with her was the video with her boob exercises in which she admitted to doing them not only to make her breasts look better because she enjoys men drooling all over them but with the specific intent of getting guys harder than unto a thing of iron !

The topic of sex has come up quite frequently on THE REAL TALK ( I´m just glad that I have not found a source for it because I would watch it 24 / 7 just to get some glimpses of Jeannie ) so we know that Jeannie just loves to dress up be it for Halloween or in the privacy of her bedroom.

On top of that she has the perfect bubblebutt - like most asian women so it´s no wonder her ex hubby always tried to persuade her to wear a thong ( remember the thong incident ? ), she admitted to frequently using all kind of toys to spice up her sex life and she has gone on record that her favorite location to let her inner nymphomanic really loose is a hotel room because : " There are certain things I just can´t do at home. I eat at that table. " So you tell me, am I really exaggerating here or am I falling short ?

My brother always tells me that I need to write more about my new comic book series and get the word out that it exists so I am doing just that since Akira Lane was supposed to grace the cover of the first issue of VERSAUTE BETTGESCHICHTEN ( which could be translated as RAUNCHY or PERVY BEDTIME STORIES ). At least in a way. Longtime readers know that there is an outfit of sexbomb Akira Lane that I think is perfect for Yaya Han but I don´t think we will ever see her wear something as riskee.

So the idea I had was to get the next best thing which would be a drawing of Yaya in the outfit worn by Akira Lane that I liked so much. Since you put a lot of your own money into self publishing your own comic and you never know if you are ever going to sell anything you tend to try to please yourself as an audience first and foremost under the pretense that if it is not going to appeal to you it will not appeal anybody else. A lot of comic book pros agree that when you draw what you like people will respond better to that which will result in more sales. And you will have more fun drawing it which will have a positive affect on your artistic output.

That´s why I tried to make this pictures happen but while I had a few good attempts it fell short of how I wanted it to look like. While I was wallowing in self pity I remembered that once upon a time I had gotten a sketch from a german comic artist who did one of the best - if not THE best - german erotic comic book. At the convention where he did the drawing for me he also had some other original art to sell but I didn´t buy anything ( I can´t for the life of me remember why ) much to my regret.

Usually I don´t contact professional comic artists to work on my comic projects but you have to keep in mind that at this point I just wanted a drawing for myself. And maybe ask him how much he charged for a cover.

I mean, if you are already taking that leap of first contact you might as well ask some questions which might help your upcoming comic. Add to that the fact that I not only loved his style but he also had already done a splendid drawing of Yaya Han before so I knew he could do it. One thing led to another and what started as a simple request for a drawing turned into a possible splash page, a possible variant cover or even the regular cover. And soon I had not only sent him all the necessary pictures of Akira Lane and Yaya Han along the first drawings of my lead character but also a complete synopsis of issue one and the outline of the comic book idea.

Without putting the comic artist in question on the spot the drawing never came about for various reasons that are neither his nor mine fault and also include bad timing which seems to be a personal curse of mine.

In the end I did a drawing that depicted one of my phantasies involving Yaya Han that ended up in the sketch book section of issue two. Of course it doesn´t look anything like the real thing which might be for the better.

The only consolation I have is that my artistic ability might improve to the point where I can do that cover and do it justice. And while I haven´t accomplished my main goal yet I have the comic artist - who is a not so subtle stand in for myself - in a sexmarathon with Elisa Bett´s horny, nymphomaniac big breasted asian cosplaying roommate - who is an even less subtle stand in - wearing a Power Broad costume in the second issue.

Anyway, I hope you liked this glance at the behind the scenes of my little comic book project and for all out there who want to check it out or even purchase an issue they are available through this website ( don´t worry, we are still working on it ) as well as the first issue of the new comic by my brother PETRA DIE HEXE ( Petra the Witch ) or you can contact me through the e - mail address in the about me part of this very blog. I guess that I don´t have to add that all the issues - apart from the legendary first issue of POWER FREAKS which is also still available - are for adults only.

Speaking of big breasted hasian cosplayers and DC´s Maid of Mammaries, in 2016 I finally managed to do another post about Darick Robertson in which I mentioned the BREAKDOWNS storyline that introduced Power Girl´s famous coconut bra costume. And I just want to say that I still have not given up on a Yaya Han Power Girl coconut bra cosplay ( with the tiniest coconut shells you can find although compared to her huge 40D oppai all coconut shells probably look small no matter how big they are ) as she has already shown that she does a terrific Power Girl cosplay and she certainly has no problem filling out the magical cleavage window.

So far I had written six posts on Yaya - two of them are pretty safe but the other four are absolutely not safe for work - and I keep mentioning her on various JLA casting posts and any other posts involving asian sexbombs like Kiana Tom, Ava Cadell, Akira Lane, Miko Lee, Gail Kim or Minka and I swear the completely NSFW BIG YAYA HAN POST is still in the pipeline. In the meantime I have made two new posts about Yaya which showcase a part of her incredible anatomy that I have ignored too often - her legs.

With Yaya Han being such a big anime fan I wonder if I could con her into doing a remake of Ogenki Clinic. I would volunteer to play Dick Horsecock, the well hung patient who suffers from a severe case of hyperspermia and Yaya would of course play nymphomanic dicktamer Ruko Tatase, who has fallen on hard times and has to milk his schlong dry of all excess semen every night to pay the rent for her tiny flat so the horny landlord doesn´t sexually assault her again. Man, brabuster Yaya was born to play this role.

I mean she already did a sexy doctor / nurse cosplay with her Super Sonico costume. Daim, that girl knows how to fill out that uniform and she´s just begging for some asian dick lubrication. Those sweet lips are perfect for giving oral pleasure and we all know that when it comes to deepthroating rockhard boners nobody can hold a candle to asian girls. And those soft, giant boobs were just made to be wrapped around a throbbing erection.

And don´t get me started on those long, perfect legs. I bet they taste as good as they look and Yaya surely can spread them like a real pro as only the best asian strippers and pornstars can. She probably is a real sex freak in the bedroom who can polish your meatpole until you squirt like crazy.

Not only does Yaya Han look like she could star in a Russ Meyer movie Super Sonico sounds like a name from a Russ Meyer movie, especially SuperVixens where every woman had the word super in her name.

Although it would probably be something a bit more erotic like Super Spermico. Speaking of sperm, as my personal nurse and blow up sex doll Yaya would have to give me at least three daily spongebaths although instead of a sponge Yaya can use her big 40D oppai to massage my boner until I am ready for her patented extreme asian ejaculation escalation.

That´s what I need some sexual healing from a naughty night nurse like Stacy Valentine where no matter how much she knows about medicine you feel already better if you see her. And just wait until she starts with the deepthroat erection inspection to suck out the daily sperm sample.

If I won the lottery big style I would definitely hold auditions for my nurse and I would buy uniforms that are at least two sizes too small so their tits are hanging out all the time. Of course my dream nurse would not only have the body of a Playmate of the Year and incredible stripper skills.

She also should be well versed in the Kamasutra, tantra sex, nuru massages and all the sex techniques. The best candidate would be a big breasted nymphomanic sexbomb with legs up to her chin who is addicted to oral sex and was fired from her last job at a sperm bank because she was always massaging the client´s hard schlongs with her giant boobs and then deepthroating them without mercy which caused them to squirt all their juices in her throat instead of the special container. Maybe it´s time for some asian salivation and Yaya Han wants to audition with her oriental oral skills. Like the saying goes : life sucks but asian girls deepthroat you dry !!!

Initially I wanted to skip the part with Yaya Han but then I found a new video that I have not posted yet and DAIMN ! she should have a permit for her cleavage as her weapons of mass seduction can cause a lot of trouble.

After my long rant about how it is not okay to turn Billy Batson into a criminal and thief it may appear strange that Today´s cartoon video is about a character who is both. Longtime readers know that I don´t share the romanticized idealisation of thieves as lovable rogues and it is one reason why I never liked Gambit. Anybody who had ever something irreplaceable stolen knows that there is nothing grandiose about it. Still there are some stories / comics / movies with thieves that I do enjoy mainly when the thief steals from people who can afford it or the theft in itself is their goal and the stolen goods are returned or put to good use.

Examples for that would be Bandette, the great Arsene Lupin or his heir Lupin the Third. For some reason the animated version of this manga gets overlooked by most of the general public so I wanted to promote it a bit. 

There even is a live action Lupin The Third movie - which I still haven´t managed to watch. I found a version which I thought was the english language version but after the first fifteen minutes everybody started talking japanese. Apparently because there is an english character in the movie everybody talks english at first but as soon as that character exits the movie that stops. Which is kind of weird even if they talk english just for dramatic effect because you ask yourself how many of the japanese movie goers are fluent enough in english to follow the plot without any problems. What I can say is that the casting was spot on and it looked really good. Maybe I can find it someday in a version I can understand.

With so many movies coming out each year it is easy to miss some so here is the Top Ten list of anime live action movie adaptions you may not know.

Since our first Lupin The Third video is just a general overview I wanted to include a longer one. I watched the anime when it was on Mtv ( when they tried to recapture the audience they lost by showing more reality shows instead of music videos by adding anime classics like Cowboy Bebop to their schedule ) but since I couldn´t find any of the episodes - or the excellent Castle of Cagliostro which was the movie that allowed Hayao Miazaki to found his Ghibli Studio - here is Farewell to Nostradamus.

Any post that includes such hasian sexbombs like Akira Lane, Jeannie Mai and Yaya Han follows the simple structure of asian persuasion babe video, anime video and k - pop video so I don´t want to disappoint my readers.

Instead of the usual suspects here is Jessi with Down and the reason for this selection is that on top of not having to put another animated GIF in this post ( since I have none of her ) is that I like everything about this video. The song, the visuals and you can never go wrong with a hot babe in a skimpy bikini. It are the simple things that make life worth living.

New to the blog ? Everything you need to know about TALES FROM THE KRYPTONIAN : top ten posts / more posts of interest / best of the best

Just when my night was getting interesting . . . what is it with this CONSTANT BAD TIMING !?!?

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