Monday, September 09, 2019

Movie rummage table with Le Petit Spirou !

Of all the comicbook movies out there I never thought I would write a spin - off about LITTLE SPIROU since that film is still on my to watch list. But if there´s one thing I have learned then it´s always expect the unexpected.

Now as usual this post ties in to another post where I wrote about the SPIROU & FANTASIO movie which went by unnoticed outside of France.

You might think that the reason for that is that it was not a superhero comicbook adaption - what everybody now naturally assumes when they hear comicbook movie - but even in Germany where everybody knows such franco belgian BDS like ASTERIX, LUCKY LUKE, TIN TIN  or SPIROU & FANTASIO you didn´t hear much about it. But we will come back to that.

The last time I mentioned it I didn´t have any pages from the original comicbook nor the necessary time to look for them but as always you find stuff when you least expect it. So I wanted to use the opportunity to put some on the blog. Especially since I found a few translated into english.

But back to the SPIROU & FANTASIO movie and the genesis of this post.

When I did the research for the film I was also looking for some trailers and happened upon a trailer for another unknown comicbook movie adaption LITTLE SPIROU. Since SPIROU was such a success in France and all over the world they did a spin - off series that told the adventures of everybody´s favorite bellhop turned action eporter much in the vein like SUPERBOY told the adventures of SUPERMAN as a boy. I know it´s not as easy as that with all of the constant relaunches, retcons and reboots but this post is not about Superman. As I said, I found the trailer for LITTLE SPIROU but since I didn´t want to put two videos in the same post that are very similar I saved it and included it in my post about Dave Cockrum´s run on UNCANNY X - MEN . Which is a topic I have postponed quite too often.

Now when I write these posts I try to get an even balance between comicbook and movie related stuff on one side and hot sexbombs and cult sirens ( don´t laugh, I said I TRY, I didn´t say I´m always successful ) and so I already had the newest video of nubian sex goddess Normani called Motivation ( and boy do I feel motivated by it ! ) including a selection of her best animated GIFs, sci fi blow up sex doll Olivia Thirlby best known for her flawless portrayal of leather clad dd bombshell Psi Judge Anderson in Dredd with an all too brief nude scene plus another batch of mega busty romanian news caster Oana Andoni - also with a spiffy new animated GIF.

So naturally I wanted to add some content without cult sirens and as I have been posting a lot of comicbook movies from Europe because they might not be as well known in the rest of the world I thought LITTLE SPIROU would be the ticket. But the best laid plans of mice and men and all that because I had forgotten one thing. While the book is about Spirou when he was a kid in the stories he is very mature bordering on the sexually precocious. He is very interested in the mystery of women and while there is a girl his age that he tries to woo his big crush is his math teacher. Now I had a crush on two of my school teachers but they didn´t look like this. Spirou´s math teacher is built like a playmate of the year.

Okay, maybe the second teacher on whom I had a crush looked more like Spirou´s math teacher. She had a lot of curves in all the right places, legs up to her chin, big breasts and wore revealing shirts and tight clothes.

I always got a good eyeful and on some days I was afraid that she would ask me to the blackboard because she gave me such a huge erection.

A classmate who had been at her house for some tutoring told me later that there was a huge picture in one of her rooms of herself naked on a motorcycle ( and I´m not sure what turned him on more seeing his school teacher naked or the motorcycle ) or maybe only with a leather jacket.

But her breasts were fully naked. I´m not sure if she really had that photo or if my classmate made that up since I never was at her house but he was not one to invent that kind of thing. In any case, britisch porn star Sarah Louise Young always reminded me of her which may have been one of the reasons why I watched so many of her movies. So yep, that school teacher did look a bit like a Playmate of the Year or at least la Playmate of the Month and I would have given my left nut to loose my virginity to her.  

But coming back to Spirou´s math teacher, her name is Claudia Chiffre which is of course a clever play of words on german supermodel Claudia Schiffer. Like the teutonic titular our tittilating teacher has some amazing twin torpedoes but is blissfully unaware of the effect she has - primary on her male pupils - which leads to a lot of the punchlines in these gag strips.

There are a few others that have to do with little Spirou´s obsession of her and his many - mostly unsuccessful - attempts to win her heart that are a bit borderline and probably geared to a more adult readership since younger readers might not understand it. Although keeping in mind that this is a european comicbook it may also be a sign that the creators of the series are willing to put more risque content in it since children are often more interested in stuff that we adults think is not entirely apt for them.

Which may be one of the reasons why LITTLE SPIROU has become such a bestselling series in his own right. In some instances - especially where younger generations are concerned - it is even more popular than the original franchise. The other may have to do with artist Janry´s knack for depicting the female form in general and Claudia Chiffre in particular.

These are just a few of the excellent drawings of Claudia I found online and you can find more pictures ( and animated GIFs ) on this website which features a lot of other sexy women from european comicbooks.

Wow, that was a long - winded intro worthy of an episode of HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER. Of which I have to admit I haven´t seen a lot of episodes because my Dad also used to talk in this roundabout way about everything and it used to drive me crazy. What I also haven´t seen is LITTLE SPIROU and as I now have hopefully sufficiently explained my hopes of avoiding adding more cult sirens to the post was shattered by the french movie producers who - unlike the studios in Amerika - stay very true to the source material so of course sexy math teacher Claudia Chiffre appears portrayed by Gwendoline Gourvenec who more than fills out her role.

You can see more of Gwendolyn Gourvebec in this video. I know the quality could be better but it´s the best one I could find on YouTube.

As for the movie itself I can´t say much about it since I have not seen it but judging from the trailer it looks really fantastic and all the people look exactly like in the comicbook. They also got Pierre Richard to play Spirou´s grandfather which is a huge plus for me since I always enjoyed his work.

Well, except for Monsieur Pierre goes online since I also haven´t seen that one. But at least I already bought it ( it was only 5 bucks ) and one of these days I will watch it. One last thing about the trailer, I picked the one where you get to see the most of Gwendolyn Gourvebec which strangely enough is not the one with the preview picture of her. You might think they would put her in the preview picture of the trailer where you get to see more of her but apparently not. I guess you really never stop learning.

Speaking of learning, this video about the transition of LITTLE SPIROU from the comic page to the movie screen is only for those readers who learned french in school ( that´s not what I mean, get your mind out of the gutter ) because I could not find any in english, spanish or german.

There is however a cartoon show based on the LITTLE SPIROU comicbook that sticks pretty close to the original look and you can find a lot of episodes in english - as well as a few other languages - on YouTube.

To continue the Hot For Teacher theme of the post I wanted to include Tonie Perensky´s boner - riffic teacher striptease from Varsity Blues since it is not only the highlight of the whole movie and a personal favorite but constantly on the Best Movie Striptease list. But I couldn´t find it on YouTube ( which alone should tell you how good it is ) so instead here is the third sexiest teacher on the internet La Maestra Ximena Konexis played by Ximena Cordoba, the hottest weather girl on the planet.

For her it is probably raining men every day ( raise your hands if you got that 80s pop culture reference ) because not only does she have some of the longest legs I have ever seen butt her latina booty drives men crazy.

Which is why there is a lot of bending over in the following videos. One of them is a re - post but the other one is brand new and they are both high quality. Boy, I would love to have some dicktaming detention with Ximena.

Speaking of dicktaming delinquent disciples via deepthroat detention, at this point you are probably asking yourself if such an incredible latin massita like Ximena Cordoba is the third hottest teacher on the internet and natural born stripper Tonie Perensky could only land on the second pole position what kind of supersexbomb is in the number one wet spot ?

Well, it´s none other than my number one sex fantasy of all times, the best body in showbiz, Janet " All Night - Don´t Stop " Action Jackson .

The living nubian blow up sex doll that walks secured the title of hottest teacher on the internet thanks to her audition for that role in Jermaine Dupri´s mega raunchy music video Gotta Getcha where Janet plays one extremely busty stripper dressed up as a school girl / teacher ( and who has three solo posts on the blog besides three entries in my JLA cast ).

If the teachers on our school would have looked like that I never would have skipped classes. I would even have gone to detention if Janet was the supervisor. I really wouldn´t mind getting a long oral exam from her !

It´s what I call casting at it´s best because Janet Jackson was just born for that role. Not only is she predestined to play a stripper because of her incredibly fit and flexible pornstar hardbody which could have earned her a fortune as a big super star in the adult entertainment industry she has some incredible stripper moves that make real striptease pros envious .

I don´t know if the script said explicitly " busty stripper " but with her huge melons it´s the only kind of stripper Janet can believably portray.

And to top it all off the erection projection performance of Janet Jackson in that video is so explicit that it never aired on german music television.

Some months ago I found a Making Of from that video and I have to say I´m not sure how I feel about the fact that originally Janet was supposed to play a nymphomanic dominatrix but they skipped that because it would hit too close to home according to Janet herself. Say what ? So Janet is a nymphomanic dominatrix in the privacy of her own bedroom ? Daiiiiimn !

I don´t think of myself as sexy but I am a very sexual being, I always have sex on my mind. I feel very comfortable with it and I think it´s great if a guy has a good sized package. I know the effect my body has on guys so I sometimes use it to get especially well hung guys into my bedroom where I tie them to the bed and bang their brains out in a marathon sex orgy.

I go completely crazy and make them squirt again and again until they are completely drained. I regret doing it but I´ll turn around and do it again.

I always knew that Janet was a sex freak ( Janet admitted to joining the Mile High Club and is a well known size queen ) and although the rumors that Bobby Brown banged her in the 80s might not be true it is much more believable that she used Justin Timberlake as her sextoy and dumped him after a month of steamy sex marathons . According to Justin it took Janet an hour to get in my pants after we first hooked up and she was so wild in bed that I didn´t know how to handle it. I was falling in love with Miss Jackson but during our get - togethers she only wanted to have sex.

Now just the other day I came across a plethora of videos from the Hot 100 Bikini Contest and the number 69 among those contestants ( boy, I would love to 69 her ! ) has not only an incredible bubblebutt but she looks like a mad scientist cloned the young Janet Jackson and gave her Mariah Carey´s giant sized 40DD boobs. I would just love to see this afro american aphrodite reenact Janet Jackson´s stripper part from Jermaine Dupri´s Gotta Getcha video but going all the way until she´s fully naked.

There are also a lot of french music videos I considered for this post, from Mireille Mathieu to Gilbert Beaucaud or Menelike´s Bye Bye but in the end I had to go with Van Halen´s classic Hot For Teacher for obvious reasons.

New to the blog ? Everything you need to know about TALES FROM THE KRYPTONIAN : top ten posts / more posts of interest / best of the best

I think of all the education that I missed, but then my homework was never quite like this.

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