Wednesday, September 06, 2017

" Iron " Mike Zeck to the future Wednesday

Okay, I don´t really have a good alliteration for Wednesday but I just had to do another post for one of my favorite artists who sadly doesn´t do as much work as he used to do. Also I wanted to make this post so that all those comic hipsters out there learn what good artwork really looks like.

Today I am actually doing an excursion to the Porsche museum in Bad Cannstatt with the other members from the course at the Karlshöhe ( originally we wanted to visit a falconry park but because of the bad weather we opted for an indoor activity ) and I will probably be knocked out for the rest of the day so don´t be surprised if this post doesn´t go online before Tomorrow. Thankfully we had a free day Tomorrow so even if I can´t finish the post until then I can at least post the main stuff. By the way, is it only me or does the race car below look like Speed Racer´s car ?

With more and more works of Mike Zeck finally available in collected form you might think that I would do a spotlight on some of these classic stories like KRAVEN`S LAST HUNT that has been included in a recent Epic Collection, his CAPTAIN AMERICA issues ( although the Epic Collection line seems to skip those to reprint other CAPTAIN AMERICA work of lesser quality for some reason ) or his brilliant SHANG - CHI, MASTER OF KUNG FU where I finally decided to buy volume three of the new omnibus editions.

And I will probably get to those but the thing is I don´t know when. Right now I don´t have the time write a post that would do these topics justice so while I have to postpone those I still wanted to acknowledge Mike Zeck so like I did last year here is another small selection of his work - the well known series as well as some more obscure ones with some original art.

Since I have no links for the topic of this post I have decided to add a few other links of interest starting with a callback to my post on Jack Kirby´s centennial . As usual came too late to include it in the post since I have re - written my posts enough lately but I wanted to include it here for my readers nevertheless as the good guys at COMIC GEEK SPEAK have done a special king - sized spotlight on Jack Kirby´s illustrous career in two parts .

One of my favorite artists is Ron Frenz - which most readers already know since I have mentioned numerous times how much I enjoyed his work on Spider - Girl and Thor with writer Tom DeFalco - so it should be no big surprise that now that Disney has released the Epic Collection Thor - In Mortal Flesh that it´s only a matter of time until the next THORSDAY WITH ERIC MASTERSON post goes up on the blog. However, with my post ratio slowed down to a snail´s speed I don´t know when that will be so here is a link to the Ron Frenz art gallery on his website and one can only marvel at all the wonderful commissions. It will also not surprise anybody that my favorites are from the Legion of Super - Heroes and I do not understand why DC doesn´t just put him on a Legion book right now. But on the other side there is much about DC that I don´t understand ever since the guys flushed their entire continuity down the toilet with FLASHPOINT and the NEW 52 which they are now desperately trying to resurrect with REBIRTH.

Speaking of the Titans of Tomorrow, Jason Shayer on DC COMICS OF THE 1980s has the original John Byrne art of the DC house ad for the crossover between his revamped Superman and the Legion of Super - Heroes and apropos John Byrne, Gary M. Miller on the all new, all daring DELUSIONAL DISHONESTY has an article on the Hulk that might have been if John Byrne had stayed on The Incredible Hulk beyond issue 319. We still have more Legion goodness : Matthew Peterson from MAJOR SPOILERS has a retro review of All New Collectors Edition C - 55 with Tomorrow´s Teenagers in a wibbley wobbly timey wimey romp across time, space and several galaxies that includes the wedding of Saturn Girl and Lightning Lad, an alternate timeline, a fight against the Time Trapper at the end of time and the chinese colonies on the moon that were built in 1985 ( say what, now ? ).

Of course there´s also a review of that issue on THE LEGION OF SUPER - BLOGGERS and GIANT - SIZE GEEK has the original art by Jim Starlin for the wraparound cover of Superboy and the Legion of Super - Heroes 238 and they also have a post on Lynda Carter and there is another extralong post about the only real Wonder Woman on tv at BLOG DE KLAU - which I think is a blog from Brazil. For more great superhero art check out the Jamie Hernandez gallery at SCANS DAILY and finally Adam Clement at BUZZFEED has 30 Animated Comic Book Covers That Are Downright Hypnotizing.

Since the number of cult siren posts has also gone down tremendously to save you from any symptoms of withdrawal Darrick Thomas at ZIMBIO has a GIF tribute to the star of the now canceled The Client List ( Jennifer´s spectacular 38D breasts ) and speaking of Jennifer Love Hugetits, DAILY WRESTLING NEWS has some animated GIFs of Mickie James´ big gazongas. 

Closing out the links ( at least the ones to other websites ) is GUYSPEED which has the 29 Sexiest GIFs of Vanessa Hudgens Shedding Her Clothes.

And you have probably seen it elsewhere but SAD AND USELESS has a list of different movies where two can be described with the same sentence. 

Starting the birthday section we - as has become a staple lately - come to those which I could not cover this year starting with Walter Simonson who got a belated THORSDAY post last year. I had planned to do a new post for the inventor and living embodiment of the term " bootylicious " Beyonce even though - or especially because - I have already done two re - posts of her original post . I don´t have the time to look for new GIFs of her but I keep finding them when I am looking for other stuff so I thought I could post my own selection of the best. As always the lack of time prevented me from doing it but maybe I can do one later. The thing is that right now my Beyonce GIFs are all over the place and I have to put them in order. Which I have to do anyway sooner or later because there is one folder with GIFs of her that has other stuff I prepared to do later but never got to do and as it looks like I will never going to get around to do it I have to throw the stuff out because it takes up too much space on my laptop. Anyway, here´s hoping I can do a Beyonce post not too far down the lane.

And it´s even worse for Salma Hayek because not only have I to put all the GIFs in order, I have to sort them according to her movies and not just the quality. Which means I not only have to go through all my folders but I also have to go through her original birthday post , the two re - posts and the spin - off post about her wardrobe malfunction on the german game show Wetten Dass ? to see which ones I already posted. Plus, I am so far behind on anything concerning the hot latina that I completely missed that she had a wardrobe malfunction during a photoshoot in LA in 2014 where her giant boobs almost spilled out of her dress after she fell into the water.

Man, everybody was talking about that and even the german press was clamoring for Salma to let it all hang out ! Anyway, I posted some pictures of it in the hopes that blogger would automatically make an animated GIF out of it - as it had done a few times in the past - because that would be bigger than anything I could make but in the end I had to resort to imgflip.

Speaking of animated GIFs of Salma Hayek, to help you bridge the time until I can make an appropriate Salma Hayek cult - siren post PLAYBOY collected the 20 Sexiest GIFs of Salma Hayek two years ago while MAXIM proudly presented The 18 Sexiest GIFs ever of Salma Hayek this year. 

Which brings us to Today´s celebrities and Justin Whalin´s 43rd birthday. He was the second Jimmy Olsen on Lois & Clark - The New Adventures of Superman which came without any explanation. Although to tell the truth I was paying more attention to Teri Hatcher and her incredibly long legs.

While there were a lot of hot women on the show Teri clearly was the main attraction showing off her bouncing boobies in a lot of sexy outfits.

Speaking of MILFs and bouncing boobies, ultimate latin MILF ( in this case the m stands for mexican ) Rosie Perez turns 53 who is a real pro with getting ye olde bouncing action going whose boobs get bigger each year.

But I´m not the only one who is fascinated by Rosie´s rapidly rising rotund rack as they were even immortalized in a song by Kanye West much to the chagrin of Rosie : " I'm a woman of a certain age, if you're gonna mention me in a song, have a little respect. He mentions my breasts. When you walk down the street and you have 15 - year - old boys ... they're like, ' Yo, Rosie, D's D's, Rosie Perez,' it's no good." I´m not sure what being a woman of a " certain age " has to do with it, because strangers singing about the size of your breasts would have you uncomfortable at any age.

Someone who surely has some thoughts along that line is Craig Ferguson who makes her come again and again ... as a guest on his show I mean.

Originally I wanted to post a video from The Tonight Show where she appeared with an r - rated cleavage but I haven´t found it yet on YouTube.

We´re staying with hot cult sirens with Betsy Russell who celebrates her 54th birthday and who is best known for getting her freak on - and her clothes off - in such classic screwball comedies like Private School, Tomboy or Cheerleader Camp. She also starred in the Angel sequel Avenging Angel, appeared in an episode of the Superboy tv series and had a short but memorable erotic scene in 1992´s Delta Heat with Anthony Edwards.

Which for some reason always seems to be credited to other actresses. I thought about adding a new GIF of her but since I could not decide on which one of her countless cult classics I should highlight and I can´t include them all here since the post is already longer than planned ( don´t be surprised if I cut a few parts ) her cult siren entry is only pending.

Speaking about hot sexbombs and the 90s, PLAYBOY´s Playmate for the Month of January in 1990 turns 56. The Miss Nude World 1981 appeared not only in a lot of PLAYBOY videos thanks to her stunning 36E - 23 - 35 measurements, she also played a stripper in Beverly Hills Cop II, Maggie in Lady Avenger, Keela in Phoenix the Warrior and was in the obligatory Baywatch episode. Since I don´t have such a big picture archive as I used to I had to go looking for pictures of her which took some time. 

There are too many playmate birthdays in the year to put them all on the blog so I concentrate on the few I´m familiar with from the time when the PLAYBOY was a big part of my regular reading / stroke material and Peggy McIntaggert really stood out because of her incredible Power Girl figure.

Now obviously I can´t post any of her PLAYBOY videos - even if I managed to find them on YouTube - but I found one with Playmates of the Year Lisa Matthews and Renee Tenison helping out with the weather report.

Speaking of the stroke material of my misspent youth, Michael Winslow turns 59 who is best known for his antics in the Police Academy movie series where he appeared alongside mega busty real live Power Girl Leslie Easterbrook who had her best scene in Police Academy 4 - Citizens on Patrol where her torpedoes emerged from a pool in a wet t - shirt .

She also has a spin - off post that is re - posted most years that used to be in one post together with Janet Jones Gretzky who starred alongside her in Police Academy 5 and Becky Mullen but I had to put it in three separate post because I upgraded it with a lot of animated GIFs. I also wanted to do a new version of Leslie´s post as well as Becky Mullen´s post from last year because there is some new material I already prepared in advance to add.

The post also included 80s cult siren Monique Sluyter and the Tutti Frutti girls but that part got too long and I had to give it a post of its own which I re - posted last year in a new and better version . She was a candidate from my Justice League of America casting series - I cast her as Fire a.k.a. Beatriz da Costa in the Andy Sidaris Special - and before getting her solo post she was also regularly mentioned in the annual re - posts of italian mega soccer MILF Simona Ventura . I wanted to do a new version of her post since there was some new stuff that I wanted to add to it so I´ll have to see if I can get around to do it before her next birthday comes around.

And it´s back to comics with MAD artist and GROO creator Sergio Aragones who celebrates his 79th birthday. He is a big part of my comic reading history, first through the MAD look at features and his border drawings and later through his various mini series like Fanboy, Sergio Aragones Destroy DC, Sergio Aragones Massacres Marvel ( although the DC comic was much funnier because the writing in the Marvel book was too much like the actual comics ) Louder Than Words, Actions Speak or Funnies. And yes, I have read some Groo but I don´t own more than three issues tops.

In the Dearly Departed section of Today we have blond bombshell Carol Wayne who was best known for her appearances as the buxom Matinee Lady on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson. With the mega inflated body of a living blow up sex doll predestined for the adult industry ( her exact body measures are not known but it is assumed that they were around 39DD - 24 - 35 ) she did a nude PLAYBOY pictorial in February 1984.

With a curvaceous body that must have been the envy of most porn stars of that time she had many fans who followed her guest appearances on such television shows like I Spy, The Man From U.N.C.L.E. , The Girl From U.N.C.L.E. , The Fall Guy or Love American Style where she played a very distracting buxom secretary. She also had roles in the movies Gunn, The Party and her last one Heartbreakers in which she had a nude scene. Carol appeared in many sketches on The Red Skelton Show but she gained her greatest fame for her 100 plus appearances as the Matinee Lady between 1971 and 1984. Holy Moley, she would have made one hell of a Power Girl !

With all the hot babes in this section I wanted to include at least one video about Mike Zeck´s work - just to remind my readers what kind of blog this is supposed to be - so here is one about Kraven´s Last Hunt ( or Fearful Symmetry how it was originally supposed to be called ) which has been included in the last Epic Collection about Spider - Man. One if not THE best Spider - Man stories ever written ( and let´s not forget drawn ).

Coming back to the topic of stroke material, I have finally managed to watch the documentary Cosplay ! Crafting a Secret Identity and I have decided to try and reign things in where Yaya Han is concerned. While I can´t help it that she tickles my personal fancy as she combines four of my sexual fetisches ( comic book / anime / cartoon sexbombs, dress up and role - playing, women with big breasts and asian girls ) I know that I don´t really mean her as a person and am just projecting my sex fantasies on her.

The real Yaya Han is somebody completely different and she puts a lot of hard work, time, sweat and tears into making these costumes and those incredible cosplays we are all in awe of. Which proves that Yaya is really invested in this and not only about getting publicity or showing her boobs because she could accomplish that with less effort. She almost passed out doing the Jessica Rabbit photoshoot for Christ´s sake ! So stop the hating already and my favorite criticism about Yaya Han from the documentary was when somebody wrote that she is too asian. The opposite happened to my brother once : when I was going to the art academy in Nürtingen he told me that there was only one good teacher and if I wanted to be in his class I had to only speak spanish. Because the teacher in question could speak spanish and if they believed I could only speak spanish they would put me in his class. So from the first moment when I enlisted in the art academy I only spoke spanish which worked out exactly as we planned. To make a long story short one day one of my brother´s fellow female students told him that I was a real spaniard and when he said that he too was a real spaniard - both of his parents came from Spain after all - he was informed that he was not a real spaniard because he could speak german.

So if you ever wanted to know what defines a real spaniard for germans it´s being too stupid to speak german. Anyway, I will try to write more professionally about Yaya Han in the future although I will not go back and edit what I have written so far about her. On one side it is just too much and I don´t have the time, on the other side I try to keep things " real " as much as possible. And I have already re - written several posts because things got a bit out of hand. Now for all of those followers who are always clamoring for more Yaya Han content don´t fear, there will still be plenty of videos, pictures and - mostly self made - animated GIFs on the blog. 

It also doesn´t mean that there will be no asian tittilation from now on only that I will channel other orientals with superior oral skills for my asian masturbation. Which brings us to the final video - or much rather the final videos - of this post. As a fan of Case Closed I always wondered why a grown man like Kogoro Mouri still is so invested in following pop stars but after I saw some of their concerts and live performances it makes sense.

Now ever since I first posted the video of Nine Muses and their sexually charged performance at ( or of ? ) the Adult / Coming of Age Ceremony there have been requests for more of them so I tried to find out more.

There are a few so called fancam videos - videos shot by fans - but most of them are either blurry, out of focus or the entire group is too far away to see much. These are the two videos that are worth watching and if you think the performance is hot keep in mind that they are not even using any of the dance moves that were banned by the korean government

I am bending the Only Five Videos Per Post rule a bit because not only are there so many videos of Nine Muses I want to post and so few posts to do it in, there are also so many other asian bands I want to spotlight so that I will have to make groups of five videos in the posts. For Today I have tried to include kind of a best of the so called Queens of Fanservice - and I´m saying tried because I have not seen all of their videos on YouTube - which means a lot of leather pants. Daimn, those girls DO know how to work it.

I think right now the group is down to five but these are from their best days when they had nine members. Which may sound like a lot to some people but keep in mind that it´s not unusual for k - pop bands to have up to fifteen or twenty - five members. The idea behind that is that they can give concerts at various places at the same time and for the fans they have more hot girls to choose from. There are even subgroups within the band and there are often heated debates which splinter group is the best.

New to the blog ? Everything you need to know about TALES FROM THE KRYPTONIAN : top ten posts / more posts of interest / best of the best

Spider Spider burning bright, in the forest of the night : what immortal hand or eye, dare frame thy fearful symmetry ?

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