Monday, October 22, 2018

It´s Marvel Master Monday with Ernie Chan

I know it has been a few months since Ernie Chan´s anniversary but as I have said so often these few weeks it will take me a while to get to all the comic book related birthdays I have missed - IF I can get to them at all.

But Today I am still reeling from the experience that was the Comic Con Berlin 2018 so I am posting something that was already in the pipeline.

For Today´s foray into the hyperborian age we have issue 29 of CONAN THE BARBARIAN from Marvel Comics with the story " Two Against Turan ", written by Roy Thomas, drawn by John Buscema and inked by Ernie Chan.

I thought if I should include the cover since it is not drawn or inked by Ernie Chan but you can never have too much Gil Kane art on your blog.

Yep, that´s right boys and girls. I found the complete original art on HERITAGE AUCTIONS ( I don´t know if the lot has been auctioned off in the meantime or if it is still available but even if it were so I could never afford it anyway and for those interested who have the necessary funds I´m sure it won´t be difficult to find out ) although getting the color pages that went along with them was a little bit trickier as usual. And like it is always the case I only found it after Ernie Chan´s anniversary but on this blog we only post pone things until a later time. But now without any further ado here is the story and you can easily why these guys ruined me for all following versions of Robert E. Howard´s most famous barbarian.

There are no links for this post but I have mentioned Ernie Chan in a few posts so the newer readers might want to start with the tribute post for Ernie Chan I wrote in 2016 as it includes links to all the posts I wrote about his issues of The Incredible Hulk with Sal Buscema. I am still waiting for these to be included in the MARVEL MASTERWORKS as the latest volume 12 ends with issue 209 and Ernie Chan started on the book with issue 210. 

Speaking of older posts, for more black and white Conan goodness check out my post on issue 6 of this mag by Barry Windsor Smith. Since I have been occupied with the Comic Con Berlin ( and you can expect a post with my experiences of the con itself and getting there and back again - which was almost an epic quest ) there are a few birthdays I missed since my last post but as usual I only hand picked the important ones starting with Joe Sinnott who turned 92 on October the 16th. Blog regulars may remember that I tried to write a special Halloween post back in 2015 which turned into my first Joe Sinnott appreciation post talking about all of my favorite series or parts of series he inked. In 2016 I even managed to do two Joe Sinnott posts, one with a lot of splash pages from german HIT Comics and a special THORSDAY post which included mainly splash pages from Tom DeFalco and Ron Frenz´ Thor run about which I wrote in numerous posts.

Now, as I said I haven´t done a Joe Sinnott post for his birthday this year but his inks pop up in some posts I wrote about Jack Kirby´s Fantastic Four - obviously - and also other issues of The World´s Greatest Comic Magazine Joe Sinnott inked like in this post where you can find a link to one of my favorite Fantastic Four stories of all times, The Overmind Saga

And we are staying with Marvel because although Steve Epting did some work at DC and had his big break on CrossGen´s Crux - and especially the sadly short lived El Cazador series where he developed his signature style - he is now best known for his run on Captain America with Ed Brubaker.

Which is not only one of the best Captain America stories but it also broke one of Marvel´s all time taboos by bringing back Bucky Barnes as the Winter Soldier whom most people know nowadays only from the movies.

Steve´s birthday was on October the 18th and while I don´t want to put up links to all Captain America posts for the benefit of new visitors ( and regulars who want to refresh their memory ) there is MY BIG CAPTAIN AMERICA POST which I wrote way back in 2007 that tells you all you need to know about Marvel´s super patriot - or at least how I see him - and it includes the german version for any german readers I might have left.

If you want to read it you probably should check out the re - posts I did in 2011 where I cut it up in shorter chunks for the english version ( intro part 1 / intro part 2 / intro part 3 / main part ) and the german version . And as I often forget to mention there are the links to the best of the best posts at the bottom of each post. Coming back to Steve Epting, last year I did a special post on one of my favorite story lines during his run on Avengers - although it is not beloved by many Avengers fans - The Gatherers Saga.

Another shoutout goes out to Lou Scheimer who had his anniversary on October the 19th. I probably would not have known who he is if I hadn´t started this blog and I have to give tribute to one of the founders of the famous Filmation studio which literally shaped generations from the 1960s with their cartoons of first Superman and then a lot of the other DC super heroes and also Archie to the 1970s where they produced dozens of shows like Sabrina and the Groovy Ghoulies, Star Trek : The Animated Series, Shazam !, The Secrets of Isis, the original Ghostbusters, Tarzan Lord of the Jungle and more DC super hero cartoon shows to the 1980s where they had some of their biggest successes with BraveStarr and He - Man and the Masters of the Universe. And since it is to difficult to pick a favorite of these shows here is a video about Lou Scheimer and his work. 

I know what you are all waiting for but don´t fear we also have a birthday for that with Christiane Hagemann who turned 44 on the 21st of October and who is best known as Gitti on the german tv series Die Rote Meile.

The series was named after the red light district of St. Pauli in Hamburg and was a sequel to The King of St. Pauli. It follows the lives of strippers, prostitutes and their pimps but they are all portrayed like regular people not like in american tv series where people from this walk of life are always portrayed as bad people. I remember an episode of a series about beach cops on bikes ( that sounds as action packed as it was ) with people from the porn industry and they also made them killers because all people in adult entertainment must be horrible persons. Anyway, I watched every episode of Die Rote Meile because they had a very easy concept : one strip in every episode which was not interrupted by commercials. I don´t know if they could do that Today as they put commercials into everything.

Even if they did not go totally topless - sometimes they had pasties on - I was glued to the tv watching such hot sexbombs like Yasmina Filali above.

Daimn, that girl really has the prototype of the heart shaped ass. Now longtime readers know that one of my pet peeves is giving credit to the unsung actresses who upgrade movies and tv shows by getting naked on camera and there were sure some among them on Die Rote Meile as I found out when I tried to find the names of my favorite strippers. Yes, only the " real " actors are mentioned in the cast meaning those with a speaking part which tells you which place some women still occupy in Today´s society. So if anybody out there knows the name of the living blow up sex doll with the huge melons below put it in the comments.

Anyway, one of the best strippers of the regular cast is Sylvia Leifheit who has a secret identity in the series as she plays the typical devoted wife by day, secret stripper by night. Sylvia made me realize two things : firstly, while I usually don´t go for skinny chicks she is just oozing so much sex appeal that I would do her in a minute. And second, hair color can really make a difference because her character in the series is actually a blonde and despite having the same figure as a blonde she´s kind of a - meh - looking girl while as Luna with the black wig she´s a real firecracker !

A few years back I got the complete first season of Die Rote Meile on DVD at amazon at a pretty decent price and I´m glad I seized the opportunity because it really goes for ridiculous prices now. I can really recommend this show and Sylvia Leifheit alone is worth the price of admission.

Since we are on the subject of hot sexbombs I want to take a break from the birthday list to revive my Who´s That Girl ? section that some of my older readers may remember from back in the time before I split off my boob blog from Tales From The Kryptonian. A few months ago I mentioned Monique Gabrielle and the movie Bachelor Party where a certain blonde bombshell appears who could have easily starred in a movie as Power Girl.

Well, back then I posed the question if somebody out there knew her name and I am a bit disappointed that none of my readers came to my rescue. Thankfully that particular mystery has been solved thanks to the video below. Her name is Angela Ames and the lesson to be learned here is you always have to list the sexy babes in these kind of compilation videos in the description. You never know who depends on that information.

We are staying with mega busty blonde sexbombs but it´s back to comic books as Rags Morales celebrated his own NEW 52. He started out on such books as Black Condor and Hourman but his biggest hit was the Identity Crisis mini series which - let´s be honest - would have been just a cheap kill and rape fanfic fantasy without Rags stellar art. He also draws one heck of a Power Girl in the pages of JLA and Hawkman and he brought us the classic crossover issue 23 of the latter in which we see what the various members of the Justice Society of America do in their off time. Kara goes to town with Hawkgirl and Stargirl and after getting a hand reading she is sexually harassed by the Village People. Yes, Power Girl is so sexy even gay men are trying to hit on her. Although in this instance she hit on them.

It´s been quite some time since my last Power Girl - centric post so I DO have two links. I may have already posted the first link, which comes from FIRESTORM FAN and examines a possible romance between Firestorm and Power Girl that never came to fruition but I´m sure the post from JUSTICE LEAGUE : REVISITED about the brilliant JLA / JSA : VIRTUE AND VICE graphic novel is new. Carlos Pacheco was the artist on that and he too drew a very captivating Power Girl. There is another sexy moment and one wonders why this kind of stuff never happened in Power Girl´s own book.

Lex Luthor was still the President of the United States of America in that one and I guess when you think about the last elections it´s not that far from reality. I remember that at the time Lex started campaigning for the presidency in the comics DC made a Vote Lex 2000 button which I wore.

Coming back to President Lex, while he was pretty ruthless they never showed the ultimate abuse of power - or better - abuse of Power Girl.

Come on, if you were the US president and had the entire superhero community - male and female - under your thumb, tell me you wouldn´t coerce a hot chick like Power Girl into a few midnight olympics sessions in the oval office. I mean, the only thing we did get to see in the comics was old Lex liplocking with Amanda Waller ( and we are talking the 900 pound gorilla version here not the NEW52 Halle Berry lookalike ) but you just know that Lex went through all the hot Justice League babes like Big Barda, Starfire, Zatanna, Black Canary, Vixen, Huntress or Wonder Woman.

Writing about all these issues makes me kind of sad because JSA used to be such a good book ( I think there is at least one omnibus from DC that collects big part of the series ) and Power Girl even became the leader for a time but with REBIRTH you never know what her status is and if she´s even alive. What we DO know is that even if DC will give Power Girl her own book again they won´t get an artist who´s good at drawing women.

That seems to be one of the unwritten rules of comics as well as that they need to give her a new costume every time they retcon something about her. Power Girl had the most simple costume that was really easy to draw and they kept changing it making it more complicated each time. Well, here´s my proposal for the new Power Girl costume that incorporates the basic colors blue and white and is real easy to draw. What do you say DC ?

Speaking of costumes, it has been a while since I last posted a cosplay video and since I already used some hot bikini pictures with Marie Claude Bourbonnais above here she is with another custom made outfit. And yes, Marie actually dresses up as Power Girl quite often and she really kills it.

Finishing up the birthday section of this post we also have one for Today as Steven Grant turns 65 ( not to be confused with Alan Grant who wrote the Batman titles in the 1980s when Norm Breyfogle was the artist ) who has written a plethora of titles from his creator owned character Whisper to Gil Kane´s Edge, DC´s Manhunter, Challengers of the Unknown and Marvel´s Avengers, Hulk and Spider - Man. He is however best known for bringing the Punisher back on track with Mike Zeck. Right now there is a True Believers issue of that story line out which comes with my highest recommendation ( hey, at one buck you can´t do much wrong ) and I´m sure when you have read it you will have a hard time to wait until the Epic Collection Punisher : Circle Of Blood comes out right before Christmas.

Since I don´t have a music video that fits Today´s topic I´m going with something completely different : a song I remember fondly from my early childhood. I have been looking for Der Frikadellenblues for a long time.

Lately the videos from Teens React have been piling up so I want to post one for which I didn´t make an animated GIF. I don´t know if I´ll continue making them since it takes up so much of my time. Sometimes I just can´t help myself and I want to point out the double standards in regards to the comment section where 90 percent of the comments you read are about the boys and how cute they are and you are expected to swallow all that or at least not mention how annoying it is but when one comments about Jair´s impressive cleavage or Sydney´s unreal XXL breasts you get scolded.

What has this society come to that quasi - gay - behavior is expected but a normal reaction to a hot girl is seen as something offensive and creepy ?

Speaking of creepy, the reason why I picked the video above - apart from my favorite double Jairbags - is that it is already near the end of October so it is high time to start posting the videos I saved for Halloween. And I want to continue this a little bit so we make the jump from Sidney´s big monster jugs to monster Jughead and Archie´s foray into horror comics.

Coming back to the genre of horror movies I sometimes have the feeling that newer productions are either derivative of prior flicks - either as part of a franchise or simply copying the old one in hoping to repeat their success without the slightest inkling what made them a big hit in the first place - or lack even the basest original ideas. And since I know that there are a lot of people out there who don´t know the classic horror movies I watched as a teenager - and because I already posted the top 10 worst horror movie remakes - here is a ranking of the best horror from the 80s.

We take a short break from horror movies for another blonde sexbomb I absolutely had to include in this post. Especially since I already mentioned Power Girl in this post and the babe in question is a real life Power Girl.

As longtime readers of the blog know I have mentioned Busenwunder Oana Andoni from romanian tv station Pro Tv a few times and for those who want to know how I became aware of her I explained it at length in this post . Anyway, it has been a long time since I wrote about her because I always wanted to do a follow up post but then all the videos with her I had bookmarked were deleted so it made no sense to do it.

Well, while writing this post I found some new videos of Oana Andoni on YouTube and if the speed with which her last batch of videos were taken down is any indication I really can´t put them on the blog soon enough.

Another reason why I never made the follow up post is that there is not much information about the meg busty Oana Andoni especially in regards to her breast size. This must be a thing with hot news casters since she is not the only one where finding some information is almost impossible.

What I can say is that she was born on the 28th of February in 1978 which makes her 40 years now. 40 is also probably her cup size, 40DD or 40E in the least. In her case the term melons is right on spot. You can find a biography here but for some reason my google translate function doesn´t work so if anybody out there wants to lend a helping hand and translate it it would be much appreciated. When I didn´t need it google translate was constantly going off but now that I really could use it it doesn´t work anymore. What you can peruse without any translations is this link to a gallery with some pictures of Oana Andoni and at least she is on facebook.

What I still remember from when google translate worked is that there was a big scandal in 2016 because Oana wore a very transparent shirt during a live newscast - or what ever you call the piece of clothing that tries in vain to cover up Oana´s gigantic double airbags - and so the audience could see more than usual ( sorry, I haven´t found that clip yet ) which surely made for excellent ratings. I don´t know what they are complaining about since this is exactly what every male viewer was praying for years.

Anyway, since the new videos will also not last very long I want to put them on the blog as soon as possible so here is the first batch of five.

To close things out ( finally ) I picked a longer video : the very underrated House II which I remember seeing in a movie theater. Like a lot of horror movies I watched because my parents didn´t like this kind of films so I had to go to the cinema. While we lately disagree on a lot of movies I concur with Comicbookgirl19 that this movie deserves better. Of course the first one is still the best and I´m not sure if I have seen all the movies from this series. What I do remember is that I saw one of the sequels - and I only learned that it was a sequel when I found out the original title because the german movie title didn´t even have the word house in it - and as usual with horror movies it was completely ruined by the german FSK - the free self imposed censorship ( well, as free as it can be when not doing it means your movie won´t be distributed ). The guys really have a knack for cutting the best part and in the movie in question they cut most of the scene in which the villain of the movie is executed and apparently dies.

Which would not be such a great deal if they would not mention this scene throughout the movie. That´s right, they managed to cut the key scene of the movie so that the whole time people say things like " But didn´t you see how he died ? " and all you can think of is " No, I DIDN`T see how he died because the FSK cut that part out ! " Anyway, luckily there are no parts cut from this version. At least I hope there are none.

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The worst part of censorship is XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXX.

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