Thursday, December 20, 2018

Comic Titan Thursday with Mark Texeira !

So here is finally this year´s much anticipated ( at least I hope it is ) birthday post for Mark Texeira. Lately the post frequency has gone up which tells my longtime readers that my health has been going down.

Because if there is one thing - okay two things - from which this blog has profited it´s long writing sessions between midnight and noon brought about by failing health and the resulting insomnia. Right now there are so many other things I have to do but because I have a giant headache that started out a few days ago and my body is aching all over ( I think it would be quicker to list the parts that are NOT hurting ) I can´t concentrate on anything else. From which in turn the blog benefits. And you know what they say : nobody is too busy to tell everybody just how busy they are.

Coming back to Mark Texeira, I feel like he has gotten the short end of the stick since he has his birthday on the same day as Bart Sears. And while Mark Texeira has worked on a few good books and I did a post on those in 2015 his big trump card is that he worked on JUSTICE LEAGUE EUROPE and drew what is still the definite version of DC´s Power Girl. At least for me.

I also did a post about JUSTICE LEAGUE EUROPE in 2015 . But to add insult to injury he had to share a post with Bart Sears in 2016 . Granted, Mark Texeira did get a solo post in 2014 but I spent most of the time explaining how the shrewd guys at Marvel got me back reading THE MIGHTY THOR with one of the cheapest sales gimmicks in history EVER ( at least they did not turn him into a woman, that would really have been stupid ).

It was issue 430 written by Tom DeFalco, penciled by Ron Frenz and inked by Al Milgrom guest starring everybody´s favorite flaming skull on a motor cycle who Marvel put into as many books as possible and it was the start of the epic Soul Shroud Saga that would go on for more than one year.

By the way, to all the comic newbies who have seen Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and think a guy with a flaming skull in a car is cool or scary : it´s neither. It just hasn´t the same kick, in the best case he comes across as quite ridiculous while in the worst case he probably ignites the driver´s cabin.

Anyway, to make up for that I made another post just for Mark Texeira with lots of fantastic art and it was the second post I wrote this year.

So Today we have another of those popular BLACK AND WHITE posts but unlike most of the other posts this one does not have a lot of colored pages. And the reason for that is quite simple : most of the original art pages are from the ETERNALS - THE HEROD FACTOR special that came out in 1991 ( Yeah, it´s those blasted 90s comics again. A lot of people say that this was the worst decade for comics creatively speaking but I was still reading comic books at that time and in my opinion there were still enough good titles published - at least if you knew where to look ) and I have been unable to find very many of the pages. There are entries on RANDOM HAPPENSTANCE and the always trusty SUPER MEGA MONKEY`S MARVEL COMICS CHRONOLOGY but apart from that I didn´t find much.

Which I can totally understand since the exploits of the Eternals are not that popular with readers to begin with - except for the original run by Jack Kirby maybe. They got some exposure thanks to the brilliant mini series by Neil Gaiman and John Romita Jr but apart from that they have mostly appeared as back up characters in such series like QUASAR or AVENGERS and an obscure one shot by Mark Texeira ( that originally was supposed to be serialized as part of Marvel Comics Presents but then was published as a standalone special for some reason ) that came out in the much maligned 90s is probably not very high on the readers priority list.

So, there will be less colored pages in this post than usual but that also means that the main part will be that much shorter. And I´m all for shorter posts. Speaking of which, this introduction has already become longer than expected so let´s get to the part you have all been waiting for. 

It´s the triumphant return of the link section even if we just have a few of them. But longtime readers know that I always like to include them to give kudos to all the various sources that helped me write this post but also to give my faithful readers that little something something extra.

We start with something that I originally wanted to include in the post but because I had so many pages from the Eternals I decided to just do Marvel stuff this year. Nevertheless some readers might want to check out the post about World´s Finest 309 on THE WORLD`S FINEST BLOG . The issue is by the all Marvel team of Kurt Busiek, Mark Texeira and Alfredo Alcala.

Something that often gets overshadowed by his more popular work like Ghost Rider and that most people forget is that Mark Texeira did the first issues of Christopher Priest´s new take on Black Panther that breathed new life into the character and very much laid the groundwork for the Black Panther movie. Everybody´s raving about that movie but it´s just a small fraction of how cool the comic book was. One thing most people get wrong about the Black Panther though is that this character is not all about black empowerment. Yes, his name is the BLACK Panther but that is just because he gets his super powers from the spirit animal god of the Wakandans - which is a black panther. If the spirit animal god of the Wakandans was a green squirrel his name would be the green squirrel.

Yes, when Stan Lee and Jack Kirby created the character it was to have more diversity in their comic books and represent the black people. But he was never intended to spout any black propaganda. In fact Stan Lee even went so far as to change his name to the Black Leopard just to make clear that he was not associated with the political movement of the Black Panthers. Not because he disliked them or their sociopolitical agenda but because that was not what the Black Panther was about. He was supposed to represent, be a positive black character and be a positive role model for black readers without preaching any political bias or racial propaganda.

So to all the SJWs and woke activists who are constantly repeating that the Black Panther is about black power : you have understood nothing.

But that happens when you don´t read the comics and only watch the movies. Anyway, back to Christopher Priest, I did my first lengthy post on his Black Panther run in 2012 and last year I showcased Sal Velluto´s art but so far I haven´t done a post about Mark Texeira´s contribution. Yet.

Continuing with the links VULTURE has a post about The Man Who Made Black Panther Cool that even mentions that Christopher Priest did not write Black Panther as a black book to avoid being typecast as a black writer. Well, I guess all that extra effort was in vain thanks to Today´s enlightened people who shape and control the media - and comics.

So it´s no wonder that even german comic artist Bela Sobottke falls into that trap in his essay about the Black Panther on DER TAGESSPIEGEL .

This is my 997th post which means post 1,000 is only 3 posts away. There are also only three days until Christmas so I am not sure if I can find the time to do a special post for that. You may have to wait for that post till 2019. On the other side if my health doesn´t improve over the next few days I might get to write it this week. As I said Christmas is not that far away and longtime followers of the blog are probably already waiting for any news of the annual BIG CHRISTMAS CONTEST here on TALES FROM THE KRYPTONIAN. Which is not a real contest but me giving away free comics.

Last year I didn´t do that myself and donated all my free comics to the Fantasy Stronghold in Ludwigsburg because I did not have the time and energy to give them away myself. And because they don´t participate in GRATIS COMIC TAG. Now while that was pretty easy for me it just didn´t feel right. This year I also have not had the time to do it and the fact that I am still not feeling the Christmas Spirit doesn´t exactly help. With all the stuff I had going on these last months I haven´t had the time to do much Christmas shopping either. So maybe I will do something along those lines next year but right now I am not in the mood to give away free stuff.

Which brings us to Today´s list of birthday babes starting with the most popular glamour model in Britain, Lucy Pinder, who celebrates her 35th anniversary. I have to confess that I did not know that much about her since I cut down on looking for pictures of hot babes which has mostly dwindled down to research for posts. So I did what I always do - go to make an offering to the almighty gods of the interwebs - and I was a bit surprised to find that there is more information in her BOOBPEDIA entry than in her wikipedia page. I´m not going to list all her various jobs - from tv program host to advice columnist to charity ambassador - or anything else you might find on BOOBPEDIA. As the perfectionist I can turn into when writing these posts I only want to provide my faithful readers with the best material so after deeming GIFs on my laptop inadequate for the occasion I did another internet search that led to the desired result. Of course it was only after I had done the internet search that I stumbled upon a picture of Lucy Pinder that was not only safe to post but which is perfect for the upcoming holidays. I even had it in the respective folder so I should have just used that which would have saved me a lot of time.

Now when I do the " babe of the day " routine - as a reader once called it - I try to find out the exact measurements but in the case of Lucy not even BOOBPEDIA is certain. Her chest size seems to have changed a few times over the years from a whopping 32GG to a still impressive 32E and back.

I´m not sure what size she is sporting below but to me it looks just fine.

We make a slight detour into nerdculture with Nicole De Boer who turns 48 and is best known as Trill Ezri Dax on Star Trek - Deep Space Nine.

Which is the best Star Trek spin - off although the godawful Star Trek - Voyager gets special points for borgasmic 36D sex android Sex with Nine played by the hot Jeri Ryan and Enterprise has THE hottest Star Trek alien ever, Pon Farr addicted sex vulcan T´Pol by cult sexbomb Jolene Blalock .

Coming back to Nicole De Boer on Star Trek - Deep Space Nine it may be the reason why her work on The Dead Zone - where she plays Sarah Bracknell Bannermann - may be overlooked sometimes. Which is not very fair because that series has my utmost recommendation and not only for Stephen King fans or horror movie fans. Since I mentioned Stephen King I wanted to include a video from Joe Bob Briggs Monstervision and there is one with The Dead Zone but since it is about the movie - which doesn´t have Nicole De Boer in it - here is the video for Salem´s Lot. It also has a bustier mail girl in it which might have influenced my decision a little bit.

It´s back to women who take their clothes off in magazines with Wendy Hamilton who celebrates her 51st anniversary which means that I can hit on her without coming off as creepy since we are the same age. Or at least not creepy because of any age differences. She might still find me creepy for other reasons. Wendy Hamilton's statuesque five foot ten inch frame was featured in the December 1991 issue of Playboy magazine.

She's since followed in the footsteps of her predecessor Pamela Anderson by acting in straight to video sextaculars that feature, among many other things, her incredibly long legs ! Being a former playmate, Wendy has been nude in just about every film she has been in. Guess she's typecast as hot and naked, which is a good thing. A highlight is Ski School 2 but you have probably guessed that my favorite movie with Wendy Hamilton is The Dallas Connection a.k.a. Deadworks by cineastic mastermind Andy Sidaris .

Andy Sidaris was probably THE BEST director of action movies for adults and his cast read like a WHOS´S WHO of playmates : Roberta Vasquez , Ava Cadell , brunette Cynthia Brimhall, Dona Speir , Pandora Peaks, Julie Strain , Shae Marks, Samantha Phillips and Julie K. Smith to name just a few.

Usually I just copy / paste the part about Becky Mullen into the posts but I am trying to keep this one short so I will skip it. For those who haven´t read any of my previous Andy Sidaris posts there is the main post where I wrote a bit about one of my unsung heroes , the Casting the Justice League of America movie Andy Sidaris special with a lot of stuff about Dona Speir, Roberta Vazquez, Cynthia Brimhall and the Tutti Frutti girls, the Ava Cadell solo post , the Dona Speir post ( with reposts in 2017 and this year ), the Sybil Danning post and the Becky Mullen post ( which I reposted in 2016 ) where you can find tons of links to other cult sirens like Janet Jones Gretzky and real live Power Girl Leslie Easterbrook who had the most famous scene in which she emerges from a pool in a wet t - shirt , the annual re - posts of italian mega soccer MILF Simona Ventura , blonde sexsation Monique Sluyter and of course the obligatory Tutti Frutti girls.

I also want to give a shoutout to one of the biggest movie cult sirens of my youth : sexbomb Joyce Hyser who celebrates her 61st anniversary.

And before you ask : you don´t know Joyce Hyser, you don´t remember the movie Just One Of The Guys for which she is best known but I bet you remember this scene where she shows her incredibly big ..... talents.

In the scene she tries to convince this guy that she is really a girl but nothing works until she pops her porn star boobs out. What was missing from the movie were the consequences of this revelation. They showed some of them. But in the real world it would have been like : The good news is you managed to convince him you´re a girl. The bad news is you managed to convince him you´re a girl. Because once that guy gets an eyeful of living blow up sex doll Joyce Hyser´s huge melons she would not leave his bedroom for the next three weeks while this horny pervert tries to dicktame her, banging her brains out until she is his obedient sex slave.

Back in the 80s your best bet to see some naked breasts were screwball comedies because you knew even if the script was totally worthless and the actors without any kind of talent you were going to get boobage.

Joyce Hyser may not be famous and may not have played in the best movies but every prebubescent boy growing up in the 80s saw this movie.

And to think she almost didn´t do it. Joyce had a no nudity clause in her contract and was against showing her wonder twins especially after a female friend told her : " Honey, WITH THOSE BREASTS if you GO TOPLESS in that scene, NO ONE you meet will EVER look you INTO YOUR EYES again ." Thankfully Joyce Hyser shot the scene showing her breasts and without showing them and in the end decided that the scene didn´t work if she didn´t go topless. This is what I call " poetry in motion ".

So the thanks of an entire generation of hormone driven boys is yours for logic winning over superstition. Or naked breasts winning over whatever.

We are staying with cult sirens as Jenny Agutter turns 66 who appears in such cult movies as Amazon Women On The Moon, Darkman, An American Werewolf in London and most prominently Logan´s Run. By the way, sorry for the poor quality of the GIF but it was the best where Jenny´s costume is not covered by text. I also want to mention that there are a few GIFs from the movie where she is naked so don´t get your pitchforks out yet.

As longtime readers know I have done several posts on Logan´s Run, the first one in 2011 where I covered everything from the movie to the tv series and the many comic book adaptions. And speaking of comic book adaptions as a big fan of George Perez I posted all five issues of the series he did for Marvel as well as the final two by the criminally underrated Tom Sutton ( on whom I did a post in 2017 and this year ) to finish the series.

Which I thought would be the final post but since then I have found a lot of original art and since I don´t want to go back and put them into the old posts - which I then would have to overhaul completely - there will be a special black and white post about George Perez Logan´s Run somewhere in the future ( no pun intended ). I still hope that it will be reprinted but judging by the problems Marvel had with the movie company the first time around  I highly doubt it. And speaking about movies has there been any definite news about the remake they keep announcing for decades ?

Originally I had another Star Trek video here but because I don´t want to have two science fiction videos in a row and since I mentioned Marvel´s Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. I am including one of the many videos I have from the show. In season 4 they have their version of the Ghost Rider and all things considered they did a pretty good job with what they were forced to work with. What makes it even more depressing since one can´t help but wonder what they could have achieved if they had been allowed to use the real Ghost Rider instead of Ghost Driver. Who was only invented by Disney to sell more toys and get some of the Fast & Furious money.

There are just so many good moments in that show that I had to add another clip. I have heard some people say about Marvel´s Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. that it is a show that starts out being average and then becomes good. Let me tell you nothing could be farther from the truth.

This is a show that starts out very strong, then becomes a great show and THEN cranks up the volume to eleven. It just gets better and better with each season. Of course I have chosen a clip with Ming - Na Wen who plays hasian Melinda May, the best female character among a lot of hot women.

Time for some Christmas related videos starting with Carpanta. For the younger generation and people outside of Spain this is one of the classic spanish comic series and I don´t know if you could make a series like that Today since the main character is basically what you call a hobo. Back then they made comics about those everyday life things everybody could relate to and Carpanta´s main goal in every comic was to get something to eat.

It´s been quite a while since I posted any k - pop videos but I really thought I had more with a Christmas set. Anyway, this live performance even starts with a magic Christmas show and gets weird towards the end.

Speaking of getting weird towards the end, it should not surprise longtime readers that we close out the post with the Bravestarr Christmas Special since I have always had a soft spot for the strange and trashy side of pop culture. Also while I was never a big fan of the Bravestarr cartoon show I really liked the movie Bravestarr - The Legend and I think it had a lot of potential that was never realized. I love the whole dystopian science fiction western setting and the character designs. I am not so sure about the talking man horse ( that is just asking for trouble and is that supposed to appeal to older girls ? ) but they do have a very catchy theme song.

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The problem with most liberals is that they tend to think they are post - racial : that they have a handle on things because they are not racists.

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