Saturday, December 22, 2018

It was the night before Christmas - part 1

This year I have decided to do another of those popular posts with comic book covers for those Christmas specials we as comic readers just love.

The only problem is that this is actually my first of these posts. Confused ?

Join the club. Okay, to back this up : I have a special folder for Christmas covers. So before I selected the covers for this post I went on my blog to see which covers I had already posted to avoid posting the same covers twice. But no matter how far back I went, I couldn´t find a single one.

It´s another of these cases of Deja Vu where I think I have already done something and I vividly recall doing that thing but when I check it turns out that I have not done it. So either my brain is playing tricks on me again or I am remembering a post that I wrote in a different reality.

Apparently in this reality I only prepared the covers but never did these post because I always did special themed Christmas posts. For those who haven´t read any of my previous Christmas posts, while I didn´t manage to do any special Christmas posts the last two years I did write five in 2015.

One about a team up between Batman and Plastic Man from THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD 148, one about various Christmas stories with the X - Men, Daredevil and Eric Masterson Thor, a special black and white post about John Byrne´s spoof " I´ll be Doom for Christmas. " from WHAT THE ?! 10, another collection of Christmas stories this time with the Flashs of two worlds ( Wally West and Jay Garrick ) and THE SAVAGE DRAGON and last but not least another Jim Aparo post about BATMAN AND THE OUTSIDERS issue 19 in which Geo Force goes up against none other than Superman.

And in 2014 I wrote about UNCANNY X - MEN 230 and Marc Silvestri´s incredible run on the book in general . Before that I talked about either THE BIG CHRISTMAS CONTEST or general stuff like what kind of Christmas presents I make and why, how you can get cheap presents for other people ( cheap meaning you don´t have to pay much for them not in the sense that they are rubbish ) although I did make a post for the famous post - crisis story in which Deadman met the pre - crisis Supergirl. I still don´t know if I have that story somewhere in my collection or not.

So if you want to check out any previous Christmas posts by yours truly there are the links and let´s get to the choices for my very first Christmas cover post. As usual I tried to include some you won´t find on many lists. 

Since I have to rely on imdb for comic book related birthdays the only one I Today is writer Tony Isabella who turns 67. At Marvel he worked on Ghost Rider, Power Man, Daredevil, Captain America and The Champions and co - created Misty Knight and Black Goliath. Speaking of black characters he is best known for creating DC Comics first black superhero Black Lightning.

I have to admit since Black Lightning was not published in Germany when I was still at school - at least to my knowledge - I only knew him from the appearances he made on Gerechtigkeitsliga or Batman and the Outsiders ( Which was called The Batman - Team in Germany. It´s not a very faithful translation but seriously, it tells you right away what kind of team this is. )

The reason why Tony Isabella appears on imdb is of course because he is one of the writers on the new Black Lightning tv show and I have to admit I have fallen a bit behind. I stopped watching it somewhere between episode seven or eight of the first season and have not been able to find the following episodes ever since. Luckily this year´s Elseworlds crossover only involved The Flash, Arrow and Supergirl but I have a feeling that for next year´s big mega crossover Crisis On Infinite Earths the CW is going to pull out all the stops and include everything they can. Maybe even Titans.

As longtime readers of the blog know I have mentioned Busenwunder Oana Andoni from romanian tv station Pro Tv a few times and for those who want to know how I became aware of her I explained it at length in this post . Anyway, it has been a long time since I wrote about her because I always wanted to do a follow up post but then all the videos with her I had bookmarked were deleted so it made no sense to do it.

Another reason why I never made the follow up post is that there is not much information about the meg busty Oana Andoni especially in regards to her breast size. This must be a thing with hot news casters since she is not the only one where finding some information is almost impossible.

What I can say is that she was born on the 28th of February in 1978 which makes her 40 years now. 40 is also probably her cup size, 40DD or 40E in the least. In her case the term melons is right on spot. You can find a biography here but for some reason my google translate function doesn´t work so if anybody out there wants to lend a helping hand and translate it it would be much appreciated. When I didn´t need it google translate was constantly going off but now that I really could use it it doesn´t work anymore. What you can peruse without any translations is this link to a gallery with some pictures of Oana Andoni and at least she is on facebook.

What I still remember from when google translate worked is that there was a big scandal in 2016 because Oana wore a very transparent shirt during a live newscast - or what ever you call the piece of clothing that tries in vain to cover up Oana´s gigantic double airbags - and so the audience could see more than usual ( sorry, I haven´t found that clip yet ) which surely made for excellent ratings. I don´t know what they are complaining about since this is exactly what every male viewer was praying for years.

I know that I promised to keep posting the new videos I found with Oana until I had them all on the blog but as always a few things came up and so the last time I included a batch was at the end of October. As a Christmas present here are the breast ones I have not posted yet and I hope I can post the next ones pretty soon because I still have a lot of them left.

Speaking of big Christmas balls, since I probably won´t be able to do a post within the next days here are a few more Christmas related videos. We are starting with a Bing Crosby special that includes a cameo by David Bowie.

A bit more modern is Joe Bob Briggs X - Mas Special which not only features the usual mail girl but four additional hot sexbombs dressed up as Santa´s little helpers. You can´t get more Christmas spirit than that.

We are continuing with more high profile guest stars and another episode of the Fairy Tale Theater. It is not exactly a Christmas related fairy tale but Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs takes place during winter and her name is Snow White. Here we have Vanessa Redgrave and Vincent Price.

Speaking of winter, with all the snow and cold one might forget that there are other things in life so to remind all my readers of that here is Bikini Wars. Originally I posted another bikini competition but the creator of the video has decided that you only can watch it on YouTube and who am I to say otherwise ? Good luck getting more viewers through blogs though.

We are staying with women with an incredible bikini figure who were born for porn but we go back to the subject of überbusty real life Power Girls : in 2016 I finally managed to do another post about Darick Robertson in which I mentioned the BREAKDOWNS storyline that introduced Power Girl´s famous coconut bra costume. And I just want to say that I still have not given up on a Yaya Han Power Girl coconut bra cosplay ( with the tiniest coconut shells you can find although compared to her huge 40D oppai all coconut shells probably look small no matter how big they are ) as she has already shown that she does a terrific Power Girl cosplay and she certainly has no problem filling out the magical cleavage window.

The following video is one that I bookmarked some time ago and which I saved for Christmas and each year without fail I forget to post it. But this year I am finally sharing it with my faithful readers even if it is a bit late.

It´s been a while since my last my last Yaya Han post so I want to include an interview by Sophie Ding on TIME OUT SHANGHAI and an essay by Liana Kernzer on THE ESCAPIST which explains why people love to hate Yaya.

I have read many of these comments and a lot of them just don´t make sense to me. For instance her fiancee is often called a " manslave " but who wouldn´t gladly toil away for such a stacked hasian sex goddess especially when he gets special benefits ? I think they are just all jealous because he is also her sex slave and gets his brains banged out by Yaya.

Another thing a lot of people say is that Yaya is only in it for the money.

Which for me is total bs but it may seem this way for people on the other side of the table. Now I don´t claim to be the big know - it - all - business man after just a few months of trying to make a living with making comic books again. It´s only been about half a year that we have been actively going to conventions as business people and trying to peddle our stuff.

But what I know my formation as a management assistant in wholesale and foreign trade is that you always have to keep the bottom line in the back of your head. Which means you have to remember that being at a con is not only about having a goof time. You are first and foremost there to make a buck so you can pay for travel expenses, the hotel room, food and drinks. And you have to grab every chance for networking and promotion.

In my case it´s promotion of my comics and our comic company KEROSIN COMICS , in Yaya Han´s case it´s in big part self promotion and promotion of her brand. Because what a lot of people don´t realize is that to be as successful as Yaya Han you have to stop treating cosplaying as a hobby and start treating it as a business. So all the people who claim that she is just cosplaying and doesn´t have a " real job " are also disrespecting cosplaying because they don´t think that it is a legitimate way to earn money. And I want to add that as far as I have seen it´s a 24h job for Yaya Han. Because it´s not only about doing the costumes - which includes a lot of research - but also about finding ways to get your name out there, going to comic conventions to pimp your stuff and giving interviews where you have to answer the same questions again and again. Like I said, I am not the big expert here since I am only slowly relearning the business side. But there are things that might come off to others like I am only in it for the money.

Like I can´t just give out tons of review copies because I have to pay for them out of my own pocket even those I take for myself. So what might seem money grubbing to other people can simply be a matter of survival.

So far I had written five posts on Yaya - two of them are pretty safe but the other three are absolutely not safe for work - and I keep mentioning her on various JLA casting posts and any other posts involving exotic sexbombs like Kiana Tom, Ava Cadell, Akira Lane, Miko Lee, Gail Kim or Minka and I swear the completely NSFW BIG YAYA HAN POST is still in the pipeline. In the meantime I have made two new posts about Yaya which showcases a part of her anatomy that I have ignored too often - her legs.

A lot of people claim that Yaya Han´s boobs are not as big as they look online and that she is faking a lot of her overdeveloped 40D ( !!! ) oppai´s voluptuousness with special push ups, wonder bras and her costumes.

But first of all there has to be something to be pushed up or squeezed tightly into a wonder bra and Yaya Han has proven she got plenty of that.

And second and more important Yaya Han also can get by without the magnificent mammary power of her mighty melons on cosplaying skills alone as she shows in this flawless costume from Assassin´s Creed.

After this long part about Yaya Han I want to close the post out with another Christmas related video. One of the nice things that make writing these posts interesting even for me is that I come across a lot of cool things that I didn´t even know existed like A Flintstones Christmas Carol.

New to the blog ? Everything you need to know about TALES FROM THE KRYPTONIAN : top ten posts / more posts of interest / best of the best

I always take the front door.

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