Tuesday, February 05, 2019

It´s Spider - Man so this must be February

No, I´m not joking. For some weird reason we have had spider - centric posts if not as the first post on February then at least as the second one for the last three years. So then why break up a longstanding tradition ?

In 2016 we started off February on the 5th with issues 108 and 109 of AMAZING SPIDER - MAN by John Romita ( which included original art, a splash page from the german version as well as some pages that had been altered ), in 2017 we had my first Spider - Girl post ever on the 1st of February ( with the second one following just one week later ) and last year - on the 5th of February again - we had my latest Spider - Girl post.

Okay, you might argue that Ron Frenz´s birthday is on the 1st of February and I am always fashionably late with these birthday posts so it makes sense that I would have posts with spider - people at the beginning of February because he worked on both Spider - Man and Spider - Girl. But that still doesn´t explain the Spider - Man post from 2016 or the fact that two of these posts were written on exactly the same date as this post.

And it´s not as if Ron Frenz only did comic books in the spider universe.

Any longtime reader of the blog knows that I am a huge fan of his run on THOR, so why not do a Thor - centric post for his birthday ? In fact THIS was supposed to be a Thor post but then evolved slowly into a Spider - Man post. Which brings us to the threefold genesis of Today´s topic.


Now I know that this part is boring for some of my readers so I´m not cross if you skip it. We will see each other at the interesting part. Okay, for all those readers who are still with me, because I´m such a huge fan of his lengthy THOR run ( which lasted around nine years if you count the THUNDERSTRIKE series ) that was the first thing that came to mind when I thought about doing another post for Ron Frenz´s upcoming 59th birthday.

But since it IS such a favorite of mine I thought : " What can I do to make this one special ? " Well, how about tackling a subject that I have only hinted or mentioned in passing in the past ? I´m speaking of course about THE SOUL SHROUD SAGA ( at least that´s what I like to call it, I don´t know if anybody else does ), a story that began in THOR issue 432 and was finally resolved in issue 457, 25 issues later. So the story went on for two years. No, wait, even longer than that because technically speaking the story already started in issue 429. Okay, if you really want to get anal about it the story really starts in issue 441 but that´s too complicated.

Which is one reason why in the end I decided against doing a THOR post.

Granted, one reason was that I could not cram all of the story into just one post. I already did an overview of THE SOUL SHROUD SAGA in this post and I could not finish it. It will take me at least six posts to tell it properly and I didn´t want to do an " One Of Seven " post for this special ocassion.

But there is also the fact that I´m not quite sure where to begin. I COULD begin at the real beginning of the story but I don´t think this would make much sense to my readers. Also since I would be going in reverse I would have a countdown, starting with seven and then going down to one or zero. Or I could go in the order in which the issues came out but then I would have a lot of " this will be important later on " in my first post.

As it is right now I think I will start at the big clash between Thor and Loki that sets the whole thing off ( so to speak but not really ), then go back a few issues earlier to something we didn´t know was important then and finally go forward to the real beginning. I know I am kind of vague but I am trying not to spoil too much for all those who don´t know the story.


Anyway, so a THOR post was out of the question. My next idea was to do a Ron Frenz post with all the best art that I had in my Ron Frenz folder.

Well, I soon discovered most of it was from AMAZING SPIDER - MAN and because I always prefer special themed posts over just a collection of stuff from various comic series this finally morphed into a Spider - Man post.

Although not the one you see here.


Yep, there´s still another wrinkle to add to this post´s origin story. See what exciting stuff you would have missed out on if you had skipped the intro ? Anyway, like always I went looking for the colored pages of the original art and also like always I found more original art. Some of it in better quality than what I had originally selected. Never let it be said that I am nothing if not flexible thus I changed my initial picks so that now we have only pages with Spider - Man in the black costume from Secret Wars.

Which I thought he would keep as his new costume. Anyway, this also means that we are going back to the exciting times ( at least for me ) of Secret Wars II which for me is still one of Marvel´s best crossovers if not THE best. We also have the hero / villain Puma in this, a really interesting character of native american origin. I wonder what ever became of him.

On the other side we all know what became of Silver Sable which is one of the reasons why the content of this post changed so drastically from the first version. I already included her first appearance in last year´s SPIDER - GIRL post but for me she always was an underrated character which is why she is number 3 in my COMIC BABE BATTLE : SULTRY SPIDERBABES post .  


At this point I am welcoming again all those readers who have skipped the intro. To whom I have nothing to say since we already talked about the interesting stuff. So let´s get to the remaining art by Ron Frenz and with any luck I can start on Thor and THE SOUL SHROUD SAGA very soon. But now get ready for Beyonders, black costumes, Pumas and Silver Sables.

This is my first post this month and we already have a bigger backlog of celebrity birthdays than one post can handle so we will see how far we will come and how many I have to put into separate sidebars. We start our list of cult sirens on February the 1st with Lisa Marie Scott who turned 45.

This professional ballet dancer of japanese descent became Playmate Of The Month in February 1995 and was the first playmate to be featured on the PLAYBOY website. She also pursued a film career and you might have seen her in Friends, Baywatch Nights, Married With Children, Playboy videos or midnight classics Ringer with Shannon Whirry or The Corporate Ladder with Ben Cross, Talisa Soto, Meilani Paul and Kathleen Kinmont.

As coincidences would have it Kathleen Kinmont celebrates her birthday just two days after Lisa Marie Scott, she turned 54 on the 3rd of February.

After her film career Lisa went back to college to study and majored in history summa cum laude. She then went on to law school but soon found out that it was not the job she wanted so she went back to modeling.

If there is one actor who definitely has german roots it is Brian Krause who celebrated his 50th birthday. He is best known for his longstanding role of Leo Wyatt on Charmed. In the show he was romantically involved with Holly Marie Combs´ character but in real life he dated Alyssa Milano.

Sexbomb Alyssa Milano ( who got two entries on this blog, the main post and the bonus round with her best episodes on Charmed ) is of course best known as the most charming, sexiest and all around greatest of all the Halliwell witches, Phoebe Halliwell on the cult tv show Charmed.

According to some interviews she gave later she wasn´t so keen on some of the sexy outfits but Alyssa was the main reason why guys watched the show, it was all to see her shaking her hips as a sultry belly dancer with her tits hanging out or an almost naked mermaid. Also Alyssa was busy taming male co - stars Julian McMahon and Brian Krause as her personal sex slaves.

Before she starred in Charmed Alyssa appeared in an episode of Outer Limits where she didn´t leave much to the imagination thanks to the lower restrictions of the Sci Fi channel. She was well on her way to become a sexsymbol but of course we wanted to see more of her. And male viewers got their wish when Alyssa got her freak on in Embrace of the Vampire where she did her breast performance going full frontal.

I did a re - post of Alyssa Milano´s cult siren entry on her birthday in 2016.

Coming back to Brian Krause, I´m often just interested to put as many hot cult sirens into the post as possible ( which usually results in me having to make another spin - off post like with my future wife Jair and nubian sex goddesses Janet Jackson and Halle Berry in this post , the one with all the hot Star Trek sexbombs like T´Pol and Seven of Nine or the one with Brandy Ledford and the other Baywatch babes ) and I do not have the time or energy to go any deeper. So since I mentioned Brian Krause before it´s about time to check out what he has done apart from Charmed. One of his earliest works was starring alongside Milla Jovovich in Return To The Blue Lagoon which I thought was the third adaption when it was actually the fourth. Now the one all people from my generation are familiar with is The Blue Lagoon from 1980 starring Brooke Shields and Christopher Atkins.

Then there was a movie called simply Paradise that came out in 1982 with Phoebe Cates and Willie Aames in the lead roles that was billed as The Blue Paradise ( Das Blaue Paradies ) in Germany probably to cash in on the success of the Brooke Shields film. The movie was not bad - at least for that kind of movie - and it is the only movie where Phoebe Cates did full on nudity apart from her famous scene in Fast Times At Ridgemont High. 

Dammit, that girl got some incredible curves. Man, and here I am trying to write about something else than cult sirens. Anyway, then there is the movie Return To The Blue Lagoon which is the one with Brian Krause.

Which was already the fourth movie adaption. Because while the movie Paradise has nothing to do with the other two movies ( except for the german film distributor trying to cash in on the success of the first one ) the movie with Brooke Shields was not the first one to bring Henry De Vere Stacpole´s novel to movie theaters. There was a first adaption as a silent movie in 1923 with Molly Adair and Val Chard and a second one in 1949 starring Jean Simmons and Donald Houston. And there is also a tv movie from 2012 called Blue Lagoon - The Awakening that I wasn´t even aware of. Sometimes they are recycling ideas much longer than you think.

Closing up on Brain Krause, he also was in Stephen King´s Sleepwalkers ( which didn´t feature any people sleepwalking as much as skinwalking ), the Tales From The Crypt tv series, High Tide and Walker Texas Ranger.

Usually I am doing the celebrity birthdays in a certain order, starting with the youngest one, working my way down the list to the oldest one before going to the Dearly Departed section where I start with the candidates who have left us just recently. But I can already see that this approach won´t work Today because it would leave us with a very long stretch of cult siren after cult siren before we come to a big cluster of comic book anniversaries. And as much as I like the babes of the day I want a little bit of diversity in this section. And I have already cut three parts and I won´t cut any more. So without any further ado our first comic book related candidate is the late Jean - Marc Lelong the creator of Carmen Cru who appeared in the cult magazine Fluide Glacial that also published the works of such famous artists like Gotlib and Edika. Since most of the magazine´s output made it´s way to U - Comix it was published as just Carmen for the german reading public. The stories are the everyday adventures of an old and cranky but feisty woman called Carmen and I think I can appreciate the stories more now that I am also rapidly approaching a certain age. 

It´s back to movies with Pauly Shore who turned 51. It is strange for me that new generations have no idea who some people are who were known around the world in my teenage years. With Pauly Shore it was always the trifecta of Son In Law, In The Army Now and Jury Duty for me. His biggest success was Encino Man which I didn´t discover until I had seen the three movies that followed it. Which were increasingly less successful but that didn´t affect me. It has been a long time since I first saw them so I would have to rewatch them to see if I still like them so much but I liked Son In Law the best, then Jury Duty and In The Army Now in third place. I don´t think I remember enough from Encino Man to rate it. Now one reason why I like Son In Law the most might be that sexbomb Tiffany Amber Thiessen who has the best natural breasts in Hollywood has a hot barn strip in it.

Hmm, " barn " and " strip ". Now those are two words I never thought I would be using in a post that is not about a classic comic strip like Mutts.

Coming back to busty blow up sex doll Tiffany Amber Thiessen, the buxom brunette of your wet pervy dreams has been scorching up the tv screens worldwide with her curvaceous body and her überdeveloped 37DD Beverly Hills much to the delight of prepubescent little boys and other horny guys.

I never was a big fan of the Beverly Hills, 90210 show but that quickly changed when I saw wet Tiffani Thiessen´s booming breasts in a bikini - which was a product of mother nature - and Tori Spelling´s growing boobs - which were a gift of Daddy and the best plastic surgery money could buy.

There was a special episode that got my attention in which Tori Spelling was dancing in a leather hooker outfit while shooting a rock music video.

She really was just shaking her big boobs in the general direction of the camera but that she did very effectively. I never was a big Tori Spelling fan but she really squeezed her huge breast into a tight leather top and just pushed them straight in your face. Now that´s what I call entertainment.

What I find a bit strange is how did such a scene get approved when her father was producing this ? Should I be concerned that Daddy dearest put it in the script or does this say more about his employees. Maybe some disgruntled writers just decided to put his boss´ daughter into a hooker outfit and let her dance for him as payback for sleeping with his wife.

" Okay, Tori, do you think you can move more like a prostitute ? And we need to make the outfit sluttier. This is supposed to be a rock video. "

Those directors got it made, they just go " Okay guys, in the next four episodes Tiffani dresses up as a prostitute. And she has to do at least one striptease and two nude sex scenes in each episode. Which is really necessary for her character. Oh yeah, and send her to my trailer for .... extreme rehearsal. We have to go over the scene ... orally. " Those horny perverts are to thank for that Tiffani was so often in bikinis on that show.

Speaking about hookers, besides appearing on Beverly Hills 90210 Tiffani also was on Saved by the Bell with Elizabeth Berkley who revealed her real stripper nature in Showgirls. The movie was called a flop when it first come out but in the meantime it has become a cult classic mainly based on Elizabeth´s stripper moves which left me no other chance than cast her as one of my alternate choices for the Nympho Supergirl from Earth XXX in my second alternatives post for casting the Justice League movie .

What I find really funny is that when the movie came out everybody was criticizing it for it´s oversexed portrayal of how things work in Hollywood.

There were a lot of people who said that it was over the top, that women don´t have to degrade themselves to get jobs like it was depicted in the movie and that the whole " casting couch " thing was just an old mythos.

And then the Harry Weinstein thing happened. And guess what ? All those people who claimed that things were not as bad for women in Hollywood were suddenly quiet as one movie actress after another came forward and confessed to have been victims of sexual harassment, unwanted sexual attentions and in some cases even sexual assault. Right now it has grown to ridiculous proportions thanks to the SJWs, feminists and oher zealots with a feminist, racial or political agenda and will probably bring about the total collapse of the Hollywood system if something isn´t done very soon.

Speaking of soon, one thing I wonder about in this debate is that if things were that horrible for all women in Hollywood why did it take so long for them to do something about it ? Is there no camaraderie between women in Hollywood or is every woman just looking out for herself ? Were they all waiting for another woman to be courageous and take that first step ?

I guess a big part of the problem is that as maligned as Harry Weinstein is now he DID produce a plethora of obscenely successful movies that won a lot of Oscars. So everybody wanted to be in these cash making movies and nobody wanted to rock the boat. Because there is also the argument that nobody forced these women to be in those movies. Maybe they had to do certain things they did not want to do but they could have easily walked away and done any number of other movies. Stacey Dash for instance has gone on record that she did not want to sleep her way up and so turned down a lot of roles. For which she got a lot of flack from other women.

But it is true that nobody forced these women to work as actresses. They could have done any other job where they don´t have to sleep with their boss. And don´t tell me those jobs are beneath them because I myself have done a lot of what other people call " menial jobs " and let me tell you there is nothing shameful about community service. Another thing that struck me as weird was Oprah´s inflammatory speech at the Golden Globes against Harry Weinstein when not too long ago she was one of the main persons who sent young aspiring actresses into his sleazy clutches.

One last thing is that if things really were that bad for any woman who wanted to be in movies why did they not make their own movies ? If there are so many talented female screen writers, actresses, cinematographers, composers, set designers, producers and film makers why did they not form their own movie companies so they could make movies without having to deal with all those sexual predators ? What prevented them all these decades until now to band together to do their own thing ? I guess this is like trying to get those comic book creators organized in a union.

Anyway, I didn´t want to ramble for so long but I am not sure if I have already expressed some of my thoughts on that matter. In any case we now know that the casting couch is very much a real thing and nobody is more aware of that than Elizabeth Berkley who not only had to endure many marathon sessions on it ( for which she was already broken in as the perfect blow up sex doll through rigorously getting her brains banged out behind the scenes of Saved By The Bell while even the producers of the show joined in taking turns at tag - teaming Tiffany Amber Thyssen´s booming teenage body ) but who according to rumours carries a portable one to all of her auditions just in case. I guess that´s how she perfected the " pumping pelvic thrust " move she pulls off so flawlessly in the movie.

Man, we have gone so off topic on this one ? How did this all start ? Oh, yes. Pauly Shore. Now a big part of his act as based on his weird speech patterns and I am not sure how successful they have captured that in the german dubbing. So I don´t know if I found his movies funny because of his german voice actor or in spite of him. Speaking of german versions and because I mentioned Paradise which was called The Blue Paradise here.

Likewise Son In Law was called Son In Law Junior in Germany which makes no sense and is due to the fact that it came high on the heels of Yahoo Serious´ Einstein Junior which was a huge success. Yep, those germans always try to cash in on other successful movies with their titles. Anyway, what I liked about Einstein Junior is that it had an abundance of ideas, something I also saw in Jury Duty. There are a lot of movies about this theme - one of the best starring Jim Varney - and Jury Duty had a few novel approaches. It also helps to have hawaiian sexbomb Tia Carrere .

In The Army Now has Lynn Whitfield though she is wasted throughout the whole movie ( for a much more rewarding viewing experience check out her performance in The Josephine Baker Story ) and the erotic highlights are the scenes with Fabiana Udenio. Like I said, I don´t remember much of Encino Man which for the record was called Stoneage Junior ( Steinzeit Junior ) in Germany. As for Son In Law aside from the already mentioned Tiffany Amber Thiessen and her barn strip it also features Carla Gugino who apparently has played sexier roles in every other movie besides this which also include two based on comic books : Sin City and Watchmen.

While Watchmen is an american comic series ( not a graphic novel how so many people on the internet falsely proclaim ) the creators of the comic, Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons are both british so we make another detour into comics, this time across the pond to mention the late Keith Watson about whom fellow link partner and comic historian Terry Hooper is more knowledgeable than I could be. Anyway, I will soldier on as best as I can.

Keith Watson has worked on a few comic books during his illustrious career but he is best known for two. The first one is Dan Dare whom I always got mixed up with Daredevil which may sound strange until you find out that in the spanish comics Daredevil was called Dan Defensor.

The reason for that was that the translators thought the spanish readers could not make much sense of his original name Daredevil and they also needed something that sounded cool to spanish ears and had two ds in it.

In any case, Keith Watson joined the studio team of Frank Hampson in 1958 working on the Dan Dare strip which appeared in Eagle magazine. 

He left after a year and went to rival magazine Lion where he started the futuristic series Captain Condor. He later returned to Dan Dare becoming the sole artist for 4 years and you can read more about him on LAMBIEK .

On January the 1st we had a playmate Two - In - One party as one of my favorite centerfolds, the tall, buxom and brunette Donna Edmondson celebrated her 53rd birthday ( I´m still looking for her PLAYBOY cover ).

My days of reading PLAYBOY are long gone but I still kept my copy of the german issue with Donna Edmondson in a secure place. Which by the way didn´t have Donna on the cover but german bunny Kirsten Schaefer.

Back to Donna Edmondson, I don´t know if she was predestined to take her clothes off for men´s magazines but in her high school yearbook she was voted " Most likely to become a bunny. " Which she did and thanks to her stunning 36F - 23 - 35 measurements she not only became Playmate Of The Month in November 1986 but was voted Playmate Of The Year in 1987.

Now since I read the german issues I had no idea how people in America react to certain playmates ( which is one reason why writing these entries is interesting - I learn so much ) and I had no idea about the controversy because Donna Edmondson was called The Virgin Playmate after it came out that at the time she did her nude pictorial for PLAYBOY she was still a virgin. Which got all the tv stations interested in interviewing The Virgin Playmate Of The Year from the Bible Belt which got all the politicians and religious zealots involved. I remember that at that time there were a lot of politicians who wanted to make a name for themselves by posing as paragons of virtue and decency by attacking the easy targets like movies, magazines and comics. People from my generation may remember how one politician furthered his career by driving the Volksverlag out of business while the other publishers did nothing. Because the money grubbing bastards were too busy thinking about which licenses they were going to bid for once the Volksverlag had to cease publication. According to what I read a report by the Meese Commission prompted all 7 - Elevens to pull the issue of PLAYBOY from their shelves and Joan Rivers ( who had an interview in that same issue ) did her best to rake Donna over the coals.

In the end all we have Today are fond memories of Ms Edmondson´s great pictorials and she hasn´t done bad for herself as she took a job as a tax accountant after the whole scandal where she met her husband with whom she has three kids. The best revenge is a life lived to its fullest.

An international sex vixen who could have easily appeared inside a men´s magazine at that time is Princess Stephanie of Monaco whom everybody lusted after at that time. Because not only was she the hottest princess of the jet set she also put the body she had inherited from her mother Grace Kelly to good use. First as a model - donning the swimwear she had designed herself - and then as a pop star ( although Stephanie was more moaning then singing but maybe that made her song so irresistible ? ).

I mean everybody from british page 3 girl Samantha Fox to italian massita Sabrina Salerno was doing it. And Stephanie had at least as much to offer as them if not more. I mean who wouldn´t want to rescue this princess ?

She turned 54 and while she never did risky pictures I was okay with that because there was a girl on Tutti Frutti ( about which we will be talking a bit more towards the end of the post ) who not only looked a lot like her and had a much better body, no this one did get naked from time to time.

I am skipping most of the celebrity birthdays from February the 2nd onwards ( which you can find in these two posts ) but we are making a short stop on February the 4th to mention a few memorable ones like Pepa Flores better known as Marisol who celebrated her 71st birthday.

She really grew up quite nicely since Ha Llegado Un Angel ( An Angel Has Arrived ) which is the only film I have seen with her. I watched it with my mother in Cine De Barrio, a program that shows classic spanish movies.

While I missed a lot of these and am not as familiar with all the people in them it hits a certain nostalgia because I have lived in these houses with the furniture, I have watched some of the programs that are on tv, I have had those toys or read those comics and I have walked these streets. And I have definitely worn those clothes, sideburns and all. One of the reasons why I like watching these old films - besides being a good remedy against homesickness - is that I always learn new things from spanish pop culture.

Marisol for instance was one of the biggest child stars of the 60s who had less success as a teenager and retired at the end of the 70s. Today Marisol goes by her real name Pepa Flores and is mostly unknown except by the few who remember her from those wonderful movies or because she did the first nude cover for the spanish magazine Interviu which became an institution in Spain where naked pictures of the famous are concerned.

They recently closed shop. Here is a short bio of her for all my spanish readers and all others can find more info about Marisol on wikipedia.

You might think that we have definitely arrived in the more safe for work area of pop culture with Frank Zander who celebrated his 77th birthday.

He is the bedrock of german Schlager and pop songs with unforgettable hits like Der Ur - Ur - Enkel von Frankenstein, Ich trink auf dein Wohl Marie, Oh Susi ( der zensierte Song ) or Hier kommt Kurt the very first german rap song. And for those interested in obscure trivia I might add that starting in 1978 he had various hits under the pseudonym of Fred Sonnenschein und seine Freunde. His friends in this case were golden hamsters and like with Alvin and the Chipmunks their voices were altered electronically. Now one of those hamsters was voiced by Hugo Egon Balder who later was one of the hosts on Tutti Frutti alongside Monique Sluyter.

But the blow up sex doll from the Netherlands was not only in PLAYBOY multiple times she also was a big factor in my obsession on blondes with giant breast like Power Girl with her impersonation of Marilyn Monroe .

Regular readers of this blog already know that I cast her as Fire a.k.a. Beatriz da Costa in the Andy Sidaris Special of my popular Casting the Justice League of America movie series and I also kept mentioning her in all kind of post like the annual re - posts about italian mega soccer MILF Simona Ventura until I decided to give Monique and the Tutti Frutti girls their own post which I re - posted in 2016 in a new and better version.

Usually I just copy / paste the part about Becky Mullen into the posts but I am trying to keep this one short so I will skip it. For those who haven´t read any of my previous Andy Sidaris posts there is the main post where I wrote a bit about one of my unsung heroes , the Ava Cadell solo post , the Dona Speir post ( with reposts in 2017 and this year ), the Sybil Danning post and the Becky Mullen post ( which I reposted in 2016 ) where you can find tons of links to other cult sirens like Janet Jones Gretzky and real live Power Girl Leslie Easterbrook who had her breast scene in Police Academy 4 - Citizens On Patrol where she emerges from a pool in a wet t - shirt .

Andy Sidaris was probably THE BEST director of action movies for adults and his cast read like a WHOS´S WHO of playmates : Roberta Vasquez , Ava Cadell , brunette Cynthia Brimhall, Dona Speir , Pandora Peaks, Julie Strain , Shae Marks, Samantha Phillips and Julie K. Smith to name just a few.

Coming back to Frank Zander, he also wrote the anthem for soccer club Herta BSC, since 1997 he does personalized birthday CDS singing a special birthday song with your name and since 1995 he gives a Christmas dinner for the homeless in Berlin. His trademark is his raspy voice which is due to a tonsilitis he got in the beginning of the 70s. He also worked as an actor on such cult comedy shows like Bananas and has done voice acting on everything from Asterix to The Last Unicorn. Although my favorite song from him is the german title song for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Which for me is still the best cartoon adaption of the comic book heroes. Is it just nostalgia or did we have the golden age of cartoon series in the 80s ?

And last but not least I have to mention John Schuck who turned 79. Especially since imdb is once again completely misleading people. Yes, he has been on Dick Tracy, Star Trek and M.A.S.H. but just because those shows are much more popular now you can´t just lie. His breakout role that garned him his entry into the pop culture of fame was as robotic cop Gregory Yoyonovich in the tv series Hoklmes and Yoyo. Which I thankfully saw in the german translation because that laugh track is so annoying.

We already had a lot of videos in this post - and I´m not counting those in the spin off posts ( no pun intended ) but I wanted to include two more Spider - Man - centric videos. Among the various videos I like to include there is always one about movies and one about cartoons but we have already covered both areas. So I was thinking about which Spider - Man movie or tv show I should post when it hit me : why not include them all ?

Lately the videos from Teens React have been piling up so I want to post one for which I didn´t make an animated GIF. I don´t know if I´ll continue making them since it takes up so much of my time. Sometimes I just can´t help myself and I want to point out the double standards in regards to the comment section where 90 percent of the comments you read are about the boys and how cute they are and you are expected to swallow all that or at least not mention how annoying it is but when one comments about Jair´s impressive cleavage or Sydney´s unreal XXL breasts you get scolded.

What has this society come to that quasi - gay - behavior is expected but a normal reaction to a hot girl is seen as something offensive and creepy ?

Man, it´s about time that they have Jair do a wet t - shirt car wash or at least a micro bikini / string tanga striptease / lapdance preferably with another hot react sexbomb like Brooklyn, Jayka, Rae, Becca or Sidney. I have a few suggestions in that regard in my aforementioned spin off post .

New to the blog ? Everything you need to know about TALES FROM THE KRYPTONIAN : top ten posts / more posts of interest / best of the best

Heavens to Murgatroyd !

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