Saturday, July 27, 2019

Sexbomb Saturday : Alyssa Milano & friends

This a somewhat shorter spin - off post than most but I had to cut it from my SPECIAL RETRO TUTTI FRUTTI post because it was too long. So now I have the birthdays of July the 27th in two posts and while this one might start out a bit shorter it will probably be long enough once it is finished.

The first anniversary from July the 27th is Julian McMahon who celebrated his 51st birthday. He started his career in Danii Minogue´s music video This Is It before tangling with juicy Jessica Alba as Doctor Doom but his greatest claim to fame is that he got his pawns on sexbomb Alyssa Milano ( who got two entries on this blog, the main post and the bonus round with her best episodes on Charmed ) as The Source of all Evil on Charmed .

According to some interviews she gave later she wasn´t so keen on some of the sexy outfits but Alyssa was the main reason why guys watched the show, it was all to see her shaking her hips as a sultry belly dancer with her tits hanging out or an almost naked mermaid. Also Alyssa was busy taming male co - stars Julian McMahon and Brian Krause as her personal sex slaves.

I did a re - post of Alyssa Milano´s cult siren entry on her birthday in 2016 and it is weird that she is trying to make herself the feminist figurehead of the Me Too movement with such actions like a proposal of a sex strike.

I wonder whom she is trying to make forget her nude roles, us or herself.

From the moment she showed her perfectly shaped tits to the world on Outer Limits - thanks to the lower restrictions of the Sci Fi Channel - it was clear this blow up sex doll was born for porn which she proved with her completely uninhibited sex scenes in Embrace Of The Vampire .

Speaking of hot cult sirens going full frontal, none other than Maria Grazia Cucinotta, the italian mega MILF with the giant 39D ( !!! ) melons also turned 51 which makes her still younger than yours truly. Longtime readers may remember that I selected the living blow up sex doll with the twin torpedoes as Big Barda in the very first post of the Hollywood version .

In the original FOURTH WORLD comics by Jack Kirby - and this definitely changed in the NEW 52 - Big Barda was built like a brick shithouse with the personality of a lady trucker, the muscles of a female bodybuilder, the hot measurements of a playmate of the year and the cupsize of a porn star.

She got that from her mother Big Breeda, the fiercest female warrior on Apokolips who - nomen est omen - was therefore selected by Darkseid himself to breed the next race of warriors. I don´t know if it was because she spurned his advances or if he just thought she would produce the best offspring but it is implied that they used her like a blow up sex doll !

All for the next generation of Akopolips´ finest of course. Now with Big Barda the melons didn´t fall far from the tree and when she began to develop, especially in certain parts of her anatomy that had to do with procreation Darkseid decided to let her follow in her mother´s footsteps and - like mother like daughter - personally introduce Big Barda to the breeding pens to continue the family tradition. So as soon as she got wind of Darkseid´s perverted plans for her Big Barda decided to ditch Apokolips and hitched the next ride to Earth. According to Big Barda she managed to do that before Darkseid had a chance to break her in but maybe she was so eager to join Mister Miracle because she had tasted the Darkseed.

For more on DC´s creepy sex stories with Big Barda - like the time when Superman starred in a porn mocvie with her and then claimed he could not remember a thing - check out BIG BARDA : DEATH, LIES AND VIDEOTAPES .

Like I said, originally I casted Maria Grazia Cucinotta as Big Barda but keeping in mind her history I may cast her as Big Breeda. Not only to get Maria to do nude scenes that way but also because then I could cast italian 37C sexbomb Monica Bellucci as Big Barda and give the role of Wonder Woman to british 90s porn superstar Sarah Louise Young .

Here is a clip of Maria Grazia Cucinotta in her heyday. The video also features blonde Wendy Windham who would have made a fine Power Girl.

I am still hesitant to pluck down the 86 bucks at amazon even if it is way less than the regular in store price of 142 EUROS ( for which you get over a whopping 1,500 pages ) and I just bought the THE DEATH AND RETURN OF SUPERMAN omnibus. It was a toss up between that, the DETROIT ERA JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA omnibus, the KAMANDI omnibus and THE FOURTH WORLD omnibus and I wanted to re - read the Death Of Superman / Funeral For A Friend / Reign Of The Supermen storyline just the most.

Since this is not my first time writing about Big Barda, Mister Miracle or Jack Kirby´s FOURTH WORLD I think I have already posted most clips about that from Bruce Timm´s animated series. So I hope this one with Batman and Mister Miracle escaping a deathtrap from Batman : The Brave And The Bold is new for my readers. I really miss the show since I was always a fan of the silly Batman team ups from the original The Brave And The Bold and there is currently no DC cartoon show on the air that is worth watching.

With the plethora of comic movies out there are a lot of new readers to enter the world of four page funnies so here´s your Mister Miracle 101.

Speaking of educational videos, this video called What Is A Turnaround ? has been out for quite some time but for some strange reason the video went viral a few years ago and has become quite popular since then.

Since I first stumbled upon it I have watched it a few times but somehow I can never concentrate on what she is saying and I still don´t know what a turnaround is. But I´m not complaining, you still get your money´s worth - so to speak - as it is even satisfying to watch with the sound turned off.

And I´m not the only one who has problems with grasping what a turnaround is. If you read the comments there are all kind of opinions - " directions to fix a tire " or " something about oil refineries " - so you know that a lot of other people just watch this largely informative video for her big, juicy and well - rounded explanations on the huge topic of turnarounds. Which apparently are soft, bouncy, perky and come in pairs.

For those who want to know more, the name of the busty presenter who could give Big Barda a run for her money in a wet t - shirt competiton is Juliana A. Morgan, she´s an actress and you can get more information on her website. Like a  lot of people I became aware of the video thanks to OzzyMan´s review and I have to say, the man has got a way with words.

We started this post with repentant sexbomb Alyssa Milano who starred in the skin flick classic Embrace Of The Vampire where she is seduced by a charismatic vampire and so it is fitting that we end this post with the blonde sexbomb Luan Peters, who also appeared in a movie where a young, nubile playmate is seduced by a charismatic vampire namely the classic horror film Twins Of Evil from the legendary Hammer Studios.

And when I say " playmate " I mean that literally since the role of the female leads Maria and Frieda Gellhorn is played by Mary and Madeleine Collinson, who were not only the Playmates Of The Month of October 1970 but also the first ever pair of identical twin sisters to do a nude pictorial for PLAYBOY. They are the main attraction of the movie but Luan Peters´ cleavage manages to eclipse them in the few scenes she has in the movie.

Speaking of Luan Peters, I missed her birthday on June the 18th and the reason for that is that for the longest time I didn´t know her name. I only remembered her from some obsure erotic movie but I didn´t know the title. Don´t ask me how I stumbled across the selfsame movie Today but I wish I had found it sooner since Luan Peters sadly passed away in 2017.

The buxom blonde also had a singing career. Born as Carol Hirsch she changed her name to Karol Keyes as the frontwoman of the band of the same name and she also was the frontwoman of the band The Big Sound formerly known as The Fat Sound. After leaving that band she became the frontwoman of the band 5000 Volts, succeding Tina Charles under her new name of Luan Peters. She also appeared on the german show Musikladen on the 8th of October in 1977 performing her single Love Countdown.

Besides another Hammer Films production Lust For A Vampire Luan Peters has appeared on such tv shows like Doctor Who, The Professionals and Fawlty Towers but her greatest claim to nude boob fame is revealing her impressive 42 inch bust in Pacific Banana also known as Banana Airlines.

Her erotic dance is really all I recall from the movie and that the main character suffered from a weird case of erectile dysfunction. I could only find the spanish language version so at least it hasn´t been censored.

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My body was made to look good in a string bikini and I feel a lot healthier when I´m having sex.

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