Monday, July 29, 2019

Stripping fruits and premature sauceboxes

So this is the second part of the celebrity birthdays from July the 27th and you can find the rest - which includes repentant blow up sex doll Alyssa Milano, mega stacked italian 39D mega MILF Maria Grazia Cucinotta, Jack Kirby´s Mister Miracle and Big Barda, british 90s porn superstar Sarah Louise Young , überbusty Juliana A. Morgan who is not a porn star despite her giant sized rack which helped her break the internet with the What Is A Turnaround ? commercial and Luan Peter´s bonerinducing 42 inch bust in her erotic dance in Pacific Banana also known as Banana Airlines - here

Strangely enough another candidate from my Justice League movie casting series, blonde brabuster Monique Sluyter celebrated her 52nd birthday ( making her just a bit older than me ) who not only had no problem taking off her clothes on tv she also disrobed for various gentleman magazines.

But the blow up sex doll from the Netherlands was not only in PLAYBOY multiple times she also was a big factor in my obsession on blondes with giant breast like Power Girl with her impersonation of Marilyn Monroe .

Regular readers of this blog already know that I cast her as Fire a.k.a. Beatriz da Costa in the Andy Sidaris Special of my popular Casting the Justice League of America movie series and I also kept mentioning her in all kind of post like the annual re - posts about italian mega soccer MILF Simona Ventura until I decided to give Monique and the Tutti Frutti girls their own post which I re - posted in 2016 in a new and better version.

Now for the benefit of new readers who might have missed this I should probably explain what TUTTI FRUTTI was. There was a show called COLPO GROSSO from Italy with some dancers dressed as certain fruits who would dance to a special song and when the last refrain said " chin chin " they popped their tops and the candidates had to bet ( before they opened their tops ) if they had stickers of fruits on one of their breasts or not .

If they had fruits - or rather stickers with fruits - on them the candidates would win points and if they had enough of them they could get the Euro Girls ( which sounds much sluttier now as the official european currency is the Euro ), the women who represented the european nations to strip .

Who could get the most women the most naked was the winner and the points they would score were called country points or Länderpunkte, a word that has become a household expression in Germany. It´s not unusual to hear german tv viewers say : Well, we´re not going to see any Länderpunkte in this movie. Anyway, the show was done to promote the Ecu, the new currency for a United Europe ( no, that really didn´t work out that well ) but the important part was getting to see hot girls strip .

The show was adapted by various countries and it was called AY QUE CALOR in Spain and TUTTI FRUTTI in Germany. In Germany it was the show nobody watched ( or at least admitted watching ) but everybody saw .

Longtime readers may be already tired of this but it seems that nowadays I can´t write a new post without mentioning hot sexbomb Becky Mullen .

Besides appearing as Sally, the farmer´s daughter on the first season of GORGEOUS LADIES OF WRESTLING and various guest appearances on every major tv show ( of which her most memorable is an episode of MARRIED WITH CHILDREN opposite Pamela Anderson ) Becky also was in various erotic midnight movies including SINFUL INTRIGUE with Chona Jason.

With all that said german audiences know her best from taking her clothes off on TUTTI FRUTTI . But her biggest contribution to american culture still is HARD HUNTED and there are two other actresses from Andy Sidaris movies who appeared on TUTTI FRUTTI, Sandra Wild and Carolyn Liu . I wrote more on this in my Andy Sidaris edition of Casting the JLA movie .

If all this talking about fruits has made you hungry - and because I have already posted all the clips of Tutti Frutti that are on YouTube - here is sex kitten Doja Cat shaking her derriere like she just don´t care in Juicy and I wouldn´t mind a taste of her melons, nom, nom, nom, yum, yum. Daimn !

Andy Sidaris was probably THE BEST director of action movies for adults and his cast read like a WHOS´S WHO of playmates : Roberta Vasquez , Ava Cadell , brunette Cynthia Brimhall, Dona Speir , Pandora Peaks , Julie Strain , Shae Marks, Samantha Phillips and Julie K. Smith to name just a few.

For those who haven´t read any of my previous Andy Sidaris posts besides those I already mentioned there is the Ava Cadell solo post , the Dona Speir post ( with reposts in 2017 and in 2018 ) and a Sybil Danning post .

We have one more comicbook related anniversary on July the 27th with the great late Ernie Chan or Ernie Chua how he was sometimes credited.

He worked at both Marvel - where he did inks for such books like Conan, Claw the Unconquered, Hulk or Power Man & Iron Fist - and DC - where he drew such iconic characters like Batman or most notably Wonder Woman. 

Since he was such a big part of my earliest comic reading years I did a few posts on him starting with this post which has my thoughts about his work on CONAN as well as a little retrospective about all the different series her worked on ( which has a long list of birthdays from July the 25th up until the 27th of July ). Speaking of the best known barbarian in pop culture, just last year I wrote this post with the complete black and white art of John Buscema and Ernie Chan for issue 29 of CONAN THE BARBARIAN.

Now from Sal Buscema´s historic ten year run on The Incredible Hulk my favorite part is inked by Ernie Chan and I have written a few posts on that but since the first one is from 2014 I think it´s time for a little update.

The best post to start is this one , where I wrote about why I love these issues so much and which ones I would put into a hardcover. In this post I elaborated on one of the reasons why I would buy said hardcover even if I already have the issues in the spanish black and white Biblioteca Marvel pocket books, the black and white Marvel Essentials, in color as the back up stories in Condor´s german Spider - Man issues Die Spinne and some even in a french edition by listing in detail all the pages that were cut from the french - and in a lot of instances also from the german - edition.

Which brings us to this post where I made predictions about when my dream book will be available if they bring it out as a Marvel Masterworks book. Usually I don´t like to make assumptions ( as the old saying goes : It´s difficult to make predictions, especially about the future. ) but it seems that I was not that far off. Volume 11 DID come out at the end of 2017 containing issues 184 to 196 although volume 12 with issues 197 to 209 was published a bit earlier than I thought. My predicted date was early 2019 and it is coming out at the end of August 2018. And volume 13 may arrive on the 10th of September 2019 not 2020 like I thought. But now that it´s happening soon I don´t know if I will still buy it since I already got a spanish hardcover - for 40 bucks - that includes all the material of volume 12 and volume 13. Okay, the paper is not as thick as the Marvel Masterworks and it is the spanish translation not the original text. But the paper is not that bad and I don´t think I can afford to spend the 70 bucks.

With that we have finally covered all the celebrity birthdays from July the 27th for this year and for those readers who are interested which ones I left out there are more celebrity birthdays from July the 24th up to July the 27th in this special FIGHT NIGHT WITH THE X - MEN post . Speaking about the X - Men and women, I haven´t planned this but on July the 28th Ed Piskor turned 37 and I just wrote about X - Men : Grand Design. Those who have read it might think that I didn´t like it at all but while there are a few things I am not thrilled about ( about all of which I go into detail at said post ) I want to read the next installments before giving my final verdict. I have read a few reviews in which people were disappointed in the second part because it fell kind of flat for them while the first part was better than they expected. Which might have to do with the fact that it´s much closer to The Dark Phoenix Saga which was most of the retcons and connections Ed Piskor put in the first part. Now that the resolution happens there is not that much secret conspiracy left. But like I said, I will read the comic first and come to my conclusions afterwards.

Speaking of putting X - Men and women in line with how they are written by Today´s agenda crazy SJWs through retroactive continuity here are five X - Men who have been completely misrepresented in the X - Men movies.

One last thing about Becky Mullen. Well, actually two things because as so many hot sexbombs during the 80s and 90s she has also been in an episode of Baywatch besides appearing in the aforementioned episode of Married With Children alongside Pamela Anderson. So there are two connections to that show. But since this post is already long enough as it is and I have already mentioned Baywatch in the Dale Keown post I am skipping that.

Becky Mullen´s post is a spin - off that used to be in one post with Janet Jones Gretzky , best known for appearing in a white swimsuit in Police Academy 5 - Assignment Miami Beach and real live Power Girl Leslie Easterbrook who had the most famous scene in Police Academy 4 - Citizens on Patrol in which she emerges from a pool in a wet t - shirt .

She celebrates her 70th birthday Today and I did the last re - post of her cult siren entry last year so it´s not the end of the world that I didn´t do a new one. Especially since I went back and totally pimped the post to the nines with more animated GIFs and links to download erotic clips or watch steamy videos on YouTube. Which took enough time and last but not least you can still find more celebrity birthdays from July the 29th in this post .

Now even though the most of this post was about stripping sexbombs and hot playmates who got naked in Andy Sidaris movies I want to include my usual assortment of eclectic pop culture paraphernalia and since there are very few comics about strippers - Omaha The Cat Dancer comes to mind but I have not seen many videos about it on YouTube - I get to include some that I want to post as soon as possible. A few weeks ago I posted a video about mangas that have been adapted as live action movies and I don´t know if I took the time to watch it from beginning to end because I was very surprised to find out there is a Blade Of The Immortal movie. I have even had the time to watch it and I have to say that it´s pretty good. Since I have only seen the german version I don´t know how much - or anything - was censored but there still was enough blood and gore left.

Deja vu, the strange feeling you´ve seen or experienced something before. No, don´t worry, I am not adding another selection of homage covers ( which I haven´t done in a while now that I think about it ) but I was pretty sure I have written about the manga Blade Of The Immortal before. I went over my old posts and if I did I can´t find anything except for this post which is all about Nazis and Swastikas in german comicbooks and which problems the german edition of the manga had because of that.

Not that I have the space to go into detail about the book ( we will keep that for an upcoming post ) but luckily Comic Tropes comes to the rescue.

There also is an anime of the series. So far I have only seen the first episode but like in Batman : Gotham by Gaslight the producers of this didn´t even make the effort to try and make it look like in the manga.

Keeping the asian sensation theme going here is the obligatory K - Pop video. Although to tell the truth it could also be a J - Pop or C - Pop video since it might as well be from Japan or China. In any case, the video is proof that sometimes you can get too much of a good thing as there are way too many bikini girls ! It is overwhelming at first and I had to watch it a few times before I caught why YouTube might have recommended this video for me. Among this deluge of nubile asian bikini babes there are a few who are already at the right stage of puberty - where their boobs are already big enough to provide a lot of bouncing action but not that big that they start to sag - and I wish the video would focus more on them.

But I also know that when they would get rid of some of the girls they would probably start with the ones I like. As I said, I have no idea what the name of the song or the group is or of which nationality they are.

Now I am not sure if it is the same group in the three videos below but there are also some extra busty girls in bikinis in them. Especially the big - breasted Busenwunder in the last one. Daimn ! That girl got it going on !

She´s really something else. Definitely grade - a wife taming material.

It also goes without saying that asian girls have the best bubblebutts and there are at least a dozen perfectly shaped pair of ASSets in the videos.

By the way, sorry for the trio of animated GIFs. I don´t know if the screenshots I made are too big, my internet connection is too slow because of the constant rain and storms here in Germany, imgflip has flipped or there is a programm running in the background that eats up most of the work processor but I just couldn´t bring it down to two GIFs.

No matter what I tried in the end I had to split it up into three GIFs and even that took me three days. Sometimes I hate being a perfectionist because making them with a lower quality would have been easier but if you are not making the best GIFs you can why bother in the first place ?

So I hope that there is at least somebody out there who appreciates the effort. And also hopefully there is somebody who can tell me the name of that group as well as the name of that unknown bikini oppai sensation.

With all this sexually stimulating fan service I don´t want you to get the wrong idea since that is not all eastern culture is about. They also have some very inventive and crazy commercials. Although now that I think of it there are some underlying sexual themes in this one too. Foiled again.

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Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.


  1. "With all that said german audiences know her best from taking her clothes off on TUTTI FRUTTI . But her biggest contribution to american culture still is HARD HUNTED and there are two other actresses from Andy Sidaris movies who appeared on TUTTI FRUTTI, Sandra Wild and Carolyn Liu . I wrote more on this in my Andy Sidaris edition of Casting the JLA movie ."

    Right below this paragraph is a clip of a topless brunette with bangs dancing - she seems to be the featured performer and has the only close-ups, as well she's center-stage. Who is she?

  2. That my friend is a mystery that has baffled mankind for decades. I'm not kidding, finding reliable sources is already next to impossible and I did find a list that connects some of their stage names to their real names but that list is from the original show COLPO GROSSO and for some reason they used different stage names in the german version called TUTTI FRUTTI which is from where I got the clip for the GIF.

  3. Yes - the pyramids, the Antikythera mechanism, how they get the fillin in the Caramilk bar - all unknowable by man

