Wednesday, August 28, 2019

It´s Mutanten Mittwoch with Dave Cockrum

This post was kind of unplanned as until further notice I have to take a break from the birthday posts because of technical difficulties that have been plaguing me for the last few days. But there is a bright side to this.


I don´t want to go into too much detail but after getting rid of a lot of animated GIFs that have accumulated over all those years ( and which I probably would not have used on the blog anyway ) my laptop suddenly had all kind of problems. Figures. I finally decide to free more space on my laptop and instead of making things better it starts acting up. The best ( worst ) part of it was that all my bookmarks as well as my passwords were completely deleted. At least for a time. I have managed to restore some of them but who knows how long this lasts ? This is already the second time that I had to restore everything and as it is I am lucky to write this post.

It´s really a sobering experience how dependent we have become to e - mail accounts, amazon, facebook and other websites and what happens when we don´t have access to them without our passwords. So besides the trouble with the internet the laptop itself starts acting up when I am trying to download pictures or burn them or delete them. Which means I probably can´t prepare any new material for upcoming posts. Which in turn means that even if I will have the time to write a new post I may not be able to do one because I can´t do the necessary preparations for it.

But let´s be realistic, it´s not like I wasn´t way behind with the birthday posts. Now with all that said and done you may ask yourself where the good part is in this and how I can write this post if I can´t prepare any material. It´s right that I can´t prepare any NEW material. But - and that is a big but - I can still use all the OLD material which I prepared for posts I wanted to write and never got around to do ( unless of course my laptop completely crashes and deletes everything but let´s not think about it ).

Speaking of logistic nightmares, the way things are going I may have to use a different browser in the future so don´t be surprised if things look different here. Anyway, coming back to the good news for some years now I kept postponing a Dave Cockrum UNCANNY X - MEN tribute post and as fate wills it this was the last stuff I prepared before the laptop went on the fritz. So it´s the first thing I am posting and there even is a second part which will be all about one of my favorite x - gals, Ororo Munroe a.k.a. Storm. But that´s in the future. For now here is my small tribute to Dave Cockrum who often gets overlooked in favor of John Byrne´s tenure on the book. And not to diminish John Byrne´s contribution to the series but without Cockrum´s kick - ass issues we never would have gotten this far. 

Initially I wanted to save this for my next Chris Claremont birthday post but since I don´t know when or even if that will happen here it is now.

One of the big topics on this blog is of course my personal casting for super heroines in movies, be it as part of my COMICBABE BATTLE series ( where I have two posts on the x - rated x - babes, the main one and the recount ) or in my cult siren posts and one big character has always been Ororo Munroe a.k.a. Storm. Now I am not going to link to all the actresses or musicians that I have considered for this role over the years because that would take too much time but I have to say that if I were casting her now nubian sex goddess Normani would be one of the top contenders.

Sometimes I have the feeling that I am mentioning her too often but on the other side I just can´t keep up with the release of new videos with her. Nevertheless I just had to post Motivation with which Normani reached a whole new level. And also because with this one at least I didn´t have to make any animated GIFs myself ( which always takes a lot of time ) because you can find more than enough on the internet.

This is of course only a small selection of all the GIFs you can find because otherwise this post would be even longer than it is. And you´ll have to watch the full video anyway because even all the GIFs doesn´t match the level of badassery Normani shows in this one. Normani looks terrific when she is soaking wet so she would make a perfect Storm - pun intended.

Speaking of being bad ass, the new tv show The Boys is much better than I expected mainly because the producers of the show put the reigns on Garth Ennis´ super hero hate and let´s bash the super team of the week gimmick and concentrated more on the story and the characters. Another big reason why everybody is raving about it ( and I am not the only one who didn´t read the comics ) is the great cast that manages to portray even the super heroes / villains as interesting and compelling people.

One of the main characters of THE BOYS is Billy Butcher played by Karl Urban from New Zealand which is another notch on his already impressive list of pop culture related roles. He was Cupid and Ceasar in Hercules : The Legendary Journeys and Xena : Warrior Princess, Eomer in The Lord Of The Rings, Vaako in the Riddick movies, Kirill in The Bourne Supremacy, John Grimm in Doom, William Cooper in RED, Skurge in the awful Thor : Ragnarok ( also known as PLANET HULK GUEST STARRING THOR to real comic fans ), Sgt. Rock in a video short and Bones in the new Star Trek.

As someone who always talks about underrated and underappreciated pop cultural items I have to mention that he played the main lead in Dredd which is probably the best Judge Dredd movie out there. Not only does it capture the spirit and feel of the Judge Dredd comics co star Olivia Thirlby does a terrific job portraying everybody´s favorite leather clad blonde DD bombshell with legs up to her chin, the seductive Psi Judge Anderson.

The only negative thing I can say about the movie is that Olivia´s nude sex scene was way too short and filmed too much out of focus. What good are all the high definition cameras, blue rays and giant plasma screens with perfect picture resolution if the picture is all blurry ? This is the worst misuse of digital technology since Disney shrank Lindsay Lohan´s booming teenage boobs in Herbie Fully Loaded. What a waste of time, money and resources not to mention an incredibly horny sexbomb like Olivia Thirlby.

Time for more videos with blonde XXL Busenwunder Oana Andoni from romanian tv station Pro Tv. In previous posts I wrote that 41 is probably her cup size, 41DD or 41E in the least, but the way her boobs have been growing in the last weeks it must be at least a 43 or 44EE, an F or even a G. In her case the term melons is right on spot. OMG ! I don´t think she got some porn implants like Yaya Han so either she is pregnant again or she is auditioning for a Russ Meyer kind of movie role. Just check out the first animated GIF I made of Aona Andoni where her boobs are already huge.

And this is Oana Andoni now. I swear, I have not altered these pictures.

Now most of these videos are rather short so I am including a batch of five as usual. I could spend my summer vacation between those titanic tits !

Before people forget that this is supposed to be a comicbook blog I want to include a video with some art from Dave Cockrum which was harder than I expected. Thankfully I found this episode of In The Library Of Graphic Literature although it´s not all about Dave Cockrum. First there is BRPD : HELL ON EARTH, Walt Kelly´s POGO and SKY MASTERS AND THE SPACE FORCE by Jack Kirby and Wally Wood before we get to the part with Dave Cockrum on LEGION OF SUPER - HEROES and THE UNCANNY X - MEN.

There is also some T.H.U.N.D.E.R. AGENTS stuff at the end and I hope I can do a post about them soon because I finally have enough material.

Those readers who check in on a regular basis might have noticed that originally I was pimping another virtually unknown comic book movie adaption LITTLE SPIROU here but that part got longer and longer until I finally decided to give it it´s own spin - off post where you can find more art from SPIROU, the series that spawned it, LITTLE SPIROU, his hot math teacher Claudia Chiffre as well as the hottest teachers on the internet, Ximena Cordoba and the best body in showbiz, Janet " All Night - Don´t Stop " Action Jackson . With Janet Jackson I might have gone a bit over board but she is my number one sex fantasy ( which is one of the reasons why she has three solo posts on the blog besides three entries in my JLA cast ) but if I can´t indulge myself in my 1070th post then when can I ?

So instead here is another probably unknown french comic book movie Les Profs ( The Professors ) which is all about the teachers and in which you will find some of the same tropes that are in the Little Spirou movie like the over macho gym teacher, the teacher where you are not quite sure what his subject is and the sexy teacher who drives all the boys crazy.

I can´t say much about the original comic book series since I only read a GRATIS COMIC TAG issue but the art was good. And to give you an idea how unknown Les Profs  is : there is a sequel which came out in 2015.

Since we are on the subject of unknown or undervalued things here is another of those popular top ten videos this time about anime movies.

Since I have so much stuff about teachers and school in my latest posts I wanted to add a video that also ties into that whole topic - but in a fun way. Originally I wanted to include Teens React´s video Try To Solve In One Second Puzzle in the LITTLE SPIROU post but that one is already too long.

I also wasn´t going to make another animated GIF for this but then I got distracted by the giant sized DD JAIRbags. Hmmm, why am I suddenly thinking about the fact that when I go to the local ice cream parlor my first order is always an extra - large double chocolate / banana milkshake ?

But where was I before her milkshakes brought all the boys to Jair ? Yes, a video that is like school but in a fun way. Once again the description is not 100 % correct since there are a few math questions which I don´t consider to be puzzles. I couldn´t solve all of them in the appointed time but the crime solving riddles were almost too easy. I guess all those episodes of CASE CLOSED and COLUMBO I watched with my mother finally paid off.

Now you can either hold your breath until the people from FBE take my suggestions and have Jair in a wet t - shirt contest or at least a bikini contest or check out the afro american aphrodites that compete in the Hot 100 Bikini Contest together with a plethora of horny blow up sex dolls.

A while ago I decided to post more videos about life in Germany and this one is about all those quaint little towns and villages you can find here. I myself live in a rather small town and while I probably would go crazy if it didn´t have such a good bus schedule so you can go to Ludwigsburg or Stuttgart quite easily I don´t know if I would prefer to live in a big city.

One of the big comedians of my youth, Louis De Funes had his anniversary on the 31st of July but I could not fit him into the posts at that time.

New to the blog ? Everything you need to know about TALES FROM THE KRYPTONIAN : top ten posts / more posts of interest / best of the best

One more step and it´s knee - popping time, creep !

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