Thursday, August 29, 2019

It´s Comicbook Titans / Thalia Thursday !

The first really big comicbook related birthday in this post is of course the great late Jim Aparo on August the 24th. And while I can´t do a full on post on him right now the blow is lessened by the fact that I just posted issue 160 of THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD in this Supergirl post which also gets into the weirdest and creepiest stories throughout her history.

Another reason why I can bear it is that I have written plenty of posts in his honor. So I won´t put up links to all of except for two : last year´s AMAZED BY APARO tribute post which not only has links to previous Jim Aparo posts but also more birthdays from August the 21st up until August the 24th and there are also a few celebrity birthdays from August the 24th which I skipped in the following years in this post about Jim Aparo´s BATMAN AND THE OUTSIDERS ( best DC team book ever ) from 2016.

On the following day - August the 25th - Mike Kaluta celebrated his 72nd anniversary. He got his own spotlight post in 2016 ( did I do anything else than work on the blog that year ? ) and as always the post includes the other celebrity birthdays from that day. And if you want to make sure you hit all the birthdays from August the 25th definitely check out this post .

Now we come to the main attraction, the showstopper and the real reason why I cut this part from the other birthdays. Because on August the 26th we find latin superstar Thalia who is built like every man´s wet sex dream. She´s one of my favorite persons on the planet so I don´t know why it took me until 2017 to give her her own cult siren entry ( in her case CULT SIREN is meant literally since her haunting and alluring sexy singing voice can entrap men better than the mermaids of greek myth ).

Thalia is the total package because she is one of the nicest people on the planet, she has the soul of a saint, the voice of an angel and a relentless body made for sin. Her moves on stage drive men crazy and although she does not fall into the usual blonde archetype with big breasts she could easily multiply the circulation of any gentlemen magazine with her curves.

She oozes sex appeal from every pore without coming off cheap or dirty.

If scientists one day start cloning the perfect woman they need look no further for a living genetic blueprint that latin superstar Thalia. She turned 48 and she also has the best stage outfits in the universe which would make other singers like Beyonce blush and her sultry fertility dance makes Janet Jackson´s patented erection inducing stripper moves look tame.

You can find more celebrity birthdays from August the 26th in this FLASH FRIDAY post but before you do that you might want to watch Thalia´s raunchiest live performances. That´s right, over the years I have been collecting a plethora of Thalia videos but I could only post one or two at a time so that I have finally decided to just put a batch of them in this post.

Now these are all old videos and some of them are not the best quality so here is the video for Thalia´s newest hit Lento. She still brings the heat.

Our second really big comicbook related anniversary is the late, great Jack " The King " Kirby on August the 28th. As longtime readers know Jack Kirby has been popping up in a lot of posts on this blog besides being featured in many spotlight posts - the latest ones were a BLACK AND WHITE post I did on MISTER MIRACLE and two on THE FANTASTIC FOUR - so I don´t want to put up links to all of them. From my feature post on Big Barda to my special THORSDAY posts about issues 171 ( part 1 / part 2 ) and 173 ( part 1 / part 2 ) where I found the german black and white pages of the issues from Williams to a THORSDAY post on Vince Coletta´s birthday with a special focus on the horrible re - coloring of Disney´s re - issuing of TALES OF ASGARD in an omnibus edition that obstructs almost all of Kirby´s art.

I am however including the links to my Jack Kirby birthday post from 2017 and my post about Jack Kirby´s CAPTAIN VICTORY from 2016 since they include the rest of the celebrity birthdays from August the 27th and 28th.

Some years ago I found some of the old 1960 Marvel cartoons on amazon at a reasonable price but for some reason I didn´t buy them. Which I now regret. The animation was crude with only the most basic movements but the animated pictures were taken directly from the great Jack Kirby art.

Our last comicbook birthday brings us thankfully back to the land of living as one of my favorite artists Jason Pearson celebrated his 49th year on the 29th of August. I´m not sure if he is still doing interior work but I see his covers pop up on various books from time to time. As somebody who is having trouble bringing his ideas from the brain onto the comic page it blows my mind that somebody as talented as him also struggles with this.

Anyway, you can check out more Jason Pearson goodness in this spotlight post which also has the rest of the birthdays from that day and those willing can find more anniversaries from August the 28th up until the 1st of September in this post about Gene Colan´s time on the Batman books and some birthday from August the 30th and the 1st of September in another Gene Colan tribute post . And with that we are officially done with all the birthdays for this month. I thought about including some of them in my newest posts but I will keep them as they are and instead try this new system of having some posts for certain topics without the birthdays and some posts just for the birthdays. We´ll see how this goes.

Time for more videos with blonde XXL Busenwunder Oana Andoni from romanian tv station Pro Tv. In previous posts I wrote that 41 is probably her cup size, 41DD or 41E in the least, but the way her boobs have been growing in the last weeks it must be at least a 43 or 44EE, an F or even a G. In her case the term melons is right on spot. OMG ! I don´t think she got some porn implants like Yaya Han so either she is pregnant again or she is auditioning for a Russ Meyer kind of movie role. Just check out the first animated GIF I made of Aona Andoni where her boobs are already huge.

And this is Oana Andoni now. I swear, I have not altered these pictures.

Now most of these videos are rather short so I am including a batch of five as usual. I could spend my summer vacation between those titanic tits !

Sadly there are no bikini videos with Oana Andoni ( those would surely break the internet ) but there are some extremely large chested blow up sex dolls among the contestants of the Hot 100 Bikini Contest and the Rehab Bikini Invitational some of them even worthy of starring in a Russ Meyer movie. And I don´t know what dozens of mega sexy women in the tiniest bikinis have to do with rehab but I would not have minded to have some of them as my personal physiotherapist. Or sex therapy surrogate.

While I can´t do a full post on Jim Aparo I wanted to include a video about him so here is issue 101 of The Brave And The Bold in which Batman teams up with Metamorpho, the Elemental Man. Nowadays most writers have much use for Metamorpho ( although he appears in THE TERRIFICS which started out strong but very quickly took a dive in quality ) mostly because with his powers it doesn´t seem like there is anything he can´t handle.

He was a pretty popular hero when he first appeared in the sixties : he got his own series which lasted 17 issues and he even got his own catchy theme song thanks to Power Record´s Plastic Man - The Invasion of the Plastic Men / Metamorpho - Fumo, the Fire Giant double feature record .

Since most of the post is about Thalia I wanted to seize the opportunity to post more content for my spanish readers which might feel overlooked at times. Our first treat is a rare find, the spanish version of the italian Tex Willer movie which is not as well known as other comicbook adaptions.

Which is one of my big topics on the blog. I am also including the german version which is a re - post as I have written about this iconic series before ( if you don´t believe me how well known the comic is in Europe just watch the Tex Willer movie on YouTube and scroll down through all the other videos about it ) but this is in much better quality than what I posted last time. There is also an english version but since the quality on that is abysmal - and it has subtitles - I am refraining from including it.

Our second spanish video is the documentary Superheroes del Comic or Comic Book Superheroes Unmasked which is the original title of this.

We continue with a deep cut to earlier posts as I have already posted a few videos from the classic cult series Historias para no dormir ( Stories to keep you from sleeping ) and Today´s feature is La promesa ( The promise ) which adapts another Edgar Allen Poe story The Premature Burial. What I find so interesting is that they sometimes adapt the same Edgar Allen Poe story twice but in such a way they are both entertaining.

Because I don´t want you to get any nightmares from that we end the post with Dennis, The Menace or like he is called in Spain Daniel, El Travieso. I guess Dennis was not a very common name in Spain back then.

With all the animes and 80s cartoons I sometimes forget these classic show that were based on comic books - or at least also spawned a comic book series - and I will try to include more of them in my posts in the future.

New to the blog ? Everything you need to know about TALES FROM THE KRYPTONIAN : top ten posts / more posts of interest / best of the best

Wilson !

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