Friday, August 30, 2019

Starting the weekend with hasian Gail KIm

What I also just finished for upcoming posts ( and which inadvertently led to all my technical difficulties ) has to do with my favorite knockout, canadian professional wrestler, wrestling valet, model and actress of korean descent Gail Kim - Irvine about whom I have already written four posts . Now usually I would not mention Gail Kim so soon after my last wrestling spin - off post but for visitors of the blog who are not regulars that post was almost six weeks ago. And since I don´t know when I can do my next post I want to put her new stuff on the blog as fast as possible.


Gail Kim has been in a lot of different wrestling leagues and the first time I saw her was in the old ECW. She then went to the WWF before she arrived at iMPACT WRESTLING and for a while she did double duty at the WWE and IMPACT WRESTLING and I think at the moment she is officially retired from wrestling although .... well, we will come to that later on. In any case, I have always enjoyed her wrestling matches no matter if she played the good girl or the bad girl like when she returned to iMPACT WRESTLING.

As long as she gives her opponents a taste of " defeet " I didn´t care. I know I was not supposed to like her but her tight body just distracts me, like when she ambushed Velvet and her boobs almost fell out of her top.

Or when she uses her legs to choke her opponent while the ref counts.

And just check out Gail´s incredible glutes. Now if these cheeks don´t get your heart pumping faster you are either gay or dead so check your pulse.

I don´t know what it is about them butt asian girls are my kryptonite !

And I don´t want to resort to racial stereotypes but they just have the extra oomph that works better than viagra and makes you hear " Me so horny me love you long time ! " in your head. Gail Kim is a very gifted athlete - and I mean that without any pun - but when I see how worked up she gets in the ring, the fire in her eyes when she plays the heel or the kind of punishment her body can take and especially how flexible she is.

I mean which red blooded potent male doesn´t want to see Gail Kim as a naughty school girl, in a wet t - shirt or wearing her ass in a tiny thong ?

Now the name " Gail " sounds like " geil " the german word for horny. So you can imagine that she´s only known in Germany as die geile Kim ( horny Kim ). Like Kylie Minogue who has been christened die Geile Minogue.

Back to Gail Kim, I remember a fight where she stopped her guy ( I think it was the guy from Beer Money ) from beating up his opponent with a beer bottle by knocking him out. While Gail Kim was distracted Miss Jaqueline ( who really should have shown her huge rack more often ) clobbered her from behind. And all the time Gail Kim was getting some hits from her all I could do was stare at Gail´s round bubblebutt while....well, you can guess what I did. Now I couldn´t find that particular match but here is a street fight with Jaqueline and Gail Kim where Gail wears some tight jeans.

I don´t have to tell you what a talented and record breaking athlete Gail Kim is : she was the first WWE diva to win a championship in her first match which was a seven - woman battle royal, she became the first TNA women´s champion in a ten - woman gauntlet match and has held that title five times and was TNA Knockout Tag Team Champion with Madyson Rayne. She won the TNA Knockout of The Year Award in 2007 and was voted Queen of TNA in 2013. She also has been Funkin´ Conversatoy Women´s Champion and the Diva of the Year in 2001 at the Apocalypse Wrestling Federation. She´s the number one female wrestler in the world according to Pro Wrestling Illustrated and thousands of fans worldwide.

But Gail Kim is not only good at dishing it out, like all asian women she can endure a lot of punishment which makes her matches so exciting for us.

Speaking about asian sensations, besides her in ring abilities one of the main reasons why I miss Gail Kim are the photo shoots. Like Taryn Gail has done some nude pictures but I don´t think she has posed for PLAYBOY yet.

Now one reason why I wanted to do the Gail Kim re - post was so I could put all the animated GIFs from her Burlesque photo shoot ( I don´t know if that´s really the title but it´s what I call it. By the way, if anybody knows where I can find the video of this photo shoot - on YouTube or anywhere else - it would be most appreciated ! ) into a more recent post and I would not have to go back and check all her old ones. Apropos photo shoot, the second reason for Gail Kim´s encore performance on the blog is her bikini photo shoot. I have already posted the video but it has been deleted in the meantime. I have posted some of the animated GIFs from this but not in the same post and not all of them. So here is the full set.

I hope. If anybody knows where there are more high quality GIFs of these please let me know in the comments below or drop me a line via e - mail. If the e - mail still works and I still have access to my e - mail account.

The final reason for the Gail Kim add on is that I found two more videos with her and Tessa Blanchard - of course after I finished the post. I don´t want to repeat myself but Gail Kim must be one of the hottest referees ever and am I the only one who gets extremely distracted by her easy access shirt in the second video ? I guess it´s true : yellow don´t mellow.

Sadly there are no new bikini videos with Gail Kim but thankfully there are a few hasian sexbombs in the Hot 100 Bikini Contest and some of them have quite the impressive rack. If you think all asian girls have small breasts don´t watch these videos, they may shatter your illusions.

As far as I know there is no comic about Gail Kim - yet - but as chance would have it new manga sensation My Hero Academia has not only a lot of fighting but super powers as well. Plus not only is there a great video on Comic Tropes but this year there was a FREE COMIC BOOK DAY issue which I actually read. I haven´t seen any episodes of the anime but with 34 EUROS for one season it´ll be some time before I can check them out.

Speaking about animes since my readers just love the top ten lists here are the Top 10 Anime That Everyone Needs To Watch and you can guess when this list was compiled since My Hero Academia is not included.

We come to another best of list, the top five live performances of K- Pop girl band After School and their hit First Love. I had another video but I already posted it somewhere else so this works out just right. Even if I don´t have a " hot asian girls working the stripper pole " video anymore.

All of my current videos about eastern cinema are Top 10 list so since we already have one in this post we return to the subject of - for the most part - unknown superhero movies with The Three Fantastic Supermen.

Closing things out for Today is Kozure Okami a.k.a. Lone Wolf And Cub and I know what you are thinking : " What the f - word ? Our last episode was episode 2 and this is episode 13. Is this guy sprocking me ? " Well, the thing is that as I only found complete episodes in german I am posting these mainly for my german readers. Which only makes sense. But as I found out after a bit of research in Germany only the first 12 episodes are available on DVD ( no Blue Ray yet ) and even those are very hard to find.

My mother is a big fan of the series and I was very proud that I could give her the box with the first 12 episodes as a present. You know how many episodes the series has ? 78. That´s right, there are 66 episodes which are not available on DVD. They have been shown on tv - and of course on french tv station arte for that matter. Back then I found it hard to soldier through the marathons because they took all night and after the sixth or seventh episode it was kind of hard to stay awake but now I´m glad I did it because it´s not on tv right now and I don´t know when or if you can see them anytime soon. Which is why I decided to skip episodes 3 to 12 - which you can still find on YouTube or buy - and get right to the episodes my german readers don´t know. Unless they also held out through the tv marathons. After which the show´s title song is burned into your memory.

New to the blog ? Everything you need to know about TALES FROM THE KRYPTONIAN : top ten posts / more posts of interest / best of the best

Accidents can happen if planned that way.

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