Friday, March 06, 2020

It´s Femme Fatale Friday with THE SPIRIT !

As I mentioned in my last post the second part of this year´s Will Eisner appreciation series is all about the bad girls who make little comicbook reading boy´s hearts go faster even if they are not exactly sure why.

Yup, I´m talking about that magic moment in every comicbook reading guys life when you become less interested in the hero´s significant other who are nice girls and start to pay more attention to the female villains with their big breasts, deep plunging cleavages, skintight leather outfits, curvaceous bodies, loose morals, readily open long legs and open sexuality.

Now this post will not be an extensive analysis about all the bad girls in Will Eisner´s THE SPIRIT since there have been entire books dedicated to that subject written by people much more knowledgeable about Will Eisner´s work than me. So anybody interested in that can pick them up.

What I am doing here is posting the best original art with Will Eisner´s bad girls from THE SPIRIT series I could find and as always this is an extremely subjective selection. So you will not find all of the femme fatales here while I will definitely include some personal favorites, even if most of the comicbook afficionados won´t care for them. One hot massita who always got my blood boiling ( and certain parts of the male anatomy growing to unbelievable size ) is Powder Pouf from the story The Name Is Powder.

At least I think that she is not as popular as other THE SPIRIT bad girls since it was not only extremely difficult to find the splash page above in good quality despite being one of many Spirit devotees favorite splash pages but also because it was almost impossible to find any colored versions of it. This is a really low quality picture but it´s the colored version that appeared in the reprints by the german publisher Carlsen.

And here is another coloring with much better quality. I´m just guessing here but maybe the color of Powder´s dress was changed because it was too similar to the Spirit´s clothes. Back then they didn´t have the large color palette artists can use Today thanks to the wonders of computers.

Since I already posted the follow up story to this in a previous Will Eisner tribute here is her first appearance and while I found all the pages from the second story I only found a few from this one. Which lends further credibility to my theory that she doesn´t rank as high on the Spirit Bad Girl meter as some of the other massitas including our next contestant.

Of course I´m talking about P´Gell who not only has the same initials as Power Girl but also inspires that same reaction in all males of every age.

She burst onto the comicbook scene with this striking cover which has been reproduced many times and her text bubble - combined with her body language - tells you everything there is to know about this character.

Now as I said I am not an expert on THE SPIRIT so I don´t know if and to which extend the pose above was inspired by asian bad girl Madame Cobra from the story Spike and Bat meet Madame Cobra by artist Jack Sparling.

I found the art above on the RAGGED CLAWS NETWORK and besides the pictures there isn´t any further explanation by the author that may prove the connection between Madame Cobra and Will Eisner´s P´Gell. In any case I am not the only comic reader whose kryptonite are hasian blow up sex dolls since she even made it on the cover of TELL IT TO THE MARINES. 

Speaking of asian sexbombs, I always thought that Kretchma ( does she have a last name ? ) from the story War Brides looks particularly asian but that may just be wishful thinking on my part since it´s about war brides from the G. I. ´s tours of Europe. On the other hand there may be an asian influence in Kretchma´s lineage that´s just not mentioned in the story.

Coming back to P´Gell, I am not sure if she is Denny Colt´s Catwoman since there is also Sand Saref but she is one of the few recurring female femme fatales since a lot of them have short but memorable done in one appearances. P´Gell on the other hand returns again and again with a new mysterious ploy to befuddle the Spirit and make with all the money in the end like an exclusive boarding school for girls for the rich. Which may not be as far fetched as some of her other schticks because who better to prevent innocent, blooming girls from the pitfalls and dangers of a life on the wrong side of the tracks than somebody who has experienced it all ? 

Once again it´s time to wrap things up but don´t worry, there´s enough material left for at least two more posts on the bad girls ( and some of the good girls ) from Will Eisner´s THE SPIRIT. When I will come to that I don´t know since coming up is my next THE SPIRIT post, this time about those incredible splash pages that are so often imitated but never duplicated.

Speaking of femme fatales, continuing our countdown of days of birth past on February the 25th we have Penthouse Pet Samatha Phillips who played Samatha Maxx, the busty blonde with the high squirt factor in The Dallas Connection ( a.k.a. Deadworks ) who holds the record for getting her pictures published in the most countries and who turned 54 years old.

Well - rounded in more than just the physical sense, Sam is a woman for the new millenium : she´s ambitious and she´s busy and not above using her spectacular naked body as fame currency. Sam has been a member of an all girl rock group, The Lykettes, a talk show host, a reality tv host, radio DJ, a spokesmodel, she has hosted any kind of show that exists on the planet and she became a pop icon as one of the most sought after models of the 80s. However the walking blow up sex doll template reaped the greatest exposure in the realm of sexploitation quickie flicks thanks to her rack - tastic 34D - 26 - 35 measurements and is famous for producing the Busty Cops movie series starring all of her buxom centerfold friends.

Sadly she was only in one Andy Sidaris movie but you can see her naked in classics like Hot Springs Hotel, Passion Cove, Bedtime Stories, Fallen Angel, The Regina Pierce Affair, Passion´s Obsession and Sexual Malice.

Andy Sidaris was probably THE BEST director of action movies for adults and his cast is a WHOS´S WHO of playmates : 40DD Playmate Of The Month November 1984 Roberta Vasquez , hot 34D Page 3 girl turned sex therapist Ava Cadell , 41D Penthouse Pet Of The Year 1993 Julie Strain , Samantha Phillips, 34D Playmate Of The Month May 1994 Shae Marks , 36D Penthouse Pet Of The Month February 1993 Julie K. Smith , 34C Playmate Of The Month September 1993 Carrie Westcott or Dona Speir to name just a few.

And I just wrote a spin - off post with all the usual links to Janet Jones Gretzky and real live Power Girl Leslie Easterbrook who had the most famous scene in Police Academy 4 - Citizens on Patrol in which she emerges from a pool in a wet t - shirt. And while the obligatory Andy Sidaris actresses / playmates / sexbombs like Roberta Vasquez , Ava Cadell , brunette Cynthia Brimhall, Dona Speir , Julie Strain , Shae Marks , Julie K. Smith and Samantha Phillips are mentioned the main part is about blonde brabuster Monique Sluyter and the obligatory plethora of Tutti Frutti girls .

Now usually I just include a short part with them in the posts but this time I did a somewhat longer version so I could include all the new download links I found while writing this post. I just recently included a whole slew of new ones but those are just for compilation and mixes while these new ones are not only for entire episodes - which are always ultra rare - but for german episodes which are even rarer . Some of them even include my favorite Tutti Frutti girl ( whom you can see just below ).

When I was growing up there were two writers whose work you had to read, the first one was Jules Verne and the other was Karl May. I have mentioned Karl May and Winnetou ( and especially Elke Sommer´s deep cleavage in Unter Geiern which left a lasting impression on little Subzero ) in a few posts but I only got around to do one post on Karl May with a special emphasis on the Winnetou comic books in 2016. So far I have not made a follow up post because for once I´m not that versed about Karl May and I mostly know the movie adaptions they have made of his books.

Elke Sommer really was the personification of the german Fräuleinwunder and a living screen goddess. Here she is in Lisa And The Devil opposite Telly Savalas by Mario Bava who did the comic adaptation Danger Diabolic !

And you can find more celebrity birthdays from February the 22nd up until February the 25th in last year´s Greg LaRoque birthday post about his work on LEGION OF SUPER - HEROES and another one from February the 25th in the aforementioned Karl May post. I also covered all the celebrity birthdays from February the 26th in this post about spanish comicbooks from my youth with a special spotlight on all the female characters - talk about diversity. Since there is nothing important to add let´s move along.

On the 27th of February we had Jeff Smith, one of the pioneers of independent comics in the 80s who turned 60 who wrote and drew the marvelous Shazam and the Monster Society of Evil 4 issue mini series.

He is of course best known for his work on Bone which for me was a wonderful and frustrating experience - at the same time. Wonderful because it´s one of those books where everybody tells you you have to read it because it´s so good and you just don´t want to read it because you already have so many other books to read but then you finally cave in to find out what all the hype is about and then you find out that it IS actually that good. Frustrating because I was reading it while it was still coming out and even though I was late to the party - as always - and got the first issues I was missing in trade ( through which I just plowed ) waiting for every new issue to arrive in shops was just pure agony. Of course once a new issue found its way into my pull box I was happy again.

Which only lasted about five minutes - which was the time it took to read the whole thing - then it was back to frustration again. Now a lot of people say that a comic that you read in five minutes is not worth what you pay for it but let me tell you that any issue of Bone is like a master class in how to make comics so it´s totally worth it. And I am even going so far as to say that the quicker you read a comic the better it´s written.

In most cases. With Bone you read an issue in five minutes because what happened in the issue was happening so fast but afterwards you wanted to know more. With Today´s comic books there are some you read in five minutes and it seems like an eternirty. Anyway, I never read Rasl, mainly because I don´t buy into the romanticizing of robbery ( anybody who got something precious stolen knows that there is nothing glorious about stealing ) so I always have problems when the main character is a thief.

But who knows, I think the series is already finished so maybe I just need somebody who convinces me - again - to give Jeff Smith another chance.

We also had a sad anniversary on the 27th but because Norm Breyfogle was always in my list of the top five Batman artists I have to pay him tribute.

Of course everybody has their favorites but for me the number one spot clearly goes to Jim Aparo. His Batman was in all the stories I read, in The Brave and the Bold and later Batman and the Outsiders one of my favorite books of all time. He drew most of the iconic stories and his Batman was always very consistent unlike Neal Adams´ Batman who looked different depending on if it was in World´s Finest, The Brave and the Bold or the Batman stories. Still Neal Adams is my number two because of all the great stories of my youth that he drew with Batman going up against Ras Al Ghul bare chested and kissing Thalia. But Norm Breyfogle comes close behind.

I don´t remember how many books Jim Aparo and Neal Adams drew each month but when he was on the Batman books Norm Breyfogle drew both books almost continuously. There were a few stories where other artists stepped in but I don´t recall if that was to give Norm a breather to catch up on the monthlies or because Norm was drawing another project. But if you read Batman between 1987 and 1993 it was all Norm Breyfogle. As for the other two Batman artists in my top five list I would say Marshall Rogers and Don Newton ( I always liked his art ) with a honorable mention for Kelley Jones who for me drew one of the best and most underrated runs.

Speaking of Kelley Jones, for links to all of my previous Kelley Jones posts plus a lot of nifty art and more of my thoughts on this exemplary artist check out last year´s KELLEY JONES HALLOWEEN post and also if you have not read it already get yourself a copy ( preferably of the hardcover ) of BATMAN : KINGS OF FEAR. The art by Kelley Jones is incredible and Scott Petersen has truly succeeded in writing the definite Scarecrow story.

Coming back to Norm Breyfogle, as longtime readers know even before his death I had started to actively seek out more of his work. Which was in big part due to the research for this blog. Because you never realize just how much some artists have done unless you really have to take a good look. At the moment I have completed most of his mainstream work like on The Spectre but there are some independent books that still elude me.

I have managed to find two issues of Danger Dozens but it seems nobody has this. I hope that somebody reprints this but it seems highly unlikely. In any case, I have found a lot of original art from the series online which will probably end up in a post somewhere if I can´t do a review. It will not be my next Norm Breyfogle post because there are a few pages left that I couldn´t fit into my last one and I want to get that out of the way first.

I wrote my first Norm Breyfogle post in 2013 into which I put everything you would ever want to know about him including the kitchen sink. My second post was about when they finally started reprinting his work on the Batman titles in chronological order in Spain ( with the original text in spanish and translated to english by Yours Truly ) and my third post had artwork from various of the books he worked on as did my fourth one .

And finally I did a spotlight post on his work on the Batman titles in 2018. The post also includes more celebrity birthdays from February the 27th which wraps up that part of the post. There are still a few categories we have to cross off in the video section and in keeping with the topic of the post I want to share some videos with one of the hottest commodities on european tv right now, none other than hot spanish tv presenter Graciela Alvarez Lobo. This mouthwatering massita is not a brabuster and more of a shirtbuster because she is best known for her signature move. Que rica !

Yep, gorgeous Graciela already had a big male fanbase because she has on of the best sets on spanish tv ( I couldn´t find her exact measurements ) but she took things up a notch when her massive melons could not be contained. And if it was not enough that her perfect puppies almost bust loose on live tv they tried to escape their restrictive clothing two times.

Graciela´s gigantic gazongas busted her blouse open at the beginning of the show 90 Minuti ( which is a show about soccer, and is it just me or do shows about soccer always involve the ultimate sexbombs all around the entire globe except for Germany ? ) and when the button was reattached it was eliminated a second time. Being the pro that she is ( and I am not implying anything like that she is a professional hooker who can spread her legs better than a fillipino prostitute ) Graciela continued the show with a then more open cleavage that wasn´t so restraining to her twins.

Now as impressive as this display of generous cleavage was there were - of course - some viewers who had a problem with this rack attack and there are even some people who gave her some flack because they implied she did it on purpose. To which I say : that makes it even better. The whole world - or at least every male person who saw this - should give her thanks for having pity on all us miserable guys in front ot the tv set and share with us another great set. I mean, what an incredible demonstration of muscle control. This woman does not deserve our spurn but our standing ( and I mean that quite literally ! ) ovation. She deserves an Emmy or whatever the spanish equivalent of a tv award is. Give her a Goya already.

Anyway, as I said, like with a lot of other tv sexbombs I could not find out much about her but she was born on May the 28th in 1991 so maybe I will post another video with her in May. Because there are a lot of videos where she displays her giant - sized woman - things in generous cleavages.

Because of Karl May´s anniversary I wanted to include a western cartoon but I think I have already mentioned the abominable Winnetoons series and in any case I wouldn´t inflict that terror on my worst enemy. So instead here is an episode of Sheriff Donnerknall or Hoot Kloot in the US.

I was thinking about which music video would fit the topic of this post but in the end I went with En Vogue´s super sultry Giving Him Something He Can Feel. Not only does it fit the whole crime noir theme to a t with it´s speakeasy nightclub setting, the performance of the four afro - american aphrodites was so sexually charged that Mtv didn´t show it before midnight. And that despite the fact that they stay fully clothed throughout the entire video. It´s like I always say : if you got it flaunt it.

Speaking of flaunting what you got, a tv show that also went into the crime and punishment direction was Dark Justice about a judge who got finally fed up with the justice system when a car bomb destined for him killed his wife and son and he decided to take justice into his own hands.

The series featured blonde bombshell Janet Gunn and so far I haven´t mentioned her or the series because I could not find any good material.

The reason why Janet is on my list of all time tv crushes is that she not only appeared in her first episode in a stunning dress with a plunging cleavage that perfectly displays her protruding puppies, she also tries to hit on a guy in a bar using every inch of her body to try and drag him to the nearest hotel to bang his brains out. Not because she´s a hooker ( which Janet could easily pull off with her pornstar body ) but because she´s one of these women paid to test if a guy is faithful. Which in my opinion is one of the biggest scams in history and I openly call foul on this.

Now I know that women can be suspicious and want to know if their guy is faithful. The thing I am questioning here is how realistic these scenarios really are. Take me for instance, how big are the chances that a blonde Busenwunder like Janet would talk to me less look at me ? To women in general I am invisible and if they notice me at all it´s with this certain disgust in their eyes. So if a sexbomb like Janet would suddenly engage in a conversation with me and manage to convince me to go to a no - tell motel room with her to partake in some special midnight olympics ( which would take her all of five seconds ) how is this an accurate unfolding of an encounter in real life ? No, for me this is a cheap schtick especially since the women who are hired to do this use every dirty trick in the book.

I know that there are guys who stay faithful to their women no matter what but in my opinion a woman who is trained in the right techniques can get any guy to go to a motel with her. Anyway, that was one totally unrelated rant so let´s get back to Janet Gunn on Dark Justice. Her first episode is Lush Life, episode 5 from season 2 and so far I couldn´t find it anywhere. I mean try to find something on YouTube with the words lush and life. The best clip with her I could find ( apart from her incredibly steamy sex scene in Night Of The Running Man ) is from episode 5 of season 3 of Silk Stalkings where Janet Gunn briefly appears in a bikini and as you can see I had to resort to the french version. Because while there are a lot of episodes of seasons 3 and 4 in english this episode has been blocked - at least in Germany ( probably because of extreme hotness of Janet Gunn ). She also appeared in seasons 6 to 8 but again no episodes.

New to the blog ? Everything you need to know about TALES FROM THE KRYPTONIAN : top ten posts / more posts of interest / best of the best

Now you are thinking like a thief. Fewer guns and more exits. We´ll cure your cowboy ways yet.

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