Thursday, April 09, 2020

Staton the obvious : Green Lantern too

While going through my DC Comics material looking for something that I could easily post between the next Hugh Hefner tribute posts I realized that it will be soon two years that I wrote my first post on Joe Staton´s run on GREEN LANTERN but never got around to do any follow up posts.

At least not on his issues of GREEN LANTERN. Longtime followers of the blog know that I am obsessed with DC´s Maid of the Mighty Mammaries, Power Girl as well as blonde sexbombs with giant XXL breasts in general.

So it should be no surprise to anyone that my next Joe Staton tribute posts were all about his version of Power Girl - which I had to split into two separate posts, the intro and the main post - since Joe Staton not only illustrated all of the adventures of Power Girl or the famous Justice Society of America but basically everything that took place on Earth 2.


Since I have already said everything there is to say about Joe Staton´s work in the Green Lantern universe over the various decades in my first Joe Staton GREEN LANTERN post we an get right to the art for this post. As usual I tried to include the best original art I have at the moment but I also tried to keep as most pages from individual issues in one post. There is just about enough material for one more Joe Staton GREEN LANTERN post left and as always I kept some of the best stuff for last. Which means that we will cover one of my favorite works by Joe Staton : the 3 issue GUY GARDNER - REBORN mini and the following ongoing series ( even if Joe Staton only drew the first year´s worth ). But that´s the topic of our next post and hopefully I will have read the GREEN LANTERN CORPS - BEWARE THEIR POWER book so I have something new to talk about. 

There are a few Green Lantern videos I am saving for future posts but this one is safe to post because I know I am never going to do a spotlight on Kyle Rayner. Longtime followers of the blog know that I have made no secret of the fact that I never liked Kyle Rayner and I have already written at length about it on various occassions so I don´t have to repeat it. What you need to know is that unlike most Green Lantern fans my dislike of Kyle Rayner wasn´t because it took away Hal Jordan as a Green Lantern. No, it was more the fact that he became the only lantern and since my favorite ringslinger - Guy Gardner - was now just a has been space cop Kyle landed on my hate list. Plus he was the most stupid Green Lantern after G´Nort.

In blogtime it has been a bit over a month since Cynthia Rothrock´s birthday but in real time it has been almost seven months ( I know, it´s complicated ) so I wanted to feature her again, especially since I always tend to find the best videos after a certain celebrity birthday is over.

She was not only one the biggest martial arts ladies of the 80s and 90s, the sizzling sexpot was the main inspiration for Mortal Combat´s Sonya Blade.

Today´s SJW´s are always talking about female empowerment but back in the 80s Cynthia Rothrock was living it as she was not only a trailblazer for women - not only was she the first woman to be featured on the cover of a martial arts mag the still undefeated five time World Karate Champion who holds five black belts was the first to win a man´s championship - she also got paid to beat men up. And the better and more thorough she beat them up the more she got paid. That´s like the ultimate feminist dream.

In all seriousness, at a time when most caucasians were cast in Hong Kong movies as either the villains or comic relief she played the main heroine.

One of my favorite Cynthia Rothrock movies is Tiger Claws or how it is called in Germany Tigerkralle. Now while it is an apt translation the german title was also chosen because in Germany Enter The Dragon is called Der Mann mit der Todeskralle ( The Man With The Claw Of Death ) so there is the connection of the Tigerkralle with the Todeskralle. And while I don´t want to say that the Cynthia Rothrock vehicle is up to the quality level of the classic Bruce Lee movie it does feature Bolo Yeung as the villain ( who reprises his role in the sequel ). But more than that the real reason why I chose this movie is that I think this was the first time that Cynthia Rothrock brought out her sexier side and boy, does she ever.

The movie opens on a typical metropolitan street where we see a big breasted hooker with black hair being followed by well, a slightly creepier and a less hygienic version of me. While we don´t exactly know who he is we get the impression right away that he is somebody who is obviously up to no good and doesn´t care if the busty hooker notices him following her.

We also see a police guy who is not very good at being undercover keeping tabs on the hooker who is obviously their bait for the pervert. But he gets distracted by some ass and I have to call foul on this because the hooker he was supposed to follow is way hotter than the woman who manages to distract him. Anyway, the hooker ends up in a deserted back alley where the guy who has probably not showered in a month makes some unwanted advances to her to which she responds by beating the crap out of him !

As the sex offender ( billed as Psycho Rapist in the credits which sounds a lot like those cheap 80s sexploitation movies ) is captured and arrested by the police guy - who arrives only after everything important went down which is a staple of movies as well as real life - we learn that the busty hooker was only wearing a black wig and that it´s really Cynthia Rothrock in disguise who . . . whoa wait a minute. The hooker IS Cynthia Rothrock ?

When did she get such huge melons and where has she been hiding those amazing sweater puppies all the time ? I did a bit of research and it is rumored that she got some enhancements ( 34C - 25 - 34 )  but when I first saw that movie I was not prepared for Cynthia´s giant double airbags.

At that moment I was ready to see Cynthia Rothrock slutting it up a few notches and going undercover to use her hardbody to lure more sexual predators into a trap - with the occasional smart one getting the upper hand on her so we see some hot sex scenes or at least Cynthia naked - but my hopes were dashed pretty quick as we learn that she was just on loan to the vice police for this case and there will be no encore performance.

So we have to say goodbye to Cynthia´s hooker outfit but she makes up for this with a nice pink sweater and boy, does she know how to wear it.

The plot of the movie is told very quickly : because of a series of murders using the Tiger Claw technique the resident martial arts specialist of the police and Cynthia Rothrock are brought in to investigate. This being the 80s the guy is of course played as a loner who doesn´t want a partner ( they still do that in cop movies ) and especially not a woman because this kind of work is too dangerous. So Cynthia has to prove herself to her new partner and ultimately they become a good team. I don´t remember if they also become romantically involved but it´s possible. I mean, she is built like a brick sh*t house and with that haircut and the way Cynthia stretches out the sweater I´m getting almost Power Girl like vibrations.

In any case, the main appeal of the movie lies less in the intricate story and more in the execution. Especially the parts with Cynthia Rothrock who shows that she not only has great martial arts skills and a great rack but also the great ASS - ets to go with it. Ming - Na Wen redeemed herself later through Marvel´s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. but I still think that Cynthia Rothrock would have been a better Chun Li in the Street Fighter movie.


Now I was a bit disappointed that we didn´t get to see more of Cynthia Rothrock in this movie but it is totally not her fault. As I only learned later Cynthia Rothrock always wanted to do riskier scenes and was willing to show more skin ( After all what is the use of training your hardbody to physical perfection if you can´t show it ? Especially if you are an actress where your body is one of your main factors determining what roles you get and what you are paid. ) but that her agent always vetoed it who for some reason thought it would hurt her market value as a female martial arts star if she did nude scenes. Thankfully Cynthia did manage to get her way in many Femme Fatales issues much to the delight of her male fans.

And she was finally allowed to strut her stuff on screen in movies like Fatal Passion, Undefeatable and especially Sworn to Justice which does not only star Cynthia in the title role of a woman out on revenge but also was produced by her. So you know that it is going to kick ass. It also shows ass since the top heavy blonde is aware what movie goers want and so shows a lot of her body. She even serves up a brief look at her twin trophies in a lovemaking scene. It’s her only skin onscreen to date, so enjoy it guys !

Now the main reason for this encore performance is that I came across The Art Of Action hosted by action star Scott Adkins and there is an episode where he interviews none other than the first lady of martial arts, Cynthia Rothrock herself. By the way, am I the only one who didn´t know that Cynthia Rothrock has her own YouTube channel ? Anyway, it´s a fascinating episode and you can find more interviews with old school action stars like Richard Norton, Marc Dacascos or even Dolph Lundgren.

For those who don´t like to watch long interviews here is Undefeatable with Cynthia Rothrock. It says " uncut " but with germans that´s a lie.

Since I mentioned Chun Li here is a funny video where Jenny Babas embodies the martial artist with the big booty and the thundertighs.

Now is it just my sexual fetish at work or does asia have the hottest women on the planet - period ? To prove my theory here are more korean wonder women than you can shake a horny Urotsukidoji´s tentacle at.

Apropos koreans who look terrific in a bikini, while our next contestant has never tried out for a fitness title she is no stranger to competitions because she had to go through a lot of them during her singing career.

The person I´m talking about is actress / singer Jun Hyo - Seong ( I know that in some of the videos she is called Jeon Hyo - Sung but Jun Hyo - Seong is the name in her wikipedia entry so I´m going with that ) who started out as a member of Secret and launched a successful solo career.

Born on the 13th of October 1989 Jun had a lot of hurdles to overcome on her way to fame and fortune ( and if you want to know more check out wikipedia because it´s too much to list it here ) and what a lot of her fans can appreciate is that she worked all of her life to get where she is now.

Once Jun became known to a wider audience she turned into the most popular band member thanks to her incredible 36A - 23 - 36 measurements.

And they are really incredible because she did a swimsuit photo shoot for Cosmopolitan and everybody thought it was photoshopped because they couldn´t believe a girl with such boner inducing measurements existed.

Well, blow up sex doll Jun went on record and measured her pornstar body in front of witnesses and though her measurements fluctuate from time to time like all girls she proved that the pictures were not photoshopped.

Today we have her top 5 performances of Into Me ( although some people claim the song title is Into You ) and as usual the performances are ranked from good to best with the good on the top and the best at the bottom.

Like always they are listed according to my personal preferences with extra points awarded for breast outfit, breast boob window, breast boob thrusting, the breast bouncing action and the overall breast performance.

Yep, I know that I usually don´t leave space between the videos if I do my usual batches of five but you can thank the new blogger interface for that. I tried for almost an hour to get rid of it but all I managed was to loose a video. So once again - thanks blogger for this useless upgrade.

Continuing with the martial arts theme here is a video about the cartoon Jackie Chan Adventures of which my younger brother was a huge fan of.

We are closing with one of the best shows on tv ever. Readers from the first hour know that I don´t miss an opportunity to pimp Fringe and the series is perfect for binge watching during the long hours of quarantine.

New to the blog ? Everything you need to know about TALES FROM THE KRYPTONIAN : top ten posts / more posts of interest / best of the best

Einai Kalytero Anthropo Apo Ton Patera Toy.

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