Wouldn´t you know it ? Just when I said that I don´t have to start a fifth post my last one has become so long that it´s quicker to do an entire spin - off post than to wait until the page loads .... with every little change.
Anyway, this way at least I get to post more pages from Phil Foglio´s great adult series XXXENOPHILE ( as you may have deduced from the title ).
Which wasn´t easy since I had to make sure that there is nothing that may not be safe to post. Anyway, since this comic is only available in black and white ( at least to my knowledge there is no colored version of these issues available ) so this will be a very short BLACK AND WHITE post.
We are continuing where we left off in our last post, with the celebrity birthdays from May the 1st and real life 41D Power Girl Joy Harmon who celebrated her 80th birthday. The blonde brabuster might not be the most recognizable name in show biz, but surely the most recognizable breasts !
A regular on You Bet Your Life after Groucho Marx took a liking to her, Joy made literally hundreds of tv cameos in the 60s and 70s - including The Monkees and Batman - thanks to her 41 - 22 36 measurements. She was a building - sized go - go dancer in Village of the Giants ( 1965 ) but what people remember the most about Joy Harmon is her famous car wash scene in Cool Hand Luke ( 1967 ) where she soaps up her jalopy with her own natural spones before " putting them on the glass " which doubtless inspired Sir - Mix - Alot and entire generations of males. I´m not sure but I have the suspicion that Joy Harmon´s wild and wet performance is also the reason why the movie is so hard, I mean, it´s so difficult to find the movie on DVD or Blue Ray in Germany and if you find it it´s expensive.
Never underestimate the effect giant, wet boobs that are pressed tightly against glass can have on your memory. Just ask ragazza Simona Ventura .
And since such short animated GIFs - no matter how good the quality - are ill suited to adequately show the full dimensions of Miss Harmon´s over - proportionate developed talents here is the best version of the scene.
We come to the Dearly Departed section of the birthday shoutouts with writer Carlos Trillo best known for his series Cybersix drawn by the late Carlos Meglia - at least in Europe and his home Argentina. It is one of the most important comics in the history of Argentina and Carlos Trillo is without any doubt one of the most important comic writers of Argentina.
During the early iMAGE years Carlos Meglia did a few fill - in issues of WildC.A.T.S. and a few of the readers called him a clone of Humberto Ramos while in truth it was the other way around. That was one of the more entertaining parts of the iMAGE comics : the letters pages where you could read such hilarious comments like " What is a Frazetta ? "
Carlos Trillo also worked with Jordi Bernet co - creating the erotic comic series Clara De Noche and Chicca Dum Dum ( click here for my Jordi Bernet spotlight posts with plenty of art from the various series he worked on ).
Besides Carlos Meglia and Jordi Bernet Carlos Trillo also worked with comic artists - or artistas de historietas how they call them in Argentina - like Alberto Breccia, Horacio Altuna, Juan Jimenez or even Eduardo Risso.
Coming back to Cybersix, I read the spanish version but I don´t think there has been an english edition yet. So if you want to read more about the adventures of a leather clad buxom transvestite clone vampire super heroine COMIC VINE is the place to get more information and THE SUPER SATURDAY SHORT - LIVED SHOWCASE has an overview of the series in two parts as well as posts about every episode of the short lived cartoon. For those who have never heard of the series here is EyeofSol´s analysis of the animated version that was undeservedly cancelled before its time.
As a special treat for my spanish speaking readers ( sorry to the rest of my followers ) here is an interview with Carlos Trillo from 1994 on Infinito.
I try to put at least one full episode of a cartoon show in my posts but since all the videos I posted so far from Cybersix have been deleted here is the first episode of W.I.T.C.H. another series with female protagonists and one where I have read the actual comicbook. I think I first saw it at a convention and was very impressed by the production values. I got some issues for cheap which I only bought because there was always something extra attached but then I switched to the pocket books. They started re - printing them but in a different format with cheaper paper and somehow it fell to the wayside. Maybe this is one of the series I will continue when I restart my comicbook collection - provided they have this series in Spain.
Originally I wasn´t going to include Julie Benz who celebrated her 48th birthday on the 1st of May in the list of anniversaries but after going through her imdb rap sheet I realized that she has appeared in a lot of movies and tv series I enjoyed. Too many to list them all here but some of the top ones are Buffy The Vampire Slayer and Angel where she played Angel´s ex - lover Darla alongside blow up sex doll Charisma Carpenter.
Cult tv bikini sexbomb Charisma Carpenter is best known as Cordelia Chase on Buffy and the spin off Angel although Today´s kids may better know her from her recurring role on Veronica Mars which means they missed a lot of scorching bikini scenes with hot Charisma´s huge 34D beach balls.
One of these days I´ll have to get the first season of Veronica Mars to find out how it all started since I came in at the tailend of that season - as usual. Besides Veronica Mars Charisma Carpenter was also in episode 11 of season 5 of Burn Notice where she showed she still can deliver the goods.

In Germany only the first three seasons of Burn Notice have come out on DVD and right now I´m halfway through season 2. I´m not sure if I should wait any longer to see if they will do the rest someday or just get them through imports. Now that I´m invested I want to know how it plays out and there is even a spin off with Bruce Campbell´s character Sam. In any case Charisma´s funbags alone are worth the price of admission. Daimn !
Another tv show I thoroughly enjoyed and where I completely forgot that Julie Benz was in it is Desperate Housewives with not so desperate MILF Teri Hatcher ( Who could forget Teri Hatcher´s famous " I´m not a stripper ! " scene - right before she did a fantastic striptease ? ) who also played the BEST Lois Lane on tv so far and was the first actress who made it believable that Superman would choose her over the ultimate sex bombs on the Justice League of America roster like Big Barda or Wonder Woman.
Check out my last post on cult siren Teri Hatcher to read more about her comic book connections like her appearance in Tales From The Crypt or Tango & Cash where she showed her incredible body and dancing skills.
Coming back to Julie Benz, her biggest role was on Dexter and that series is also the reason why I included her. Seeing as I not only have to get rid of my comic collection but basically everything I own which includes all the DVDs and Blue Rays in the house I decided to re - watch Dexter.
The only problem with that was that I couldn´t find the first season and I don´t want to start my re - watch with season two. So instead I opted for another favorite of mine, the sadly short - lived Defiance which also has Julie Benz playing one of the main characters. So given my habit of showcasing things that deserve more attention I just had to include it.
This show was doing diversity before it became a thing that the SJWs weaponized for their propaganda with the many alien races living together which is one of the reasons they don´t hit you over the head with it as is the custom Today. Plus it´s innovative, unpredictable and has a great cast.
Whom I also almost wasn´t going to include in this post is lovely, buxom and shapely 36D - 24 - 34 brunette stunner Tawnni Cable ( with 2 ns not one ) who turned 53 on the 1st of May. Not because she is not worthy to be featured on the blog but because I somehow didn´t have any pictures of her whatsoever. They must have fallen victim to one of the last purges.
Anyway, Tawnni Cable is one of the more memorable playmates and while I don´t have the time for a full fledged playmate feature ( it´s also not that I found much info on her ) I am going to write about her. Even if it´s only for future reference and inclusion of next year´s Hugh Hefner tribute.
Tawnni Cable began her career as ultimate male sex fantasy as a Central High School cheerleader where she not only learned to do the splits but also the real purpose of cheerleaders : to endure the adrenaline charged sexual assault of the jocks at the post game victory parties / sex orgies.
Following high school graduation, Cable worked as an agency fashion model in New York City before being discovered as the Playmate Of The Month in the June, 1989 issue of PLAYBOY. The brunette blow up sex doll went on to pose for a bunch of PLAYBOY special edition publications and was featured in many PLAYBOY videos, most prominently the Wet & Wild.
Cable embarked on an acting career in the mid 90s and not only had a part in the made for tv movie Marilyn & Bobby : Her Final Affair, but also made guest appearances on episodes of the tv shows Eden, The Fresh Prince Of Bel Air and Cybil. Tawnni appeared along with four fellow PLAYBOY playmates on an all - star episode of the popular game show Family Feud.
As an avid lover of the beach, sun and surfing, Tawnni Cable eventually moved to Hawaii where she still lives to this very day. Thanks, Tawnni !
Okay, we still have a few categories to check off and since I couldn´t find a good video about Phil Foglio´s XXXenophile - surprise, surprise - here is one about independent comics creator, Harvey Pekar. I might be going out on a limb but it will be some time before I make a spotlight post for him.
Speaking about spotlights, here is one about the comic shop Ultra Comix in Nürnberg and this is another thing I will miss in exile. And no, I don´t mean german comic shops since they obviously don´t have german comic shops in Spain. No, what I will miss are comic shops in general since I will be out in the badlands and even a shop with a good assortment of comics is a long way. Let alone a good comic shop worth his money. The second thing I will miss is knowing what to buy IF I am in a comic shop. Because if I am reading things right I will be bereft of every comicbook I ever owned and if going to a comic shop in Spain did already feel like being in a candy store after years of dieting imagine that amped up to the nth degree.
Since I mentioned that all of the episodes of Cybersix have been erased I want to seize the opportunity to pimp another favorite show where that is also true. I have mentioned Seven Days before - mostly because of mega sexbomb Justina Vail who plays ravishing russian Dr. Olga Vukovich ( which totally sounds like a porn star name if I have ever heard one ) - and it is one of the most underrated and sometimes even unknown tv shows. If people ask me what Seven Days is all about " It´s time travel done right. "
Leave it to Reinhard Mey to wrap up the complete history of german railway companies in a ten minute song with Die Eisenbahnballade.
This is not really a re - post since I did include a video with children´s books author Janosch in a previous post but I think it was a different one and it got deleted in the meantime. So who´s up for a treasure hunt ?
One thing I can look forward to are the spanish women as Spain - and the spanish speaking part of the world - has the hottest women on the globe.
We already have an underrated tv show so here is an underrated movie : Walter Hill´s Streets Of Fire starring Michael Pare, Willem Dafoe, Diane Lane, Rick Moranis, Amy Madigan and last but not least my man Bill Paxton.
In this section I always try to offer a broad variety of different subjects because I don´t want to be predictable and I know that some people don´t like certain topics. From time to time I also include videos about very serious matters and this time it is about body shaming. Now I have struggled if I should include the video because some people might think it is just a cheap excuse to put another video with a hot chick on the blog.
In the end I decided to do it because it is a good example that even with all the hot women I post there might be some where you think they are absolutely hot but they might think differently. For me - and I know that this is also true for a lot of other people because I read some comments - there is nothing wrong with the woman in this video. I think she looks stunning. But she feels - or at least felt - differently. Now I won´t pretend to know what it feels like if everybody tells you you are to skinny but I can tell you from personal experience that sometimes the people in your social environment can get really hurtful with comments about your body. And sometimes it turns into such a relentless barrage of insults that the people themselves stop noticing that they are doing it. Anyway, sorry to get so topic heavy here but I hope this video can help some people out there.
Boy, how do I end on a positive note after this ? Very often I let things chill out with a cartoon but we already covered that. Other times we end with an episode of Inside Of You with Michael Rosembaum but I have the feeling I already went to that well too often. So instead our last video is The Rise And Fall Of Orion Pictures which doesn´t sound too uplifting.
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