Sunday, May 03, 2020

Or is it a New Mutant Monday ? You decide !

I must be crazy to start three new posts on one day ( well, technically two days since I started this before midnight and now it´s after midnight but it is still the same session ) but the way my bonus section seems to go I will need more than two posts to cover all the birthdays. Also I can use all the original pages I have left from my last post that tackled with the NEW MUTANTS which comes in handy now that the movie has finally dropped.

So far I haven´t seen it ( With the pandemic I was too busy to go to the cinema so I´ll have to wait until it comes out on DVD. Although now that I have to get rid of most of my stuff it may not be such a good idea. ) I always try not to expose myself to too much about movies before I have a chance to watch them - which is the reason why I only watched the first trailer - but I already found out about their whitewashing of Roberto DaCosta a.k.a. Sunspot, Danielle Moonstar a.k.a. Mirage and Cecilia Reyes.

Daimn, I guess 1983s New Mutants are just too diverse for 2020s SJWs.

Back in the 80s NEW MUTANTS was doing real diversity and not what Hollywood is trying to sell us as diversity now ( plus they had more girls on the team than boys ). They were all real characters without the political correct tropes that are indispensable now. Roberto DaCosta for example was a big fan of real football - or like it is called in America soccer - but also of Magnum. Who was neither brazilian nor had dark skin. Still Thomas Magnum was one of the biggest stars on tv so Roberto wanted to be like him. Which would be totally unacceptable to Today´s SJW - programmed audience. I mean how could they dare that a brazilian character could identify with a white caucasian male who was also older ? Whitewashing !

What I find a bit telling is that when they choose a black actor to portray Jimmy Olsen on Supergirl then that´s okay and a sign of progress and we comicbook fans are supposed to suck it up even if we know that Jimmy Olsen is supposed to be a white guy. That´s not about diversity it´s just about doing the character how he is supposed to be. But when somebody like Roberto DaCosta is played by a white guy then it´s whitewashing and everybody is in an uproar. Now I´m not saying that I am okay with Roberto DaCosta being white - because he´s not - BUT how is Jimmy Olsen being black not a case of blackwashing ? It´s only fair turnaround. Maybe this needs to be a word, blackwashing. And I was so looking forward to see a good adaption of Marvel Comics brilliant NEW MUTANT series on the big screen and now Xi´an " Shan " Coy Mahn a.k.a. Karma isn´t even in it.

There goes my hasian fetisch as they eliminated the vietnamese lesbian.

Although from what I have seen so far it will be more based on the classic Demon Bear Saga by Chris Claremont and Bill Sienkiewicz. Fun fact for my readers abroad : apparently the guys from Panini didn´t find the title scary enough so instead of Dämonenbär it is being published as Höllenbiest ( Beast From Hell ) in Germany. Whatever. At least there will be more people who will be exposed to this glorious series although I can only hope this doesn´t turn into a fiasko like the recent The Dark Phoenix Saga adaption.

But I already shared my thoughts about that in this post so let´s stay with the topic of this post. When I said that more people will be exposed to the series I of course meant that there are already some who at least are familiar with one character that originated in the NEW MUTANT series - and one who  first appeared in the UNCANNY X - MEN book : Legion and the Shadowking. They are the main protagonists of the Legion tv series which for me is one of the best comicbook adaptions. Granted, the story is not the same as in the source material but the way they worked with non linear storytelling and the overall style of the show does a pretty good job of transmitting what must be going on in the head of a person with multiple personalities. As well as bringing across Bill Sienkiewicz´ art style.

And yes, I said it. NEW MUTANTS is Marvels best series about teen super heroes. Forget RUNAWAYS, move over YOUNG AVENGERS, in the words of one of the greatest philosophers of our time NEW MUTANTS is the best teen super hero series there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be. Yes, I have to agree with the guys from the SIDEBAR comic podcast that Chris Claremont´s writing sometimes comes off as grown up words coming out teens mouth while Marv Wolfman had more realistic teenage dialogue in THE NEW TEEN TITANS. But most of the members in NEW MUTANTS had to grow up faster thanks to the problems of their sudden mutation so they were not exactly kids anymore. And back then he was still at the height of his power so the writing is second to none.

We continue with the celebrity birthdays where we left off in our last post which brings us to the 2nd of May and a callback to the 90s with Judith Adlhoch who celebrated her 53rd birthday. She used to host the travel show Voxtours which aired on the german channel Vox - as you might have guessed - and she kept me glued to the show trying to catch a glimpse of her spectacular body in a hot outfit, a dirndl or even - homina, homina, homina - a bikini. Which happened quite often. I cherished each bikini episode with Judith - german tv viewers will remember the episode about the Seychelles especially fondly - and the only reason why I haven´t featured her so far is that there are absolutely no good clips with Judith.

Speaking of 90s tv and busty bikini bombshells, Mitzi Kapture turned 58 best known for Silk Stalkings - or Palm Beach Duo how it was called on german tv - and bikinis where a required requisite on that show. I guess that was due to the big success of Baywatch. Or maybe the producer just knew what the male viewers wanted to see : scantily clad bikini babes.

The show also had one of my all time tv crushes Janet Gunn amongst its cast - who even makes a mega hot appearance in a bikini YOWZA ! - and the only reason why I haven´t done a full cult siren feature on Janet Gunn is that I don´t have enough good material from the tv series Dark Justice.

The reason why Janet is on my list of all time tv crushes is that she not only appeared in her first episode in a stunning dress with a plunging cleavage that perfectly displays her protruding puppies, she also tried to hit on a guy in a bar using every inch of her body to try and drag him to the nearest hotel to bang his brains out. Not because she´s a hooker ( which Janet could easily pull off with her pornstar body ) but because she´s one of these women paid to test if a guy is faithful. Which in my opinion is one of the biggest scams in history and I openly call foul on this.

Now I know that women can be suspicious and want to know if their guy is faithful. The thing I am questioning here is how realistic these scenarios really are. Take me for instance, how big are the chances that a blonde Busenwunder like Janet would talk to me less look at me ? To women in general I am invisible and if they notice me at all it´s with this certain disgust in their eyes. So if a sexbomb like Janet would suddenly engage in a conversation with me and manage to convince me to go to a no - tell motel room with her to partake in some special midnight olympics ( which would take her all of five seconds ) how is this an accurate unfolding of an encounter in real life ? No, for me this is a cheap schtick especially since the women who are hired to do this use every dirty trick in the book.

I know that there are guys who stay faithful to their women no matter what but in my opinion a woman who is trained in the right techniques can get any guy to go to a motel with her. Anyway, that was one totally unrelated rant so let´s get back to Janet Gunn on Dark Justice. Her first episode is Lush Life, episode 5 from season 2 and so far I couldn´t find it anywhere. I mean try to find something on YouTube with the words lush and life. The best clip with her I could find ( apart from her incredibly steamy sex scene in Night Of The Running Man ) is from episode 5 of season 3 of Silk Stalkings where Janet Gunn briefly appears in a bikini and last time I had to resort to the french version. Because while there are a lot of episodes of seasons 3 and 4 in english this episode is blocked - at least in Germany ( probably because of extreme hotness of Janet Gunn ).

She also appeared in seasons 6 to 8 but those episodes might disappear.

But the reason why I chose to include Mitzi Kapture in this bonus section was not only to reminiscence about Silk Stalkings since I only watched a few of those episodes. Besides her obligatory appearance on Baywatch ( I told you every hot babe of the 80s and 90s was on the show ) Mitzi Kapture also was the main lead in the third movie of the Angel series.

That´s right they actually spun an entire franchise about revenge drama Angel about a very young school girl turned hooker. The best part was the second one because it starred brabusting Betsy Russell in the lead role.

Betsy Russell is perfect for the role of grownup hooker Angel as she is best known for getting her freak on - and her clothes off - in such classic screwball comedies like Private School, Tomboy or Cheerleader Camp. She also appeared in an episode of the Superboy tv series and had a short but memorable erotic scene in 1992´s Delta Heat with Anthony Edwards.

Now while the third Angel movie with Mitzi Kapture was titled Angel 3 - The Final Chapter this apparently was more wishful thinking on the director´s part because there was actually a part four called Angel 4 - Undercover which was even worse than the third installment of this.

The only noteworthy thing about this movie is the participation of 34D - 26 - 35 Penthouse Pet Samatha Phillips who holds the record for getting her pictures published in the most countries. Sadly she doesn´t play the lead role and is completely wasted in this film as she has no nude scenes.

She was put to much better use playing Samatha Maxx, the busty blonde with the high squirt factor in The Dallas Connection ( a.k.a. Deadworks ).

Sadly she was only in one Andy Sidaris movie but you can see her naked in classics like Hot Springs Hotel, Passion Cove, Bedtime Stories, Fallen Angel ( which is in no way related to the Angel revenge movie franchise, thanks ), The Regina Pierce Affair, Passion´s Obsession and Sexual Malice.

Andy Sidaris was probably THE BEST director of action movies for adults and his cast is a WHOS´S WHO of playmates : 40DD Playmate Of The Month November 1984 Roberta Vasquez , hot 34D Page 3 girl turned sex therapist Ava Cadell , 41D Penthouse Pet Of The Year 1993 Julie Strain , Samantha Phillips, 34D Playmate Of The Month May 1994 Shae Marks , 36D Penthouse Pet Of The Month February 1993 Julie K. Smith , 34C Playmate Of The Month September 1993 Carrie Westcott or Dona Speir to name just a few.

And I just wrote a spin - off post with all the usual links to Janet Jones Gretzky and real live Power Girl Leslie Easterbrook who had the most famous scene in Police Academy 4 - Citizens on Patrol in which she emerges from a pool in a wet t - shirt. And while the obligatory Andy Sidaris actresses / playmates / sexbombs like Roberta Vasquez , Ava Cadell , brunette Cynthia Brimhall, Dona Speir , Julie Strain , Shae Marks , Julie K. Smith and Samantha Phillips are mentioned the main part is about blonde brabuster Monique Sluyter and the obligatory plethora of Tutti Frutti girls .

Now usually I just include a short part with them in the posts but this time I did a somewhat longer version so I could include all the new download links I found while writing this post. I just recently included a whole slew of new ones but those are just for compilation and mixes while these new ones are not only for entire episodes - which are always ultra rare - but for german episodes which are even rarer. Some of them even include my favorite Tutti Frutti girl ( whom you can see just below ).

And for more on such baywatchable babes like Erika Eleniak ( who is of course most famous for her incredibly steamy striptease in UNDER SIEGE ), Krista Allen ( best remembered for getting her freak on as french blow up sex doll EMANUELLE in 8 made for tv movies ) or natural born go go dancer Carmen Elektra check out my latest BAYWATCH SPIN - OFF POSTS.

Seeing as the second Angel movie is the best thanks to Betsy Russell´s performance it´s no wonder it´s the only one included in this top ten list.

I have to say I don´t remember much about the third Angel movie with Mitzi Kapture because the second one and the third one kind of blur together in my mind. Maybe I am distracted by Betsy Russell´s perfect pornstar body. Anyway, maybe the trailer will help to jog my memory.

Okay, so the second Angel movie is the one with the old drunk hobo cowboy. And for those who want to know if the fourth Angel movie is really that bad here is a review from USA Up All Night. Which I thought was a cable tv show hosted by 36D - 25 - 36 Sexbombe Rhonda Shear .

We are staying with 90s entertainment as we give a shoutout to the late Ray Traylor. And while the name may not sound familiar you definitely know the man, at least if you watched wrestling during the 80s or 90s.

That´s right, I´m talking about the Big Boss Man. While he was most often played as the bad guy I always did enjoy his in - ring performance. There were some times where he was ... well, not the good guy but just the less evil guy. Still there was something about him that was very entertaining.

Because not everybody can play a good bad guy. Ray was never meant to succeed and began his career as one of the grunts who are big and burly and just there to get his lumps from the big stars and make them look good. But Dusty Rhodes saw something in him so he went on to play the bodyguard for various wrestling managers before getting his own schtick - and stick - as the Big Boss Man, a persona based on his prison guard job.

Like I said, he was never destined to become a superstar and while he never was one of the biggest names in wrestling he held the WWF World Tag Team Championship and the WWF Hardcore Championship four times.

Since we are on the subject of wrestling I have to mention my favorite wrestler, valet, model and actress, the korean blow up sex doll Gail Kim .

The reason for that is that I know that with the way some posts appear and then disappear on this blog and how long some of them take before getting finished some things may get lost in the shuffle. And in the case of Gail Kim I´d hate that to be the best photoshoot of her life - EVER.

So for anybody who may have missed the Knockout´s Valentine´s Day Special photoshoot the first time around - and those who want to revisit it - here is the making of and the only downside is that we don´t get to see more of Gail Kim. Although with Gail less is more if you get my drift.

We come to Today´s birthdays and there is one Busenwunder I absolutely must mention since the racktastic redhead Christina Hendricks celebrates her 45th birthday and I haven´t written about her in quite some time. I finally started watching Mad Men - where she really put the boob in boob tube - but after finishing the first season I´m not sure if I will continue.

I mean, Christina´s boobs are just ginourmuous, not to mention her ample behind and the actors are all great but there is too much drama and it´s not that interesting to me. Maybe I am spoiled by all the superhero shows.

It seems that one of the few occassions where I get to write a bit more about these hot women is in my movie casting sections and even then I am so focused on the particular super heroine team I am casting that I forget other possible roles. Like in the case of the aforementioned nubian sex goddess Halle Berry it took me some years ( !!! ) before I remembered that she would be perfect for the role of ultimate blow up sex doll Alex Wilde from Erik Larsen´s Savage Dragon. Heck, he even admitted that he modeled her after Halle so she should be the first choice for that role.

I know, she looks rather white on the page above but she´s of hispanic heritage and supposed to be colored with a much darker skin tone here.

Since the first issue Alex was the one I hoped Dragon would end up with but something always came between them getting together. And when I say " something " I mean of course writer Erik Larsen. First it was that they were both working together, than Dragon was together with the superheroine Rapture, than Alex was with the superhero Dart and they only ended up together when Savage Dragon returned to Chicago from a long absence. He was working with the S.O.S. and Alex was still on the police force so they were not co workers and could finally get down to it.

Anyway, Alex and Savage Dragon were just trying to get over their past relationships ( by having lots of conscientious sex ) so that didn´t last long. Later on it seemed as if Alex and Dragon were finally together.

But as always things were more complicated : the Dragon that was using Alex like his blow up sex doll was an impostor from a parallel universe.

Likewise Christina Hendricks ( whom I cast as Maxima in my very first post about CASTING THE JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA MOVIE ) would be spot on for Rita Medermade, the redhead with the biggest boobs in the Savage Dragon universe with her gigantic megasized 42H ( !!!!! ) medicine balls.

There are a few videos with Christina Hendricks I haven´t posted yet and while this red carpet appearance is short it has a good quality and her huge melons almost jump out of her cleavage with every deep breath.

This reminds me that I haven´t done a SAVAGE DRAGON spotlight post in a very long time and I really should do one now that Erik Larsen has cracked the issue 250 mark. I don´t know how he does it but this book just keeps getting better and Erik Larsen is really firing on all cylinders right now.

And since we are on the subject of casting the SAVAGE DRAGON movie, I think adult glamour model / relationship coach / social media influencer / instagram star Jessica Weaver ( full cult siren entry pending ) would be perfect for the role of Dart. She has the right set of talents to play the leader of the viscious circle : legs up to her chin and her breathtaking 42E - 24 - 38 measurements cause instant erections in males of every age.

I often hate to be right but it seems all my fears in regards to the New Mutants movie came true. Hollywood is firmly in the grip of the SJWs and their agendas and something I keep repeating in my posts is that they talk a lot about diversity but they have no idea what real diversity looks like.

With the New Mutants comic you had kids who were not only diverse in terms of their race or looks but also their cultural backgrounds, political and religious beliefs, etc. I said it once and I will say it a hundred times, New Mutants is Marvel Comics best series about teenage super heroes.

The best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be.

Now since they mentioned Buffy The Vampire Slayer in the video above, a few days ago I  was zapping through the channels and stopped at an episode. And was instantly reminded why everybody loves the show.

When I have to sell my comicbook collection I just hope I can keep my issues of SAVAGE DRAGON since I have an ( almost, there´s one issue I´m missing ) complete run. There are archive editions but they are in black and white. Plus trades are not such a good option since not the entire series has been reprinted in trade. And to make matters worse there are some trades that have a very low print run so they go for ridiculous prices.

We are continuing our series of german rap videos with blonde 44E - 25 - 41 Busenwunder Shirin David´s Hoes Up Gs Down. When did the german rap scene get taken over by female rappers who all look like pornstars ?

Not that I mind, quite the contrary. Where can I find more of dem ladies ?

There are some cartoons where you just go WTF ?!? like Rock´N Roll Dad by Peter Bagge. Which apparently has just four episodes but he has always been a big fan of the Beach Boys. I hate to be one of those guys who say " I used to like his old stuff " but it seems he´s only doing SJW - compatible biographies about historically important feminist figures. Which seems weird since he always used to be such a big advocate of artistic integrity.

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Wessen Brot ich esse, dessen Lied ich singe.

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