Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Halloween Havok with the Captains Marvel

It seems you have to be careful what you wish for because while finishing my last post I went over all the black and white art of Jim Starlin and realized that not only have I not done a post on his birthday on the 9th of this month but I have all the original art from an issue of CAPTAIN MARVEL.

Mind you, not the Bronze Age classic but the new series by Peter David.

Of which I am not the biggest fan for various reasons that I don´t want to go into detail for time reasons. Those who visit the blog on a regular basis have heard me complain about these things enough and for the rest it is not that important. Just let it be noted that in my opinion there was a lot of room for improvement. Which is one of my major grievances with Peter David. If the series would have been bad because he´s a hack and can´t do any better that would have been okay. But he has shown that he can write on a much higher level - provided he puts enough effort into it.

So when the series is subpar because he doesn´t care about the readers and just wants to follow his own quirks and feed his own ego and even goes as far as inserting scenes in a comic shop so he can rebuff readers who complain - that´s when I start having a problem. And that´s when I am not willing to pay money to finance a writer´s ego trip. Anyway, I said I wasn´t going to go into detail about the things that I didn´t like in Peter David´s CAPTAIN MARVEL run so I have already said more than enough.

Now you might ask yourself if I dislike it that much why am I making a post about it ? Well, for one while there are a lot of things I did not like there were a few things that I liked enough to buy some issues. And it´s not that Peter David is a bad writer per se. It´s just that he has a lot of stuff and personal hang ups he likes to put into his writing which at first you don´t notice but over the course of a few years can get very repetitive and formulaic. So at some point you stop reading the story and only wait for the STAR TREK reference, the reference from a current blockbuster movie to drop and who is going to say " And don´t call me Shirley. " and when ( by the way, I am 100 percent sure that Count Duckula used that running gag first ). So it may not be as much Peter David´s fault and more my own because I have just gotten over - saturated with his writing.

Another factor that made me question the validity of this post was the fact that the original art pages are very small. I would have preferred it if they would have been bigger but you can see the art well enough and it´s also not that often that you find an entire issue. I think I found it on COMICARTFANS but I don´t remember in whose gallery. If you recognize the pages and want me to put a link int he post send me an e - mail.

Okay, so far I have talked a lot about the reasons why NOT to make this post. So let´s take a look at why I finally decided to do it anyway. I said in my last post that I wanted to do another post for Halloween or around Halloween and while the story from issue eleven is not a scary story it does have something to do with the dead - in this case Genis - Vell´s father Mar - Vell - and especially departed family members. It may not be what you deal with in the american version of Halloween but it´s what El Dia De Los Muertos the mexican´s celebration of the dead is all about.

The story also feature Thanos who is on everybody´s mind right now thanks to Avengers : Infinity War ( which was not as bad as I had feared but suffered from tons of needless SJW crap ) so that´s another bonus.

And as I have already said so far I have not done a post for Jim Starlin´s birthday this year. Or ever. Now that I think of it I never did a post for him. So now I can check that form my bucket list and he can share it with Peter David if he wants. So let´s travel back to a time when things were not quite perfect with Captain Marvel but at least he was not a woman.

Not that I have a problem with a female Captain Marvel. We had a very capable female Captain Marvel during one of my favorite runs by Roger Stern, John Buscema and Tom Palmer ( and one day I can hopefully continue my posts on that series ) and she was black. But the entire publicity stunt they did with Miss Marvel becoming Captain Marvel so that a new heroine can claim the title Miss Marvel - not the biggest fan of that.

Anyway, this introduction has already taken up more of your time than necessary so let´s dive right into the issue and happy Samhain to you all.

Life and death have always been big themes in Jim Starlin´s comic work - especially death - so it should not surprise anybody that most of the links I have bookmarked for him deal with that topic. Since I still hope to write the respective DEATH IN COMICS : THE MANY DEATHS OF ADAM WARLOCK and DEATH IN COMICS : THE DEATH OF CAPTAIN MARVEL ( THE REAL ONE ) post so I am saving a few but I am putting the other ones on the blog.

Even if the expiration date on some of them might have already run out.

Since there was not a lot of Bronze Age Captain Marvel in this post we are kicking it off old school as DORK FORTY ! waxes nostalgic on Jim Starlin´s Thanos Saga in three parts part one / part two / part three . At this point it is already old news since Jim Starlin has already finished Thanos : The Infinity Siblings with Alan Davis ( who seems to relegate himself to these self contained stories nowadays which makes following him extremely difficult ) and the follow up Thanos : The Infinity Conflict is slated to hit shelves on November the 13th but for those who have been out of the loop with all the Infinity Something Something minis there is a review of Thanos : The Infinity Relevation on RECORDED LAND SHARK ATTACKS and you can see some preview pages on COMICBOOK ( Man, before somebody pointed it out to me I never notice how few comic book related websites have the word comic in the title. How are people supposed to find us ? ).

Now I said in my introduction that I never made a post especially for Jim Starlin but I mentioned his series Final Crisis : The Death of the New Gods in my post BIG BARDA : DEATH, LIES AND VIDEOTAPES ! which I recently pimped, I did the ( hopefully ) first black and white post on George Perez contribution to The Infinity Gauntlet and I wrote a bit about his epic - in both senses of the word - series Dreadstar in MY EPICLY ILLUSTRATED JOURNEY TO DREADSTAR . I don´t think I ever managed to write the follow up post I planned on doing but the series has my utmost recommendation.

It is still unpublished in Germany which is one of the reasons why I was so blown away by it once I decided to hunt down those issues. I previously had gotten my hands on a spanish issue but as so often other things took up my mind so I never followed it. It also wasn´t that easy to find back issues at that time. So one day while doing my search list it dawned on me that it was high past time to start looking for the series - which may have to do with the fact that I just bought the two Dreadstar / Metamorphosis Odyssey trades which were still in black and white and had the pages that Jim Starlin glued together from shredded copies - and I was dumb struck.

Not only by the unbelievable quality of the writing and art but also by the fact that you never heard anything about the book here in Germany. The complete Metamorphosis Odyssey has been reprinted in the hardcover Jim Starlin´s Dreadstar : The Beginning ( which I think I pimped when it was offered at amazon at a bargain price ) or if you don´t have the money you can get the more affordable trades. So far there is no hardcover of the Dreadstar series but for the waiters for the traders there is the first Dreadstar Omnibus which reprints the first 12 issues and the second one which contains issues 13 to 26 is announced for January the 8th of 2019.

For those who never heard of the series as well as those who might have read an issue or two and want to refresh their memory there is an in - depth review of Metamorphosis Odyssey on THE BRONZE AGE OF BLOGS and a much shorter one on HYPERCASTLE . MARS WILL SEND NO MORE once again goes way and beyond, offering the first three chapters of the series plus the first meeting of Dreadstar and Oedi with Willow from Epic Illustrated 15 and the psychic battle between Willow and Monalo from Dreadstar 29. You can also find a review of Dreadstar - in spanish - by Faustino Rodriguez Arbesu on ULTRAMUNDO , HOW TO ARSENIO LUPIN has an entry on the series with a huge cover gallery and speaking of covers, GIANT - SIZE MARVEL has the original cover for Avengers Annual 7 .

Speaking of things for my spanish readers, we start the celebrity birthdays with the candidates from Yesterday and the first one is tv host / reporter / actress / comedian / photo model Cristina Pedroche who turned 30.

There are probably very few people in Spain who don´t know who she is ( and the number is even smaller among the male populace ) since she has been constantly on tv screens, first as a guest on Se Lo Que Hicistes then on Otra Movida until she became a fix member of the daily comedy show Zapeando. I have to say it took me a while to take a shine to Cristina but she slowly won me over by wearing bigger and bigger cleavages on her guest appearances. I am not saying that she did it solely for my benefit but it did work. One of the reasons why Cristina has such a huge fan following - besides the fact that she is mas bueno que el pan how we say in spanish - is that she is a geek at heart. She is very outspoken about the things she likes ( even if they are not popular or trending at the moment ) and her proudest moment was not any tv show award she won but that she was honored to do the season kick - off for her favorite soccer team. 

Besides her banging bikini body that she is never shy to display and her wardrobe that can only be described as beyond risque the reasons why Cristina is so hugely beloved by the spanish populace is her irresistible smile, the fact that she is up for anything without any concern if she may look stupid and her ability to laugh at herself. She often sings - very badly - on the show and is very aware of it. She just doesn´t care. In short, Cristina is that hot sexbomb next door you always had a crsuh on who is funny, witty, smart, your best friend and your best lover. Or to quote one of my favorite lines from Sledge Hammer : she will be a wife AND mistress.

I am trying to keep this section short ( I know, epic fail Subzero ) so I only want to mention that I already wrote at length about her in last year´s pre - Halloween post. Which not only has more animated Cristina Pedroche GIFs and videos than you can shake a you - know - what at but also includes the rest of the celebrity birthdays from October the 30th.

We continue with another hot latina, Giselle Gomez Rolon who also celebrated her 30th birthday Yesterday ( although in Giselle´s case the important number is 34, 34D that is ). With her giant melons she would have been a prime candidate for my SEARCH FOR POWER GIRL series.

Unfortunately I am not doing that anymore but not only is Giselle the living embodiment of the Maid of Mammaries, she also looks exactly like the kind of women I draw. From the proportions - which women don´t tire to tell me are not average to which I always reply that I am not trying to draw average women - down to the hairdo to the way I draw eyes and those crazy, curved eyebrows it´s like one of my drawings came to life.

She even has those bikini tan lines that I find sextremely attractive.

Anyway, the first video I found was from The Toc Show where she was wearing an incredible black short dress and re - enacting Sharon Stone´s famous scene from Basic Instinct. Now as always I was late to the party so I have no idea how the general reaction was but apparently there were some wild rumors. Some people see only what they want to see but contrary to what you may have read there was no wardrobe malfunction.

Since I could not find any good pictures nor GIFs I had to make my own which meant going through the video frame by frame and even though some websites pixelated the shots of Giselle Gomez Rolon I can say without any doubt that she was wearing panties - unlike Sharon Stone ( unless she was using a body double ). And all the people who got upset surely have seen the original scene with Sharon Stone so it´s not like this would have been the first time they saw a woman´s unmentionables.

I have included a new video with the argentinian model and you can find more GIFS and videos of 34D Power Girl Giselle Gomez Rolon in this post .

We continue with another hot sexbomb, the lovely 38D nubian goddess Nia Long who turned 48 which means that if I had sex with her I would still do it with a woman who´s younger than me. Ay, chupate eso, Will Smith !

Of course this will not impress Will Smith since he probably banged her brains out when they were together. Now maybe you have heard of the Mandela Effect - which is in short when people think things happened a certain when in reality it is not true but because so many think it is true it is considered fact by most people - but the truth is that Will´s wife Jada Pinkett Smith was never on The Fresh Price of Bel Air. But they did meet on set. Okay, most people think that Jada then only Pinkett played Will´s girlfriend who tamed him and got him to give up his womanizing ways but while it is true that she auditioned for the role she was considered too short and so the role was given to Nia Long. Personally I would have given the part to Nia in the first place since I think she´s way hotter than Jada.

Anyway, Jada WAS on the set of The Fresh Price of Bel Air because she auditioned for the role of Will´s girlfriend and that´s when she met him.

Of course a big part of that show´s success and continued appeal around the world ( there are probably only a few people on the face of the planet who can´t recite the lyrics to the title song in their sleep ) is Tatyana Ali who grew from a cute little girl into an incredible sexbomb over the course of that series and who got to show her musical skills.

Much to the chagrin of the show´s producers she really bOObed all out in later movie appearances like The Clown at Midnight or Fall Into Darkness .

Now Will Smith has gone on record that the relationship between him and Tatyana Ali has always been that between a big brother and his little sister but I don´t believe that he never put her body to the test not even once.

The same goes for Nia Long since she and Will also were together in Made in America and if you have seen the movie you know how absolutely do - able Nia looks in that movie. And Will was in his sexual prime. So it´s a sure bet there were some r - rated rehearsals going on in their trailers.

Besides The Fresh Prince of Bel Air and Made in America Nia Long is best known for Boyz n the Hood, Friday ( which I have seen both ) and the Big Momma´s House movies which I have not seen. She has some lingerie scenes in the movies but so far seeing Martin Lawrence in women´s clothing has kept me from watching it. I don´t know why so many people think it´s especially funny to see a grown man wearing women´s clothing.

I did see The Best Man and The Best Man Holiday back to back because I was unaware of the first one and only found out about the big brouhaha they made when the second one came out. I think I first heard of this on an episode of The Arsenio Hall Show where the cast appeared and Nia looked like the star of one of those MILFs Like It Big porns that are so popular now. Which is why I knew I already wrote something about her.

Longtime readers may remember that I cut off the part with her, Tatyana Ali, Letoya Luckett and Kenya Moore from the post because the upload time for all the animated GIFs was way too long. Ah, the naiivite of youth.

We are staying in the 90s with Deprise Brescia who celebrated her 53rd birthday. The name may not be familiar to Today´s audience guys from my generation have seen the former fitness and swimwear model that is into art these days on such shows like High Tide, Silk Stalkings, Renegade and more recently Forever and Two And A Half Men. But the thing that kicked off her career and made her famous was winning The Bikini Open 1 as well as The Bikini Open 4 ( which was the first Pay Per View of the franchise ) and she co - hosted The Bikini Open 5. Here is her Bikini Open profile :

The first title Deprise won was Miss Venus International in 1991 which launched her over 20 year long career as a very successful bathing suit model. She's won three cars, 27 titles, trips, cruises, jewelry, furs and more, all from a swimsuit. Despite all this it was actually pretty difficult to find any decent pictures with her now that most of my babe picture archive is gone. But I guess that´s because her big time was in the 90s.

Since I already posted The Bikini Open 1 and The Bikini Open 5 ( I could not find The Bikini Open 4 which is a bummer because it was one of the best episodes ) and her profile video is a bit short here is The Bikini Open 7 - The Bikini Bowl in which all the previous winners competed against each other. It was recycling but the viewers could call in and vote which was not that old at that time. They don´t make shows like this anymore.

Speaking about cult show with ultimate sexbombs in tiny bikinis, Deprise Brescia also appeared on Bodyshaping with fitness guru Kiana Tom whose name means " moon goddess " and who owes her exotic look to her mixed heritage of chinese, hawaiian and irish. She surely knew how to make men drool on Flex Appeal, where she used to give entire generations of horny teenagers huge erections with her 36D flex appeal. This earned Kiana Tom her very own cult siren entry which I reposted in 2016 and again in 2017 .

I also cast Kiana Tom as the female post CRISIS Dr. Light in my first CASTING THE JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA MOVIE ( THE HOLLYWOOD EDITION ) post and I also mentioned her in my second alternates post as part of a lesbian double dildo fourway sex orgy with Miko Lee , fetish model Akira Lane and cosplay legend Yaya Han . Any excuse to put another pair of oppai into it.

So far I had written five posts on Yaya - two of them are pretty safe but the other three are absolutely not safe for work - and I keep mentioning her on various JLA casting posts and any other posts involving exotic sexbombs like Kiana Tom, Ava Cadell, Akira Lane, Miko Lee, Gail Kim or Minka and I swear the completely NSFW BIG YAYA HAN POST is still in the pipeline. In the meantime I have made two new posts about Yaya which showcases a part of her anatomy that I have ignored too often - her legs.

Coming back to hawaiian heartbreaker and PLAYBOY centerfold Kiana Tom, as an actress her most famous part was in UNIVERSAL SOLDIER 2 or UNIVERSAL SOLDIER - THE RETURN how it is sometimes called were her short bit part at the beginning is the only redeeming value of the flick.

In the scene Jean Claude Van Damme and Kiana Tom´s character Maggie are running an exercise run against the universal soldiers. They are separated and Kiana Tom is captured by wrestler Goldberg. Now I don´t know where the logic is here as he´s supposed to be some kind of cyborg but he does what any healthy man would do in his situation. Namely tie the helpless Kiana Tom whose shirt reveals a really huge bulge to a tree.

But it gets even better as Goldberg ( named Romeo in the movie which might explain why he tries to get it on with Kiana ) rips open her shirt !

Now that´s what I call entertainment : we´re only six minutes into the movie and we already see Kiana´s bra - clad melons exposed ( sadly she doesn´t go bra - less although she definitely has the hardbody to pull it off, but since she doesn´t show more skin it is the erotic highlight ). It is just a quick glimpse, but you can see that Kiana really doesn´t have much to be ashamed of because those perfect heavenly hangers look amazing !

This year I haven´t done a re - post of Kiana Tom yet because I tried to find out more about this scene but it is not mentioned in any interviews.

And it would not surprise me if this was one of those very lucky instances where a blooper ended up in the movie since I am not sure if Bill Goldberg was really supposed to rip Kiana´s shirt wide open or if he just seized the opportunity to do what any strapping lad in his position would have done.

He probably botched a few takes on purpose so he could keep on exposing Kiana´s spectacular breasts. Speaking of spectacular breasts, maybe Bill went even further and also ripped off her bra. I mean, it would not be the first time something like this would be deleted from a movie ( remember the rumors that Halle Berry´s giant breasts obliterated her Catwoman costume but somehow there was no camera rolling that caught it on tape - on a movie set - so they could not put it in the extras ? ) or you would only hear about it decades later ( like with Erika Eleniak´s mind blowing striptease on Under Siege where only now Pamela Anderson accused Erika Eleniak of having had sex with Steven Segal to get that role while Erika Eleniak denies any such stories ). So likewise it may have been that Bill Goldberg not only ripped Kiana´s shirt open unscripted but that he also got rid of her bra and got busy motorboating her huge melons - which ruined every take - until she agreed to let him have his way with her in the trailer afterwards. But as I said I could not find anything about this particular scene. Maybe there is something in the movie commentaries.

The only thing that brings this down is that some sources claim that Kiana used a boob double for the scene. Which is hard to believe since it really isn´t necessary. Dammit, Kiana´s body is banging and if you check out the frames just before her pigeons fly loose you can see her big bust ready to explode. So the only reason why they would have used a double would be that she was too erotic and they shot somebody with a smaller chest. I´m no expert on chest sizes especially when it comes to american chest sizes but I like to believe that we get to see the real Kiana. And if not then I stick to the theory that Kiana´s at least as gifted as her body double or that Kiana´s chest is even bigger because otherwise it makes no sense.

In any case I´d like to get more information on who was her body double for the scene since she must also be a pretty hot number. Back to the scene, there isn’t a whole lot of skin here, but the bra busting moment might have you doing some serious Van Dammage to your man region !

Which makes it even less understandable that she didn´t do a nude scene in Universal Soldier 2. It´s not like Kiana has any problems with nudity since she not only posed naked for PLAYBOY, no, she also confessed that she is such a perfectionist that she had to wait until the right time in her career where she felt her body was in the best shape it has ever been in.

Too many actresses or female celebrities get the urge to do nude pictures when they are older or they want to show that they are still hot but most of them didn´t think of doing naked photos in their younger years and so their new pictures are useless because we have nothing to compare it to.

But Kiana did it right, she made it at her physical prime and her pictorial is awesome ! It´s no wonder her issue completely sold out in one month. It seems Kiana had a blast doing it too. In her own words : What a wonderful liberating beautiful experience to shoot with renowned photographers and PLAYBOY. I had the pleasure of meeting Hugh Hefner several times and was invited to their many wild parties at the iconic Playboy Mansion.

As you may know, I posed for the Celebrity Cover & layout for PLAYBOY before getting married. It was a big decision for me to do it or not. They had approached me and my agent several times. Each time I said no thank you. My mentor / BFF / mother and I discussed it at length and with her guidance, decided to do it. My father had Playboy magazines in his closet, I used to sneak and look at all the beautiful photos of the women. ( all of the therapists out there are now having a field day ! lol ) The Playboy staff was so wonderful to work with, I had photo approval, choices of locations, photographers, makeup artists, stylists ... I actually did two shoots : one in studio, and one in Mexico. Extensive interview and layout.

The same time I did the magazine, Universal Soldier Movie had just hit the theaters. What a fun time ! We shot the photos at a 10 million dollar circular mansion in Mexico over looking the water. The property had upside down trees ( roots at the top ), full wait staff, indoor pool in my penthouse suite and BATS ! Yes bats ! Eek ! I called down and they sent up " bat spray. " lol. badump bump chi. My artist mother joined me on the trip. She is very liberal and open minded. She sketched me as I posed.

As for her role in the film, Maggie is hardly used ( no pun intended ) and many reviewer bemoan that she didn´t get naked. I don´t know where the producers are coming from as they fumbled one of the biggest pulls of the movie when they decide not to make her a bigger part of the movie.

Really guys, which producer in his right mind passes up an opportunity to get a body like this naked ? Let´s just be realistic here. If a hot exotic sexbomb like Kiana Tom with a pornstar hardbody that just won´t quit was my co - worker I´d definitely spend all my free time slam-banging the living daylights out of her until I had tamed Kiana to be my obedient sex slave.

So for those who can´t get enough of Kiana Tom you might want to check the infamous Bodyshaping Bikini Workout ( part 1 / part 2 / part 3 ) that YouTube already took down once as long as you still can. Probably because besides Kiana Tom you also get the no less stunning Kimiko Tanaka who is an exotic mix of american indian and japanese. So you get two exotic sexbombs wearing tiny bikinis for the price of one which must have lead to countless guys getting the mother of all nosebleeds because of oppai overload. Plus in the second part Carla Dunlap substitutes Kiana Tom.

Coming back to Deprise Brescia after this long tangent about Kiana Tom, having appeared in more than one hundred commercials she advertised for Pepsi, Coca Cola, Miller Beer, Coors, Budweiser, Peugeot, Coty Perfumes, Adidas, Reebok, Nike, Kellogg's, Proctor and Gamble, Game - Stop, Central Sports, LA Gear, Bally's Fitness and many more. She hosted and co - hosted Bodyshaping and Co - Ed Training for 6 years teaching people to work out.

We come back to comic books with P. Craig Russell who turned 67 on that same day. I don´t know if it was the first work I saw of P. Craig Russell but his adaption of Michael Moorcock´s Elric of Melniboné in Epic and the first Marvel graphic novels are some of my favorite comics by P. Craig Russell and they are definitely the first comics where I took notice of this artist.

So naturally I got his Killraven graphic novel when it came out and I don´t know if I was already aware of that character through his appearance in Marvel Team - Up or if this started my interest in that particular future.

Now I won´t go as far as saying that P. Craig Russell is one of my favorite artists since there is a lot of his stuff out there that I never cared to get like his adaptions of Oscar Wilde stories or certain operas but he´s also not an artist that I go out of my way to avoid. One of the reasons why I include these birthday sections is that with all the things life throws at you some things are forgotten and it´s nice to be reminded once in a while that maybe I should get these Elric comic books now that Titan Books has released them in nice new hardcovers. I may already have one or two of these but they are either split up between issues of Epic or my hardcover is so worn out that buying a new one might be a good idea.

By the way, did I mention that from the 34 issues of Epic Illustrated that came out from Marvel Comics in the United States of America only 16 were published in Germany ? One of these days I have to start hunting for them since I am not sure if I have not missed some of the best parts like the story The Potty´s Over by Bernie Wrightson from Epic Illustrated issue 25 which you can find on THE HORRORS OF IT ALL ( sorry kids, adults only ).

It seems this section is stuck in my teen years as the first birthday Today is Severine Ferrer who celebrates her 41st anniversary. I mentioned her before since she appeared on Dance Academy as the little sister of mega busty Vanessa Demouy whom I cast as the french super heroine Silver Fox in the first part of my Casting the Justice League of America movie series.

The original title of Dance Academy might have been another since the germans love to change the titles of tv series and especially coming up with new ones that are completely different than the original title. Which makes finding it hopeless as there are dozens of Dance Academy shows. I would like to watch it again not only for Vanessa but also for Severine.

Who was not that little since her booming body was busting out and her perky boobs were stretching out all her t - shirts to the utter delight of all viewers but especially her male co stars who started to constantly drool all over her nubile teenage dream body. I remember vividly that she did get more and more scenes of jumping up and down later in the series as her boobs had grown to that perfect size where they are already big enough to jiggle at the slightest move but not that big that they started to sag.

I also have to pay tribute to one of the big heroes of my childhood, Carlo Pedersoli, the man, the myth, the legend who would have celebrated his 88th birthday Today. Better known to the world at large as Bud Spencer ( he chose his pseudonym based on two of his favorite things, Budweiser beer and Spencer Tracy ) he was one part of an unbeatable comedy duo together with Mario Girotti also known as Terrence Hill that kept the german movie going industry afloat almost single - handedly during the 80s and much of the 90s ( and you can find a ranking of all of their movies on RECKER`S WORLD OF FANTASY ). And while Mario always played the sunny boy who has his way with the swooning ladies Carlo was the headstrong and phlegmatic but ultimately good - natured guy who sent his opponents to sleep with brute force. Kind of an italian Ben Grimm but better looking.

Before his very successful acting career Carlo Pedersoli had been an equally successful swimmer, the first to swim the 100 meters freestyle in under a minute. He won various italian swimming championships 10 years in a row and went on to compete in the olympic games in Helsinki and Melbourne. He has been a stunt man, lawyer, politician, singer, composer, music producer, manufacturer, script writer, fashion designer, inventor and founder of the Mistral Air airline. Not necessarily in that order, mind you.

His movies ( he also did a lot of movies without Terence Hill and had a successful movie series with Phillip Michael Thomas best known as Tubbs on the original Miami Vice series as his sidekick / partner) are still shown on tv since they have reached cult status. And make no mistakes here, on some days the best thing you can hope to find on german tv is a vintage Bud Spencer and Terence Hill movie but I am not sure if the generations that came after the 80s and 90s have any idea how big those two were.

Originally I wanted to post one of their many movies but I could only find the full movies in spanish or english and this is one case where you have to watch it with the german dubbing. Most of the time the german voice overs as not as good as the original actors or don´t care very much but now and then they catch the ball and with these movies they hit a home run. Granted, the fight scenes still work in a different language but it´s just not the same without lines like : " Mach Platz ich bin der Landvogt ! " or " Undwatismitdekohlen ? " or in one movie Terence Hill always gets Bud Spencer to pay because " he only has big bills. " to which Bud always replies : " Das du dich nicht schämst einen alten Mann so abzuzocken. Nochmal machst du das aber nicht mit mir. " to which Terence just replies : " Ha, ha. Denkt er. " Thankfully I found a special that french tv station arte made a few years before Carlo´s passing. If you see something good about pop culture on german tv it was probably produced by the french.

The last few posts I have included a lot of Halloween - related movies but Today I just could not decide on a particular movie. Luckily I came across more videos from Joe Bob Brigg´s Monstermadness. That´s the kind of series I miss and what it lacks in sex appeal and a host like Vampira or the better known Elvira it makes up for with the buxom mail girl. Which I first thought was just one girl but after finding more clips I am convinced that there were at least three different mail girls on that show. Okay, I chose Today´s clip mainly based on the outfit of the bra busting mail girl but with this show I could have picked any video and it would have fit.

What fits Today´s topic like an infinity gauntlet ( pardon the pun ) is our comic video. As a long time comic fan I have problems communicating with the movie going crowd since the story of The Infinity Gauntlet was used for Avengers : Infinity War while the Infinity War comic had a completely different story. And while I was greatly disappointed in the movie I am curious to find out the general public´s reaction to what comes next and especially if Adam Warlock or the Magus will be making an appearance.

All of that is not of importance - or if it is than only as prologue - since our video skips both, The Infinity Gauntlet and also The Infinity War to jump directly into The Infinity Crusade. At that point Ron Lim was the go - to - guy for all the Infinity mini series that Jim Starlin seemed to churn out so effortlessly and while his art had become a bit formulaic ( probably due to the always dreaded deadline pressure ) it was still very enjoyable. He had his best time on the Silver Surfer book and I must confess I have no idea what he does now apart from the occassional annual. I do miss Ron Lim.

Speaking of Avengers : Infinity War, since we don´t have a movie video ( or we already have two if you choose to count the one about Bud Spencer and the one from Joe Bob Brigg´s Monstermadness ) here is a retro trailer for the movie solely made from footage of the 80s Marvel Comic movie adaptations. And while some people may find it cheesy I would have paid money to see Burt Reynolds as Tony Stark or Chuck Norris as the Punisher.

And has everybody but me forgotten that David Hasselhoff played the original Nick Fury, the white super spy with the eye patch and a stogie ?

Time to wrap up my 985th post. I tried to keep it short by resisting the urge to include the usual parts about Yaya Han and Jeannie Mai as well as the five video combo for Lianne Grethel or Oana Andoni but I think I went a bit overboard with Kiana Tom. That is what happens if I do not get to make the annual re - post. On the plus side I have included all the videos with Kiana from Flex Appeal and other shows I could find on the flip side there might be some doubles in there somewhere. But who checks out all my links anyway ? Coming back to wrapping up this post, I was also quite conflicted which cartoon video I should include and I was about to post another episode of Count Duckula for obvious reasons ( who remembers what I wrote at the beginning of this post ? ) when I came across a new video which is more suited for a special Halloween post. I never heard of it but apparently Monster of Frankenstein was produced for italian tv.

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