Monday, December 17, 2018

It´s Comic Master Monday with Bart Sears !

Although I haven´t finished my last post I am already putting new material on the blog. And what´s even more crazy is that I am not doing one but two posts as Bart Sears AND Mark Texeira have another birthday Today.

The reason why I decided to make two new post - despite having a lot of other things on my plate - is that I still have enough high quality pictures left from the last time and so far I have not had an opportunity to post it.

Plus Bart Sears comes up a lot in my posts because he did the definitive version of Power Girl on JUSTICE LEAGUE EUROPE - from her original white costume with the famous ( or infamous ) magical cleavage window to the sprayed on skintight white and gold costume ( well, I think it was white and gold because I seem to remember it being mentioned in the comic book but you could not really see it with the coloring of the times ).

Which may have something to do with my fixation on women with big breasts and especially on blondes with big breasts as it must have been around the same time when I read Bart Sear´s version of Power Girl and when I saw Monique´s Marilyn Monroe impersonation on TUTTI FRUTTI .

In the old comics artist Wally Wood kept making Power Girl´s breasts bigger and bigger to see how far he could take it. Or at least that is the urban legend. Speaking of Wally Wood´s version of Power Girl, if you want to see for yourself if there´s any truth to the claim that he supersized Power Girl´s boob you can find the original art for the 17 page story from ALL - STAR COMICS 65 at the private collection of James Halperin and you can see them at an even bigger resolution at HERITAGE AUCTIONS . Well, in regards to Power Girl´s breast size ( let´s not loose track of what is really important here ) fact is that the artists after Wally Wood drew her with normal proportions .... or what is considered normal for superheroines.

Until Bart Sears took over the character, buffed her up and returned her signature breast size - at least until the whole NEW 52 fiasko / retcon.

When I started to read american comics the DC universe was brand new thanks to the CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS fallout and I grabbed all series I didn´t know which included the two fisted combo of JUSTICE LEAGUE by Keith Giffen, J. M. DeMatteis and Kevin Maguire and JUSTICE LEAGUE EUROPE also by Giffen and Matteis, art by Bart Sears and inks by Pablo Marcos whom I knew from his work on DEFENDERS. I don´t know if it was fate but the very first issue of JUSTICE LEAGUE EUROPE I got was issue 4 in which Power Girl, Flash and Animal Man share a hotel room as they go to Bialya on an undercover mission. I re - read the issue a few times and I always wondered if these more human - and more horny in the case of Flash - heroes didn´t spend the dull waiting time in a more adult way.

Well, I was young, in my sexual prime and had a lot of spare time in the barracks ( we were three in one room but the others went home after duty so I had the black and white television set with a lot of TUTTI FRUTTI and PLAYBOY LATE NIGHT episodes all to myself which didn´t exactly help my situation ) so I re - read the issue a few times imagining what could have happened if Animal Man would have gotten Power Girl under his control with pheromones. Ah, all the things I would have done to her.

For me Bart Sear´s version is still the definite version of Power Girl and when DC started back - paddling with REBIRTH and restoring many things I was curious what that meant for Power Girl. I had hoped that there might be a return to her former glory in store for her but so far the SJWs have stuck the real Power Girl in limbo and replaced her with a political correct, flat chested black version. I guess Kara is too much woman to for them.

Writing about all these issues makes me kind of sad because JSA used to be such a good book ( I think there is at least one omnibus from DC that collects big part of the series ) and Power Girl even became the leader for a time but with REBIRTH you never know what her status is and if she escapes limbo. What we DO know is that even if DC will give Power Girl her own book again they won´t get an artist who´s good at drawing women.

That seems to be one of the unwritten rules of comics as well as that they need to give her a new costume every time they retcon something about her. Power Girl had the most simple costume that was really easy to draw and they kept changing it making it more complicated each time. Well, here´s my proposal for the new Power Girl costume that incorporates the basic colors blue and white and is real easy to draw. What do you say DC ?

Speaking about the best version of Power Girl in JUSTICE LEAGUE EUROPE, in 2016 I finally managed to do another post about Darick Robertson in which I mentioned the BREAKDOWNS storyline that introduced Power Girl´s famous coconut bra costume. And I just want to say that I still have not given up on a Yaya Han Power Girl coconut bra cosplay ( with the tiniest coconut shells you can find although compared to her huge 40D oppai all coconut shells probably look small no matter how big they are ) as she has already shown that she does a terrific Power Girl cosplay and she certainly has no problem filling out the magical cleavage window.

Coming back to Bart Sears, I feel like he has gotten the better end of the deal since I did two posts on him in 2015 - one about his work on Justice League Europe and one on everything else - and he shared a post with Mark Texiera in 2016 . Granted, Mark Texiera did get a solo post in 2014 but I spent most of the time explaining how Marvel got me back reading THE MIGHTY THOR with one of the cheapest sales gimmicks in history EVER ( at least they did not turn him into a woman, that would have been stupid ).

It was issue 430 by Tom DeFalco, Ron Frenz and Al Milgrom guest starring everybody´s favorite flaming skull on a motorcycle who Marvel put into as many books as possible and it was the beginning of the epic Soul Shroud Saga that would go on for months. By the way, to all the comic newbies who think a guy with a flaming skull in a car is cool or scary : it´s neither.

It just hasn´t the same kick, in the best case he comes across as quite ridiculous while in the worst case he probably ignites the driver´s cabin.

Anyway, to make up for that I made another post just for Mark Texeira with lots of fantastic art and it was the second post I wrote this year.

Now you may wonder why I am starting with Bart Sears and the reason is that I always sort the birthdays by age, starting with the youngest one. And since Bart Sears turns 55 while Mark Texeira turns 68 he goes first. In previous years I made sure to include art from various books Bart Sears has worked on over the years but this year I have decided to make a kind of spotlight post on one of my favorite comic series EVER : X - O MANOWAR.

For those who have never heard of it, the concept is pure genius : put Conan in an alien battle armor more advanced than Iron Man´s, transport him into our times and make him the head of a giant worldwide company.

Then sit back and see him run wild on the 20th century jackanapes. Like I said, it´s one of my favorite series, there is some great art from Bart Sears and Andy Smith in there ( Bart Sear´s stint is not that long but with the two fisted combo of him and Andy Sears alternating the art on the issues it is mind blowing, plus Ron Marz gets to write it ) and it´s all available in a nice new hardcover. This book comes with my utmost recommendation.

If you want to know more about the series read my previous ramblings and one last thing before we come to the rest of the art : one of the main characters of the series is gay ( I think there even might be a lesbian character but it´s been literally decades since I read the series ) which was not that common back then. Strangely enough you never hear about this character in all the SJW debates that are going but I guess if it´s not DC or Marvel then it doesn´t count. Or at least these people have no idea these characters exist. The same thing happened in Erik Larsen´s SAVAGE DRAGON and it bugged me that much that I even wrote a post about it .

Anyway, here´s some more Bart Sears to feast your eyes on and I will go on to the Mark Texeira post as soon as Avira Antivirus stops blocking me. 

Now I thought this would be a very quick post because even though the website where I usually go looking for the comic book related birthdays is still on the Fritz I had already written a few posts on this date so I should have covered some of the celebrity birthdays. Well, as it turns out there were not that many birthdays in these post which means I can only write about Today´s candidates. Which might lead you to the impression that we have a short entertainment block in this post but nothing could be farther from the truth. It´s quite the opposite. Today we have an extra large post addendum even if I have already cut a few parts here and there.

We start with Bill Pullman who turns 65 and whom most people know from Independence Day together with Will Smith. I must confess I still haven´t seen the new version because the original is such a personal favorite of mine. Not only because of the excellent striptease by Vivica A. Fox.

But you don´t want to have your favorite movies ruined by a connection to a newer bad sequel or remake. Which happens a lot lately in Hollywood because - let´s be honest - they are unable to come up with new ideas.

Coming back to the cast of the original Independence Day it was a big role for Will Smith who is of course famous for The Fresh Prince Of Bel Air.

Of course a big part of that show´s success and continued appeal around the world ( there are probably only a few people on the face of the planet who can´t recite the lyrics to the title song in their sleep ) is Tatyana Ali who grew from a cute little girl into an incredible sexbomb over the course of that series and who got to show her musical skills.

Much to the chagrin of the show´s producers she really bOObed all out in later movie appearances like The Clown at Midnight or Fall Into Darkness .

Now Will Smith has gone on record that the relationship between him and Tatyana Ali has always been that between a big brother and his little sister but I don´t believe that he never put her body to the test not even once.

Now the reason why I decided to include Bill Pullman in Today´s birthday list is so that I have a segueway to the Fresh Prince Of Bel Air but not to include another video with nubian sex goddess Tatyana Ali ( shocking, I know ). It´s because a while ago I mentioned the late James Avery who played Uncle Phil but as usual I found the corresponding clip after I had already finished the post looking for something completely different.

Congratulations for soldiering on through all that or if you just skipped it welcome back. As unbelievable as it sounds we have a third comic book birthday Today even if the name Edouard Karali may not be familiar to many. To german comic readers from my generation he is better known under his nom du plume Edika since the french cartoonist who was born in Egypt 78 years ago has been a mainstay of U - COMIX ( the original version, not the new diluted magazine that is published now ). He is best known for his whimsical and bizarre humor and his big breasted erotic sexbombs which got the protagonists of his comics into all kinds of trouble and often graced the cover of U - COMIX. Sometimes his covers alone were worth the price of admission as he was a master of telling an entire story on one panel like the on below. Which - again - has to do with Yaya Han because it´s one of the candidates for my COVERS YAYA HAN SHOULD RE - ENACT post which I still haven´t done because it would probably be too explicit.

So far I had written five posts on Yaya - two of them are pretty safe but the other three are absolutely not safe for work - and I keep mentioning her on various JLA casting posts and any other posts involving exotic sexbombs like Kiana Tom, Ava Cadell, Akira Lane, Miko Lee, Gail Kim or Minka and I swear the completely NSFW BIG YAYA HAN POST is still in the pipeline. In the meantime I have made two new posts about Yaya which showcases a part of her anatomy that I have ignored too often - her legs.

Regular readers may have noticed that I already posted this interview with Yaya but this has a higher quality than the one I posted previously. By the way, I don´t have the time or space to go into more detail but apparently the character Cattleya has two outfits and the one Yaya Han chose is the more conservative one. You can imagine what the other one looks like.

One reason why Miko Lee kept popping up in the posts about Yaya Han is that I needed a body double for Yaya´s more explicit scenes I had in mind.

Which is not ideal since Yaya Han has a 40D bust and Miko Lee is nowhere near in that league. Thankfully it looks like hasian talk show host Jeannie Mai is auditioning for the part and while she also is a bit smaller than Yaya in the chest area she does have an impressive skill set. I am convinced.

This hot sexbomb is of vietnamese descend and even though she is " only " a 37C and not a 40D like Yaya Han I think she could be a body double for explicit scenes. At least it would be fun to put her body to the test.

Coming back to Edika ( not to be confused with Edeka, the german super market chain which makes it a bit difficult to look for his stuff online ) the only videos I have are of poor quality. I guess the alleged comic book boom only affects those comic companies that publish super hero comic books or at least more mainstream titles and hasn´t arrived at humor / underground comix yet aside from a few worldwide known exceptions like Daniel Clowes, Robert Crumb or the late Harvey Pekar. So if you have seen a better Edika video - or one about the german underground magazine U - Comix ( the original version, not the new knock off ) please let me know.

Our last birthday shoutout goes to Jaqueline Hill who played Barbara Wright on Doctor Who. She was part of the original trio of companions.

Since I´m probably not going to do a lot of posts around the holidays it´s time to start posting those Christmas specials and I am starting with a rare find that apparently has a lot of fans. It´s A Smoky Mountain Christmas starring none other than Lee Majors and literal cult siren Dolly Parton.

She is famous for being the original singer of I Will Always Love You which Whitney Houston covered in The Bodyguard and which became a favorite on casting shows since then. She also holds the Guiness Book world record for a woman with the biggest breasts in a non r - rated movie ( which have been reported to be anything from 38CC up to 48E !!! ) in Nine To Five.

With a first name that is short for blow up sex doll and the corresponding body she was predestined for a career in porn movies and it is all the more astounding that she managed to have a clean and wholesome image. But if there ever was a woman born to play a whorehouse matron in a musical it´s Dolly Parton and it´s a crying shame she never got to play Power Girl.

Speaking of women who were born for porn ( but sadly never made adult movies ) Dolly´s co - star from A Smoky Mountain Christmas Lee Majors is best known as the Six Million Dollar Man, Steve Austin and stuntman / bounty hunter Colt Seavers oh The Fall Guy which among other 80s tv sexbombs featured real life Power Girl Markie Post. Some readers are probably tired of me mentioning her constantly but I don´t see how I can avoid it since she not only was on The Fall Guy with Lee Majors but the guy who plays the judge in A Smoky Mountain Christmas the uncredited John Ritter had the good fortune of co - starring twice with Markie Post.

First in the tv movie Tricks Of The Trade where she played a hooker ( a role she was really predestined for with her blow up sex doll body ) and then on a regular basis on the series Hearts Afire. It´s true, Markie didn´t appear in a bikini there like in a few occassions on The Fall Guy but there were enough low cut dresses and deep cleavages to keep your interest.

But The Fall Guy didn´t just have 80s Power Girl Markie Post they also put blonde bombshell Heather Thomas in the show right from the beginning.

She played stunt body double ( and what a body it was ) Jody and her job was to keep the male viewers hooked by providing eye candy. She was in all episodes except for an episode in the first season. Yes, fan service is not as new as some people might want you to think and Heather Thomas mainly got the part because of her absolutely amazing bikini figure. OMG !

It took a few episodes before she could strut her stuff but once the tv guys got a taste of Heather it happened more often and the famous blue bikini scene was quickly added to the new intro of the second season.

For generations of adolescent young boys the only highlight of the week was the short moment when Heather appeared in her famous blue bikini.

Like most growing teenagers I watched that show religiously but the biggest part of its appeal for me were sexbombs like Heather Thomas and Markie Post who didn´t appear as often in a bikini as I would have liked.

Well, Heather Thomas did since that was her main purpose on the show but Markie Post´s appearances in bikinis on The Fall Guy were very few .

Markie Post played bail bonds contractor Terri Michaels ( who replaced previous bail bonds contractor Samantha Jack played by Jo Ann Pflug ) beginning with Season 2 and at the beginning she played a minor role.

One of the producers must have realized what a waste it is to have somebody like Markie on the cast without letting her " show off what her Mama gave her " like they say Today and the rest is 80s tv history. Markie Post got more involved in the stories where she stole the scene from Heather Thomas as soon as she donned a bikini ( mainly in Season 3 ).

Coming back to Heather Thomas, thanks to her absolutely stunning 37 ( ! ) - 23 - 32 measurements and the exposure in The Fall Guy she became a famous pin up model with posters in every hormone driven boy's bedroom.

She even managed to replace Raquel Welch on the number one spot !

80s Power Girl Markie Post is probably the best known cult siren on the blog because not only have I done many re - posts of her original post .

I also keep mentioning her in other posts and her original post is in the Top Ten Posts widget that appears on every post. Since I have done so many different versions it is not so tragic that I did not do a re - post last year even though I did the last version of her cult siren entry in 2016 .

And because I mentioned Marilyn Monroe lookalike Monique Sluyter ( man, she´s like one of ten women in this post who would be fantastic as Power Girl ) I want to add the links for her which include some posts about cult director Andy Sidaris. It´s been a while since I could put them on the blog. Andy was probably THE BEST director of action movies for adults.

And his cast read like a WHOS´S WHO of playmates : Roberta Vasquez , Ava Cadell , brunette Cynthia Brimhall, Dona Speir , Pandora Peaks, Julie Strain , Shae Marks, Samantha Phillips and Julie K. Smith to name just a few.

Usually I just copy / paste the part about Becky Mullen into the posts but I am trying to keep this one short so I will skip it. For those who haven´t read any of my previous Andy Sidaris posts there is the main post where I wrote a bit about one of my unsung heroes , the Casting the Justice League of America movie Andy Sidaris special with a lot of stuff about Dona Speir, Roberta Vazquez, Cynthia Brimhall and the Tutti Frutti girls, the Ava Cadell solo post , the Dona Speir post ( with reposts in 2017 and this year ), the Sybil Danning post and the Becky Mullen post ( which I reposted in 2016 ) where you can find tons of links to other cult sirens like Janet Jones Gretzky and real live Power Girl Leslie Easterbrook who had the most famous scene in which she emerges from a pool in a wet t - shirt , the annual re - posts of italian mega soccer MILF Simona Ventura , blonde sexsation Monique Sluyter and of course the obligatory Tutti Frutti girls.  

I could not find a good video for Bart Sears or the Justice League Europe probably because most readers don´t make that distinction between the main series of the rebooted Justice League and its european spin off. I did however find one that not only shows that the reboot by Keith Giffen and J. M. DeMatteis was not just a funnybook but also explains how the humor served to counterbalance the more grim and gritty story elements.

For Today´s music video I have chosen Mariah Carey since it has been too long since I posted something about her. Longtime readers know that she is in the top three of my all time sexual phantasies which makes it all the more incredible that I still haven´t done a cult siren post for her. Although I did put her on the second part of my alternates for Casting the Justice League of America movie although I am not sure which role I would give her. In any case I would go so far as to create a completely new character just to have the super stacked songstress giant sized 39EE jingle bells in my movie ( I´m guessing since her official breast size of 38D is totally bogus. At the Golden Globes in 2010 she officially confirmed her boobs were 38DDs and when she did the Christmas video with Justin Bieber her milkshakes had grown another few sizes bigger so they must have been 40DD or at least 39DD, 39 DDD and her gazongas look even bigger now. )

Speaking of jingle bells, no Christmas is complete without Mariah Carey as she is the undisputed queen of Christmas songs. There have been some ups and downs throughout her career but every year around the holidays people remember why she is the best selling female artist of all times. 

To close things out I wanted something funny and at the same time special so here is another episode from one of my all time favorite cartoon series. So far I have not found any full episodes in english but I´m not sure if I would post them since there are some shows where I just have to watch it with the german dubbing. Anyway, that´s my 995th post which means that post number 1,000 is just around the corner and I hope you can find the time to relax a bit from all the holiday shopping stress to watch this.

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Einsamkeit ist Belästigung durch sich selbst.

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