Friday, January 25, 2019

Man Without Fear Friday with Gene Colan !

Today we continue DAREDEVIL MONTH with another great artist who was not one of my favorites when I was reading his issues of old hornhead as a kid - back then I had to rely solely on the german translations - but I have grown to appreciate him much more in my later comic book reading years.

Some people may be surprised to hear that this month is DAREDEVIL MONTH but aside from this post we have another Daredevil - centric post coming up at the end of this week ( hopefully ) and my posting schedule is not high enough to make a DAREDEVIL WEEK. I was about to call this post DAREDEVIL DONNERSTAG WITH GENE COLAN but because I didn´t get to post it Yesterday - for various reasons - I needed another alliteration.

As frequent visitors may have noticed one of the reasons why this post was delayed so much was that the spin - off post from my last Daredevil post about Ann Nocenti and John Romita Jr´s underappreciated and underrated run on DAREDEVIL about François Walthéry series NATASCHA took so long to finish. And while I appreciate the chance to write about european comics and bringing readers out of the comfort zone of super hero comics it did prevent me from writing posts that I had scheduled.

This was also the reason why the Daredevil post and the Natascha post switched place so many times. Because it is much easier - like a crazy amount easier - to finish a post when it´s on the top of the list compared to when it´s the second one ( because no matter how much you try to pay attention sooner or later you start clicking the wrong post when you try to add new things ) so that the Natascha post was put first until it was finished, then the Daredevil post was put first when it was finished in turn and last but not least the Natascha post was put first once again.

Usually I try to keep it real but sometimes I will put the spin off posts in the right reading order so that new readers - who have not seen the posts while I was still working on them - can read the main post and then the spin off. But in the case of NATASCHA I decided to give it more attention by putting it at the top of the blog because it is not often that I get to spotlight classic german, european or franco belgian comic book series.

Now another post that was scheduled to be put on the blog that has fallen to the wayside is a post for Joe Staton´s 71st birthday on the 19th of this month. I already prepared all the necessary material but since I was a few days early I foolishly thought I could post it at the right time. Instead of writing it in advance and then put it on the blog at the right time. But then I had to do other things - and with other things I mean real life things - and it was only Yesterday that I almost cleaned up my slate.

There are a few things I have to do Today and a really big one on Monday but aside from that I have time for a new post. In any case I should not write so many posts and work on my own comics but in these last weeks I have had a lot of stomach problems and while I can´t draw with stomach pain working on the blog is still doable. Yup, the existence of this little blog is due to at least 75 percent health problems and sleeping disorders.

Coming back to the topic of Today - Gene Colan´s run on DAREDEVIL - like I said when I was starting reading comics I was not the biggest fan of his work since his figures looked weird and distorted, his backgrounds were moody and murky and I could not wrap my head around his angles and perspectives. I just could not understand why not everybody was just drawing like John Buscema. Also it didn´t help that Gene Colan stayed on DAREDEVIL for more than seven years. But like with Jack Kirby I grew to like Gene Colan´s work a whole lot more even if it was very late in my life.

What longtime readers can attest by the number of posts that I did about Gene Colan or those where I only mentioned him ( which are too many to link to, sorry newbies, you have to use the tags for this one ). Despite that I have never done a post about his DAREDEVIL run before and even if I had it would probably not have been about this part. Because as regular visitors of this blog know I am also a big fan of Tom Palmer´s inking . Tom teamed up with Gene on TOMB OF DRACULA which is not only considered by many the pinnacle of the Gene Colan / Tom Palmer combo and one of the best Bronze Age titles but one of the best comics ever produced.

So in my head the Gene Colan DAREDEVIL post that I was going to write would be all about the issues inked by the great Tom Palmer. Especially since it involves the Black Widow. Is it just me or did she loose a big part of her exotic sex appeal when the russians stopped being the bad guys ?

Coming back to Daredvil, life is what happens while you are making other plans which in this case was me finding the EPIC COLLECTION Daredevil - Mike Murdock Must Die ! in amazon´s bargain book section for a measly 24 EUROS. When the Epic Collections started out I was extremely skeptical but over time I have bought quite a lot of them. One thing that hasn´t changed is that I think they are a bit overpriced. And while you can find these 40 dollar books at amazon for 30 bucks I usually wait until I can find some for around 25 EUROS which in my opinion is a more reasonable price.

Because of that I often have to wait a long time to buy some trades and can´t get them when they come out. On the other hand it leads to me buying some trades which I usually would not have bought if all of them were at my desired price point. I am not entirely sure into which category Daredevil - Mike Murdock Must Die ! falls but I know that when I ordered it I did it more from a collector´s point of view who wanted to close a gap in his Gene Colan library than from the perspective of an art afficionado.

I didn´t really expect it to be very interesting and was surprised how many of these stories I still vividly remembered. There was no recollection in my mind of the whole schtick where Matt Murdock dresses up as his secret twin to keep Karen Page and Foggys Nelson from discovering he is Daredevil. But aside from that WTF, Daredevil´s first encounter with the Leapfrog, his demonstration of the new and improved billy club, his fight against those weird animal villains and him disappearing into another dimension, I still remembered that. I even recalled entire splash pages.

There were of course other wacky episodes I missed ( Here in Germany DAREDEVIL did not have his own mag at the Williams Verlag - which were the comic books I was reading being a bit too young for the issues from the Bildschriftenverlag - and was relegated to back up stories. Also the distribution was not anywhere near to what you get Today and there were no specialized comic book stores so you had to get by what you could find at the occasional visits to the stationary shop or the super market. ) like Matt Murdock - or rather Mike Murdock - dressing up as Thor to ferret out Mister Hyde and the Cobra and having to mock fight the real god of thunder first or Daredevil switching bodies with Doctor Doom.

The last one at least explained why the Fantastic Four battled Daredevil, Spider - Man and Thor in one of the comic books from the Williams Verlag I DID read. It´s one of my favorite FANTASTIC FOUR issues that not only has the team of Stan Lee and Jack Kirby at the height of their creative power but also shows why Thor is such a great character and role model. And why the Disney Marvel movies have completely ruined him as a character. 

To wrap up the genesis of this post, after reading the Epic Collection I wanted to pimp this part of Daredevil´s history when he was still a run - of - the - mill swashbuckling hero and his adventures were just a lot of fun.

But as always things got delayed a bit until I am finally posting the first part from this here. You heard right, while compiling the material for this post I came across so much that I would have liked to include that this will probably spin off into its own series. But that´s enough of an introduction so let´s get to the rest of the Gene Colan pages I selected for this post.

Since it has been over a week since my last post ( I have mentioned my erratic posting schdule, haven´t I ) but not longer than two days since I stopped working on it ( I´ll let you figure that one out for yourself ) there are quite a few celebrity birthdays that have happened in the meantime and while I would like to address them all I had to skip a few.

So to all those that didn´t make the cut, sorry, but I did write about you before, better luck next year. With that being said we still have a lot of them ( in fact I had to make an entire spin off post for cult siren Linda Blair and a few others ) so let´s get the ball rolling with Edgar Allen Poe´s anniversary on January the 19th. I have mentioned him in a few posts but in 2016 I did a post with two comic adaptions of Edgar Allen Poe stories, The Black Cat by the late Bernie Wrightson from Creepy 62 and The Raven by Richard Corben from Creepy 67 that newer visitors might want to read.

You also should check out the 13TH DIMENSION for The 13 Most Disturbing Edgar Allan Poe Comics which includes Marvel Classic Comics issue 28 which features a cover by none other than Gene Colan and Tom Palmer.

There have been a lot of Edgar Allan Poe adaptions by the aforementioned Richard Corben but I don´t think I can cover any of the new ones since at the moment he is on this weird trip where he likes to draw ugly stuff. And while it is his prerogative as an artist to decide what he draws and it may be therapeutic for him after decades of drawing those über voluptuous nymphomanic sexkittens it´s not something I intend to spend money on.

Now there are people who claim you can only find women with such giant gazongas within the printed medium but there are some of them in the real world. A prime example of such a megabusty sexvixen that looks like she stepped right out of a Richard Corben comic with her overdeveloped titanic twin torpedoes is the aptly named double D sexbomb Dolly Parton a.k.a. the natural viagra substitute who celebrated her 73rd birthday.

She is famous for being the original singer of I Will Always Love You which Whitney Houston covered in The Bodyguard and which became a favorite on casting shows since then and holds the Guinness Book world record for a woman with the biggest breasts in a non r - rated movie ( which have been reported to be anything from 38CC up to 48E !!! ) in Nine To Five.

With a first name that is short for blow up sex doll and the corresponding body she was predestined for a career in porn movies and it is all the more astounding that she managed to have a clean and wholesome image. But if there ever was a woman born to play a whorehouse matron in a musical it´s Dolly Parton and it´s a crying shame she never got to play Power Girl.

I had written a whole lot more about real life Power Girls Dolly Parton and Anna Nicole Smith but it got too long so click here for the completely not safe for work spin - off post that includes the obligatory asian sexbombs Jeannie Mai and Yaya Han plus the best buttshaker in all of k - pop history.

Anyway, we´re coming from tittilating american fullbodied actresses to the world of british pop culture, or rather british culture in general as Doctor Who has become such a big part of everyday life that there probably isn´t a person who hasn´t at least heard of Doctor Who.

And most people associate Tom Baker with the role. Really, if you ask people on the street about Doctor Who nine out of ten will mention Tom Baker because he was the most popular one, he had a really long stint as Doctor Who and he brought a lot of things that are iconic : the fedora, the scarf that went on forever, the jelly babies, Sarah Jane, K 9 and Unit.

He turned 85 on January the 20th and while I haven´t done a post for him specifically I did write a post on his birthday in 2016 about Power Man & Iron Fist 79 in which the heroes for hire meet Doctor Who and fight the Daleks. Well, kind of. And since I am talking a lot of coincidences in this post : in 1973 Tom Baker played Koura in the movie The Golden Voyage of Sinbad which also stars Caroline Munroe whom I mentioned two posts ago.

And we are staying with comic books as Alex Ross celebrated his 49th birthday on January the 22nd. For the longest time I could only include some scattered Alex Ross artwork here and there but I finally got to do a spotlight post for him last year . This year I didn´t make one because a. ) lack of time and b. ) lack of good material. I probably could have made one if I did one that was mainly made out of his covers for Geoff John´s run on Justice Society of America ( we will talk more about this a bit down the line ) or his covers for Astro City but at the moment I don´t want to use up all my good stuff from this series since I might need it for future posts.

Someone who was never on any of my casting lists for Power Girl but who would not have any trouble filling out her magical cleavage window ( he said, making another smooth segueway ) is Tiffany Amber Thiessen who turned 45 on January the 23rd. The buxom brunette who has the best natural breasts in Hollywood - at least according to Howard Stern and believe me he has done some extensive research in that department - has been scorching the tv screen for quite some time with her curvaceous hardbody and her big 37DD Beverly Hills to the delight of males worldwide.

I never was a big fan of the Beverly Hills, 90210 show but that quickly changed when I saw wet Tiffani Thiessen´s booming breasts in a bikini - which was a product of mother nature - and Tori Spelling´s growing boobs - which were a gift of Daddy and the best plastic surgery money could buy.

There was a special episode that got my attention in which Tori Spelling was dancing in a leather hooker outfit while shooting a rock music video.

She really was just shaking her big boobs in the general direction of the camera but that she did very effectively. I never was a big Tori Spelling fan but she really squeezed her huge breast into a tight leather top and just pushed them straight in your face. Now that´s what I call entertainment.

What I find a bit strange is how did such a scene get approved when her father was producing this ? Should I be concerned that Daddy dearest put it in the script or does this say more about his employees. Maybe some disgruntled writers just decided to put his boss´ daughter into a hooker outfit and let her dance for him as payback for sleeping with his wife.

" Okay, Tori, do you think you can move more like a prostitute ? And we need to make the outfit sluttier. This is supposed to be a rock video. " 

Those directors got it made, they just go " Okay guys, in the next four episodes Tiffani dresses up as a prostitute. And she has to do at least one striptease and two nude sex scenes in each episode. Which is really necessary for her character. Oh yeah, and send her to my trailer for .... extreme rehearsal. We have to go over the scene ... orally. " Those horny perverts are to thank for that Tiffani was so often in bikinis on that show.

Speaking about hookers, besides appearing on Beverly Hills 90210 Tiffani also was on Saved by the Bell with Elizabeth Berkley who revealed her real stripper nature in Showgirls . The movie was called a flop when it first come out but in the meantime it has become a cult classic mainly based on Elizabeth´s stripper moves which left me no other chance than cast her as one of my alternate choices for the Nympho Supergirl from Earth XXX in my second alternatives post for casting the Justice League movie .

She would get a different origin in which her rocket was bombarded by the radiation of pink kryptonite which turns all female kryptonians into super horny blow up sex dolls. Because of the long exposure to the pink kryptonite the effects would be permanent ( instead of only temporary like usual ) and Nympho Supergirl would have different powers like sex strength, peep vision, erection vision, perv hearing, orgasmic flight, ovaric speed, tantra healing, kama sutra flexibility, olympic stamina, multiple position memory, fellatio breath and deepthroat breath. I would say she also has the power to give all men giant erections making their pulsating dicks hard enough to cut diamonds as soon as they look at her but with Miss Berkeley´s super sexy stripper moves that´s a given.

But double jointed Elizabeth not only licks the chrome off your steelhard pole she has the all important " pumping pelvic thrust " move down to pat.

I bet that comes in handy with that portable casting couch she allegedly has and I would not mind being at the receiving end of that a few hours .

Speaking of grade - a casting couch material, on January the 24th we have one of my all - time crushes Tatyana Ali who celebrated her 40th birthday.

She is best known as Ashley Banks on The Fresh Prince of Bel Air where she was a big part of that show´s success and continued appeal around the world ( there are only a few people who can´t recite the title song in their sleep ) and grew from a cute little girl into an incredible sexmachine.

Much to the chagrin of the show´s producers she really bOObed all out in later movie appearances like The Clown at Midnight or Fall Into Darkness .

Now Will Smith has gone on record that the relationship between him and the insanely do - able Tatyana Ali has always been like the relationship between a big brother and his little sister but I don´t believe that he never put her booming tireless teenage body to the test not even once.

Either that or the relationship between a big brother and his little sister and what happens between them at night in the bedroom ( or under the shower during the day ) is a lot different where Will Smith grew up.

The only other explanation is that whenever Tatyana Ali got Will hard enough to cut a diamond he vented his pent up sexual energy on one of the other blow up sex dolls on the show. Like dicktamer Yunoka Doyle who played Ashley´s " bosom buddy " Keesha on with a big emphasis on the " bosom " part. She probably spent the rest of the day after the shooting had ended screaming at the top of the lungs as Will banged her brains out.

The truth of that statement notwithstanding Tatyana Ali still looks terrific ( she has one of the breast natural racks in Hollywood - period ) as you can see in the following interview about how Will helped her music career.

After this quartet of silver screen sex goddesses it is back to comic books with the legendary John Romita Senior who turned 89. Once again I have to drop a few links for new readers. I did a post on John Romita Sr. in 2016 which is all about the Marvel Visionaries : John Romita Sr hardcover which I really can´t recommend enough, I posted issues 108 and 109 of Amazing Spider - Man and in 2017 I did a post on Amazing Spider - Man Annual 16 where he inked his son John Romita Jr´s pencils. And the latest one is another post on his excellent Amazing Spider - Man run I did last year.

We start our Dearly Departed section of this post as Russ Meyer muse Haji´s day of birth has another anniversary. I went over the post I did in 2016 and since there is nothing I could add at this point here is the link .

Speaking of Russ Meyer movies, one of my favorites is UP ! starring Raven De La Croix. She looks like a real life Wonder Woman and it´s a shame there never was a Wonder Woman movie with Raven in the lead role. The former blow up sex doll template practically played the role of überbusty amazonian princess in the 1984 Jim Wynorsky skin flick The Lost Empire. I wrote a bit more about her in my first Justice League Casting Alternates .

As a last word on Russ Meyer I have to mention my entry into the Boob Hall of Fame for Tura Satana which I re - posted in 2016 which is mostly about Faster Pussycat ! Kill ! Kill ! ( The Devil Women of Tittfield in german ) although it touches on her other movies and has her full bio. 

As some may have noticed originally I had included the movie Motorpsycho with Haji but since I already put it in the post about cult siren Haji here is another cineastic jewel. It´s Vixen, starring the buxom Erica Gavin as the bi sexual nympho who doesn´t shy away from using her brother to quench her sexual thirst. It also has one of the most famous lesbian movie scenes.

I also want to pay tribute to Ernest Borgnine who has played many roles like the Aquaman knock off Mermaid Man on Spongebob - better known to younger readers - but for me he always was Dominic Santini from Airwolf.

As longtime readers know one of my pet pevees on this blog is celebrating the actresses who turn insufferable dreck into bearable entertainment by taking their clothes off or at least show what their Mama gave them and who don´t get enough recognition for that. So I want to give a shout out to Helene Phillips, who played the exotic dancer who gets killed so Belinda Bauer is brought in ( she´s an exotic dancer, not a stripper because she doesn´t take her clothes of ). Some people take the fact that Helene´s character gets offed as reinforcement that women with big breasts only get roles where they get killed off quickly while the flatchested girls have larger roles but Belinda´s character also gets killed. Although Belinda does indeed have more screen time than Helene Phillips now that I think of it.

There are those odd videos you bookmark without any hope to ever be able to use them in your blog and then something like this happens. By the way, in my household I am the only one who appreciates Spongebob Squarepants ( or like he is called here Spongebob Spongehead ) but I am also the only one who ever bothered to watch more than three episodes.

I don´t know if I could ever return to Spain if I failed to acknowledge the late Manuel Vazquez Gallego / The Great Vazquez, one of the pioneers of spanish comics. I mentioned him once or twice before because one of his comics - Anacleto, Agente Secreto - was adapted as a movie. The english title is Spy Time and I think it´s one of the best comic book movies. Much better than the latest Marvel releases and I won´t even mention the DC abominations. Anyway, Vazquez´ earliest comics were published in the Editorial Bruguera comic publications Pulgarcito, the legendary TBO ( from which the spanish name for comics " tebeos " was derived ) or DDT and you can find some of his comics in this post alongside other classic artists.

It´s always difficult to find this kind of content but thankfully somebody else made a video with more comics from the famous Editorial Bruguera.

Today´s birthdays start with Comicbookgirl19 who turns 34. So maybe she could call herself Comicbookgirl34 now. Or maybe not. Women are always so touchy about their age so having it in the name would probably not fly.

It´s just a joke. Relax. No need to tell me in the comments why the number 19 is in her name. Okay, it seems that a lot of people took what I wrote last year to heart because her videos are still going as well as her ocassional cosplays. Like her awesome cosplay as WildC.A.T.S.´  Zealot.

She´s keeping it real with the skimpiness of the costume but I have to call foul on not incorporating the double D metal push up bra. So not cool.

And while she shows that she can really spread dem gams the interesting side is her backside to see if her costume also has the micro thong made out of dental floss from the comic. I bet she´s got the humps and a pump and all the horny cosplayers wanna zooma zoom zoom on her boom boom.

For those who missed my previous posts I am including the making of her WildC.A.T.S. Zealot cosplay although you don´t get to see much of her in the actual costume. No wonder there are no good animated GIFs of this.

I don´t know, she has done more cosplays since then and a few are more explicit in nature but somehow I got a soft spot in my heart ( or another soft sometimes hard body part ) for this one. Regular readers may have noticed that I don´t have posted many videos from Comicbookgirl19 lately and one of the main reasons is that her latest reviews of Marvel movies have been missing the mark. I don´t know if I am too much of a purist to enjoy them but in my opinion the best Jack Kirby designs can´t save the movie if they are stuck in the background where almost nobody can see them and the rest of the movie is taking a big dump on Kirby´s work.

Or if the valkyrie are completely misinterpreted. They were not Asgard´s main fighting force against invading hordes. They didn´t fight big battles.

That´s what the other gods were there for. They literally had gods of war for this. There was Tyr who lost his right hand in battle. And then there was Thor who was also a god of war. The only purpose of the Valkyrie was to select those men fallen in battle who were worthy to end up in Valhalla instead of the realm of Hel. They were not - I repeat NOT - a fighting army.

The really strange thing is that Comicbookgirl19 claims to love Jack Kirby and his work but yet does not seem to really understand it beyond where it influenced modern comics and is the basis for the new Disney movies.

Comic writer Geoff Johns celebrates his 46th birthday and I wasn´t sure if I should include him because I used to have a love / hate relationship with his work which has now turned into this love / hate / love relationship.

Because on one side he has written some of my favorite comics like Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E. and the Justice Society of America books that followed. As longtime readers know anything which gives us more Power Girl is okay in my book and Thy Kingdom Come is one of my all - time Justice Society of America stories . He also had a great run on Flash - which had most of its momentum stolen when Scott Kolins took over the art - his Teen Titans restart not only brought a lagging comic series back from limbo but also cemented Mike McKone´s cult status and for the longest time he steadily churned out instant Green Lantern classics like the Siniestro Corps War.

Not to mention his force de work Final Crisis : Legion of Three Worlds where George Perez went totally nuts and drew every frigging person who was ever a member which is so awesome that I had to post all five issues ?

On the other side his Green Lantern stories got more convoluted and dark and negative until I left the title and apart from such short glimpses of his former glory as on the Aquaman restart I´m not a big fan of what he has written for the New 52 or the general direction in which he has lead the DC universe since becoming the new President and Chief Creative Officer.

And then there are shows like Smallville, Arrow and The Flash on which he has worked and which I absolutely love. I don´t know, I watch these shows and I ask myself if I am seeing the genuine love he has for these characters or if it´s only because there are also other writers involved who balance him out. Because every time I look at his recent comic book I see none of that love. It´s just full of disdain and negativity. Like being a hero is a bad thing and he´s trying to persuade us to not think positive, not to care about things and not to get involved or try to help others.

In any case, he has written some of my favorite stuff and everything else is not that important. Like somebody said : in comics you get to decide what is part of the continuity and what not and in a few years we won´t even have to pretend that the New 52 never happened because DC will find a way to explain that it was some parallel world or just a bad dream.

Speaking about dreams, french actress Florence Geanty turns 53 and she´s best known for her role on the tv soap called Sous Le Soleil ( Under the Sun ) or simply St. Tropez in german and one of the few episodes in which she appeared was La Fin D´Un Réve which means The End Of A Dream. 

Florence Geanty was perfectly cast as she plays the ex - stripper Marie ( Marion in german which made it a bit difficult to find infos on her ) whom the ex - cop of the series tries to reform. It´s not hard to see why and he even ends up marrying her but like in all soaps it has to end in tragedy.

Now very often women in soaps don´t look like they could really do the job they have on these shows - like Kyra Sedwick who in real life couldn´t scare a mouse - but Florence Geanty really has a porn star body that could have launched her into a very successful career as a striptease super star.

So far I have only bought half a season of ST. TROPEZ - for some reason they have divided all the seasons into two parts - because the other one with the best episodes of Florence Geanty is going for an obscene amount of money at amazon right now for obvious reasons. But I´m not getting any younger and I really don´t know what exactly I am waiting for here. 

We stay with busty babes although we make the jump from french tv to US comics with Chuck Wojtkiewicz who celebrates his 59th birthday. He has drawn such titles like Southern Knights, Voltron, Nexus, Dreadstar or DC´s iMPACT line that was another failed attempt to revive The Mighty Crusader where he penciled Jaguar, Crusaders and Crucible. But most comic readers know him from his work on Justice League International issues 59 to 68 and 93 to 113 and while this includes the story with Power Girl´s infamous magic pregnancy his most sought after issue is the final issue of this because of this famous scene with Power Girl and Blue Devil.

Speaking of Blue Devil, comic writer Gary Cohn turns 66 who not only co - created the character with artists Paris Cullins and Pablo Marcos but also Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld with artist Ernie Colon. While I have only read a few comics with Blue Devil the DC Showcase Presents : Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld has been on my comic wish list for a few years now.

My last shoutout goes to Roy Black who taught me at a very young age not to put too much faith in names. Because Roy Black was not really black and Roberto Blanco was not very blanco. Here he is with Peter Alexander and sexbomb Wencke Myhre for whom I had the hots when I was still in school.

Because she was not only funny and had the tireless body of a playmate of the month when she was in her prime but her wardrobe could even rival Caroline Munro´s Sinbad outfit or the uniforms of the female members of the Legion of Super Heroes. Fashion went horribly wrong somewhere from being only one step above lingerie in the 80s to what women wear now.

I have no idea how she pulled it off but despite her stunning physique that made movie actresses jealous and always wearing mini skirts and plunging cleavages she never was typecast as a sex symbol in Germany.

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I look just like the girl next door - if you happen to live next door to an amusement park.

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