Tuesday, November 12, 2019

A Darick ( Robertson ) to be different Day

Yup, we have two comic creators in a row whose work has been adapted into very successful tv series but that was not the main criteria for me.

Much rather it has been three years since my last full post on Darick Robertson so it´s time to once again make a resume of the last comics of him I have read. And to tell you the truth there were not that many.

Of course we have to talk about the elephant in the room first since one reason that I have not read that much of his output is that he worked so long on THE BOYS, a series I stayed away from. Because I did got it the first time around : Garth Ennis hates super hero comics with a passion.

Why he keeps coming back to that genre instead of writing something else he enjoys more I don´t know. What I DO know is that I´m not paying any more money to hear the same thing over and over. The other reason is that the whole series has a premise that doesn´t work. The team called The Boys is there to reign in, prosecute or punish those people with special powers who abuse that power and are a menace to society. But to do that the team has to take a special drug that gives them special powers and they are more ruthless than the super powered individuals they hunt.

They also all hate super heroes and use their job to vent those aggressive impulses on those felons by doing unimaginable horrific things to them.

Instead of serving justice. Which makes them what they are supposed to destroy : people with special powers who abuse said power even if it is sanctioned by the government. So how are they supposed to be heroic or better than them ? And if you argue that the whole point is that they are not better than those people they punish I have to question the whole point of the series. Because then it´s only two gangs of thugs fighting and that is not something I have much interest in. At least when we are talking about the comic. The tv show is a whole different thing altogether.

I have already explained it in another post, this is one of the rare cases where the adaptation is better than the comicbook series because they put the reigns on the super hero hate and stayed away from the let´s bash the super team of the week gimmick. Instead they concentrated more on the story and the characters. Especially the last one because the great cast makes even the villains ( read : super heroes ) interesting and compelling. So THE BOYS comicbook doesn´t get my recommendation but THE BOYS tv show does and I can´t wait until the second season drops.

But I don´t want to pull a Garth Ennis and just talk about comicbooks by Darick Robertson that I don´t like. I don´t think he has done much work for the big two lately - although the way things are right now at DC and especially at Marvel I doubt I would pay money to read it - but he did a HARBINGER : RENEGADES mini series for Valiant. Ever since the new Valiant universe got off the ground I have been meaning to get back to reading their comics but apart from the ARCHER & ARMSTRONG series I have only gotten the occasional trade paperback / hardcover because they had some interesting artist or it was at a bargain price at amazon.

Which is not a comment on the quality of their books but rather that I knew nothing about the HARBINGER universe going in except for what I remembered from the original series from which I had read some issues.

Anyway, you really don´t have to know a lot to read this as everything important gets explained along the way. I really liked the story but the art by Darick Robertson really elevates it to the next level. There are some pages by another artist ( they tell a certain part of the story ) and no disrespect but when you flip to Darick´s pages it feels like : " Okay, now the plot really starts to thicken. This is what we have been waiting for. "

For some reason I only found original art from the first two issues but it serves to give you an idea and I don´t want to spoil too much anyway.

Since there may be new readers on the blog I want to put up the links to my other Darick Robertson posts which include some of my earliest posts on this blog. It´s true, I didn´t write a spotlight on Darick Robertson before 2011 but my second post - from 2006 - was a raving review of the sadly short lived Nightcrawler mini series by Roberto Aguirre Sacasa.

Sometimes it is surprising which artists get individual posts here but as long time readers are accustomed it are more often than not the more underappreciated artists instead hyped hot artists who get served first.

Nevertheless it took me until 2016 to write another post about Darick Robertson which was a chance for me to post more Power Girl as he had worked on Justice League Europe during BREAKDOWNS which introduced Power Girl´s famous coconut bra costume. And I just want to say that I still have not given up on a Yaya Han Power Girl coconut bra cosplay ( with the tiniest coconut shells you can find although compared to her huge 40D oppai all coconut shells probably look small no matter how big they are ) as she has already shown that she does a terrific Power Girl cosplay and she certainly has no problem filling out the magical cleavage window.

So far I had written six posts on Yaya - two of them are pretty safe but the other four are absolutely not safe for work - and I keep mentioning her on various JLA casting posts and any other posts involving asian sexbombs like Kiana Tom, Ava Cadell, Akira Lane, Miko Lee, Gail Kim or Minka and I swear the completely NSFW BIG YAYA HAN POST is still in the pipeline. In the meantime I have made two new posts about Yaya which showcase a part of her incredible anatomy that I have ignored too often - her legs.

Not only does Yaya Han look like she could star in a Russ Meyer movie Super Sonico sounds like a name from a Russ Meyer movie, especially SuperVixens where every woman had the word super in her name.

Although it would probably be something a bit more erotic like Super Spermico. Speaking of sperm, as my personal nurse and blow up sex doll Yaya would have to give me at least three daily spongebaths although instead of a sponge Yaya can use her big 40D oppai to massage my boner until I am ready for her patented extreme asian ejaculation escalation.

You can read more about why Yaya should be my private nurse and how she inspired my new comic VERSAUTE BETTGESCHICHTEN in this post .


One reason why Miko kept popping up in the posts about Yaya Han is that I needed a body double for Yaya´s more explicit sex scenes I had in mind.

Which is not ideal since Yaya Han has a 40D bust and Miko Lee is nowhere near in that league. Thankfully it looks like hasian talk show host Jeannie Mai is auditioning for the part and while she also is a bit smaller than Yaya in the chest area she does have an impressive skill set. I am convinced.

This hot sexbomb is of vietnamese descend and even though she is " only " a 37C and not a 40D like Yaya I think she could be a body double for her.

At least it would be fun to put her body to the test for the sex scenes.

Now I have gotten some comments that I should ease down with over - sexualizing Jeannie Mai but that´s not easy when you keep in mind my obsession about asian women and the fact that Jeannie has never made a secret about what a sex freak she is and how much she enjoys having sex.

I mean, literally the very first thing I found with her was the video with her boob exercises in which she admitted to doing them not only to make her breasts look better because she enjoys men drooling all over them but with the specific intent of getting guys harder than unto a thing of iron !

The topic of sex has come up quite frequently on THE REAL TALK ( I´m just glad that I have not found a source for it because I would watch it 24 / 7 just to get some glimpses of Jeannie ) so we know that Jeannie just loves to dress up be it for Halloween or in the privacy of her bedroom.

On top of that she has the perfect bubblebutt - like most asian girls - so it´s no wonder her ex hubby always tried to persuade her to wear a thong ( remember the thong incident ? ), she admitted to frequently using all kind of toys to spice up her sex life and she has gone on record that her favorite location to let her inner nymphomanic really loose is a hotel room because : " There are certain things I just can´t do at home. I eat at that table. " So you tell me, am I really exaggerating here or am I falling short ?

On a more somber note we start with the pop culture relevant birthdays we have missed since our SANDMAN posts ( new readers might have missed the spin - off post about Joe Simon and Jack Kirby´s SANDMAN ) on November the 11th with the In Memoriam section and Dave Cockrum who came up with everything I love about The Legion Of Super - Heroes.

Of course because of the success of the movies he is now most associated with his groundbreaking work on Marvel´s foremost team of mutants.

For the longest time I didn´t get around to write a post on his run on Uncanny X - Men - which might have something to do with the fact that his anniversary falls on the same day as mega MILF Demi Moore´s birthday.

But I have finally managed to rectify this oversight in August with a black and white post that features a load of original artwork and a second one in the works. Funnily enough the tv series The Boys is also mentioned in the post which is why I don´t have a video about that tv show here.

Since I have already mentioned born for porn actress Demi " Wants " Moore " Sex " , I constantly mention the blow up sex doll who turned 57 on November the 11th on the blog since she is the number one of my Top Movie Stripteases thanks to her spectacular performance in Striptease.

So it´s probably no surprise that particular movie was the main - but not only focus - on her original 2015 cult siren entry and the re - post in 2016 .

Then I tried to take a break from writing re - posts of natural born stripper Demi Moore which worked fine for a whole year but in 2018 I finally broke down to do a new version - and in two parts no less ( part 1 / part 2 ).

Because while I really tried to keep it under wraps over time so many high quality animated GIFs from that movie had accumulated that I had to do something. So even if you have already read my first two Demi Moore posts check out the new ones with more GIFs of bra buster Demi girating her booty than you can shake .... I´m not going to finish the sentence.

Speaking of actresses who could have made a fortune working the stripper pole, the name Edmonta Benton may not sound familiar but you know canadian sexbomb Anne - Marie Martin from playing Sgt. Dori Doreau, the hardbody of the law with legs almost up to her chin on Sledge Hammer.

We all dreamed of her assuming the position so we could give her a full cavity search. The blonde with the incredible curves who was a horse riding world championship contender for America ( so she is an expert at breaking in wild broncos, taming breeder stallions with the long stroke, natural insemination and dressage riding ) celebrated her 62nd birthday.

Anne - Marie also appeared in episodes of the Wonder Woman tv series, Buck Rogers in the 25th Century and T. J. Hooker and in Prom Night and Halloween II. And if you think Runaway was the worst movie she did think again because she also was in the Doctor Strange tv movie. She deserves her own cult siren post but so far I don´t have enough material for that.

Since I have already posted the episode Model Dearest in which Dori Doreau goes undercover as a bikini model ( which thoroughbred stud mare Anne - Marie Martin pulls off easily thanks to her bonerinducing bikinibod ) here is the next part of the introduction to one of the best series on tv.

Now the upside to ignoring Dave Cockrum´s anniversary is that I already covered the rest of the celebrity birthdays from November the 11th in the aforementioned part one of last year´s Demi Moore appreciation post and my Demi Moore striptease tribute from 2016 . Which means I can address some of the cult sirens of notice who celebrate an anniversary Today.

Cote de Pablo turns 40 who is best known for playing Ziva David, the ex - Mossad agent with the x - rated body on NCIS. So far she hasn´t appeared on any new show but we still remember her fondly from her glory days.

Speaking of favorite tv shows, Tamala Jones celebrates her 45th birthday who is best known for playing Lanie Parish on Castle. And speaking about the glory days : originally I was going to post an animated GIF from that show but when I read that she had been in the Wu Tang Clan´s Gravel Pit video I just had to discard all my plans. Daim, Tamala is one hot tamale !

God, not only does Tamala look terrific she also has a great personality. If she doesn´t get a new show there are no straight guys left in Hollywood.

And apropos, Valerie Leon turns 76 who was equally at home in the british Carry On movies and in many Hammer movie production where her buxom 33E beauty gave those creepy scenes a dose of added sexual excitement.

The two time Bond girl also starred in Revenge of the Pink Panther as the whip wielding sex domina Tanya ( which probably ignited the S & M fetish bug in entire generations of prebubescent boys thanks to her 33E - 24 - 35 measurements squeezed tightly into skintight leather ) but since I had to include the video of that scene in another post where her previous video had been deleted here is a tribute to one of her breast roles from Blood From The Mommy´s Tomb. There is a nude scene but as Valerie explained in the DVD commentary it was a body double. Daimn, sadly the name of that actress is not mentioned but she must have had two giant - sized talents to pass as a body double for mega stacked 33E Valerie Leon.

Here is where we end the birthday part of the post but the curious one can find out who else was born Today in my Joe Sinnott post from 2016 .

Coming back to Darick Robertson, with all the ( well deserved ) brouhaha about The Boys I wanted to remind people about another comicbook he worked on and that should have been adapted first. I think the only reason why Warren Ellis´ Transmetropolitan hasn´t been adapted as a movie or tv series yet is that the guys at Hollywood probably think the story is either too similar to other sci fi stories with reporters or too risky.

Also at the current SJW infested tv studios they would probably ruin it.

Taking it back to Valiant Comics, Ninjak vs the Valiant Universe might be considered a re - post but the individual parts I had posted have been deleted. This includes the complete series but it has a much lower quality.

What doesn´t have a low quality is the new Bloodshot movie with Vin Diesel. I haven´t read much of the original series except for some issues by Norm Breyfogle and one trade of the new series but this looks dope.

Since the Valerie Leon video is more of a music video than one about movies and the trailer with Vin Diesel is rather short I want to include a longer one. Full movies are hard enough to find and even more if it´s in good quality. Not that I remember much about Biggles : Adventures in Time except that it was a really weird movie, there was some time travel, there are Biggles comicbooks and apparently everybody in Britain hates it.

I want to end this post remembering the cinematic genius that was Karel Zeman. As usual I didn´t have a video for the anniversary of his birth on the 3rd of this month but I found something while working on my latest posts. It´s a callback to my youth and long before DVDs and BlueRays were invented, yes, even long before the advent of videocassettes one of the biggest joys of Easter was the rerun of Krabat by Karel Zeman. Now I only found the french version but even if you can´t understand it it´s rare enough to find the full movie on YouTube. I am especially thinking of my readers in America because I don´t know if this movie is available in the US and it is one of the movies you have to see before you die. Now if you want to read more about Krabat - or have no idea what Krabat is - you can check out my Krabat Reloaded post from 2016 or my original Krabat post .

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