Thursday, April 02, 2020

I learned to stop worrying and love the JSA

As promised we are continuing with my favorite series by James Robinson - although I never expected such a long time would pass between posts - and since we had a lot of stuff about the Justice Society of America in our last post we start with James Robinson´s love letter to THE GOLDEN AGE.

Speaking of our last post, in preparation for finishing this post I gave it the old once over and as usual I found a lot of errors, typos and unfinished or illogical sentences. I don´t know why but no matter how many times you go over a post you always find some mistakes. As for why it has been almost two weeks since I finished our STARMAN post and what I did in the meantime I will explain it at length but I feel it´s better to do that prior to the bonus section. That way those that are interested in the behind the scenes stuff of the blog can satisfy their curiosity and the others can just skip it. But I feel obligated to explain why there has been no activity ( at least no visible activity ) on the blog for the last two weeks and not only to clear things up with the very cryptic announcement in the comment section. But for now it´s best that we focus our attention to THE GOLDEN AGE written by James Robinson and superbly illustrated by Paul Smith.

Now as I explained waaaaay back in my post about X - MEN : KITTY PRYDE - SHADOW & FLAME ( which was my third post on the blog, now I feel old ) written by Akira Yoshida I have some beef with Paul Smith. Not as a person but about his work. While it is not correct that I first saw his work on X - FACTOR ( when I wrote that post I completely blanked on his issues of UNCANNY X - MEN ) I DID get my first - and only - subscription to an american comicbook series that came to my house every month via mail instead for X - FACTOR in the hopes of getting more of the great Walter Simonson art that I had experienced through various scattered issues of the series I got from comic shops or through the comic conventions.

But what did I get instead ? Two issues by a young Joe Madureiras who was still imitating Arthur Adams ( It´s astonishing how many top notch artists made a career out of the fact that Arthur Adams is not the fastest artist - for which he more than makes up for with the great art he does deliver. And you can check out some of it in his entry for X - MEN MONTH. ) followed by a stint of Paul Smith that is labeled as THE DARK TIMES by X - Factor scholars. I really hated those issues and Paul Smith himself has gone on record that his work on the issues are not the high point of his career.

So if you meet him at a comic convention ( if we ever have conventions again after the whole Corona virus lockdown ) try not to mention them.

What you definitely CAN mention to Paul Smith is the Elseworlds mini series THE GOLDEN AGE which is one of James Robinson´s best works.

When you think of the super heroes around World War II and beyond you probably think of badly drawn, hokey stories, ridiculous costumes, weird super powers, lame villains and all around disposable entertainment. THE GOLDEN AGE is anything but all of the above and not only manages to convey a captivating, multi - layered story with exceptionally great art it also has a really upbeat message. Too often writers think they have to deconstruct comics to show that not everything was roses and sunshine in those days that we see through the rose - colored glasses of nostalgia.

But as James Robinson shows in THE GOLDEN AGE you can have a more modern perspective without resorting to make everything grim and gritty.

Granted there are a lot of terrifying, heart stopping, gruesome moments in the story ( rendered superbly by Paul Martin Smith ) but instead of a deconstruction of comics it more like a reconstruction since it still has a lot of hope for humanity. I didn´t know that THE GOLDEN AGE was a mini series first because the first I saw of it was the trade and I don´t think there is a hardcover except for the oversized deluxe edition. This book has my utmost recommendation because if you already are a fan of the Justice Society of America it will remind you why you love them so much and if you are not a fan it will turn you into a fan. Like it did with me.

There are a lot of heroes - not all of them super heroes - who I never heard about but after reading this I was very eager to learn more about the pulp heroes around World War II. Which I guess is one of the reason why I enjoyed Terry Hooper´s reprints of their stories ( if you haven´t already do yourself a favor and check out his blog COMIC BITS ONLINE ) or such books like IDW´s SUPER WEIRD HEROES. Which I got for a real bargain price at amazon - 7 EUROS - and while I knew that it was a hardcover I expected maybe a smaller one but when I got it it was a really big 300 plus pages hardback that you could use as a foreign object or deadly weapon.

I always get surprises when ordering stuff from amazon´s bargain books section like the DREADSTAR OMNIBUS COLLECTION ( which will be the sole subject of an upcoming post ) and I think it´s a real bummer that it has completely vanished from amazon thanks to the Corona thing ( I think ).

Coming back to James Robinson and the Justice Society of America, one thing I forgot to mention in my STARMAN / STARGIRL post is that in the new STARGIRL tv show Pat Dugan says that while Sylvester Pemberton was Starman the cosmic rod had been built by Ted Knight. So we might get to see him in some capacity in the show even if it is not as O.G. Starman. 

The second James Robinson / Paul Smith collaboration I want to feature in this post is LEAVE IT TO CHANCE, one of my all time favorite comicbook series - as longtime followers of the blog can confirm - that is proof that all the recent SJW representation hogwash is a big pile of crap. Because even without being a pre - teen girl whose father is the sorcerer supreme and defender of a city I could really relate to the series main character, Chance Falconer. Okay, not the part about wanting to please her father since I had a very different relationship with my Dad. But who doesn´t know how it feels to be denied something just because of your age, gender or race ?

Who doesn´t know how it feels when your father disapproves of what you do while all you want is a little bit of respect, some recognition or even just a " Well done. " once in a while. According to the SJWs I should not be able to relate to Chance because I can only be represented adequately by someone who is an exact copy of myself : over 50, caucasian white male, out of work comicbook artist / writer / publisher, spanish immigrant with a german citizenship who grew up in Germany but still feels and thinks like a spaniard, stil read comicbooks as an adult before it became chique, nearsighted, with a broken shoulder, two destroyed knees, a belly button breach that can be the death of me at any moment etc. etc. etc.

Which I am not holding my breath for to ever find in a comicbook. Anyway, false feminist SJW propaganda aside I found LEAVE IT TO CHANCE to be a great series and as I said, Chance Falconer is a really relatable character.

James Robinson also avoids the trope of talking down to his readers which is the reason why the book can be enjoyed by young and old alike. I wish I had more original art by Paul Smith to feature - or even enough for a full blown post - but I could not find a lot. And while we´re at it I also want to disperse the old cliche that quality always preserves. LEAVE IT TO CHANCE is one of the best written, best drawn series I have ever read yet still it has been canceled because the book didn´t sell enough. Go figure.

Speaking of comic pimping, they are currently out of print but you can still get the hardcover collections of Leave It To Chance via online stores like amazon and although they only reprint the series up to issue 11 they are totally worth it since these are oversized and you can read this with your kids. It kind of makes me wish they did an absolute edition of this series.

One last thing, in one of the last big special sales my regular comicshop - the SAMMLERECKE in Esslingen - did before the whole lockdown thing I found the first hardcover of LEAVE IT TO CHANCE among the US comics half price off pile and while I already had the oversized version I decided to buy it. Even if I found it to be a bit expensive for the small size - 35 US dollars - at 18 EUROS that is not that much. I also have to be careful how many books I buy nowadays since I can´t carry too many with my busted knees. So the book didn´t weigh too much and as a worst - case scenario I could always turn it into a birthday or Christmas present. Well, imagine my surprise when I discovered that I had bought a signed and numbered copy.

Okay, it´s time to fess up or shut up since I promised to tell what I have been up to the last two weeks. As I often mentioned in my posts just because I am not working on the blog in a way readers can see doesn´t mean I am not working on the blog. There are a lot of things that you have to do when you are writing a blog - like research, going through pictures, deleting pictures, making free space on the laptop - readers don´t see.

As I also mentioned quite a few times I mostly use stuff in my posts that I find on the internet. Except for some animated GIFs. Now I have never claimed that my taste in women is particularly eclectic but more often than not I don´t find the animated GIFs I want to post on the internet so I have to make some of my own. Which as I also mentioned in the past can take up a lot of time. So when all of a sudden an opportunity arises to make a lot of these animated GIFs - and in record time to boot - I naturally jumped on the chance. The thing is that while looking for stuff about Natalie Uher for the bonus section of this post I came upon some of my old screenshot archives. Now lately it has been possible to make bigger animated GIFs through imageflip - which is the free GIF making website I use - but since I always have too much stuff on my computer I try to delete things as soon as I don´t need them anymore. Which includes screenshots. So when I came upon a bunch of them I started making new - and bigger - animated GIFs and for some reason it also was very quick.

Making a GIF can take up a whole day but now I was on a roll cranking a few of them out in mere minutes. One of the things I have learned in the past is never interrupt a streak but after something of between 36 hours or 48 of working nonstop at these GIFs fatigue set in plus I didn´t want to miss another episode of LINCOLN RHYME - THE BONE COLLECTOR so I took a break. Which of course ended the streak and on top of that I missed the beginning of the episode anyway. Now while the streak had ended I still wanted to finish up making the new GIFs but since it was now business as usual it naturally took me the rest of the week. Which was my first week.

During the second week I went through all of this year´s posts ( and some few choice ones ) to replace the old GIFs with the new GIFs but I have decided to take another break and finish up the last three posts I started.

And this brings us to the cryptic comment about the copulating couples showing up in blog lists. For some time I have trouble uploading pictures and while I was working on Miko Lee´s cult siren entry I couldn´t upload the new GIFs so I uploaded them here and copy / pasted them to the other post. What I forgot was that when my posts are shown on other blogs the preview picture is the first picture of the post and since I had forgotten to put one that is completely safe for work in the post first the preview that was shown was Miko Lee dicktaming some lucky guy hard.

Now this is not the first time and I´m afraid not the last time that I forget this so I can´t blame anybody if they have to delete my blog from their blog list. I know that my rule has been exchanging blog links is a mutual thing and I only keep other blogs in my list as long as they keep my link in theirs but I am making an exception since I think it is my own fault he had to do this. We are all only human and make mistakes but you have to do what is best for your own blog. Don´t worry, the blog in question remains on my blog roll. So this is what I did for the last two weeks and now let´s start with the bonus section - if there are still any readers that are awake.

We return to comics with Todd Nauck who celebrates his 49th birthday. And while I may not be the biggest fan I appreciate the progress he has made since his beginnings and the work he did on some of the SAVAGE DRAGON related books like GUARDING THE GLOBE ( GUARDIANS OF EARTH was nixed when Disney´s GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY movie hit theaters ) or the MC2 AMERICAN DREAMER mini series. Since the SJWs have taken over the Marvel universe I have not read a lot of the current series but I am glad that Nightcrawler is back. His death was completely unnecessary.

It´s back to cult sirens with german Sexbombe Natalie Uher who turns 52.

She became famous as the youngest german playmate with sixteen and the youngest actress to play Emanuelle with twenty in EMANUELLE 6.

She tried her breast to fill out the role and had considerable sex appeal for a skinny chick not to mention that she is rather adept at removing her clothes whenever the script calls for it baring every square - inch of her spectacular boy ( here her model skills come in quite handy ) but she is no Monique Gabrielle who has a body to die for. Sadly this was her third and last movie since she could have made a fortune if she had continued but she left the showbiz and is now happily married with two children.

Beautiful, buxom and shapely Monique Gabrielle added an ample, alluring and invigorating dose of smoldering sex appeal to a bunch of enjoyably down´n´ dirty horror and exploitation pictures made throughout the 80s and 90s. The 5' 6" natural brunette who was born in Kansas City, Missouri and raised in Denver, Colorado started modeling while still in high school, entering her first beauty pageant at seventeen ( she won the title of Miss American Legion and went on to participate in other pageants, modeling competitions and nightclub contests ), and moved to California in 1980 right after she graduated from high school. Monique then had small but still mam - orable roles in AIRPLANE II : THE SEQUEL, NIGHT SHIFT, YOUNG DOCTORS IN LOVE, FLASHDANCE, HARD TO HOLD, FEAR OF A BLACK HAT.

From there, Monique became one of the most in - demand and most gloriously often displayed naked babes in the movies and she achieved her greatest enduring popularity as the enticing young woman who tries to seduce Tom Hanks in the uproariously raucous' n' raunchy BACHELOR PARTY.

Speaking about BACHELOR PARTY, one of my pet pevees on this blog is celebrating all the brave actresses who turn insufferable dreck into bearable entertainment by taking their clothes off or at least show what their Mama gave them and who don´t get enough recognition for that

Back then they put the emphasis in screwball comedy on the screw part so there were a lot of hot massitas like uncredited blonde bombshell Angela Ames who could have easily starred in a POWER GIRL movie.

So it´s no wonder that among her sadly too few credits ( she passed away with only 32 ) is the 1984 Jim Wynorsky skin flick THE LOST EMPIRE besides former blow up sex doll template Raven De La Croix who played the role of überbusty amazonian princess. I wrote a bit more about Raven De La Croix in my first Justice League Casting Alternates post and you can find more about the Russ Meyer movie UP ! in this recent post including some spiffy new animated GIFs of born for porn actress Janet Wood who tried to bang her homosexual co - star Robert McLane straight again in the worst way.

And while I have mentioned some of the well endowed actresses from his cult movies like 39D playmate Eve Meyer , 44F Busenwunder Uschi Digard or natural born indian 42F stripper Raven De La Croix in various posts I have only written solo cult siren entries for two of the greatest Russ Meyer muses : Haji and Tura Satana . Tura´s post is mostly about the cult movie Faster Pussycat ! Kill ! Kill ! ( The Devil Women of Tittfield in german ) although it touches on her other movies and has her full bio.

Coming back to Angela Ames she not only appeared on four episodes of NIGHT COURT but also on two episodes of THE FALL GUY. Which normally would mean another long tangent but you can find the usual plethora of pictures, GIFs and clips of 80s sexbombs Markie Post and Heather Thomas as well as another new ( ly posted ) episode of THE FALL GUY in my recent ROBERT DAVY MOVIE RUMMAGE TABLE post so here is the short version.

80s Power Girl Markie Post is probably the best known cult siren on the blog because not only have I done many re - posts of her original post .

I also keep mentioning her in other posts and her original post is in the Top Ten Posts widget that appears on every post. Since I have done so many different versions it is not so tragic that I did not do a re - post last year even though I did the last version of her cult siren entry in 2016 .

But let´s get back to BACHELOR PARTY. My how times have changed. Back then I didn´t know much english so for me a bachelor was a cool guy who had crazy adventures, drank a lot of alcohol and had wild sex with as many hot women as possible before getting married. Not some douchebag who had a few dozen sexbombs fall all over themselves to get a stupid rose.

Anyway, all throughout my teenage years the movie had a FSK 18 rating in Germany ( which means you have to be 18 to watch the movie ) - mostly for the scenes with Monique Gabrielle and the next actress I am going to mention - but in 2010 the movie was reviewed again and was rated FSK 12.

Now Toni Alessandrini is better known as she was in quite a few bikini competitions around the time the BIKINI OPEN were so popular and in some erotic tv series. Besides having 16 movie credits the stripper who says of herself : " My whole body is an erogenous zone. " won Miss World Burlesque 1980, Miss Exotic World 1991 and danced in a Playboy revue.

Continuing with Monique Gabrielle, her most memorable roles include a pathetic junkie snitch in the terrifically trashy babes - behind - bars classic CHAINED HEAT, a sweet princess and her evil twin in DEATHSTALKER II, a nude model in the funny sketch comedy AMAZON WOMEN ON THE MOON, alongside - and on top of - dark haired sexbomb Rachel Vickers in ANGEL EYES, a gutsy lady cop in SILK 2, nerdy, repressed Megan in the delightfully dippy EVIL TOONS and there is even a comic book related role since she played feisty security chief Miss Poinsettia in the amusingly campy THE RETURN OF SWAMP THING with sexy Heather Locklear in the lead role.

Here in Europe she is of course best known for the steamy EMANUELLE 5 in which Monique Gabrielle played the woman she was born to bring to the big screen : the titular brazen and uninhibited sexual adventuress, the french soft sex kitten with the inexhaustible body of a Playmate of the Year ( or rather a Penthouse Pet Of The Month for December 1982 in Monique´s case ), the sex drive of a nymphomaniac and the morals of a hooker who always seems to have trouble keeping her clothes on and her long legs together. It is the pinnacle of her thespian career as well as the zenith of all the Emanuelle movies and the rest is as they say history.

Before that I had only seen two movies with original sexbomb Sylvia Kristel who - at least according to her biography - worked as a secretary and quit to become a model because she was constantly used as a blow up sex doll by the entire male staff ( no pun intended ) due to her porn star body.

To wrap up Monique Gabrielle, she did guest spots on DREAM ON, HUNTER and HARDBALL and was the onetime girlfriend of low - budget straight - to - video picture director Jim Wynorski. She popped up in a handful of his movies in both minor and more substantial parts alike. Monique cheerfully poked fun at her own b - flick queen persona in SCREAM QUEEN HOT TUB PARTY where she co - starred with happy handfuls of other nude fright - flick starlets like Michelle Bauer. Monique Gabrielle married adult film director Tony Angove in 2003. She now lives in South Florida and runs a porno movie production company called Monique's Purrfect Productions.

Last but not least Jürgen Drews celebrates his 75th anniversary. The self - proclaimed King of Mallorca not only had a long and successful Schlager career he also is married to one of the biggest MILFs in Germany, bra - busting 34D Busenwunder Ramona Drews. When you’re a skinny blonde who inflates your tits to titanic proportions is it really any surprise that you’d want to show them off at any opportunity ? Thankfully, no, and that’s just what top - heavy Ramona Drews does playing herself in various reality tv shows like Versteckte Kamera ( the german version of Candid Camera where she played a topless mannequin in a shop´s window display that suddenly moved much to the delight of male clients ) or Blitz where her demonstrations how she still could give milk with her porn implants brought new heights of infamy for her and record views for the network. She also did an incredible nude pictorial for the german PLAYBOY edition.

Since I mentioned Super Weird Heroes in this post I have to mention that I haven´t had time to read it yet but if Dynamite Thor is not in the first volume he definitely needs to make an appearance in the second volume.

We are staying with super weird heroes with one of those movies that often are forgotten nowadays when people talk about comicbook movies although Mystery Men has gotten quite the cult following lately. And yes, this is the famous video I keep mentioning where Jackie Lennings giant melons are at the forefront - hashtag huge sweater puppies. Good lord, just look at those titanic tittilating twin torpedoes, DD blow up sex doll Jackie was born to massage throbbing erections with her mouthwatering milkshakes until they become harder than unto a thing of iron and that she didn´t end up in porn movies is a mystery for the ages. Those are the only two reasons why she got her job and maybe somebody can make a GIF of her that I can include in future posts. It´s really unbelievable that so far nobody has made one considering the sheer size of her breasts.

Today´s music video also has something to do with cartoon since it is a sampling of those dramatic underscore for the 1966 Marvel superheroes.

Now I don´t know if Clutch Cargo is from around that same time frame or just made to look like it. Anyway, I´m not quite sure what to make of it.

Closing our post is another batch of unsold tv pilots. From Today´s point of view it may appear clear why they didn´t get a series but on the other hand I have seen worse ideas for shows get one season after another.

New to the blog ? Everything you need to know about TALES FROM THE KRYPTONIAN : top ten posts / more posts of interest / best of the best

The roof is leaving town !


  1. I don't want copulating couples showing in my blog list (mentioned it before to you), so I've removed your site from it. Up to you whether you remove mine from yours. Cheers.

  2. Sorry for answering so late but I was ultrabusy the last two weeks ( with what you can read in the post ) and didn´t want to comment before everything was finished. I understand why you had to remove the link from your site and I would like to say that this will never happen again but I´m only human and mistakes happen. I´m keeping your link on my blog roll and wish you good luck on your future endeavors.
