After just finishing my latest BLACK AND WHITE post about DC Comics horror anthology books I should take a break but my spotlight post on 36D - 25 - 36 swimsuit model / Instagram star Natalie Hadek is already overdue.
Now I know that I usually only do cult siren posts which are about famous actresses, singers, dancers or other kind of celebrities where I can share some anecdotes or who are on my ultimate wet sex dream list. But lately more and more hot girls who are active on the internet have come to prominence and I want to acknowledge that in some way. And a few weeks ago I found a plethora of pictures of incredible sexbombs on the interwebs which I still have to sort out. So far I have only finished with the breast two - of which Natalie Hadek is one - and I even put their date of birth in the title of the folder since I already missed the birthdays of 42E - 24 - 38 adult glamour model / relationship coach / social media influencer / Instagram star Jessica Weaver and 32E - 22 - 34 glamour model / Instagram star Lyna Perez which both had their anniversary in November.
The problem with Instagram celebrities like Natalie Hadek is that I can´t use my usual resources. And sometimes there is contradictory information like in Natalie´s case most websites cite her date of birth as February the 2nd in 2001 while one website claims it was January the 1st. I guess they just switched the numbers. Anyway, here is what I could gather about her.
The stunning american bikini model of czech descent was born in Texas which is her home base and falls under the sign of Aquarius. Like her sign suggests Natalie is sensitive, emotional and caring. Since her childhood, Natalie was always motivated to pursue her career by her family. That might be the reason why she has become so popular at a young age.
The most distinctive feature is her alluring body, her curvy all natural hour - glass figure, smoldering green eyes, and juicy lips. She began posting on her Instagram in 2015 where she garnered more than 260,000 followers.
Several of Natalie´s early photos showcased her talent as a ballerina. She danced as part of the Conejo Civic Ballet and modeled for Haute Swimwear and Boutine Los Angeles, among others. Any further info is most welcome.
As for the photos I selected for this special post you might wonder why they are not all swimsuit / bikini pictures which would be the most obvious - Natalie being a bikini model and all that - but a. ) as longtime followers of this blog know diversity is not just an empty slogan here to spread my propaganda so I like to switch things up and b. ) as much as I like a good bikini picture I personally rank a picture with some pokies or even a bit of transparency where we get to see some nipplage higher.
So I have also included some of the best ones from that category which means that you should open them in a new window to get the full effect.
And who knows ? It´s much too late to do Red Skin any good and I doubt that something like that will appear in the SJW fest Adventure Man but maybe Terry Dodson still can learn an important lesson. We can only hope.
Before we come to our celebrity birthday list there is one anniversary from January the 28th which I ... well, it´s not like I forgot Barbi Benton who celebrated her 71st birthday, I knew that I had bookmarked a video I just could not find it ( naturally ) while I was still working on the post.
We pick up things on January the 29th as Marc Singer a.k.a. Beastmaster turned 73. I wrote a spotlight about that in my spotlight post about Peter Krause , the penciler of Jerry Ordway´s brilliant THE POWER OF SHAZAM ! series from 2018, and especially Beastmaster II : Through The Portal Of Time since it starred none other than sci fi cult siren Kari Wuhrer who really knows how to scorch up the tv screen with her fantastic funbags.
Kari is best know for her role of Maggie Beckett on the sci fi cult show Sliders. She was put on the cast as the boner guarantee for the male audience and they got more than their money´s worth in the Wild West episode where she´s almost spilling out of her snug saloon girl corsage.
Now the attentive blog reader may have noticed that it wasn´t that long ago that Kari Wuhrer graced this section so you may ask yourself why I deemed this encore presentation necessary. The reason for that is that while I made three new GIFs of Kari I also forgot to mention something.
When I cast Kari Wuhrer as Gypsy in my Casting the Justice League movie series Gypsy hadn´t appeared on The Flash. So when I chose Kari for that role Gypsy´s super powers did not include vibing between dimensions but when people read it now they might get the impression that I chose Kari because of the tv show where she was sliding between the dimensions.
Kari also was in Hot Blooded, a really bad movie that doesn`t even have full frontal nudity. Nevertheless it´s one of my favorite movies with Kari because she looks really hot in this one. You get to see a lot of cleavage and boobs and in the first sex scene on the bed you can see her sexy ass.
And because one scene where she´s at a gas station and pulls down her leather top to make the desk clerk horny. She´s really pulling it in all directions so you get to see her full boobs. I have no evidence but I swear I can see some nipple. I bet Kari had to do this scene a hundred times as the crew was sabotaging all takes just to see her boobs again and again.
In any case, I had this scene on a video tape on a loop and I must have heard the words " This material just doesn´t breathe ! " a hundred times.
Like I said there is no full frontal nudity in this cineastic masterpiece but you get a bit of sideboob in a scene that was heavily cut on german tv.
They cut parts from when she´s using a whip to get into the mood and pours hot wax on his body. They also cut some parts from where she´s on top of him which I didn´t know until I found the movie on the internet.
Damn you, german tv for keeping Kari Wuhrer´s sideboob away from me !
Going on to January the 30th we have Denys Cowan who turned 60 and I have to say that I have come across his name in more and more comics over the last few years. But if that is a sign of a more eclectic taste in regards to my reading material or only owed to the fact that he worked on a lot of titles I really can´t say. Because besides a long list as a fill - in artist at DC he drew The Vigilante whom you might recognize from the Arrow tv series and Denys Cowan´s art gained popularity on a long run of Dennis O´Neil´s The Question in The Question and The Question Quarterly. If you have seen any trades of this character it´s probably from these issues.
Speaking of Arrow, Denys has also graced the pages of Detective Comics, Steel and Mike Grell´s Green Arrow which is the best Green Arrow series bar none in my opinion. I can´t pimp this series enough although I have tried in my special Green Arrow spotlight in three parts where I went over the entirety of all the Green Arrow comics - at least up to 2007 which is when I wrote these - and separated the good from the bad. In fact, these post are ones that I am especially proud of which is why they are included in the posts with the label Everything You Need To Know About TALES FROM THE KRYPTONIAN which are linked to at the end of each post. So if you want to check them out just use the links above or go to the bottom of this post. Coming back to Mike Grell´s fantastic Green Arrow series, DC is finally putting it out in trades and readers who are new to the mythos of the Emerald Archer will find a lot of stuff from the tv series in the issues like the hood which was lifted directly from the printed page.
As you will be noticing I am pimping a lot of comicbooks Today and you really can´t fault Denys Cowan´s choice in regards to what he drew.
It may not have been a conscious choice - I´m sure at that time you took the assignments you could as an artist or you didn´t eat - but at Marvel he worked on a lot of Bronze Age titles that are in vogue Today like Black Panther, Marc Spector : Moon Knight a White Tiger back - up in Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider - Man and another long run on Power Man and Iron Fist of which you can find a big part in the Epic Collection Power Man and Iron Fist : Revenge. I remember that I bought some issues at the 2009 Leonberg Comic Fair and I even mentioned in my post about my adventures there that I would not have bought the issue by Denys Cowan if I hadn´t read so many issues from Mike Grell´s Green Arrow by him.
Coming back to Denys Cowan, one of the the reasons why I am now so familiar with his name is that he was one of the founders of Milestone Media. Which I didn´t read when it came out probably because I couldn´t appreciate the idea behind it. Which was not to create more black comic characters but comic characters of a different ethnicity than caucasian.
Well, as longtime readers might remember I bought a whole bundle of 42 comics for 19.49 EUROS in 2016 which included my first Milestone issues from Hardware, Icon and Static. One of these days I have to do the follow - up with the reviews of the Valiant and Milestone comics I bought. Which might be a moot point now that I think of it since I have to sell them off.
The interesting thing I learned about Milestone Media is that it was not a label or imprint of DC comics but its own company that produced comics which were then licensed to DC comics. Which is a fancy way of saying that they retained creator rights on all of the characters and if DC was not pleased with the content Milestone was not obligated to compromise. At Milestone Denys drew covers and was the regular artist on Hardware.
On top of that he worked for television animation and has been a writer, artist and producer on Static Shock. Which is a cartoon series that I should have known about as a comic fan but which somehow got past my radar.
You can find more celebrity birthdays from January the 30th in my Frank Miller Spider - Man post from 2018 and we go right to Grant Morrison whose 61st anniversary was on January the 31st. He has written some of the best comics to ever see the light of day which makes it unforgivable that so far I have not done a proper post about him. I skimmed his vicinity with some posts like the one I did in 2017 , a short best of the best post which includes links to his issues of The Flash I posted on FLASH FRIDAY.
Another noteworthy comicbook Grant Morrison wrote is of course the brilliant All Star Superman on which I wrote a post way back in 2008 ( I´m not sure if I ever managed to do the follow - up post ) as is Animal Man where Brian Bolland did the covers and I made a post for Brian Bolland with some of his best covers last year. Man, am I the only one would would love to see Brian Bolland do some interior work ? It doesn´t have to be an ongoing series, just a nice comicbook once a year, that would be nice.
One of the books I started recently is Grant Morrison´s Green Lantern and I was all hyped up for season two. But now that I have to say goodbye to all my children - meaning my comicbooks - and can hang only to a few ( if any at all, my Mom is still very keen on the idea to throw them all in the dumpster ) I am not sure if they make the cut. Don´t get me wrong, it´s brilliantly written ( it´s Grant Morrison, duh ) and the art by Liam Sharp is light years beyond his Death´s Head days. But so far I only have the first two hardbacks so maybe it´s easier to sell them and restart the series in spanish. On the other side I feel I owe it to my late brother to continue reading it because it was one of the last comicbooks he got to enjoy.
As blog regulars know the month of February usually starts with a post about Ron Frenz who turned 61 on the 1st of this month and I would be indeed writing a post about him if I didn´t know that then I would completely forget all about Natalie Hadek. So Ron Frenz will be the subject of my next post as it´s not the first time his birthday post gets delayed .
Now some readers may think that I am always writing about comicbook artists who are past their prime and start to get bored ( At least I think that may be the case since I don´t get that many comments. So if you have any complaints, suggestions or praise let your voice be heard and please let me know in the comments below. ) but I just read most of my MC2 books ( except for AMERICAN DREAMER and LAST PLANET STANDING which I haven´t found yet ) and for me his work on A NEXT still holds up.
I have done spotlight posts for various books Ron Frenz penciled and I know that everyone is waiting for my series on Thor´s SOUL SHROUD SAGA with bathed breath but I thought that I could switch things up a bit this year and do a post about the artwork Ron Frenz posts on Facebook - much like the first one I did on Matt Wagner´s quarantine gallery . These are trying times for us all and Ron Frenz has been one of the few sources of positiveness whenever I had a shitty day. Which is most of the days lately.
Since I already did an extensive rundown of Yesterday´s celebrity birthdays in my Ron Frenz tribute about his run on AMAZING SPIDER - MAN from 2019 and my WEBSLINGING WEDNESDAY WITH RON FRENZ post from 2017 and I have nothing important to add I am leaving you the links to check all the busty birthday sexbombs and apropos ( and a - popos ) ...
We come to the realm of pop music with our first candidate from February the second as colombian rumpshaker Shakira celebrates her 44th birthday who became world famous for her instantly boner inducing fertility dance.
So far I haven´t done a proper cult siren post on Shakira which might be for the best of everyone involved since I had to cut her part in my Casting The Justice League movie alternates post - where I cast her as Supergirl - several times because it got out of hand and became waaaay too sexual.
But what can you expect with a born for porn latin sex goddess with a body made for love, moves that make professional strippers blush and a name that´s short for Shake Yer Ass ? So it was to be expected that the same happened in this special Star Trek sexbombs spin - off post which includes the rest of Today´s birthdays. You can also look them up in my THORSDAY : WHOEVER HOLDS THIS HAMMER post on the first appearance of Eric Masterson as Thor and here´s Shakira proving her hips never lie.
Real life 34A - 24 - 33 Power Girl Lauren Lane turns 60 who is best known as cougar C. C. Babcock in The Nanny where her talents were underutilized.
That´s the one thing that really didn´t work for me in The Nanny : how can any sane guy be even remotely interested in a below average looking woman like Fran Drescher who has one of the most annoying voices I have ever heard ? Especially when you have a living blow up sex doll with a body that makes porn star envious - originally the writers wanted to call her DD Babecock but that would´ve been too on the nose - at your beck and call ?
I mean actress Lauren Lane could easily pull off Power Girl´s magical boob window and who would pass on the chance to handcuffed to the bedpost of such a sex goddess whose biggest desire is to bang your brains out ?
Sometimes these shows make no sense and I think that it´s poetic justice that the trusty butler got to dicktame this blonde sex freak in the end.
Today we also have two anniversaries that are connected to Markie Post : Brent Spiner celebrates his 72nd bithday and while he is best known as Lt. Cmdr. Data on Star Trek he started out as Bob Wheeler on Night Court.
It´s also the date of birth of the late Farah Fawcett who was married to Lee Majors who played super stuntman Colt Seavers on The Fall Guy.
Since that means that we have connections to all the hot Star Trek babes I wrote a special spin - off post in 2019 that not only goes into more detail about that but it also has a longer section for Shakira and Markie Post.
80s Power Girl Markie Post is probably the best known cult siren on the blog because not only have I done many re - posts of her original post .
I also keep mentioning her in other posts and her original post is in the Top Ten Posts widget that appears on every post. Since I have done so many different versions it is not so tragic that I did not do a re - post last year even though I did the last version of her cult siren entry in 2016 .
This is a re - post but for all new readers who might have missed it here is the breast part of Markie Post´s claim to boob fame on Night Court. She would have been perfect as Power Girl, holy plunging cleavage, Batman !
Since I already posted Brent Spiner´s appearance on Night Court in a previous bonus section here is the full movie Star Trek : Horizon.
I know that we already have a music video but I just had to include this one. I may not be an expert on classical music but daimn, that is talent.
Speaking of talented girls, it´s been a while since I posted a video with afro - american aphrodite Melina Pendulum. I still haven´t watched all of her newer videos but in the ones I did see so far she either doesn´t have an outfit that manages to showcase her breast features or when she does she is too close to the camera so we don´t get to see much of it or she should wear two bras for additional support like in the following video. Now don´t get me wrong, I´m not saying that her two chocolate shakes are all Melina has to offer - although there is nothing that gets you hard enough to cut a diamond like a nubian nympho´s giant - sized coconuts.
But videos are a visual medium and if you have something that you know your viewers would like to see and it´s not too much work to showcase that - plus there are no additional expenses attached - what can it hurt ?
After all this here is a video that according to the description is supposed to help you relax. And I´m saying " is supposed to " here because I have watched it a few times now and I always feel more excited than before.
It´s too bad that german Busenwunder ASMR Amy doesn´t have a workout video because she would just kill it doing push ups, downward dog or dive bombers with her huge 32F boobs. Thankfully ultimate fitness blow up sex doll and former porn star Zuska Light picks up the baton who has no problem getting male hearts racing with her 36C - 22 - 34 measurements.
I picked this one because of her outfit which emphasizes Zuska´s slender midsection ( just look at those ill abs ), it being one of the few available in a high resolution and because the workout includes cross push ups. The videos with her doing push ups are great but the ones where she does dive bombers or downward dog are the best and when you see her spread her legs better than a fillipino hooker and work her pelvis you can imagine how she used to send her female co - star into a frenzy pounding them relentlessly with a giant double dildo when she was still doing porn flicks.

Another bonus of the video is that she gets so tired that she doesn´t pay attention to the camera guy who shamelessly zooms down her sweaty pants, especially when doing those push ups. I bet she can´t get too tired during the workouts because otherwise she is sexually assaulted by her entire crew. Those perverts have no qualms about dicktaming her in the shower because they know she only filmed lesbian scenes so she is still tight. Normally former porn stars have been stretched out and they also think it´s a crying shame that she didn´t get her brains banged out in every position and want to rectify that because she was born to milk giant horsecocks dry. And no matter if you do the exercise or just watch her doing it I am guaranteeing that at the end you will be covered in sweat.
As I mentioned dubbing movies is a serious thing in Germany to the point that once you do the german voice of an actor you will keep on doing that in all his movies to give the german movie going audience some sense of continuity. In that vein we have an interview with Manfred Lehmann who voices Bruce Willis ( although somebody else did his voice in Moonlighting ), Kurt Russell, Dolph Lundgren, Cheech Marin and also Gerard Depardieu.
Sometimes I bookmark a lot of videos waiting for an opportunity to post them but it never comes up or some of them get deleted. Which is why I wanted to include some stuff from the Toc Show featuring Busenwunder Giselle Gomez Rolon who with her overdeveloped all natural 34Ds would have been a prime candidate for my SEARCH FOR POWER GIRL series.
Unfortunately I am not doing that anymore but not only is Giselle the living embodiment of the Maid of Mammaries, she also looks exactly like the kind of women I draw. From the proportions - which women don´t tire to tell me are not average to which I always reply that I am not trying to draw average women - down to the hairdo to the way I draw eyes and those crazy, curved eyebrows it´s like one of my drawings came to life.
She even has those bikini tan lines that I find sextremely attractive.
Anyway, the first video I found was from The Toc Show where she was wearing an incredible black short dress and re - enacting Sharon Stone´s famous scene from Basic Instinct. Now as always I was late to the party so I have no idea how the general reaction was but apparently there were some wild rumors. Some people see only what they want to see but contrary to what you may have read there was no wardrobe malfunction.
Since I could not find any good pictures nor GIFs I had to make my own which meant going through the video frame by frame and even though some websites pixelated the shots of Giselle Gomez Rolon I can say without any doubt that she was wearing panties - unlike Sharon Stone ( unless she was using a body double ). And all the people who got upset surely have seen the original scene with Sharon Stone so it´s not like this would have been the first time they saw a woman´s unmentionables.
I have included a new video with the argentinian model and you can find more GIFS and videos of 34D Power Girl Giselle Gomez Rolon in this post .
And here is a full episode of the show. Now my mother watches one of these morning shows but it´s five old women talking about illnesses, medicines, who died, who cheated on his secretary with his wife and all the stuff nobody wants to know about and I tell you after five minutes of those hens cackling away I have a headache for the rest of the day. Give me instead something like Toc Show with hot Power Girl Giselle Gomez Rolon with her boobs almost jumping out of her dress and re - enacting Sharon Stone or sexbomb Pauli Bolatti demonstrating how to squat down the right way to play volley ball , showing the best uses for a beach towel or building a sand castle wearing a bikini and I could watch that all day.
Closing things out for Today is another classic video from my generation for my german readers, the first episode of the Pinocchio cartoon.
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Give a bad boy enough rope, and he´ll soon make a jackass of himself.
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