Sunday, May 05, 2019

Real Feminist Sunday with Adam Hughes !

As expected I could not finish Yesterdays STAR WARS DAY post but Today is Adam Hughes 52nd birthday and since I already prepared everything for this post it is time to celebrate and empower women the right way.

I should not start a new post before finishing my last one but since I worked on four posts at the same time for the last three weeks doing two simultaneously is a picnic. Plus there are a few reasons why I wanted to make this post besides posting more good girl art by Adam Hughes.

That being the operative word. Good girl art. Today´s SJWs use it like a billy club to destroy anybody who dares to draw women in an alluring way but they don´t know the meaning of the term. GOOD girl art. Good girl ART. With an emphasis on " good " and " art ". Because when I look at the current depiction of women it is neither good and definitely not art.

It used to be that the catholic church suppress women to cover up and not to use their beauty, sexuality and naked breasts to gain power of men. Heck, in the seventies women burned their bras and fought for the right to live out their sexuality, to be naked and to show their boobs. Now we are back to the times when feminists - pardon me - "alleged " feminists were more concerned with dictating how women who are more beautiful than them live. They have long forgotten what feminism was all about and are instead spreading their destructive propaganda that sex is something bad and degrading for women and so it must have been invented by men.

Who are responsible for everything bad. Anyway, back to good girl art, while one of the biggest misconceptions about Adam Hughes is that he is just a good girl artist .... okay, wait a minute. JUST a good girl artist ? Do these beings who call themselves women have any idea how difficult it is to make good girl art ? Because if it was not then everybody would do it.

But back on track. Adam Hughes is not just a good girl artist because he can draw literally anything. And draw it well. You will not find anything in his drawings that does not look 100 percent accurate but everybody focuses on is the way he draws women. Why ? Because it is not easy, not everybody can do it and not a lot of people can do it like Adam Hughes.

Because he not only draws the female form like no other he also manages to present them in a way that shows their beauty, inner strength and sexiness without being cheap or tawdry. His drawings celebrate women !

Or they used to. Which was another reason why I wanted to make this post. Because I don´t know if Adam Hughes has finally succumbed to the SJWs but after seeing his latest BETTY & VERONICA fiasko it is clear that he has joined the ranks of all the artists like Frank Cho and Richard Corben who have stopped drawing beautiful things and only draw ugly stuff now.

It´s like they have given up and going the sure way like Peter Bagge who used to be a comic book activist with real political issues and now only plays it safe by doing biographical graphic novels about female pioneers.

You may ask what Adam Hughes BETTY & VERONICA series has to do with that but it is the best example how comic books are ruined Today. Yep, ARCHIE comics are basically ruined with that. Because it´s core has been destroyed. Before this a big part of the appeal of Archie Andrews was the fact that he had two extremely beautiful girls he was in love with and he could not decide for one over the other. Which is every guy´s dream.

But Adam Hughes has managed to do five issues of two of the most pined after girls in all of pop culture without doing ONE picture that shows them as sexy. I don´t know if that was mandated because now women in comics have to look unfit, average and boring to be considered " realistic " and please editors. Those that still bother to involve themselves in comics.

Maybe he just wanted to play it safe but he has toned it down to a point where there is no incentive for comic book fans to buy it. I mean, as I said Adam Hughes does not only draw nice looking women. But if you take that away what is the reason to choose this over any other ARCHIE comic ? You will definitely see more hot girls in any old comic by Dan DeCarlo - who also was a very successful pin up artist - and it might even be cheaper.

So while I don´t believe that somebody like Adam Hughes reads this blog I want to at least do what I can do to remind readers that there was a time when empowering women did not mean making resentful toxic women feel better about their inadequacies by making every woman who had the good fortune of being more beautiful than your average female feel bad.

A time when comic book artists knew that having a great body did not mean that a woman was less intelligent. That showing the female form in its perfection was not a bad thing and that just because somebody is better looking than yourself it does not make you less worthy. A time when comic book artists took a stand and fought back. When they said " You are wrong and I will not compromise my art to further your sick agenda. " and made what they were supposed to do. Make. Good. Art.

Now I know that all of the SJWs will be up in arms about this post and I already know that they will misquote me. But let me make this clear. I am not saying that EVERY woman in a comic book should look like a centerfold or playmate. They could but that is neither realistic nor very interesting.

But neither is the opposite, that NO woman in a comic looks like that.

You might say that only one woman in a thousand looks like that. I think that the number is much higher. But even if it isn´t then with 3,82 billion women as part of the world´s population we are speaking about roughly 3,820,000 women. Who speaks for them, where is their representation ?

Nowhere. Because only the socially right minorities are represented.

That´s right. It is not enough to be part of a minority. You have to be the right minority. Which means a minority that can be used to gain more social and political influence over the rest of the world. A minority that will make anybody who says something against it look like a racist, sexist, nazi or in the best case a combination of all of the above. In short, a minority that can be cultivated in the social media and weaponized.

So unless you are black, handicapped, gay, lesbian, trans gender, not american or female you may be part of a minority group within society but not in a way that will help you. If you are a spanish white fat heterosexual dude with health problems .... no, you don´t have problems, you ARE the problem because then everything bad that happens to women is your fault. Even if you have never exploited, suppressed or insulted women you hurt women worldwide simply by existing. Simply by breathing.

But let´s get back to comics. I have preached enough and if you have an open mind you hear what I am trying to say and if not more talking will not change your opinions. So let´s get to the real reason for this post with some stuff Adam Hughes used to do when he still did what he does best.  

Today we have a very european entertainment section, with two of our first three candidates being from Great Britain followed by three from Germany. Our very first shoutout though goes to the United States of America and like our next two candidates Tom Sutton´s anniversary falls on April the 15th. As longtime readers know I like to feature artists on this blog that I think are underrated, underappreciated or simply forgotten.

Now by no means do I see myself as the defender of the poor, overlooked comicbook artists. I have gotten various comments that readers got the impression that I write these posting trying to portray myself as cool.

Which is pretty ridiculous for anybody who knows me because I am the very definition of not cool. Even if there are things about me that now are considered as cool - like being a comicbook reader - that didn´t start out that way since when I started reading comicbooks it was one of the most uncool things you could do. It just happened to become cool after many decades because comicbook fans have taken over the mainstream and now everybody wants to jump on the bandwagon. What I am trying to say in my usual roundabout way is that I am not doing this because I want to be seen as somebody who is the big hero but because I think that some comic artists get the short end of the stick and deserve more attention.

And in most cases I do not even set out to write these posts. With Tom Sutton I have to confess that I didn´t know much about him but he kept popping up in my reading material. Now the uninitiated might ask what is so strange about that and strange is the operative word here. Right now I am reading a bunch of old Marvel Age issues and the introduction pages are written by Jim Salicrup who is on a mission to get readers to stop being Marvel Zombies. Which seems odd because he should be promoting Marvel Comics and the more Marvel titles a reader buys the better, right ?

Well, Jim Salicrup´s stance is that people should read all kind of comics and not just Marvel Comics. And they should only read Marvel Comics because they find them better than the other comic companies and not because they only read Marvel Comics. So I guess I am one of these people who read comics based on how much I like them and not which company publishes them. There are some cases where I will consciously seek out comicbooks from a certain company to support them but usually only if I also like the comicbooks. Anyway, what this all leads up to is that I not only read Marvel Comics or DC comics or image comics. I also don´t only read superhero comics or american comics. Which made the fact that Tom Sutton was in the credits of more and more of the comicbooks all the more extraordinary because no matter if I was reading a german horror comic like Geisterschocker or Gänsehaut, Warren Publishing´s Creepy or Eerie, or old Bronze Age Marvel Comics titles like Ghost Rider or Werewolf By Night there he was. On top of that he did he did a lot of art in vols 7 and 8 of Marvel Masterworks - Doctor Strange which I found at amazon´s bargain section for a reasonable price and he really killed it in his issues.

He was a really awesome artist so I decided to do spotlight posts for him in 2017 and last year . Besides what I listed above Tom Sutton who died in 2002 has assured himself a place in pop culture history because he was not only a prolific artist at Warren Publishing but the first to draw Vampirella.

If that would have been his only claim to fame it would also have sufficed but his work has appeared in every comic company from Marvel´s Man - Thing, Planet Of The Apes, Godzilla or Star - Lord to DC´s O.G. I Vampire and Star Trek to First Comics´ Grimjack a ton of work for Charlton Comics.

While I don´t have a video explicitly for Tom Sutton one of the issues that is included in volume 8 of Marvel Masterworks - Doctor Strange is What If ? 18 titled What If Doctor Strange Had Been A Disciple Of Dormammu ? ( see splash page above ) by Peter Gillis and Tom Sutton and since that is a series I always liked here are the Top 10 Craziest Marvel WHAT IF ? Stories.

Next we have british firecracker Sarah Louise Young who celebrated her 48th birthday and I not only absolutely had to include her to pay tribute to one of the biggest porn stars from my misspent youth but without her there would not have been any posts about Tom Sutton. As longtime readers might remember, my very first spotlight post only happened because I found so much great art of Tom Sutton while writing the fun block of that year´s annual Sarah Young re - post that I spontaneously decided to put a selection of them in a separate appreciation post.

Speaking about appreciation and since this post is all about true feminism, Sarah Louise Young has done her share of trailblazing a path for women as she not only was one of the biggest pornstars of her times who co - stared with the best known porn actors and actresses of the scene, won many important prizes for her outstanding performances or was highly honored with a cultural prize in Spain, for her last big film ' Hamlet '. Besides gracing over 150 video covers she also did work behind the camera. She has been an executive producer, writer and director so she has literally done it all and has achieved all there is to achieve in the adult business.

Not only was Sarah Louise Young the first porn actress to agree a fee of $1,000,000 for a single film, in 1992 she also opened her first sex shop in Hannover, named Sarah Young Erotic Markt, and there would eventually be eleven such shops located in various German cities. I think there might have been one in Stuttgart but with all the movies she starred in and the ones she produced Sarah Young was very present in german video stores and sex shops around the time I was old enough to watch her movies. By the time she lived in Spain she also had one of the first adult magazines that were sold together with a videotape. Whichin Spain were sold at newsstands next to comics or newspapers. Yes, some countries do not hide their porn under the table like it´s something to be ashamed of.

Sarah Young was a big star over here in Germany when I was old enough to rent porn videos. That shows you what an old geezer ( and old pervert ) I am. Also, she was the first one who made porn videos for a price that horny teenagers like me could afford. I mean, new tapes. Because back in those days you could buy used porn videos at the video store but those were watched hundreds of times and only seconds away from combustion.

Now I know that when I did my first Sarah Louise Young solo post as part of my CASTING THE JUSTICE LEAGUE MOVIE series I promised to re - post her birthday post each year but with so many years I have done it now I think it´s okay to skip one. Especially keeping in mind that in 2017 I not only did the normal Sarah Louis Young re - post , since I have posted pics and animated GIFs that are a bit more risquee since I first wrote it I did another uncensored Sarah Louise Young post with more explicit material and text later. Plus last year I did a light version of her cult siren entry so I could include that link in the more serious posts. And only because I can´t do a new post at the moment doesn´t mean there won´t be one in 2019.

Speaking of my CASTING THE JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA series, I always write that under the pretense that I had the ability to pluck the right candidates out of the time stream when they were in their prime. And one thing I would do with a time machine would be to take myself in my sexual prime back to Sarah Young´s pre pornstar years since she herself told in her biography that she already had giant tits as a teenager which brought her the unwanted attention of all the horny perverts in her class and that she became a complete nymphomaniac and the school slut with 15 after milking most of her male classmates dry. At 18 the living blow up sex doll who got off by having sex in public places had only started to pose nude for adult magazines and it would have been epic to dicktame her.

We are staying with sexbombs who developed an enourmous .... talent pretty early since Sarah Young´s birthday falls on the same day as the birthday of the world´s most famous pop centerfold of the 80s Samantha " Touch Me " Fox ( what a day for british bra busters ) who turned 53.

Sam is best remembered as the nation’s favourite Page 3 girl after first posing topless when she was 16 as she was blessed with a stunning 34D - 22 - 31 figure ( later to fill out to 36D ! ). For three years Sam Fox was voted Page 3 Girl Of The Year and became one of the most photographed women of the decade alongside Princess Diana and Margaret Thatcher.

And like Sarah Young Samantha Fox did not believe she had what it takes.

Sam burst on to the scene in her teens after her mother put her forward for a modelling contest and she came second out of 20,000 entrants. Until that point Samantha, who had been attending stage school and had a Saturday job at a supermarket, had her heart set on becoming a singer.

She feared she could never be a model because her boobs were too big.

I asked my mum if I looked fat in a dress because my boobs looked too big in it. She said, " Your boobs are great. " I only realized they were fine when other women began paying for surgery to have boobs like mine.

The reason for including Samantha Fox is that I want to acknowledge her because while I think that she never lived up to her true potential she still was one of the hot sexbombs during my puberty. Ah, the things I would have done to Sammy if I got my hands on her when I was at my prime !

I always had the impression that she could do more but didn´t want to do it. I remember that some years ago, well, more than a few years because this is about a video cassette, I found a video of Samantha Fox which was kind of a MAKING OF one of her calendars. I expected to see some skin, not like hardcore but at least as much as you could see in the pics for the calendar but the video was more like something out of Sesame Street and every time there was some exposed skin Sam was frantically obsessed with covering up again as quickly as possible. Now maybe she was tired of always showing her body and being objectified but then she should have either not do the calendar in the first place or not try to sell a video that is tamer than an episode of the Muppet Babies. Just my 5 cents worth.

Those who have read this blog since its early days may remember that I started writing about Samantha Fox in the posts of my favorite italian cult siren Sabrina " Bouncing Action " Salerno ( and you can find more of her in this year´s HAPPY STAR WARS DAY post ) but in 2017 I finally managed to do a post on Samantha Fox. Or better two posts since so much stuff I wanted to say about her had accumulated over the years that I had to split it into two parts : the first part with the regular musings and part two which is totally not safe for work and probably not 100 % the truth.

Ever since she admitted to being a lesbian - or at least bi - sexual - there have been all kinds of speculations and I´m afraid I got a little carried away with that last one. In any case, the original idea to do a post on Samantha Fox was that since she has her birthday on the same day as Sarah Louise Young I could alternate between them with the re - posts or just link to previous years when there is nothing new to add. Which is the case with Sam now although I might do a new version when the fancy strikes me.

Speaking of which, so far I have not posted many clips of Sammy because her music videos do not use her full potential and most live appearances on shows are from her later period. So it is extremely rare to find a live performance from her prime where she is wearing a somewhat exciting outfit. For someone who became famous worldwide by getting naked Samantha Fox sure wore a lot of clothes in most of her tv appearances.

We continue with singing sexbombs although we jump from Great Britain to Germany on April the 20th with a callback to the 90s when techno was dominating the charts as Jasmin Wagner turned 39. Better known as Blümchen ( blossom ) she was one of the biggest techno music stars and a guilty pleasure for all males as her hardcore vibes caused many erections thanks to her 15 year old booming teenage body and her skimpy outfits.

As somebody who started cheerleading for the Hamburg Blue Angels with 15 years Jasmin was very aware of the effect her body could have on guys and her first song Herz an Herz only became a hit after the music video with Jasmin went into heavy rotation on the german music channel Viva and Blümchen was prominently featured in various newspapers which helped her achieve the number 4 position on the german single charts.

I was never a big fan of techno music but their marketing strategy has always been to hook you with scantily clad females and Jasmin was no exception. A lot of guys wished that Happy Hardcore would have been more than just the name for her music genre and the term Blümchen Sex ( the german equivalent to vanilla sex ) got a new meaning thanks to her.

But while Jasmin admits to be very ambitious in her acting career - she has had bit parts in tv series like Gute Zeiten Schlechte Zeiten, Notruf Hafenkante and SOKO 5113 or movies like Erdbeereis mit Liebe, Die Randgruppe and Operation Dance Sensation or blockbuster Driven with Sylvester Stallone - she has gone on public record that she would never try to get a role through the casting couch thus crushing the sex phantasies of countless horny movie producers. As it is we have to be content with her photo shootings for PLAYBOY light stroke material like Maxim or FHM.

Besides her tv guest roles Blümchen started hosting shows like Heart Attack and the Nick Awards on Nickelodeon with 16 which also helped boost her popularity. Beginning in 1998 she hosted the Mini Playback Show, Interaktiv, Bravo TV, Blumissimo, Disney Filmparade, Teenstar, Ein Star für dich, TV Total Stock Car Crash Challenge, TV Total WOK WM, Dein Song, Golden Fritz Award, Happy Family Events as well as IFA Sommergarten.

She also was a frequent guest on game shows and talk shows where she always generated quite a stir among the male viewers thanks to her sexy outfits. Her appearance on Die Harald Schmidt Show in a shirt that was more showcasing her firm teenage boobs than hiding them is nothing short of legendary. Sadly there is only a clip in slow motion on YouTube.

From 1995 to 2000 she had 17 singles and 5 albums in the Media Control charts and worldwide sales totaled 30 million singles and album copies.

Looking back on 5 top 10 singles, 14 additional top 20 hits, 2 gold albums, 2 Echo Awards plus a number of other trophies ( including several Bravo Otto Awards ) she became the most successful german pop artist of the 1990s.

Speaking of sexbombs from the 90s who had a music career and appeared on tv and movies, go go dancer Carmen Electra who is best known for her appearances as Lani McKenzie on Baywatch celebrated her 47th birthday.

I cast Carmen as Batgirl in my Special Baywatch Edition of the Casting the Justice League movie series and she is frequently mentioned in my posts about nubian sex goddess Traci Banghim and Busenwunder Erika " Double E " Eleniak who besides Baywatch is famous for her sexy striptease in Under Siege . She really shows some talent there which makes the fact that Erika never continued a career as a stripper just more tragic.

Just last year I finally managed to get the DVD of Baywatch - Hawaiian Wedding - which I haven´t gotten around to rewatch yet - but Carmen hula dancing with a coconut bra alone is worth the price of admission.

So that´s the last of this but if you want more of these bikini baring actresses you can just check out my latest Baywatch spin off posts .

It has been a while since I posted a bikini contest video but you can´t mention Baywatch without some bikini sexbombs from the 90s. Both Baywatch and bikini contests were the biggest 90s ratings successes.

This may be a re - post but for this occassion I picked the California Girl Bikini Contest 13 not only because it´s one of the few that´s in good quality but also because it features the Bikini Open All Stars. In this contest you can see such familiar blow up sex dolls like Mercedes above , busty blonde Pamela Brown or Brooke Thompson and in her case things could get confusing because she sometimes started under the name of Brooke and other times under the name Brandi , Bridget or Michelle. But while you could get her names mixed up there was no mistaking that hardbody. These are the kind of women movements I can´t get enough of.

We are returning to Germany in the 90s since that is when comedian Ingo Appelt who turned 52 started his career. His cabaret programs include a lot of black humor - which I don´t mind - but is often way below the belt and very mean and nasty - which I don´t like. In any case his birthday gives me the opportunity to finally post Boulevard Bio with porn star Dolly Buster.

Busty and shapely blonde bombshell Nora Baumberger was born as Nora Dvořáková on November the 23rd, 1969 in Prague, Chechoslovakia ( now the Czech Republic ) and worked as a translator for the German Federal Border Guard with 18 but after 6 months she starred in x - rated movies.

Dolly became known for her giant 38E implants and her claim to porn fame is introducing the german audience to the concept of fisting. Thankfully she also appeared in mainstream movies like Tom Gerhardt´s comedy Voll Normaaal ( where she had a short appearance as Busenwunder Gianna S. ) or the tv show Peep ! with german sexbomb turned mega MILF Verona Pooth formerly Feldbusch where Dolly did the quiz section for the viewers ( she was in every episode of the show from 1996 to 1999 ) and so guys could pretend they knew her from that show instead of her porn movies.

Speaking of which, the blow up sex doll with the incredible measurements of 38E - 23 - 35 not only was a porn actress but like the aforementioned Sarah Young she married a big time porn producer. And besides being in front of the camera she also produced and directed them, first retiring as an actress and then ultimately retiring from the porn industry altogether.

She has gone on to become the author of a successful series of novels about a german porn star turned amateur detective, a painter and has her own chain of erotic shops called Dolly Buster as well as two restaurants with italian cuisine called Buster Pasta in Frankfurt and in Düsseldorf.

I don´t know who said that on german talk shows politicians talk about religion, priests talk about sex and porn star talk about politics but it´s true. So Dolly Buster also dabbled in politics. In 2002 she supported Guido Westerwelle from the FDP in the german national election campaign and her platform was free love. In 2004 Buster attempted to obtain a seat in European Parliament as a candidate of a fringe czech party and in 2009 she was mistakenly placed on the ballot for a German city council election.

Now in Austria there is this big social event called the Vienna Opera Ball and there is an austrian construction tycoon who always attends and who invites famous female celebrities to accompany him which are most often famous actresses. Well in 1999 he invited Dolly Buster and there was a big brouhaha that he was ruining the event and that they could absolutely not have such a well know porn porn star and producer like Dolly Buster attending. Everybody was up in arms and one of the guys in charge only said that he was surprised how many of the upper class knew Dolly Buster.

Of course Dolly Buster attended the ball after the ridiculous scandal had died down and the german press wrote that she got a grip on herself and only appeared in a skintight silver dress with a very generous cleavage. I mean, what were they expecting ? That she would give out free blowjobs ? Sometimes I am not sure if the misinformed people who say that comic book readers have trouble making the distinction between real life and fiction not suffer from this problem themselves. Only in this case they had trouble making the distinction between a porn movie plot and real life.

By the way, in 2006 the celebrity this tycoon invited was Carmen Electra, the second Baywatch sexbomb after Pamela Anderson in 2003 - whom I have both already mentioned in this post. And speaking about german ex - porn stars, after the big scandal with Dolly Buster you might think that they would prevent something like that in the future but in 2018 Sybille Rauch was invited and you can read more about sexy Sybille in this post .

Now one last thing before we come to our next celebrity birthday, I have gotten more than a few comments that I am too obsessed with cosplay sexomb Yaya Han - which I definitely am - and that just because she had her breasts expanded it does not mean that she should make porn movies.

And while that is totally her decision I only wanted to point out that in this post we have two women who have reached the height of porn star fame, Sarah Louise Young who had her boobs augmented to a 36E and Dolly Buster who had her rack supersized to a 38E. And Yaya Han has gone even further to a whopping 40D. So I´m not saying that she HAS to do porn or that she was born for porn ( one of these days I have to get the copyright for that before somebody else does ) but I think she should think about doing nude pictures or at least more risky ones before it is too late for it.

In 2016 I finally managed to do another post about Darick Robertson in which I mentioned the BREAKDOWNS storyline that introduced Power Girl´s famous coconut bra costume. And I just want to say that I still have not given up on a Yaya Han Power Girl coconut bra cosplay ( with the tiniest coconut shells you can find although compared to her huge 40D oppai all coconut shells probably look small no matter how big they are ) as she has already shown that she does a terrific Power Girl cosplay and she certainly has no problem filling out the magical cleavage window.

So far I had written six posts on Yaya - two of them are pretty safe but the other four are absolutely not safe for work - and I keep mentioning her on various JLA casting posts and any other posts involving asian sexbombs like Kiana Tom, Ava Cadell, Akira Lane, Miko Lee, Gail Kim or Minka and I swear the completely NSFW BIG YAYA HAN POST is still in the pipeline. In the meantime I have made two new posts about Yaya which showcase a part of her incredible anatomy that I have ignored too often - her legs.

Speaking of women predestined to star in adult movies we come to two who managed to cheat fate, well one of them completely while the other ones has an entry in the Hollywood Hall of Nude Fame. But I am getting ahead of myself. On April the 21st Tony Danza celebrated his 68th birthday and he is best known - at least to people from my generation - for his roles on Taxi and Who´s The Boss ? where he played the Dad of Alyssa Milano.

He also was the father of Ami Dolenz in She´s Out Of Control  which not only has one of the sexiest non - nude scenes in cinema history but is a quite funny movie and a must see for every father of a hot teenage girl. 

Sexbomb Alyssa Milano ( who got two entries on this blog, the main post and the bonus round with her best episodes on CHARMED ) is of course best known as the most charming, sexiest and all around greatest of all the Halliwell witches, Phoebe Halliwell on the cult tv show Charmed.

According to some interviews she gave later she wasn´t so keen on some of the sexy outfits but Alyssa was the main reason why guys watched the show, it was all to see her shaking her hips as a sultry belly dancer with her tits hanging out or an almost naked mermaid. Also Alyssa was busy taming male co - stars Julian McMahon and Brian Krause as her personal sex slaves.

Before she starred in Charmed Alyssa appeared in an episode of Outer Limits where she didn´t leave much to the imagination thanks to the lower restrictions of the Sci Fi channel. She was well on her way to become a sexsymbol but of course we wanted to see more of her. And male viewers got their wish when Alyssa got her freak on in Embrace of the Vampire where she did her breast performance going full frontal .

I did a re - post of Alyssa Milano´s cult siren entry on her birthday in 2016. 

We have one more sexbomb who knows how to scorch up the tv screen with her fantastic funbags on April the 28th as Kari Wuhrer turned 52.

Kari is best know for her role of Maggie Beckett on the sci fi cult show Sliders. She was put on the cast as the boner guarantee for the male audience and they got more than their money´s worth in the Wild West episode where she´s almost spilling out of her snug saloon girl corsage.

She also was in Hot Blooded, a really bad movie that doesn`t even have full frontal nudity. Nevertheless it´s one of my favorite movies with Kari because she looks really hot in this one. You get to see a lot of cleavage and boobs and in the first sex scene on the bed you can see her sexy ass.

And because one scene where she´s at a gas station and pulls down her leather top to make the desk clerk horny. She´s really pulling it in all directions so you get to see her full boobs. I have no evidence but I swear I can see some nipple. I bet Kari had to do this scene a hundred times as the crew was sabotaging all takes just to see her boobs again and again.

In any case, I had this scene on a video tape on a loop and I must have heard the words " This material just doesn´t breathe ! " a hundred times.

Like I said there is no full frontal nudity in this cineastic masterpiece but you get a bit of sideboob in a scene that was heavily cut on german tv.

They cut parts from when she´s using a whip to get into the mood and pours hot wax on his body. They also cut some parts from where she´s on top of him which I didn´t know until I found the movie on the internet.

Damn you, german tv for keeping Kari Wuhrer´s sideboob away from me !

When I cast Kari Wuhrer as Gypsy in my Casting the Justice League movie series she hadn´t appeared on The Flash. So when I chose Kari for that role Gypsy´s super powers did not include vibing between dimensions but when people read it now they might get the impression that I chose her because of the tv show where she was sliding between dimensions.

We started this section with comicbooks so it´s only fitting that we close it the same way and pay tribute to Lee Falk, creator of THE PHANTOM who is considered to be the first superhero. While I am not sure if I subscribe to this idea he was one of the main influences in the creation of Batman.

Now waaaay back in 2003 PHANTOM FRIDAY was supposed to become a regular feature but as usual after that first entry I never got around to post all the other material I had compiled and Lee Falk´s most famous creation ( he also came up with Mandrake, the Magician ) only appeared in the occasional birthday post of Paul Ryan , Sal Velluto or Bob McLeod .

New to the blog ? Everything you need to know about TALES FROM THE KRYPTONIAN : top ten posts / more posts of interest / best of the best

Old jungle saying : the Phantom must be of the blood of the Phantom.

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