Sunday, December 08, 2019

It´s Savage Dragon Sunday with Erik Larsen

Today Erik Larsen celebrates his 57th birthday so because it has been ages since my last post about his fantastic SAVAGE DRAGON series I want to continue with what I think will be my final installment of this feature.

Because as far as I know that´s it with appearances of Erik Larsen´s version of the god of thunder in SAVAGE DRAGON. And while it is not the norm I found the complete issue 163 while doing the research for one of my many SAVAGE DRAGON posts ( to which we will come in the bonus section) so I am going to post all pages even if some of the context is missing. This is a series that every comic fan worth his salt should read.

SAVAGE DRAGON is a book I have pimped forever and a day but as usual I am a bit behind. I have to pay my comic shop a visit one of these days so that I can catch up but when I tried last week it started to rain heavily and ever since I want to go but so far something always comes up. I´m not sure if I can go there before Christmas. With that said it is no surprise that I did my last post about Savage Dragon on Erik´s birthday in 2017. So far I have not done a casting call for the Savage Dragon movie ( well, one role has already been cast by Erik but we will come to that ) but I think Nikki Minaj would be perfect for the role of hooker / super heroine Rapture.

Likewise Christina Hendricks ( whom I cast as Maxima in my very first post about CASTING THE JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA MOVIE ) would be spot on for Rita Medermade, the redhead with the biggest boobs in the Savage Dragon universe with her gigantic megasized 39H ( !!!!! ) medicine balls.

For those who have missed the THORSDAY WITH ERIK LARSEN installments here are the links for my posts about Erik Larsen´s issues of THE MIGHTY THOR under Dan Jurgen´s penmanship ( issue 26 / issue 27 / issue 28 ) and the first one about Erik Larsen´s own version of the god of thunder in his SAVAGE DRAGON series to which I finally got around to write a follow up .

Coming back to SAVAGE DRAGON since I have done a lot of posts about this series I´m not going to post all links but I´m including the latest ones :  I already did a post with some of Erik Larsen´s best splash pages from his 200+ issue run and one that was all headshots ( okay, there is also the much clamored for blowjob scene between Horridus and Savage Dragon ).

But the most important one where I really went into detail about what actually happened in the issues was the one about SAVAGE DRAGON 200 a.k.a. the famous Threesome Issue ( which has links to my big SAVAGE DRAGON post in english and german ) where Malcolm Dragon and Angel finally get it on. The post explains the not brother and sister thing.

What I somehow always brainfart on is that officer Alex Wilde, one of the major sexbombs from Savage Dragon was clearly modeled after Halle Berry.

I know, she looks rather white on the page above but she´s of hispanic heritage and supposed to be colored with a much darker skin tone here.

Since the first issue Alex was the one I hoped Dragon would end up with but something always came between them getting together. And when I say " something " I mean of course writer Erik Larsen. First it was that they were both working together, than Dragon was together with the superheroine Rapture, than Alex was with the superhero Dart and they only ended up together when Savage Dragon returned to Chicago from a long absence. He was working with the S.O.S. and Alex was still on the police force so they were not co workers and could finally get down to it.

Anyway, Alex and Savage Dragon were just trying to get over their past relationships ( by having lots of conscientious sex ) so that didn´t last long. Later on it seemed as if Alex and Dragon were finally together.

But as always things were more complicated : the Dragon that was using Alex like his blow up sex doll was an impostor from a parallel universe.

And according to one of her ex - lovers this is her second nature : Halle Berry is a kinky sex freak. She used me as her boy toy. She deepthroated me for hours to give me a giant erection and then rode relentlessly on my rock hard member in a dentist´s chair with her huge breasts pounding against me until she had multiple orgasms. Sounds like my kind of woman.

In the bedroom I take control because looks are not enough to make a fella stay faithful : you must bang his brains out. You have to be a friend, be independent , be a lady and shy but you need to be a total sex freak in the bed and milk his dick - make him squirt until he´s completely dry.

Longtime readers know that Halle Berry is one of my all time wet sex fantasies so not only does she appear in my Justice League of America movie casting she had even four solo posts . But of course it was only a question of time before I added some new ones so last year I wrote four more : the first one about Halle Berry in her best movies , the second one on Halle Berry´s comic book movies , part three about my dream comic book movie casting with Halle Berry and the unexpected bonus round .

I have finally gotten Halle Berry´s Monster´s Ball for my home movie because with all the Halle Berry movies I got it is kind of weird that I didn´t have the one where she not only has a sex scene but does it for real with her on screen partner. Well, not so weird since I had heard that the movie is very depressing and I already have enough of that in my life.

But I decided to get the movie and only looked up the running time of the spanish version and the german version to make sure I get the right one which later taught me that just because a version is longer does not mean it is the less censored version. So I had to go to a lot of trouble to find the movie - which really deserves a post of its own - but when I got home I did a little research - because the most important part of Halle Berry´s sex scene was not in it - only to learn that the spanish version was censored.

Then I got the german version and because I had read that there were two versions with different frame sizes I got both. As it turns out the technical specs for the movies were wrong and I ended up with two identical versions. Now the reason why I am talking about the frame size is that they cut part of the frame so that it fits the new long tv screens better and wouldn´t you know the part they decided to cut is the one where you can see that Halle Berry really milked Thornton´s rock hard Billy Bob dry in front of the entire crew. Which is one of the reasons why so many people did not believe they really did it on camera. If you have not seen the movie in the theater you can only see this on the internet and I can´t count how often this scene was cut. First it was cut - a few times actually - so they could show it in the cinema, then it was cut so they could sell it on DVD and BlueRay ( which in my opinion is a rip off since you don´t get what you want to see ) and then the picture format was cut to eliminate the best parts of it. I guess in this case size really did matter.

And to think that one of the best sex scenes in film history almost didn´t happen. The director Marc Forster originally didn´t cast Halle Berry in the female lead role because he thought she was too beautiful and while he knew the natural born blow up sex doll could easily deliver some Last Boy Scout type strip action and had already bared her boobs in Password : Swordfish he didn´t think she would be willing to do explicit sex scenes.

Thankfully Halle´s manager secretly slipped her the script and Halle got in contact with the director and had several talks and long, private meetings with him. We do not know exactly to which kind of depraved hardcore midnight sex olympics Halle Berry subjected Marc Forster during these meetings to convince him that she had the necessary skills to believably portray a prostitute but she must have dicktamed him six ways to Sunday to wear him down and let all of her nymphomanic urges out because after the third weekend long ejaculation sex marathon Halle Berry got the role.

We continue with the birthdays from December the 8th which completes our foursome of cult sirens starting with Nicki Minaj a.k.a. Nicki The Harujuku Barbie a.k.a. Nice Nipples Nick a.k.a. Sexy Chocolate a.k.a. Minaj - A - Trois who turned 37. Since I don´t watch music television on a regular basis anymore it took me a while to discover her through her appearances on various award and talk shows. The rapping bi - sexual love doll from indian, african and jamaican descent that looks like Robert Crumb´s wet dream became famous for her mindblowing 40F - 26 - 46 measurements which she presents in most provocative outfits and risque music videos.

Daimn, Nicki has gone on record that she demands to climax every time she has sex but with her massive mammaries and oral skills I doubt any guy would have a problem with that. And I´m not talking about her rapping !

Like I said, I´m not that knowledgeable about her and I may not be the biggest expert on what is art but I know what I like. While looking for a good video of Nicki I found a few which are probably not safe to post and I thought I would have to post The Ultimate Nicki Minaj Fap Challenge but then I came across Nicki Minaj´s Barbie Dreams music video and that´s it.

Our next cult siren from December the 8th is Teri Hatcher who celebrated her 55th birthday. She has been featured a few times on the blog since she played the BEST Lois Lane on tv so far. Teri was the first actress who made it believable that Superman would choose her over the ultimate sex bombs in the Justice League of America like Big Barda or Wonder Woman.

While there were a lot of hot women on the show Teri clearly was the main attraction showing off her bouncing boobies in a lot of sexy outfits.

She also was in Desperate Housewives where Teri proved she still looked racktastic . And who could ever forget the " I´m not a stripper ! " scene ?

Check out my last post on cult siren Teri Hatcher to read more about her comic book connections like her appearance in Tales From The Crypt or Tango & Cash where she showed her incredible body and dancing skills.

Since there are a lot of people who were not around when Lois & Clark - The New Adventures first aired in the 90s - or even later when it was in reruns worldwide - here is a video about the show. I have read in that it´s difficult to watch in the USA if you don´t have the Warner Brothers app and that DVDs are pretty pricey. I grabbed all four seasons when they were at 10 EUROS per season and amazon Germany had a 3 tv seasons for 22 EURO sale. It´s one of the best tv shows based on a comic and Teri Hatcher alone is worth the price of admission. Or Dean Cain for women.

Speaking of which, with all the life stuff going on I missed the Lois & Clark 25th Anniversary Reunion. Daiimn, how can Teri Hatcher still look so hot ?

And that wraps up our short but sweet birthday list for Today but as usual you can find more awesome anniversaries from December the 8th in my big black and white post about Carlos Pacheco´s mindblowing work on AVENGERS FOREVER and my SAVAGE DRAGON spotlight post from 2017 .

Because finding a video about Erik Larsen´s SAVAGE DRAGON is beyond impossible I wanted to post a video about the Man of Steel but then I remembered that there was one I could not include in a previous post.

Which does kind of fit the whole Superman vibe going on ( as it should be on a blog called TALES FROM THE KRYPTONIAN ) since Kal - El was not the first fictional character called the Superman nor was he the first one who had the first name of Clark or had a retreat called The Fortress Of Solitude.

As far as I know there is no cartoon about Doc Savage and since I don´t like to repeat the same shows here is a genre which I haven´t covered yet : pirates. Well, apart from a video about bra buster Nami from One Piece.

Which is more a super hero show with super heroes disguised as pirates. And that´s one hell of a clever marketing trick. Anyway, at least the main character has a red beard like Erik Larsen´s Thor : the aptly named Captain Redbeard. It´s an adaption of the french bande dessinee Barbe Rouge by Jean - Michel Charlier and Victor Hubinon which appeared in the famous german cult comic anthology ZACK as Der Rote Pirat ( The Red Pirate ).

Sorry that it´s in spanish but I could not find an english version. For those that speak french however there are quite a lot of episodes on YouTube.

Staying within what I would call the " boys adventures " genre ( although a bit more grown up boys ) we close out this post with Jim Wynorsky ´s skin flick THE LOST EMPIRE with blow up sex doll template and Busenwunder Raven De La Croix. It´s a shame she never did a WONDER WOMAN movie because with her 42F - 24 - 36 measurements she was predestined to portray at least the porn version of the überbusty amazonian princess.

I wrote a bit more about Raven De La Croix in my first Justice League Casting Alternates post and you can find more about the Russ Meyer movie UP ! in this post about Alan Davis´ mini series SUPERBOY`S LEGION including some new GIFs of born for porn actress Janet Wood who tried to bang homosexual co - star Robert McLane straight again in the worst way.

As a last word on Russ Meyer I want to mention my entries into the Boob Hall of Fame for Haji and Tura Satana which I re - posted in 2016 which is mostly about FASTER PUSSYCAT ! KILL ! KILL ! ( THE DEVIL WOMEN OF TITTFIELD in german ) but also covers other movies and has her full bio.

New to the blog ? Everything you need to know about TALES FROM THE KRYPTONIAN : top ten posts / more posts of interest / best of the best

So comes snow after fire, and even dragons have their endings.

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