Friday, January 10, 2020

Not by George ! The Brave and the Bold 11

As expected the bonus section of my latest post on Ann Nocenti and John Romita Jr.´s run on DAREDEVIL has become longer than my browser can take. And since I keep mentioning Mark Waid and George Perez run on THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD I thought it was about time that I finally wrap it up.

Especially since I didn´t do a birthday post for Jerry Ordway last year who is the artist of the next few issues. Sadly George Perez last issue was issue 10 - which also was the last issue I posted - and initially I thought to finish it there but there are readers who might not have picked up the series so I didn´t want to leave them hanging. Well, not more than necessary since I posted issue 10 way back in January 2019. For some reason I have almost no pages from issue 12 so I will have to look for them but issue 13 is good to go. So - as always - for those who missed my previous posts or want to go back and re - read them to refresh their memory here are issue 1, issue 2, issue 3, issue 4, issue 5, issue 6, issue 7 , issue 8 , issue 9 and issue 10 .

For me Jerry Ordway will always be connected to the Superman universe since he did a lot of the heavy lifting during the post CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS 80s relaunch of Superman under the guidance of John Byrne.

While John Byrne left after a few years Jerry Ordway stayed on a pretty long time which is why there are a lot of his issues in the SUPERMAN : THE EXILE & OTHER STORIES omnibus. Which I still haven´t gotten to re - read.

For some reason comic companies are hesitant to hire Jerry Ordway and you really have to search for his work like his recent five issue stint on Spongebob Squarepants of all things. To honor one of my favorite artists I did a post about the Justice Society of America Annual 1 which was part of the Thy Kingdom Come saga and featured Power Girl´s return to Earth 2. Man, do you remember when Geoff Johns was still writing good comics ?

Now since my first tribute post for Jerry Ordway I have written a few more, in fact my very first post in 2018 was about all the DC books - well most of them - Jerry Ordway did. He is not as well known for his work at Marvel although it has not been less prolific. Frequent visitors of the blog won´t be surprised that I took the opportunity to kill three birds with one stone by posting his inks on John Byrne´s Fantastic Four and so far I have done two posts, one special Valentine´s Day post about one of the worst break ups in Marvel history that mainly contained pages from Fantastic Four 277 but also some from Fantastic Four 278 and Fantastic Four 279 and a special BDSM post about Susan Richards hot transformation into Malice.

So, 1,105 posts and counting. Now seeing as this is a spin - off post I try to avoid anything that expands the bonus section unnecessarily but on the other side I don´t want to miss any important birthdays. Not only for this year but as a reference for future years to come. So I absolutely have to give props to afro american aphrodite Miss Jacqueline Moore a.k.a. The Pride Of Tennessee who celebrated her 56th birthday on January the 6th.

I always had the impression that they never were quite sure what to make of her since on one side she could beat up male wrestlers while on the other side she could have been a terrific playmate. For an afro american wrestler with giant melons she seldom got as much play as she deserved.

One of the few times where she was allowed to demonstrate her pornstar qualities was in 2000 during the Royal Rumble where she competed in the Miss Rumble Contest where her swimsuit barely covered anything of her 38E ( !!! ) - 24 - 36 measurements and her milkshakes were in full effect.

She worked for both World Championship Wrestling  and World Wrestling Entertainment, and made history in the latter promotion as the first woman in WWE history to win the WWE Cruiserweight Championship, and as the first african american and the first WWE Diva to win the reactivated WWF Women's Championship. Jacqueline also held the distinction of being the first Diva to apply for and receive her referee's license, in WWE.

I thought I had already written more about Jacqueline but it seems that so far I only mentioned her in connection to torrid Terri Runnels - since she also was one of the top contenders in the Miss Rumble Contest - or in my posts about korean knockout Gail Kim . Which probably won´t surprise my longtime readers since Gail Kim is one of my favorite female wrestlers.

And I don´t want to resort to racial stereotypes but they just have the extra oomph that works better than viagra and makes you hear " Me so horny me love you long time ! " in your head. Gail Kim is a very gifted athlete - and I mean that without any pun - but when I see how worked up she gets in the ring, the fire in her eyes when she plays the heel or the kind of punishment her body can take and especially how flexible she is.

I mean which red blooded potent male doesn´t want to see Gail Kim as a naughty school girl, in a wet t - shirt or wearing her ass in a tiny thong ?

So I just had to post this video I found while I was looking for some matches with Jacqueline Moore. As frequent visitors of the blog know asian girls in general and Gail Kim in particular are my kryptonite but while Gail always brings the asian sensation sensation here she puts it up a few notches with her hot pants. And is it just me or are her oppai especially bouncy in that outfit ? It´s like she has two servings of jelly in there.

She really got the sexy schoolgirl look down to pat and with her pigtails ( or better blowjob handlebars ) she looks like she is auditioning for the main part in Moana Lott´s Nymphomanic Adventures At Deepthroat High

Our first cult siren is blonde sexbomb Linda Kozlowski who turned 61 on the 7th of January. Thanks to Linda revealing her posterior that almost rivals an afro - american woman´s butt in regards to size and ripeness the first Crocodile Dundee is not only still in reruns on the telly but it´s also an indispensable part of every heterosexual male´s Blue Ray collection.

Despite having re - posted her original cult siren entry from 2015 two times I always looked forward to doing a new version because it gave me an excuse to put more german Superman / Batman covers on the blog.

Now while I haven´t done another re - post for Linda Kozlowski recently you should definitely check out this year´s Vince Coletta THOR tribute for GIFs and videos of australian model Kristina Mendonca presenting her bonerinducing gluteus maximus in the thong swimsuit who is even giving Linda Kozlowski a run for her money with her 34B - 24 - 38 measurements.

Besides a lot of Jack Kirby THOR art the post also features spanish massita Ivonne Reyes, would be Playmate of the month Robin Stille in American Ninja 4 : The Annihilation, Sigourney Weaver´s fan service cleavage in Galaxy Quest, naughty Nicolette Scorsese from National Lampoon´s Christmas Vacation and bomb - ASS - tic 34D - 26 - 43 ( !!! ) instagram model Zahra Elise ( Who would be perfect as Maria Hill in a S.H.I.E.L.D. movie during Secret Wars when Nick Fury used and abused dozens of Maria Hill LMDs. Which in this case stands for Love Making Dolls. ). 

We have another new entry in our ever expanding birthday list with writer and inker Karl Kesel who also had his 61st anniversary. He has worked on many titles over the years - mostly at DC Comics - but the reason why I am mentioning him Today is that he inked John Byrne during the post CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS 80s relaunch of SUPERMAN. He also co - created the new Kon - El Superboy during the REIGN OF THE SUPERMEN saga and he has been part of a two fisted combo with artist Tom Grummet for years.

Not only on ADVENTURES OF SUPERMAN and SUPERBOY but also on the short lived SECTION ZERO series for the now defunct Gorilla imprint from iMAGE Comics. Which has been finally completed thanks to a kickstarter campaign. So far I haven´t read it - it was supposed to arrive Today but it seems the delivery truck did not make it to my house - but if it´s only half as good as the first issues it´s going to be a lot of fun. I don´t know if I can make a special post for Karl Kesel since usually I don´t make special folders for inkers ( so far Tom Palmer, Joe Sinnott and Vince Coletta have been the only exceptions ) but if I ever find the time to do a special post for Tom Grummett I am sure there will be plenty of Karl Kesel inks in there.

Continuing with hot sexbombs that know how to wear a swimsuit Amy " bouncing action "  Dolenz celebrated her 51st birthday on January the 8th.

It´s a callback to those hazy, lazy, crazy days of summer we miss so much in the winter as Ami is most famous for one of THE most erotic scenes in movie history running across the beach with a lot of bouncing action in She´s Out Of Control and she´s not even wearing a bikini - or a thong !

I first mentioned Ami in my MIDNIGHT MOVIE MADNESS : PUMPKINHEAD post because she also appeared in Pumpkinhead 2 : Blood Wings. There was a comic adaptation of that movie by Dark Horse Comics with art by Shawn McManus that was supposed to be four issues but only two were published and the second issue ends on a cliffhanger. I didn´t include any links for the series in the old post but I found posts with some of the art on Jim McDermott´s DENIZENS OF THE DARKNESS ( issue 1 / issue 2 ).

Speaking of the Pumpkinhead franchise, a few years ago the guys from Dynamite Entertainment did a new comic book series which I meant to check out but unless I am writing a post I seem to completely blank on it.

And you can read more about all of that in my post on issue 10 of Mark Waid and George Perez´ brilliant run on THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD which also features more celebrity birthdays from January the 2nd up the 14th.

There are even more birthdays from January the 5th up until January the 8th in my Mark Teixeira post from 2018 - which was not a birthday post but at that point I was not sure I would get to write one - and just from January the 8th in my post about german cult comic NICK KNATTERTON .

Next we have singing siren Sabrina Setlur who turned 45 on January the 10th which takes me back to the days when there were 2 music video channels I watched and german rap bands. To american readers this may be news but there are also rappers here in Germany. Sabrina started as Schwester S with the Rödelheim Hartreim Projekt and I remember staying up late at night so I could tape the remix of Folge Dem Stern - because there was more Sabrina Setlur in that one. One scene in particular ended up as a loop on many of my music video / erotic movie clips mix tapes.

Ah, the mammaries .... I mean memories this brings back. Speaking of Sabrina´s sexy curves, a few years ago she sued the magazine MAX because they printed some nude pictures of her without her approval.

I don´t know if she won or not but her main problem was not that they printed nude pictures of her but that they printed nude pictures of her she didn´t like. Because of that the german PLAYBOY magazine was quick to make her a generous offer but to my knowledge nothing came of it.

Anyway, since it has been a while since I wrote about Sabrina Setlur I am re - posting the full video of Folge dem Stern - the SNA remix - featuring Illmat!c and you can decide if you would have stayed up late for this one.

Somebody who I KNOW got naked for PLAYBOY magazine is ultimate 33 - 25 - 35 bikini body Janet Jones Gretzky who celebrated her 59th birthday.

She has been in a few movies but she is best known for her appearance in Police Academy 5 - Mission Miami Beach in a stunning swimsuit alongside Busenwunder Leslie Easterbrook. She is the main reason why people still watch the movie - or at least wait with switching off until her part is over.

As longtime readers of the blog know, one of my pet pevees on this blog is celebrating all the brave actresses who turn insufferable dreck into bearable entertainment by taking their clothes off or at least show what their Mama gave them and who don´t get enough recognition for that .

Therefore Janet Jones has frequently appeared on the blog either in re - posts of her own cult siren entry, Leslie´s posts or in the bonus section.

Longtime readers may be already tired of this but it seems that nowadays I can´t write a new post without mentioning hot sexbomb Becky Mullen .

Besides appearing as Sally, the farmer´s daughter on the first season of GORGEOUS LADIES OF WRESTLING and various guest appearances on every major tv show ( of which her most memorable is an episode of MARRIED WITH CHILDREN opposite Pamela Anderson ) Becky also was in various erotic midnight movies including SINFUL INTRIGUE with Chona Jason.

With all that said german audiences know her best from taking her clothes off on TUTTI FRUTTI . But her biggest contribution to american culture still is HARD HUNTED and there are two other actresses from Andy Sidaris movies who appeared on TUTTI FRUTTI, Sandra Wild and Carolyn Liu . I wrote more on this in my Andy Sidaris edition of Casting the JLA movie .

I thought about omitting Chona Jason from the post but since I never really wrote much about her I decided to do a bit of research. Anyway, Chona likes motorcycles, fast cars and owns a Porsche Carrera. She is a former PLAYBOY model thanks to her 34C - 24 - 34 measurements but before you think this exotic beauty from Hawaii is only a master of sex techniques she also has a black belt in tae kwon do. She first flashed that well - toned body in the aptly named Knock Outs ( 1992 ) before getting les - be - friendly with a co - star while riding her man in Sinful Intrigue ( 1995 ) which may be the best way to visually enjoy this large - breasted beauty.

Chona also got naked in various episodes of the television series Erotic Confessions as well as in the movies Big Bust Casting Call, Girls of the B - Movies ( 1989 ), Dragon Fury ( 1995 ), Dish Dogs ( 2000 ) and Shira : The Vampire Samurai ( 2005 ) - which you can find on YouTube although the nude scenes have been censored - and her non nude movies include Summer Job ( 1998 ), Hard As Nails ( 2001 ) and The Time Machine ( 2002 ).

And I just wrote a spin - off post with all the usual links to Janet Jones Gretzky and real live Power Girl Leslie Easterbrook who had the most famous scene in Police Academy 4 - Citizens on Patrol in which she emerges from a pool in a wet t - shirt . And while the obligatory Andy Sidaris actresses / playmates / sexbombs like Roberta Vasquez , Ava Cadell , brunette Cynthia Brimhall, Dona Speir , Julie Strain , Shae Marks , Julie K. Smith and Samantha Phillips are mentioned the main part is about blonde brabuster Monique Sluyter and the obligatory plethora of Tutti Frutti girls .

Now usually I just include a short part with them in the posts but this time I did a somewhat longer version so I could include all the new download links I found while writing this post. I just recently included a whole slew of new ones but those are just for compilation and mixes while these new ones are not only for entire episodes - which are always ultra rare - but for german episodes which are even rarer . Some of them even include my favorite Tutti Frutti girl ( whom you can see just below ).

You can find more celebrity birthdays from January the 10th in my Janet Jones Gretzky re - post from 2017 and here we have Janet in one of her famous The Firm aerobic exercise video tapes. White really is her color.

Staying on the subject of Andy Sidaris movies, January the 10th was also the 50th anniversary of wrestler Marcus Alexander " Buff " Bagwell. And Buff Bagwell not only appeared in an episode of Charmed with repentant born for porn blow up sex doll Alyssa Milano who did her breast full frontal performance in the 1995 skin flick classic Embrace Of The Vampire ( you can read more about her in this spin - off post ) but he also was in two Andy Sidaris movies : Day Of The Warrior and Return To Savage Beach .

As far as I can recall Buff didn´t have any nude scenes with the usual Andy Sidaris sexbombs but I´m sure that he got his way with 41D Penthouse Pet Of The Year 1993 Julie Strain, 34C Playmate Of The Month September 1993 Carrie Westcott, 34D Page 3 girl and sex therapist Ava Cadell, Carolyn Liu and especially 36D Penthouse Pet Of The Month February 1993 Julie K. Smith and 34D Playmate Of The Month May 1994 Shae Marks after hours.

Sexbomb Alyssa Milano ( who got two entries on this blog, the main post and the bonus round with her best episodes on CHARMED ) is of course best known as the most charming, sexiest and all around greatest of all the Halliwell witches, Phoebe Halliwell on the cult tv show Charmed.

According to some interviews she gave later she wasn´t so keen on some of the sexy outfits but Alyssa was the main reason why guys watched the show, it was all to see her shaking her hips as a sultry belly dancer with her tits hanging out or an almost naked mermaid. Also Alyssa was busy taming male co - stars Julian McMahon and Brian Krause as her personal sex slaves.

I did a re - post of Alyssa Milano´s cult siren entry in 2016 and last year and it is weird that she is trying to make herself the feminist figurehead of the Me Too movement with such actions like a proposal of a female sex strike.

I wonder whom she is trying to make forget her nude roles, us or herself.

From the moment she showed her perfectly shaped tits to the world on Outer Limits - thanks to the lower restrictions of the Sci Fi Channel - it was clear this blow up sex doll was born for porn which she proved with her completely uninhibited sex scenes in Embrace Of The Vampire .

After this extended avalanche of cult sirens ( regular visitors know what I mean ) I want to bring things back to comicbooks and since Ultraman is an alternate earth´s version of Superman I thought it appropriate to include a fantastic five about ... well, I would neither call them rip - offs nor the worst. In fact in most cases I like those characters especially Bizarro.

Although I never seem to recall if I bought the Bizarro World trade.

You can see that I held onto this for quite some time. By the way, anybody knows if they did they make something similar for his 80th anniversary ?

We are coming back to the subject of asian sexbombs with pigtails and erection inducing butts with Joanna Pang who plays teenage sidekick Cindy Lee on The Secrets Of Isis and who ASSentially fills out those jeans dungarees more than it might be appropriate on a tv show aimed at kids.

It´s been a long time since I posted an episode of the show and I am not sure if I have done it in the right order. I went back to the old posts to check and it seems I may have skipped one or two. So for Today I went with an episode where Joanna delivers the erotic highlight ASS usual.

New to the blog ? Everything you need to know about TALES FROM THE KRYPTONIAN : top ten posts / more posts of interest / best of the best

What am right with you ? Me not say already, me know ! Me can tell you !

1 comment:

  1. Met Ordway back in the 1980s and he was a very nice fella. I tried not to gush about his artwork!!
