Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Black & White Wednesday with Tom Sutton

It´s about time that we continue with the comicbook anniversaries and it´s fitting that I am writing another tribute post to one of the great unsung heroes of horror comics in October since most of the blogs have already started their Halloween posts. And which better way to put you in the mood for some goosebumps, bloody corpses and sex than with comics best known and most beloved micro bikini wearing busty bloodsucker ?

Yes, I know that the picture above is not by Tom Sutton but apparently he only did interior work for Warren Publishing´s famous VAMPIRELLA magazine and none of the covers. Which brings us already in medias res.

I have already written two posts for Tom Sutton, one in 2017 and one in 2018 , and since I don´t like to repeat myself I have decided to make a spotlight on his work on Vampirella since Tom Sutton was the first to draw her. The best known comics with Vampirella are of course the ones drawn by mi paisano Jose Gonzales which is another reason why I wanted to do this post. Now while I did find enough material for a post this is not your usual run - of - the - mill BLACK AND WHITE post because there is no colored art. Warren´s VAMPIRELLA magazine was in black and white so there are no color pages to go with the original art. Coming back to Vampirella, in the beginning she wasn´t even the main character or had her own stories. She had a feature called VAMPI`S FEARY TALES where she narrated creepy tales and her character was played more for tittilation.

It´s wasn´t before the eight issue that Vampirella took the spotlight as the main character and we learned more about her. Which is the story I am presenting Today. Usually I don´t re - post pages I have already included in other posts but in this case I´m making an exception because it wouldn´t make sense - at least to me - to post the Vampirella story from issue eight with some of the pages missing. I am also making an exception from the no more than 23 pieces of art per post rule since most of the BLACK AND WHITE posts have also additional color pages. Anyway, enjoy Vampirella´s first adventure and I hope there´ll be more Halloween posts this month.

Before we come to the usual assortment of the creepy, weird and sexy I have to make a public announcement and it once again concerns the new interface by blogger. I know, you must already be tired of hearing me gripe about it but bear with me because this is about all of the posts yet to come. In the past I haven´t been shy about my disappointment with the changes blogger has made to the new interface but I only found out while making this post to which high degree I have been screwed by blogger.

If you are one of my readers who have seen this post in its gestalting phase you may have noticed that pictures kept appearing, disappearing, rearranging and appearing again. That´s because the whole process of uploading pictures has changed. It used to be that you just clicked on " upload pictures from your computer " and then you could upload them one after the other, with no space between them and in the place you want them and in the size you wanted. And if a picture was too big then you could make it appear in a smaller size and your readers could open it in a new window and see it in its original size. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

Well, those days are gone forever. Now uploading pictures to your post is like Indiana Jones getting the golden idol out of the temple in Raiders Of The Lost Arc and when you least expect it the giant stone comes rolling down to crush you. First of all you have to click " upload pictures from your computer " every time you upload a picture. Not only one time but every time. So with at least 23 pictures in a post that means you have to click it at least 22 times more often than before. Second you can´t upload them in the place you want. You can upload one picture below the text you write but as soon as you want to upload a second picture directly below it that´s when the trouble starts. Because you can´t click directly below the picture for some reason. So what you do is you click way below the picture and when you have uploaded it you use the old drag and drop to put it in the place where you want it. Which now is almost impossible.

You try to move it but it won´t move. Then it moves but suddenly it´s at the top of the post. Or you moved it but there is still a gap between the two pictures. Or there is no gap but the upper picture is leaning to the left side and the lower picture is to the right side. Then you use the old copy / paste to finally get the picture where it´s supposed to go and that´s when you have finally committed the ultimate fail. It´s game over.

Now as longtime readers can attest I have used a lot of copy / paste in my past posts and with over 12,000 posts - and being six months behind - it´s the only way not too loose my sanity. Plus it´s not really stealing if you´re stealing from yourself, right ? Anyway, while doing this post I used the old copy / paste to put the Tom Sutton VAMPIRELLA pages in the right place.

But when I tried to open them in a new window they were just in the size they appeared on the post. And some of them opened up another picture entirely. So it took me four ( !!! ) tries to upload all the pictures and be able to open them in a new window at the original size. It seems the trick is not to click below the picture under which the new picture is supposed to appear but - kind of - click on the lower left end of the picture and hope for the best. Because you can´t see where you click.

Usually there is this tiny bar whenever you click on the page but in this case nothing. It´s kind of taking a shot in the dark with a flare gun and hoping for the best. Another mysterious thing I have found out is that when I am writing the upper main part of the post there is a gap between one paragraph and the next and I can´t change that. However - when I am writing the video section there is no gap and I can click directly under the text, I can put two or more pictures directly under one another or even videos. I have no idea why that is so it´s just another of the mysteries that comes with the new way blogger does things. Now the reason why I am telling you all this - besides to make a little rant about my frustrations - is that this has repercussions on all future posts. As I said I have used the old copy / paste a lot in the past and I also have used it for the next part.

BUT I had to upload all the pictures I used before AGAIN so they could be opened in a new picture. And I will not be able to do that will all the posts in the future. One reason is of course time but the other is that I don´t have access to all of the pictures I have used in my past posts. As I have mentioned a few times I always have too much stuff on my laptop so when I am finished with a post the pictures I used get tossed into a folder and once that folder is full all of them - besides a few I might need to make those banners you all know and love or for future reference - get deleted.

What this means is that while I may use the old copy / paste in the text I will have to upload all new material where the pictures are concerned.

Which means that my readers will get to see more new pictures but also that I will run out of pictures sooner. And this in turn will mean that some of the regulars of the blog - cult sirens as well as comic creators - may disappear quicker. Now I might re - upload some of my old pictures in some special cases but no matter if I will be using new pictures or re - uploading old ones I guess I will use up my space for uploading pictures much faster.

So far things have gone without any big incidents - once I was near to exceeding the space I had for uploading pictures but then blogger just somehow extended it - but I don´t think I can continue this blog once I can´t upload any new pictures anymore. Yep, it´s gotten very serious very quickly. Anyway, this is just a little info to let you know why making a new post now takes four times as long as before and what has happened if this blog stops publishing new posts. But let´s get to more uplifting things.


Next we have british firecracker Sarah Louise Young who celebrates her 49th birthday and I not only absolutely had to include her to pay tribute to one of the biggest porn stars from my misspent youth but without The Young One there would not have been any posts about Tom Sutton. As longtime readers might remember, my very first spotlight only happened because I found so much great art of Tom Sutton while writing the fun block of that year´s annual Sarah Young re - post that I spontaneously decided to put a selection of them in a separate appreciation post.


Sarah Louise Young has done her share of trailblazing a path for women as she not only was one of the biggest pornstars of her times who co - stared with the best known porn actors and actresses of the scene, won many important prizes for her outstanding performances or was highly honored with a cultural prize in Spain, for her last big film ' Hamlet '. Besides gracing over 150 video covers she also did work behind the camera. She has been an executive producer, writer and director so she has literally done it all and has achieved all there is to achieve in the adult business.

Not only was Sarah Louise Young the first porn actress to agree a fee of $1,000,000 for a single film, in 1992 she also opened her first sex shop in Hannover, named Sarah Young Erotic Markt, and there would eventually be eleven such shops located in various German cities. I think there might have been one in Stuttgart but with all the movies she starred in and the ones she produced Sarah Young was very present in german video stores and sex shops around the time I was old enough to watch her movies. By the time she lived in Spain she also had one of the first adult magazines that were sold together with a videotape. Whichin Spain were sold at newsstands next to comics or newspapers. Yes, some countries do not hide their porn under the table like it´s something to be ashamed of.

Sarah Young was a big star over here in Germany when I was old enough to rent porn videos. That shows you what an old geezer ( and old pervert ) I am. Also, she was the first one who made porn videos for a price that horny teenagers like me could afford. I mean, new tapes. Because back in those days you could buy used porn videos at the video store but those were watched hundreds of times and only seconds away from combustion.

Now I know that when I did my first Sarah Louise Young solo post as part of my CASTING THE JUSTICE LEAGUE MOVIE series I promised to re - post her birthday post each year but with so many years I have done it now I think it´s okay to skip one. Especially keeping in mind that in 2017 I not only did the normal Sarah Louis Young re - post , since I have posted pics and animated GIFs that are a bit more risquee since I first wrote it I did another uncensored Sarah Louise Young post with more explicit material and text later. Plus in 2018 I did a light version of her cult siren entry so I could include that link in the more serious posts. And only because I can´t do a new post at the moment doesn´t mean there won´t be one in 2020.

Speaking of my CASTING THE JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA series, I always write that under the pretense that I had the ability to pluck the right candidates out of the time stream when they were in their prime. And one thing I would do with a time machine would be to take myself in my sexual prime back to Sarah Young´s pre pornstar years since she herself told in her biography that she already had giant tits as a teenager which brought her the unwanted attention of all the horny perverts in her class and that she became a complete nymphomaniac and the school slut with 15 after milking most of her male classmates dry. At 18 the living blow up sex doll who got off by having sex in public places had only started to pose nude for adult magazines and it would have been epic to dicktame her.


We are staying with sexbombs who developed an enourmous .... talent pretty early since Sarah Young´s birthday falls on the same day as the birthday of the world´s most famous pop centerfold of the 80s Samantha " Touch Me " Fox ( what a day for british bra busters ) who turns 54 Today.

Sam is best remembered as the nation’s favourite Page 3 girl after first posing topless when she was 16 as she was blessed with a stunning 34D - 22 - 31 figure ( later to fill out to 36D ! ). For three years Sam Fox was voted Page 3 Girl Of The Year and became one of the most photographed women of the decade alongside Princess Diana and Margaret Thatcher.

And like Sarah Young Samantha Fox did not believe she had what it takes.

Sam burst on to the scene in her teens after her mother put her forward for a modelling contest and she came second out of 20,000 entrants. Until that point Samantha, who had been attending stage school and had a Saturday job at a supermarket, had her heart set on becoming a singer.

She feared she could never be a model because her boobs were too big.

I asked my mum if I looked fat in a dress because my boobs looked too big in it. She said, " Your boobs are great. " I only realized they were fine when other women began paying for surgery to have boobs like mine.

The reason for including Samantha Fox is that I want to acknowledge her because while I think that she never lived up to her true potential she still was one of the hot sexbombs during my puberty. Ah, the things I would have done to Sammy if I got my hands on her when I was at my prime !

I always had the impression that she could do more but didn´t want to do it. I remember that some years ago, well, more than a few years because this is about a video cassette, I found a video of Samantha Fox which was kind of a MAKING OF one of her calendars. I expected to see some skin, not like hardcore but at least as much as you could see in the pics for the calendar but the video was more like something out of Sesame Street and every time there was some exposed skin Sam was frantically obsessed with covering up again as quickly as possible. Now maybe she was tired of always showing her body and being objectified but then she should have either not do the calendar in the first place or not try to sell a video that is tamer than an episode of the Muppet Babies. Just my 5 cents worth.

Those who have read this blog since its early days may remember that I started writing about Samantha Fox in the posts of my favorite italian cult siren Sabrina " Bouncing Action " Salerno but in 2017 I finally managed to do a post on Samantha Fox. Or better two posts since so much stuff I wanted to say about her had accumulated over the years that I had to split it into two parts : the first part with the regular musings and part two which is totally not safe for work and probably not 100 % the truth.


While Sabrina´s biggest rival in the pop charts was british Busenwunder Samantha Fox they became friends behind the scenes despite what the tabloids printed. In light of Samantha Fox´s recent revelation of being a lesbian - or at least bi - sexual - this gives their relationship an entirely new raunchy dynamic. As Samantha Fox stated in a recent interview :

" People always tried to build up this rivalry between myself and Sabrina Salerno because we both started around the same time and we both had big breasts. She was the hot italian ragazza with the dark hair and I was the british blonde bimbo but after we met we quickly became friends. "

Sabrina was a lot of fun and sexually very active. The first time she invited me to her hotel room she had handcuffed a guy with a giant erection to her bed and asked for my help to fuck him straight. Apparently he was her bodyguard and when Sabrina tried to have sex with him he told her he was gay but because he had a huge cock Sabrina was determined to pump him dry. At first I wanted to leave but after a few bottles of champagne I found myself naked in bed with Sabrina, squeezing this huge towering erection with my tits against hers while the tip disappeared in Sabrina´s deep throat again and again and again. Before I knew what was happening Sabrina lifted me up an threw me upon his rockhard boner and while I was still reeling from being impaled by his ever growing manhood she removed his gag so she could hear how effective she was at dicktaming the guy by the volume of his screams as he came - and we made him scream a lot.

I don´t know if he was really gay and me and Sabrina turned him straight with our all night ejaculation sensation marathon or if he just pretended to be gay because he didn´t want to loose his job for not having sex with his boss and we turned him into a sex freak. All I know is that he quit his job the next day to become a dancer for his all time wet sex dream the living nubian blow up sex doll that walks a.k.a. the best body in showbiz, Janet " All Night - Don´t Stop " Action Jackson ( who has three solo posts on the blog plus three entries in my Justice League cast ) who is a well known sex maniac and insists on inspecting all her new employees - orally.

He probably used her as his personal sex toy while they were on tour.

From that point on we had a few fuck flings with various young and well endowed studs and I guess that she must have had a suspicion about my sexual orientation because a few times after she got me sufficiently drunk she said she just had to find out how many dildos she could fit into me. Of course they were always extremely long double dildos with strange shapes and hidden special features and she gave as good as she got. Sometimes even better because there was this one time where she attacked me with a fourty inch monster and normally that means twenty inches for each one but the crazy slut somehow managed to impale me with a full 30 inches.

I tried to stop her from stretching me out but she was like possessed and wouldn´t stop her merciless assault. Sabrina had a dance formation so she was a pro at doing the splits and she managed to spread my legs apart like a fillipino hooker so that her clit was almost touching mine every time she almost completely rammed the 30 inches in. On top of that - or better said on top of me - she started slowly girating her midsection so that the giant doubledildo worked me like an oil drill. Needless to say that I soon ceased all efforts to fight back especially since I was writhing in convulsions. With that victory Sabrina started to really pound the hell out of me and at the end of the night I experienced multiple orgasms that lasted two hours.

Sabrina was long gone at that point so she couldn´t help me when I was tag - teamed by two horny bellhops. Apparently somebody in the next room had called the front desk because of the endless hours of screaming while Sabrina worked me over. When they came in I was still in a delirious state, only semi - conscious and when they saw the page 3 girl of their perverted sex dreams completely naked with her legs spread wide open, covered in sweat and squeezing her massive boobs while she couldn´t stop moaning they were stunned. But once they realized that I was completely defenseless they got naked and took advantage of my post orgasm sex coma. They couldn´t have been older than 18 but they had bigger horsecocks than professional porn actors and at that age they could get hard easily and last all night. They quickly started drilling me from both sides in more than Prince´s twenty - three positions in a one - night stand and every time I thought it couldn´t get harder their swollen appendages grew two sizes. These two breeding stallions worked me long and hard all night like an express pony - with little or no rest - and when it was finally over the next morning I needed another week to recuperate from the grueling special midnight olmpics. During which I got excellent service by the two bellhops at day while at night their resumed their squirt sessions.

I don´t know how I ever managed to get out alive. They became sex addicted after that and when I was away started sexually assaulting the cleaning staff which were all asian women on a daily basis until they had turned them into their sex slaves. For which women of asian descent are predestined since they are natural born prostitutes due to centuries of being raped or being used as comfort women. But even slam - banging half a dozen of young, big breasted asian sexbombs with perfect bubblebutts and legs up to their chin to their heart´s contend wasn´t enough and they started to molest female hotel guests with extremely big breasts.

As it had to happen the whole thing blew wide open when they brutally dicktamed a minor by mistake. Their error was understandable because she registered at the hotel with a fake ID and she already had the body of an adult woman with bigger natural breasts than most porn stars. In fact it was because of her bonerguaranteeing huge breasts that she registered at the hotel with a fake ID and under a false name. When she turned 14 her boobs started growing and until her 15th birthday they grew at least two inches every week, much to the delight of all her horny male classmates.

Now just six months later her Mom had to go to the hospital for a few weeks and once her horny stepfather realized what giant - sized tits she had he began breaking her in. At first he raped her only twice a week but when they got the notice that her mother had to stay an additional three months at the hospital he put her to the test all night long, every night.

And after two months of being drowned in cum by a serial rapist the poor hapless girl - who was just four months shy of her sixteenth birthday - fled to this hotel only to become the victim of two sex crazy teenagers with giant monstercocks. Like I said, the whole thing came out and I don´t know if they became porn stars or monks after serving a prison sentence.

And you can read more secret sex confessions of Samantha Fox - straight from the most reliable yellow press tabloids - in my second post on her .

As for Sabrina " Bouncing Action " Salerno, I wrote her first cult siren entry way back in 2014 with annual re - posts in 2015 , 2016 and in 2017 where I always tried to do the ultimate version adding little things here and there.

Ever since Sam admitted to being a lesbian - or at least bi - sexual - there have been all kinds of speculations and I´m afraid I got a little carried away with that last one. In any case, the original idea to do a post on Samantha Fox was that since she has her birthday on the same day as Sarah Louise Young I could alternate between them with the re - posts or just link to previous years when there is nothing new to add. Which is the case with Sam now although I might do a new version when the fancy strikes me.

Speaking of which, so far I have not posted many clips of Sammy because her music videos do not use her full potential and most live appearances on shows are from her later period. So it is extremely rare to find a live performance from her prime where she is wearing a somewhat exciting outfit. For someone who became famous worldwide by getting naked Samantha Fox sure wore a lot of clothes in most of her tv appearances.

I don´t know if I would say that Uruguay - borne argentine comic artist Alberto Breccia was a contemporany of Tom Sutton ( he definitely is better regarded ) in any case a lot of artists at the Warren magazines were influenced by his art style. Since I don´t like to repeat myself you might want to check out this post from March 2013 that goes a bit more in detail thanks to Diego Cordoba´s amazon review of Eerie Archives vol 11.

It´s often difficult to select the movie videos for my bonus section and I was afraid I had to resort to something about the awful Vampirella movie with Talisa Soto from 1996 ( one of the few Jim Wynorsky movies that doesn´t deliver the usual skin flick boobs and nude scenes quota his films are known for ) but then I came upon a movie that is not only bad but also entertaining. And with a title like Vampire Hookers you can´t go wrong.

And for those who prefer their Halloween movies to go more into the spooky but funny direction I have one of my personal favorites, Ernest Scared Stupid from 1991 with the great, late Jim Verney, a great actor, a real genius and one of America´s underappreciated national treasures.

Something that keeps writing a blog interesting is that fact you always find stuff you don´t expect like the channel Comics & Bier for my german readers. I chose this episode because aside from Batwoman they review the best german horror comic anthology Hammerharte Horrorschocker from Weissblech Verlag whom I can´t stop pimping and who have brought us such great cult classics like Kala the Jungle Amazon, Bella Star, Pater Dracula, Captain Berlin or their newest hit series Zombieman. For those who want to read a bit about the company´s history Stefan Pannor has an interesting article about their humble beginnings on DER TAGESSPIEGEL .

Another great german horror comic anthology - especially for fans of 70s horror like the stories from Warren Publishing drawn by Tom Sutton - is Geister - Schocker ( indeed there are a few stories by Tom Sutton in this series but also stories by John Bolton, Paul Neary or Dave Gibbons ) and you get really nice covers like this one by spanish artist Vicente Ballestar.

For fans of my recycled horror covers posts I want to add that yes, that is indeed Asmodina from the JOHN SINCLAIR series by Jason Dark and in fact this was also the cover of the first JOHN SINCLAIR pocket book ( my was I relieved when they started coming out each month because there was not enough John Sinclair stuff coming out - and that´s with the second printing of the early issues that I had missed ) called Fear Over London.

By the way, I found one of the sources for my recycled horror covers posts and according to their entry for the JOHN SINCLAIR pocket book seen above the cover was also used for the first issue of the australian horror comic series Shock and Suspense ! and you can find a list of the complete content - plus some nifty sample pages from the stories on AUS REPRINTS .

But coming back to Geister - Schocker, it´s been ages since I bought an issue because I don´t remember which was my last issue and I don´t like gaps in my comic collection. But back when I was frequenting a magazine newsstand on a regular basis each issue also included a poster and a horror audio drama. I have written more about the series in this post from 2011 .

To keep the theme of horror and vampires going Today´s virtual panel is all about Buffy & Angel and it includes some of the bigger stars like James Marsters who also played Brainiac ( and later on Brainiac 5 ) on Smallville

Recently I came across a whole slew of spooky cartoons and one cartoon show I never knew existed is The Drak Pack which even had a female vampire called Vampira. I don´t know but she may have been inspired by the seductive horror hostess of the same name who predated Elvira.

Speaking of the horror hostess with the mostest, it wouldn´t be a real Halloween post without a video with erotic Elvira and I chose her clips for Carnival Of Souls for three reasons ( or is it four ? ) : it has a better quality than most, you get an eyeful of her breast features a.k.a. the twins and there is a Vampirella story called Carnival Of The Damned.

And we are staying with sexbombs who know how to fill out a cleavage until it almost flows over as we close out this post with the afro american aphrodites from SWV who team up with Redman in their Loose My Cool.

New to the blog ? Everything you need to know about TALES FROM THE KRYPTONIAN : top ten posts / more posts of interest / best of the best

If the story requires me to draw with a hammer then I´ll use a hammer.

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