Sunday, April 19, 2020

The House of Mystery with Frank Robbins

Once again the bonus section in my latest post has become too long because of the huge backlog of celebrity birthdays, plus we would have two independent comic posts in a row. And since it has been a really long time since I did a post about DC Comics I thought it´s about time to put all those black and white pages I have been preparing the last few weeks to good use. It´s after Halloween but I want to keep the horror theme going so why not do a little spotlight on one of DC Comic´s best known horror anthology title and also an artist´s spotlight at the same time.

Now while the artwork above may be familiar to a few of my readers I´ll wager not that many have seen the logotype before. That´s because it´s the cover of the australian comic magazine HAUNTED TALES that reprinted a lot of the material from DC Comics from the 60s, 70s and 80s ( there´s probably some earlier stuff in there but let´s not get into detail here ).

Some of the regular blog visitors may have noticed that it took me three weeks to finish my last post which goes all back to a cover of GEISTER SCHOCKER by Vicente Ballestar I posted. One of my series I hope to resurrect very soon is the RECYCLED COVERS feature and as a callback I posted two other examples where the cover from GEISTER SCHOCKER had been used. If you have read the post you might remember that one of them was from an australian horror anthology and that I posted a link to a website that had the information of which stories had been reprinted in that magazine and one page of interior art - although only in black and white. Well, as I have mentioned a few times I don´t scan any pages.

Apart from a few pages that I make or alter myself all art featured on this blog comes from other websites which is also one of the reasons why I always try to give credit. So when I got the chance to get my hands on a lot of Bronze Age comic pages I had to stop everything else and horde as much as I could. Because something that I always have trouble finding is interior art from series that are not so popular and a little bit older. And since lately my blog has been leaning more to black and white art that was an added bonus. Now mind you, I only went through the listings of one publisher because otherwise I would have gone on a month long hiatus.

Also not all of the issues had examples of interior art and not all the scans I found can be used. Otherwise I would have gone insane by now. So yes, finishing my last post took exceptionally long but it was for the benefit of all. I still have to go through most of it - I still don´t know HOW or IF I am ever going to use all the black and white pictures from australian nudie magazines - but it will definitely improve all the posts in the long run.

Another factor that contributed to the lateness of my last post is that I discovered the identity of two of what I have come to call UNKNOWN POWER GIRLS on the blog, exceptional sexbombs where I sadly don´t know their name. As with the artwork I find online I also want to include some information and especially the measurements which can´t always be found. Now of these two ultimate babes I have already included one in one of my posts ( so I´m glad I can finally provide more information on her ) but with the other one I´m not so sure. Now I know that there are some readers who don´t like the high babe factor of my posts but I´m sure all others will be anxious to see these upcoming cult siren entries.

Whew, that was a lot of explanation keeping in mind that this post is not going to feature a lot of the black and white pages from the australian comic magazines. Yup, that´s right. When I was preparing the material for this I had to go through all of the issues again to find the corresponding color pages - when the information where the story was printed before was included and if it was correct - and my first idea was to make one of my usual BLACK AND WHITE posts with the best of the best. But then I came upon two stories by the late Frank Robbins. Now I never claimed to be the biggest Frank Robbins fan but while going through the pages from the australian comic magazines I also had to put the rest of my black and white pages in order and I found a lot of pages from Roy Thomas INVADERS series. I had seen some original artwork by Frank Robbins for issues of THE MAN FROM ATLANTIS and I have to say I really like his INVADERS stuff.

Which is why there will be at least one, probably two INVADERS posts coming up : one with Frank Robbin´s work and one with the hot asian bad girls and heroines of that book. Hopefully at least one of them will be posted on the 4th of July - if I ever make my way to that date. Man, I really would like to get a nice hardcover with Roy Thomas INVADERS but as far as I have seen the best I can hope for are two new trades. Anyway, lately I have come to really appreciate Frank Robbins and that´s why this post is basically just about him. I couldn´t find a cover by Frank from HOUSE OF MYSTERY though which is why I used one by a different artist.

Now the two stories of this post are The Wisdom Of Many, The Wit Of One from HOUSE OF MYSTERY issue 228, story by Doug Moench, with art and writing by Frank Robbins and The Balloon Vendor from HOUSE OF MYSTERY issue 242, script by Michael Fleisher and script continuity by Russell Carley.

Well, it looks like we have some actual links for this post. First off Jakub Kurtzberg has an - as always - very insightful article on DAS SAGTE NUFF about Condor Comics´ Das Geisterhaus which brought a lot of the material from DC Comic´s horror anthologies to german readers. The presentation may not have been the best but the issues are not that expensive - IF you can find then - and they are a welcome addition to the Williams issues.

And there is more stuff for my german readers ( sorry, readers from abroad ) : while author Peter Mennigen´s article Vanessa - Die Freundin der Geister - Oder : Lesen Mädchen Comics ? ( Vanessa - Friend of Ghosts - or : Do girls read comics ? ) on COMIC - DAS MAGAZIN FÜR COMIC - KULTUR doesn´t really analyze the question if girls read comics it gives you and in - depth behind - the - scenes about the genesis and history of Vanessa - Die Freundin der Geister from Bastei Verlag. Which also includes a list of the artists that worked on the title plus a cover gallery and nifty artwork.

Vanessa was pretty successful - not matter if girls read it - since it was not only published as magazines and pocket books but also as audio dramas.

The main reason for making this special post was to split up the celebrity birthdays between this post and the next and here I will try to cover the pop culture relevant anniversaries from April the 16th to April the 19th.

On the PLAYBOY related front we have czech tv presenter Lucie Borhyova who celebrated her 42nd birthday on April the 16th and german Playmate Of The Month October Nadine Tschanz a.k.a. Nadine Chanz ( she changed her name for the american audience ) who turned 48 on April the 17th.

Sadly I don´t have the time nor space to include them Today. But don´t worry, you can find out more about them in this year´s second part of my big Hugh Hefner tribute . See ? I told you this would come in handy later.

Even though I try my best not to include too many busty sexbombs in this section ( I said that I try my best, not that I´m always successful ) but it seems there is no way around it sometimes because on April the 16th we had brazilian bra busting boob model and famous porn star Angelique Dos Melones .... I mean Angelique Dos Santos celebrating her 51st birthday.

I thought that at this point I would already have her cult siren in the can - since I prepared all the pictures needed for the post literally months in advance - but as usual those pesky life things got in the way. Born in Brazil Angelique turned Germany into her new base of operations in the early 1990s and with her - especially enhanced - 36F - 25 - 36 measurements she was predestined to star in porn movies. One reason why I still haven´t done her post is that there isn´t much info about her on the net so I probably will have to use the text of some of her magazine spreads for that. But I am sure she will get her own post in the not too distant future.

Because there is even less information about singing brazilian wet sex dream Regina Do Santos on the internet - all I could find out is that she was born sometime in the year 1950 - I don´t know if she is related to living blow up sex doll Angelique Dos Santos but they have similar names, both come from Brazil and they both have a figure that drives men crazy.

From the bustling and sunny Brazil we return to grey Germany with Rochus Hahn a.k.a. Robi who turned 60. He is a very dear personal friend and mentor and formerly the hardest working man in comics and I don´t know, maybe I am biased but you just have to respect the balls of someone who turns up to a convention panel in a chicken costume to promote comics

Yes, I said " formerly " the hardest working man in comics because I think his days of writing comics are behind him. There have been no new comics written by him and according to the interview below he has also left others in charge of the Schwarzer Turm publishing company. Which is still putting out a pretty decent amount of graphic novels each year. Now I have no confirmation from the man himself because we only see each other at conventions and Erlangen was canceled because of Corona.

Nevertheless he has been a pioneer in the german comic culture, first launching the famous - and infamous - underground cult horror anthology Menschenblut ( Human Blood ) which managed to land three issues on the index of the Federal Department for Writings Harmful to Young Persons and then founding Schwarzer Turm which published series like Doctor Dipperz, Horst, Alraune or Luna which I have been pimping on my blog forever. Not only because of my personal connection to Robi but because these are some of the finest examples of german independent comics you can find.

But even before I knew him as a comic creator I watched him every week as one of the hosts of the RTL cult wrestling show Catch Up ! Which was problematic because at that time I was doing my military service and unlike Tutti Frutti which was on Sunday Catch Up ! was on late at night on Monday. Which meant that if I watched it I did not get much sleep and Tuesday the morning drill was very hard. I still watched it every time.

Rochus Hahn commented wrestling matches as Horst Brack, the Punisher ( three guesses to which comic character was the inspiration ) so there is a second comic connection. Which is only one of the topics discussed in this interview. It also touches on his career in wrestling and writing for comics, tv and movies with a few revelations like that he was the true mastermind behind the mega successful blockbuster The Miracle of Berne.

And for all those fans who miss his writing, don´t worry, while he has left the field of comics he hasn´t stopped writing and his current novel Der Korndämon ( which is available from Piper Verlag ) is getting rave reviews. 

New visitors of the blog are probably wondering " What the heck is that other show TUTTI FRUTTI ? " and I just love wikipedia because I have never heard it be described anywhere else as a soft - porn tits - out show but I guess it kind of was . One of the main attractions was of course brabuster Monique Sluyter who not only had no problem taking off her clothes on tv she also often disrobed for various gentleman magazines.

Regular readers of this blog already know that I cast her as Fire a.k.a. Beatriz da Costa in the Andy Sidaris Special of my popular Casting the Justice League of America movie series and I also kept mentioning her in all kind of posts like the annual re - posts about italian mega soccer MILF Simona Ventura until I decided to give Monique and the Tutti Frutti girls their own post which I re - posted in 2016 in a new and better version.

But the blow up sex doll from the Netherlands was not only in PLAYBOY multiple times she also was a big factor in my obsession on blondes with giant breast like Power Girl with her impersonation of Marilyn Monroe .

And I just wrote a spin - off post with all the usual links to Janet Jones Gretzky and real live Power Girl Leslie Easterbrook who had the most famous scene in Police Academy 4 - Citizens on Patrol in which she emerges from a pool in a wet t - shirt. And while the obligatory Andy Sidaris actresses / playmates / sexbombs like Roberta Vasquez , Ava Cadell , brunette Cynthia Brimhall, Dona Speir , Julie Strain , Shae Marks , Julie K. Smith and Samantha Phillips are mentioned the main part is about blonde brabuster Monique Sluyter and the obligatory plethora of Tutti Frutti girls .

Now usually I just include a short part with them in the posts but this time I did a somewhat longer version so I could include all the new download links I found while writing this post. I just recently included a whole slew of new ones but those are just for compilation and mixes while these new ones are not only for entire episodes - which are always ultra rare - but for german episodes which are even rarer. Some of them even include my favorite Tutti Frutti girl ( whom you can see just below ).

Staying with girls born to take their clothes off to entertain horny men we come to April the 17th with another comicbook related anniversary as Jennifer Garner celebrated her 48th birthday who played Elektra Natchios in the Daredevil movie with Ben Affleck and Michael Clarke Duncan and in the Elektra solo movie which everybody seems to have forgotten about.

Deja Vu. The strange feeling you´ve seen or experienced before. For some people this may be a rare occurence but it happens to me on a constant basis. Especially when I am writing the post addendum and want to copy / paste something only to find out that there is nothing I can copy / paste.


In the case of Jennifer Garner I THOUGHT I had written something about her comicbook related movies but I couldn´t find anything. So I guess I have to adresss them now. First up we have the Daredevil movie from 2003 which everybody seems to hate but I still like. Okay, I know where you´re coming from but hear me out. When the movie came out there was no connected Marvel universe but we were starting to get really good movies based on Marvel Comics properties. There was Blade which was a fantastic movie ( for me the first one is still the best, the second one not so much and there is no third Blade movie even if that is Ryan Reynolds worst comicbook movie performance ), the also mindblowing Men In Black movie with Will Smith ( people always forget that this is a Marvel Comics franchise too ), the Spider - Man movie with Tobey Maguire ( a movie I had waited over 20 years to see ) and the X - Men movie with Patrick Stewart as Charles Xavier, Ian McKellen as Magneto, Hugh Jackman as Wolverine and Halle Berry as Storm. Okay, Halle Berry didn´t get much to do but I was just happy to see the X - Men in a movie that didn´t suck.

You see, my generation grew up with two crappy Captain America movies ( in one of them his shield was a damn bike ornament that he could take off and throw ), the Spider - Man movies where his web was a sailor´s dragnet with really thick rope, a psychedelic Doctor Strange movie, a disappointing Punisher movie with Dolph Lundgren and the best adaption of a Marvel Comics character to live action was the Incredible Hulk tv show with Bill Bixby and Lou Ferrigno. I know there were also the Fantastic Four movie by Roger Corman and the Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. movie but I didn´t find out about them until many decades later. And to tell the truth, the Fantastic Four movie is the most faithful adaption of Marvel´s first family to this date and I kind of like the Hoff as Nick Fury, especially when he gets a chance to take his shirt off. Plus we get Melrose Place´s Lisa " Blowjob Lips " Rinna as the Contessa and 38B -  24 - 35 cult siren Sandra Hess - who is better known for her role of Sonya Blade in Mortal Combat : Annihilation - as Andrea Von Strucker / Viper.

What I´m trying to say is that I grew up with comic movies that weren´t that great and while the DC movies became better - Christopher Reeves is still my no 1 Superman - the Marvel Comics movies were really depressing.

Compared to that the Daredevil movie was not so bad. I´m not saying that it didn´t have it´s flaws but it wasn´t as bad as everybody made it to be.

The first time I watched it was on DVD and I saw the extended director´s cut which a lot of people haven´t seen. Which is one of the reasons why most people had a negative reaction to it. I once saw the regular version on tv and they cut out so much stuff that the movie almost didn´t make sense. It´s much better when you watch it in the extended version. As for the movie itself it had a lot of neat ideas but I think one of its biggest mistakes is that it tried to include too much stuff. I get it when directors go " I might not get another chance so let´s put as much stuff into this movie as possible. " but why do they always feel the need to include the origin ? They have to stop making super hero movies that include the origin story. I know that for the director that can be the most interesting part but unless it is a really great story the origin is simple exposition.

Okay, we got the story what about the actors ? I think that for the most part they are cast very good for their roles and it makes sense that the biggest crime boss is a black dude. Sorry SJW crew but maldito realismo.

What I couldn´t get behind was Colin Farrell as Bullseye, not only because he didn´t wear his costume but also because I never understood why he has a career. I think it must have something to do with his voice and his accent because he might sound like a tough guy but here in Germany where movies get dubbed he doesn´t have even that. So my verdict on the Daredevil movie is that while it could be better I liked it and I re - watch it from time to time. Which brings us to the Elektra movie which I thought was a decent adaption. There are some people who say that there was too much crazy ninja shit, weird costumes, strange camera angles and too much super powers. Which makes me ask if those people have ever read a Frank Miller comic in their life. It´s ALL about crazy ninja shit, weird costumes, strange camera angles and especially super powers.

Now granted, I haven´t read much of the many Elektra series that came out after her resurrection by Marvel - my brother had the series by Mike Deodato Jr on his pull list so I read that and it had at least nice art - and I´m not one of the purists that say she should have stayed dead. I can see the appeal of a character like Elektra and it is hard not to give in to the temptation to use her. That said I think the best comics with her were written by Frank Miller and if you really want to read a next level mind f - word check out Frank Miller and Bill Sienkiewicz´s Elektra : Assassin.

On the small screen Jennifer Garner is best known as the female lead in Alias where she played secret agent Sydney Bristow which probably blows all my younger reader´s mind right now. Yes, before there was a tv show based on Brian Michael Bendis critically acclaimed series ( not graphic novel, get it right people ) about private investigator Jessica Jones and her personal nemesis Zebediah Killgrave a.k.a. The Purple Man ( we will return to him later ) there was a tv show called Alias. Now some people suspect that either the tv show took the name from the comicbook or vice versa but with the long preparation time a tv show takes from the initial conception to actually being greenlit it was probably just one of those weird coincidences. Coming back to the Alias tv show with Jennifer Garner I watched the whole thing and while the best part of the series is when her father enters the picture Jennifer did wear some nice outfits.

We also have a music related anniversary on April the 17th with Bill Ramsey, a personal favorite of mine who turned 89 and he became a big Schlager star in the 60s in Germany where he absolved his military service.

What a lot of people don´t know is that Bill started out as a Jazz, Swing and Blues singer and that his greatest influences were masters like Count Basie, Duke Ellington, Nat King Cole and Louis Jordan. Here he is with a medley of Georgia On My Mind, Rolling and What A Wonderful World.

For a post about DC Comics horror anthologies we sure have a lot of stuff related to Marvel Comics as the first anniversary on April the 18th is Chloe Bennet who turned 28. She is best known for her role of Skye / Daisy on Marvel´s Agents of S. H. I. E. L. D. where I am still stuck on season five.

Chloe is undeniably grade - a future wife material as you first fall in love with her character, then you begin to realize her hotness and it´s as early as episode three of the first season where she becomes this ultimate male sex phantasie where you go : " Bathe her and bring her to me. She will make a wife AND a mistress and I think I will tame this filly myself. "

Now you might think this is once again my obsession with asian women at work but that´s not it since I thought she was hot long before I found out that she is half chinese. She also is very funny which makes her my kind of dream girl although I don´t know if she´s into guys who are twice her age.

Longtime readers know asian women are my kryptonite. I don´t know what it is with asian girls that gets you extra hard - meaning instead of rock hard you´re hard enough to cut diamonds - and I don´t want to say all asian women are born prostitutes but Chloe Bennet got it in spades.

Not to sound racist but there seems to be some mysterious correlation between asian girls and extremely well shaped butts. It may be the genes or just magic but like the song says - that butt she got makes me so horny.

We are still on the subject of Marvel tv shows with David Tennant who celebrated his 49th birthday. Although he is best known as the tenth doctor on Doctor Who he also played the main villain in the first season of the aforementioned Jessica Jones tv show. There must be a dozen videos with David Tennant I have bookmarked but since they are all about Doctor Who - and my readers must be tired of them at this point - I think I will delete them all. Because that is in the past and we must look to the future. Thankfully David always has something new in the works. I did watch Good Omens and I have seen six episodes of Broadchurch even if that´s a bit difficult for me to watch right now for personal reasons.

Conan O´Brien celebrated his 57th birthday and initially I didn´t want to include him. Not because I didn´t enjoy his show but because I thought I had already posted all videos with him. Thankfully I found a few I missed.

I am also using the opportunity to add another clip with Jennifer Garner on the show and this woman knows how to pick - and wear - a dress.

After Monique Sluyter who let her inner Marilyn Monroe loose we have another ultimate sexbomb - whose name also starts with the letter m - as the first celebrity birthday of Today is mega MILF Marlène Mourreau who turns 51 and who - apparently - didn´t choose her stage name at random.

Despite being french she has worked mostly on spanish tv either as a guest or host on various shows or with her x - rated dance numbers. As a fixture of spanish tv she also appears in the gala of Best of Telepassion.

In Spain there is not such a big stigma about women in the entertainment industry getting naked as in Germany ( in Spain it is almost expected at a certain level of success ) so all famous women have done nude pictures. I think Marlene Mourreau still looks pretty amazing and she has a better body then when she was much younger like 20 or 25 years old. This woman is like wine or good comic books - she gets better and better with age.

As for Marlene´s solo performances those took mainly place on spanish tv after midnight which had a lot to do with the fact that she didn´t wear much clothes to begin with and got rid of the little she did wear very quickly. The pornographic appearances of the french blow up sex doll were always so sexually charged and her stage outfits so skimpy that she almost got banned from spanish tv. And everyone who has seen the heavily sexual content they show on spanish tv knows that it takes a lot to get banned.

For years - what am I saying ? Decades - I could only talk about these xxx performances but somebody was so kind to upload one of Marlene´s raunchiest skits to YouTube. Here we have the french sexbomb doing the bellydance of the seven veils ( although Marlene´s body is unveiled rather quickly ) of Salome and Marlene is practically topless. She has squeezed her big boobs into a jeweled bra that only covers her nipples - and that not even fully - and shakes her moneymakers like there´s no Tomorrow.

That´s what I call poetry in motion and tv entertainment at its best.

Knowing that I would not have the time to do it on her birthday I wrote a re - post of her cult siren entry in advance which not only helped me make a decent post but I also was able to include some episodes of El Semaforo ( the traffic light ). This was kind of a talent show and it was one of Marlene Mourreau´s first gigs. After going through all the shows I could find I included what is - at least in my opinion - the best of the bunch.

Marlene is wearing the definition of a Fuck Me - dress and there was only one instance where Marlene was wearing an even sexier dress. At least that I am aware of. Remember that I was only in Spain during the summer so I have no idea what her wardrobe looked like for the rest of the year.

Anyway, the one dress that I saw and which looked even hotter than the one she is sporting in this episode of El Semaforo was on an episode of the comedy sketch show No Veas and it had even less fabric than this one.

The back cleavage was so deep that you could see the beginning of her butt crack and from the side you could see the top part of her buttocks.

But the breast feature from the side were her rack - tastic funbags since the dress was cut in such a way that her nipples were completely covered but aside from that you could see the full contour of her supple breasts every time she was filmed from the side. Which was a lot ! So throughout the show Marlene was showing almost her complete sideboob ! Sadly I haven´t found any clips from that perticular show and there are not that many videos from No Veas with Marlene Mourreau on YouTube anyway.

Coming back to the breast episode of El Semaforo this dress covers up more although because the fabric is very thin it doesn´t leave anything to the imagination as you can clearly see every inch of her spectacular body and her hard nipples are poking through. I am not sure if she is even wearing any underwear beneath it. She is not completely naked but it´s the next best thing as she is wearing a bit more than drapes. No wonder this candidate is completely distracted by this ultimate blow up sex doll.

He is trying to tell his story but he constantly keeps peeking at Marlene´s perfect puppies and gets so excited that he grabs Marlene to demonstrate the climax of his tale - no pun intended. And he´s not the only one whom Marlene gets excited, none of the candidates can keep the hands off her.

Daimn, there must have been some heavy squirt marathons going on with Marlene behind the scenes of that show. Anyway, since I already posted two episodes I wanted to include one more - especially for my spanish readers who probably vividly remember living blow up sex doll Marlene Mourreau. In this one she is doing a live performance in a red latex outfit but sadly I could not download the video in good quality so I could not make an animated GIF of it. It is still good enough to watch though.

We start Today´s Dearly Departed section with Dudley Moore who starred in a few comedies but the best known one is of course " 10 ". The movie in which she played - well, a perfect 10 - put Bo Derek on the map and forever cast the sex goddess as the true gold standard of bodily perfection all other women strove for with her stunning 36C - 23 - 36 measurements.

I don´t know how common it was to rate women on a scale from 1 to 10 before the movie but afterwards ALL men were doing it. Only from that moment on 10 meant Bo Derek. Yes, when I was in school she was the biggest erotic movie star with photos in in all the men´s magazines like PLAYBOY or LUI. I remember that I went to see BOLERO in the cinema which back then all guys in my class did. The movie was not that great in hindsight but it was all Bo Derek all nude. What more could you want ?

You can find more about Bo Derek in part 6 of this year´s Hugh Hefner tribute and speaking of playmates, I already mentioned Marilyn Monroe twice in this post, why not go for a third with the best known imitator as April the 19th is also the anniversary of mega busty Jayne Mansfield ?

Here in Germany she´s a literal cult siren, not only because of her music career but because one of her most successful movies Will Succes Spoil Rock Hunter ? is called Sirene in blond. But Jayne Mansfield was not only very popular in Germany since she was one of the leading sex symbols of the 50s and 60s, besides her english ancestry she also has german roots.

While I have always been a huge fan of Jayne - she was predestined to play Power Girl in a movie which sadly never happened - I always blank on the fact that she was the Playmate Of The Month of February 1955.

Now you might ask why she is not in one of the often mentioned Hugh Hefner posts, but if you have read any one of them you know that they only collect all the playmates and famous celebrities that have appeared inside of PLAYBOY magazine AND which I already featured on the blog.

And as incredible as it sounds coming from a guy who is obsessed with big boobs I haven´t done a proper cult siren entry for Jayne Mansfield yet.

Because so far I haven´t had enough material for a full blown post. After doing a bit of research I have more than enough material for a post but not the time. But as you know nothing on this post is canceled only postponed so there might be a full Jayne Mansfield post in the future.

At least my research has provided me with enough information to do a little feature. It´s rumored that Elvis Presley once paid Jayne Mansfield 50,000 Dollars for one night of love. The truth is that Jayne wanted Elvis to sing a number in a film where she was to play the lead, and Elvis´ agent said it couldn´t be done for less than 50,000. Jayne flew to Memphis to persuade Elvis to do the number for a lesser amount. She and Elvis spent the night together and then flew back to Hollywood to call his agent to say a deal had been arranged. The agent told her that the price is still 50,000 Dollars and Jayne Mansfield later said : " I think I´ve been had. " 

America split the atom, but far more powerful in its arsenal was bombshell Jayne Mansfield, whose flesh missiles could pop off an entire city of men with one flash. Her 40D - 23 - 37 juggantic figure made her more than a Marilyn Monroe knockoff but a knockout of most boobalicious dimensions.

Girly mags first introduced the curvaceous cutie, but the pages of pinup pulps couldn't hold Jayne's bountiful beauty, and soon stage and screen beckoned. Broadway's Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter ? exposed Jayne's ample body of work to the public and led to a frisky film version in 1957.

But Jayne still could never rise above her image as a sloppy - second sex symbol like Mamie Van Doren and Diana Dors. That's a good thing. It meant revealing performances in movies such as Promises ! Promises ! ( 1963 ), in which juggy Jayne let it all hang out. It was the very first american film to disobey the Hays Code and include nude scenes from a major star. Lost to us too soon in a tragic car accident, this anything - but - plain Jayne had all the goods to be oh so bad. Thankfully the busty blonde left us with some posthumous pictures that show her humongous posts. In fact, she doesn't just bare boobs in the 1968 documentary The Wild, Wild World of Jayne Mansfield, but lies on her stomach and presents her posterior. The same scenes are included in the more recent documentary Hugh Hefner : Playboy, Activist and Rebel ( 2009 ). As long as there are Jayne Mansfield fans, there will be documentarians who will recycle her boobage footage.

Aside from her movies and pictures Jayne Mansfield left another legacy behind : daughter Mariska Hargitay who is no stranger to Hollywood and beauty. Although Mariska did not inherit her mother's overdeveloped titanic twin torpedoes ( although with her bonerriffic 36C - 24 - 36 measurements not a lot of men would complain ), she does have another ASS - set, a booming backside, a delightful derriere, a criminally sexy bum.

Unfortunately, she's kept it under wraps onscreen, using a body double in a shower scene in Welcome to 18. Unlike her mother, Mariska tries to steer clear of b - movies, focusing more on becoming a dramatic actress.

The Miss Beverly Hills 1982 and Miss California USA 1983 paid her tv dues on Ellen, ER, the obligatory Baywatch and Seinfeld, where she auditioned for the role of Elaine. Hargitay stepped into Chicago's fictional County General Hospital, playing an inexperienced desk clerk on season four of ER. Mariska gave her film debut in the horror comedy Ghoulies ( 1985 ) at age 20,had a brief role in the alligator creature feature Lake Placid, but then, like her father, she muscled her way into serious drama as an ASS - sertive, leather - clad, sexy detective on Law & Order : Special Victims Unit, receiving critical acclaim and the attention of every serial rapist and horny pervert on a Friday night. Mariska has been on SVU since 1999, and is welcome to handcuff her hardbody to my bedpost any day of the week.

While there are only a few instances where she was allowed to show her true boobtential on SVU she posed completely naked for Allure, instantly becoming the most lusted after centerfold in prisons all over the planet.

Well, that was a bit longer than expected but I wanted to at least some of the over 500 pictures of Jayne Mansfield I have collected the last three days. And who knows when I get to do a full post on Jayne Mansfield ?

Since I mentioned Dolph Lundgren in this post and his next birthday is still over six months away ( or was just last week depending on how you see it ) I want to include another cool episode of The Art Of Action with him.

Dolph has done a lot of movies and just recently resurfaced in The Expendables franchise and the second Creed movie. I don´t know how well known his 90s action films are in the states but Red Scorpion was a pretty big hit in Germany due to its distribution on vhs video tapes. 

Here we have one more music video as I completely forgot that I had bookmarked Fire by J. Y. Park featuring none other than Conan O´Brien.

We are slowly coming back to the topic of this post and while I know that for most people Halloween is either still a long time away or already past I am still in my post - Halloween funk so I want to include another classic Gespenster Geschichten story for any german readers I might have left.

Which brings us to another video list with the Nostalgia Critic. Here in Germany Halloween has not such a long history so I am not even sure if there are german Halloween classics. There are however a lot of them in Amerika so if you are tired of always watching the same movies around that time of the year here are the top eleven new Halloween classics.

Well, actually only ten because the top spot got a review of its own.

As longtime followers know I like to have a balance in my posts and I know that not everybody is such a big horror fan. So to bring a lighter note to the post here is a german comedy classic, Hasch mich, ich bin der Mörder a.k.a. Louis mit dem Leichentick with the great, late Louis de Funes.

Keeping with the mood of the post I wanted to add a cosplay video and since I don´t want to feature always the same people ( and I don´t have a video with Yaya Han ) here is a Darkstalkers cosplay by Shibuya Kaho.

Regular visitors know that I already posted a video from the Darkstalkers anime but I got something that is even better. As I mentioned in an earlier post I recently found a lot of obscure and weird cartoons I have never heard of and Tonight´s feature is the first episode of Creepy Crawlers.

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A 41 inch bust and a lot of perseverance will get you more than a cup of coffee - a lot more.

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