Sunday, June 16, 2019

It´s a Spider - Man Sunday with Ross Andru !

It´s been a really long time since my last post because currently I am trying to make some progress on issue three of my new comic book so I am really behind with comic book birthdays. But I just had to make a new post for one of comicdoms most underrated artists, the great late Ross Andru.

Now longtime readers of the blog know that one of the main topics here are writers or artists that I think are underappreciated or at least are my personal favorites and which I think deserve more attention. And I have done posts on Ross Andru before. In 2016 I did two posts in homage for him, one about his work on the Superman titles which I read as part of the german SUPERMAN / BATMAN issues by Ehapa Verlag and one for his five year run on AMAZING SPIDER - MAN where he co - created the Punisher.

But that Spider - Man post was just splash pages so I wanted to do a black and white post for Ross Andru. Since I already went into the publishing history of Spider - Man in Germany in this post I don´t want to bore my readers with all the details again. Let me just mention that Ross Andru was the artist of the last issues that were published by the Williams Verlag and also the first issues Condor Verlag brought to german readers when DIE SPINNE finally became a monthly title in Germany again back in 1980.

Besides accompanying me on a long stretch of my comic reading another reason why I wanted to make this post is I still haven´t seen THIS version of Peter Parker on the big screen. I know that I have done a number of posts about " my Spider - Man " which for someone like me who has been reading comic books for over 40 years now have been different versions of Spider - Man at different times. Naturally I started with the early Steve Ditko issues but the thing that kept me reading the title was that with each issue and each new artist it just kept getting better and better.

There were some periods I did not enjoy as much but from John Romita to Sal Buscema to John Romita Junior to Ron Frenz to Todd McFarlane to Erik Larsen etc. there are a lot of periods that I thoroughly enjoyed. So it´s hard to pick one favorite and say : " That´s the one Spider - Man artist for me, the end - all - be - all of Spider - Man artists. " Coming back to Ross Andru, while I can´t say that he is my favorite Spider - Man artist he definitely is the one who defined the alter ego of Peter Parker for me.

Which may sound strange but for me that was the Peter Parker that was as interesting as Spider - Man ( if not more interesting ) because it was the guy that grew up with me. He lost the big love of his life ( there is still a DEATH IN COMICS : THE DEATH OF GWEN STACY post in the works ) and his relationships to the whole supporting cast changed - especially to Mary Jane ( who is back in Peter Parker´s life although it took Disney forever to reach that realization ), he graduated from college and he became more confident moving away from the puny bookworm Parker image.

What´s even more important is that Ross Andru had such a knack for drawing backgrounds and especially Peter´s bachelor pad that you really had the impression that this was a guy you really knew and visited once a month. There was the busted sofa he got from the trash together with the wooden indian and all the other stuff in his apartment. Plus the signature sweater. I remember that one Christmas my mother got me a sweater as a present and she thought I would not like it because I would have preferred a toy. Little did she know that it became one of my favorite sweaters because it looks just like the sweaters that Peter Parker was wearing in those Ross Andru issues of AMAZING SPIDER - MAN. By the way, I still have the sweater and it´s one of the few that still fits me.

Anyways, in the movies Peter Parker is getting younger and younger and his evolution has been from socially awkward but good looking nerdy guy to funny but moody hottie to annoying millenial so I don´t think we will get to see this version of Peter Parker on the big screen any time soon.

Before we come to the art I selected for this post another thing I have to mention is Ross Andru´s storytelling. As somebody who is trying to get his ideas on paper that part is especially frustrating but looking over Ross Andru´s pages is like getting a master class because no matter if you like his art or not one thing that will never happen is that you are confused what is happening. He lays the pages out in such a way that you can understand the most complicated plot without reading a single word.  

As I wrote in the introduction there are a lot of missed birthdays. It seems that I am now down to one post a month which gets split up into several spin - off posts ( five this month ) to make the main post shorter. Which is one of the reason why finishing this post took so long, I had to do the spin - off posts first so I can link to them in Today´s birthday rundown.

We start on May the 20th with Gardner Fox, one of the main architects of the DC universe. The first homage posts I did were in 2016 - one about his superhero DC comics and a second post about his science fiction comic work , in 2017 I did a post that was all about DC´s super hero comics and last year it was all about western comics . I wish I could have written one this year as I still have enough material for another two or three posts.


Next we have Sylvie Rauch who turned 57. She appeared in a few erotic movies before doing porn together with her older sister Sybille Rauch which were her most successful ones. She also starred solo in a few flicks.

Before becoming one of the most successful porn stars with one of the biggest german porn companies ( her sales records breaking movie BORN TO LOVE even guest starred british porn superstar Sarah Louise Young ) Sibylle played in a lot of the erotic movies that swept Germany in the 80s.

But her most famous roles were in the israeli series of erotic comedies EIS AM STIEL ( Lemon Popsicle in english ) that were among the most watched movies in Germany at that time. The movies follow a trio of friends on a quest to loose their virginity and as usual sex hijinks and breasts ensue.

Sibylle used that popularity to jump start a singing career ( this was when megabusty singers like Sabrina Salerno, Danuta, Angela Cavagna, Fanny Cadeo or Samantha Fox became big stars thanks to the predominance of music videos ) and she was the publisher - as well as the face and body - of the german HUSTLER from 1992 till 1995. She did a lot of cocaine and I thought she died in 1997 but luckily she survived her suicide attempt. 

And before you think I only mentioned Bumsbombe Sibylle Rauch to re - post some hot pictures of Sibylle she turned 59 on the 14th of June.


Speaking of chestful women raven haired MILF Lisa Edelstein celebrated her 53rd birthday on May the 21st, best known for playing Dr. Gregory House´s foil and main sexual obsession Dr. Lisa Cuddy on the show House .

I used to watch the series with my Mom but after a while she lost interest and stopped following it so I´m not up to date. Maybe when I have watched all the series I have currently in my to watch pile I can get the series on DVD but if I do I will probably start with season 4 in which Lisa has her ultra sexy pole dance that leaves very little to the imagination.

Now in past months I have put the links to the spin - off post in one part of the post but this time I have sectioned out certain days ( rather than birthdays which can be collected under one headline ) so I am going to insert them at the corresponding date. With that being said I tried not to include stuff where I am repeating what I already posted before ( aside from a few cult sirens of choice about whom I don´t get to write about that often ) so if you want you can find more celebrity birthdays from May the 21st in this post - as well as some birthdays up until May the 23rd.

As for the and new material I just mentioned you can find something more about Monica Naranjo, Fiona Gelin, Naomi Campbell, Tracy Brookshaw, Katie Price and german Schlagerstsarlet Linda Hesse - who FINALLY did a naked photoshooting for the german edition of PLAYBOY last year - here .

On May the 25th we had a comicbook creator trifecta starting fittingly with Sal Velluto who turend 63 since I have written the most posts for him. The first one was a lengthy post on Christopher Priest´s BLACK PANTHER run way back in 2012 followed by a quick overview of all the series Sal Velluto has worked on in 2016 ( I don´t know why it took me that long to do a follow up post ), in 2017 I covered everything I had to skip in my first post about BLACK PANTHER in a special black and white post and last year´s post was all about JUSTICE LEAGUE TASK FORCE .

Speaking of black and white comicbook art, next we had the 66th birthday of Stan Sakai and his USAGI yOJIMBO is one of my favorite comic series EVER ! I already did a lenghty post on Usagi Yojimbo back in 2010 which I followed up with a black and white post in 2018 . This year I haven´t found the time to do one - yet - but I have already selected all the pages for a special DEATH IN COMICS : USAGI YOJIMBO post. And unlike with other black and white posts ( just for those who are wondering what a black and white post is ) I don´t have to spend a lot of time looking for the colored versions of the pages I am going to post since there are none.

Of course now that I said what a great black and white comic USAGI YOJIMBO is the series has changed publishers from Dark Horse to IDW who are going to put it out as a fully colored series. As usual I am not sure if my comic shop is aware of the change of if I will have to hunt down the first issues myself. As for the color I am not initially averse to it since there have been a few instances where Stan Sakai did color an issue or two.

Last but not least we had Barry Windsor Smith who turned 70. Which would have been the ideal occassion for a new post. He is one of those artist who slips out of the public awareness from time to time but as soon as he puts out some new work you immediately remember all the iconic series he worked on. So far I haven´t done many posts about him - a black and white post in 2016 and last year I did a post with the complete original artwork for issue 6 of CONAN . More May the 25th birthdays in this post .

We skip May the 26th ( don´t worry, only for a moment ) and I am only mentioning Harlan Ellison´s anniversary on May the 27th because I did a post about him in 2016 since he also did work in the field of comicbooks .


Which brings us to May the 28th and another icon of pop culture but mostly pop music as aussie actress / singer / sexsymbol Kylie Minogue turned 51. I remember when she had her first big hit The Locomotion Mtv vj Steve Blane didn´t get tired of predicting she would never be more than a one hit wonder and I never get tired of reminding people of that.

One of the first music video tapes I got was The Best Of Kylie Minogue because she had some of the best videos around that time including Step Back In Time, Shocked, Better The Devil You Know, What Do I Have To Do and my favorite Give Me Just A Little More Time. This must have been around 1997 so none of the sexy videos like Spinning Around or Can´t Get You Out Of My Head were on this. Man, those were some good videos, I should really look for a DVD of this the next time I´m at some DVD store.

My third Best Of music video tape was of Kylie´s sister Dannii Minogue who is best known Today as the coach of Dami Im on X - Factor Australia but what most people forget is that she had a music career before Kylie did and not only was she quite successful - she was already a big superstar when Kylie started - but Doctor Doom was in one of her music videos.

Kind of. Here is the best video of Dannii Minogue, it´s her appearance on a french tv show in the mother of all sideboob dresses that doesn´t really cover much of her glorious breasts. I may have posted this before but as these videos disappear rather quickly I´m posting this again just in case.

Not to be outdone by her sister Kylie also appeared on that talk show displaying her tittilating twins in the mother of all plunging cleavages.


The stacked Minogue sister with the built in pair of bongos was actually in the music business first and had a big career before Kylie ever sang her first note, which most people forgot for a long time. Which of course changed when she became a judge on The X - Factor where she got the highest points from the audience on the show and Simon Cowell in the bedroom who used her as his blow up sex doll. Dannii has officially denied being Simon´s sex toy but that doesn´t contradict that he banged her brains out. I mean, if I was sitting next to a wet dream with such huge melons all day I would definitely put her pornstar body to the test, this is a total no brainer. Simon even campaigned to get her back on the show and made no secret that it was mainly because of her incredible breasts.

He wanted the channel to splash out millions to secure a deal with Dannii Minogue and told ITV boss Peter Fincham : " Bring her back to X - Factor and everyone will tune in to look at her tits. "  In his biography Simon Cowell admitted that he was in love with Danni Minogue for years. " I had a crush on her. It was Dannii´s hair, the sexy clothes and the tits. I was like a schoolboy. She was foxy. She was a real man´s girl. Very feminine. "

Now there are a lot of music videos on YouTube of Kylie - not to mention of her concerts - so instead I opted for her megaerotic Agent Provocateur commercial. One of the reasons for that is that I found these great GIFs so I don´t need to spend countless hours myself making them ( thanks to the unknown hero who made them and posted them on the internet ).

Also this commercial was banned in quite a few countries and if it was shown in Germany it was definitely after midnight. And lastly you can´t beat die Geile Minogue riding a mechanical bull. Wearing black lingerie.

And you can find more celebrity birthdays for May the 28th in this post .

This was the first part of the birthday list but don´t worry we continue this in part two which is in my brandnew second Ross Andru Amazing Spider - Man post . Which will also contain more art by Ross Andru.

Congratulations if you have made it this far. As a little bonus for your effort here are some new videos with italian Power Girl Emanuela Botto who strangely enough is not a porn star as I already posted new videos of romanian Busenwunder Oana Andoni and albanian braless all natural 34DD newscaster Enki Bracaj in the spin - off posts. For this special occassion I have selected five videos from two different days, in the first two she is wearing a jeans outfit that can´t handle her big melons and she´s just laying the twins on the table. In the other videos we have her with the nippleslip again which for some reason seem to be the most popular.

When you are working that long on a post you inevitably come across a few videos that you want to put on the blog as quick as possible. I don´t know what it is with fan made trailers lately but most of them look better than the real thing. Like this one which puts a new spin on The Fresh Prince Of Bel - Air and hopefully gets turned into a tv series very soon.

I also want to include some videos about Spider - Man and while I already posted some issues Ross Andru drew here is one about the second clone saga. The first one was drawn by Ross Andru and if you have checked out my posts about him to which I linked at the top of this post ( hint, hint ) you know that this story was unpublished in Germany for the longest time which made the first issue of Die Spinne from the Condor Verlag especially confusing since it opened with Peter Parker getting rid of his dead clone.

And for my spanish readers here is an episode of the classic Spider - Man cartoon that should help you cool down during these hot summer days.

New to the blog ? Everything you need to know about TALES FROM THE KRYPTONIAN : top ten posts / more posts of interest / best of the best

If I have to drink blood, let it be the blood of criminals.

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