Monday, August 09, 2021

A Comic Masters Monday with Frank Miller

Because of recent events I have decided to stop all work on my three posts which are currently still unfinished ( hopefully not for long ) and instead start another new post supporting comicbook master Frank Miller.

As usual the whole thing has been started by the SJWs dragging up some old work of somebody much more talented then them which already had all the usual suspects who are easily offended up in arms, not years ago but decades ago. It seems that the people who work in the comicbook industry Today have no memory nor sense of history which for me can be the only explanation why the same comics are dagged up again and again as the same people with their own political agendas keep shouting for heads to roll. Like they say here in Spain : Te conozco bacalado aun que vengas disfrazado. How many times do we comicbook afficionados have to hear the same rants - and what´s more important - how many times are we supposed to care ? I don´t know about you but once something like this has been discussed and every party has said all there is to say about it I consider the case closed. I know that there are people who can´t let go of a topic even if is already Yesterday´s news and nobody cares about it.

But that doesn´t mean I have to waste my time dealing with these angry people. Heck, that´s why I stopped participating in online message boards and started writing this very blog. Because I was sick and tired of having the same discussion with the same people hearing the same arguments over and over and over and over again. When I´m writing my blog I can get everything off my chest I have to say and the people who read it can take it or leave it. And I don´t have to deal with what other people think about the topic if I don´t want to. I can even delete their commentaries if I don´t like them. Not that I have ever done that. But I could if I wanted to. Anyways, once again a feminist has been outraged and since she not only played the old chauvinist card but also involved racismn and religion the old peer pressure has kicked in and things have been blown out of proportion. Now I am not saying that the whole thing has no foundation and I am not saying that people don´t have the right to their own opinion but how long do we as comicbook people have to keep chewing up the same piece of gum ? Even radioactive isotopes have their half life period.

But back to Frank Miller. This guy has forgotten more about how to make comicbooks than most people working in the biz Today know. It´s true that some of his works may offend some people but that happens to the best of us. Especially those with a long career. We are talking about a guy who has revolutionized comicbooks not once but at least three times.

The first one was - of course - his iconic run on DAREDEVIL that changed the game although I have to mention that a lot of stuff was put into place by previous writer Roger McKenzie. Nevertheless it was Frank Miller´s new version of DAREDEVIL as more of a noir crime series than your ordinary super hero adventure comic that cemented what the book would be like for the next decades. It became the definite coda, the blueprint all later versions followed - at least the good ones - and you possibly cannot find a better complete package where mood, storytelling and art is concerned.

And as every comic fan worth his salt I have read all of the issues. On top of that his story BORN AGAIN - with art by David Mazuchelli to whom we will return in a moment - is hailed by many as the definite Daredevil story and it´s hard to argue with that. Now for Today´s hip audience the most important part of comics are the movies and tv shows - as sad as that may be - but Frank Miller also has had a big influence on the tv show. Which is such a big success because it incorporates a lot of stuff from Frank Miller´s DAREDEVIL issues right down to the all black costume which is taken right out of the fantastic MAN WITHOUT FEAR mini series ( not graphic novel ).

It´s probably no surprise to longtime followers of the blog that this is MY favorite Daredevil story by Frank Miller since my favorite DAREDEVIL run is not the one by Frank but the later run by Ann Nocenti and John Romita Jr.

Nevertheless Frank Miller´s DAREDEVIL run has not only had a huge impact on comicbooks but also pop culture since it transformed Bullseye from a third - stringer character to one of old hornhead´s most interesting arch enemies and introduced the world to Matt Murdock´s first love, Elektra.

There are a lot of other comic series and characters Frank Miller worked on at Marvel Comics - especially Spider - Man about which I have written a post back in 2018 - but Daredevil and Elektra are the most important ones.

Coming to the second time Frank Miller revolutionized comics as we knew them we are talking - of course - about BATMAN : THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS which was once again written and drawn by Frank Miller. This seminal work - not only had a huge impact on Batman for everything that came after - together with Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons ( we will also come back to Dave Gibbons later on ) series WATCHMEN ( also not a graphic novel ) started a whole trend of grim & gritty comicbooks that dominated the comicbook industry for the late 80s and most of the 90s.

Of course there are other Batman stories Frank Miller did which are of varying degrees of quality. There is BATMAN : YEAR ONE, where he once again collaborated with David Mazuchelli with whom he had worked on DAREDEVIL : BORN AGAIN. Like that BATMAN : YEAR ONE is considered a masterpiece by many comicbook critics and has found its way into many adaptions on tv and movies. Then we have the sequel to BATMAN : THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS called BATMAN : THE DARK KNIGHT STRIKES AGAIN.

Which was way ahead of its time when it came out and judging from the way it is reviewed Today most comicbook people still don´t comprehend the mix of regular comicbook art and caricatures and political cartoons Frank Miller used in this entirely. I thought I had written a long post about it but right now I can´t find it. If I can dig it up again I will include a link.

Anyway, the only other comic series I read from Frank Miller´s DARK KNIGHT RETURNS Batman universe was THE DARK KNIGHT : MASTER RACE with art by Andy Kubert which I enjoyed. Another great collaboration was Frank Miller and Jim Lee on ALL STAR BATMAN & ROBIN, THE BOY WONDER, a mini series that was never finished which was probably for the better.

We are skipping Frank Miller´s RONIN because while it was an interesting project it didn´t really set the comicbook world on fire. What did was Frank Miller´s foray into independent comics, SIN CITY. Unlike most comic creators at that time who wanted to create their own universe Frank was content with one city although what really influenced a lot of comicbook artists were the innovative visuals. SIN CITY spawned ( no pun intended since Frank Miller wrote the crossover between Spawn and Batman with art by Todd McFarlane ) a whole slew of mini series and graphic novels plus two movies which is what most people know. One thing I always have to mention in connection with the SIN CITY movies is that Jessica Alba refused to get naked although she played a stripper . Maybe it´s just me but when you play a stripper isn´t getting naked in the job description ?

Anyway, other comicbook adaptions of Frank Miller include 300, 300 : Rise Of An Empire and he also wrote the scripts for Robocop 2 and Robocop 3.

Speaking of ROBOCOP, since I have already covered the most important Frank Miller works I also have to include three of my favorite ones and the first one is ROBOCOP VS TERMINATOR with art by another personal favorite : Walter Simonson . Not only does it have great art by one of the best in the comicbiz the story also makes a very intelligent use of time travel.

Some years ago the Artist´s Edition was offered at amazon Germany at half price and I wanted to buy it as a present for my late brother but since he told me he would be rather interested in an Artist´s Edition of Walter Simonson´s work on THOR I didn´t. I thought about buying it for myself but I waited too long. Well, when I moved to Spain I had to sell my Artist´s Editions of Walter Simomson´s THOR so maybe it was the right decision.

Another favorite comic - as short as it may be - is THE BIG GUY AND RUSTY THE ROBOT, which also was adapted into one of the best cartoon shows.

And last but not least I have to mention the forgotten one : GIVE ME LIBERTY and the following mini series featuring Martha Washington with art by Dave Gibbons. It´s the one that comes up the least whenever Frank Miller´s work is discussed and I think that one of the main reasons for that is that it doesn´t fit into the SJWs agenda. I mean, how can you criticize a man who creates a shining example of female empowernment that has a strong female black lead ? There was even a crossover with THE BIG GUY.

And that is where my little Frank Miller retropective ends. If you want to read more about Frank Miller´s comicbooks and see more cool art by the master you can use the links to check out older posts. With that said we start the pop culture / cult siren section with a look at the OTHER comic called Holy Terror, which is Batman : Holy Terror by one of my top three favorite Batman artists of all times ever, the great, late Norm Breyfogle .

We continue with our next batch of videos of real life Power Girl Sonia Edde. My initial idea was to post one of these in each new post but by now I would have to go over all her videos again and that would take too much time. Plus I´m sure that everyone who is interested in her has had more than enough time to check out all of the videos on this channel.

As I mentioned in previous posts, I somehow always end up in the horror genre and one of the Blue Rays I bought recently is the Nightmare On Elm Street collector box - mostly to watch them in the uncut version since these movies were heavily censored in Germany. Which is my slick segueway to another episode of the Inside Of You podcast with none other than the man, the myth, the legend himself : Mister Robert Englund.

We continue with another master of horror as JoBlo´s Awfully Good Movies examines the movie adaption of Stephen King´s Thinner.

Of course one of the best things - if not THE best thing - about Thinner is sultry sci fi cult siren Kari Wuhrer who really knows how to scorch up the screen with her fantastic funbags as she plays the quintASSential gipsy girl that everybody would love to slam - bang behind Henderson´s tool shack.

Kari is best know for her role of Maggie Beckett on the sci fi cult show Sliders. She was put on the cast as the boner guarantee for the male audience and they got more than their money´s worth in the Wild West episode where she´s almost spilling out of her snug saloon girl corsage.

Now the attentive blog reader may have noticed that it wasn´t that long ago that Kari Wuhrer graced this section so you may ask yourself why I deemed this encore presentation necessary. The reason for that is that while I made three new GIFs of Kari I also forgot to mention something.

When I cast Kari Wuhrer as Gypsy in my Casting the Justice League movie series Gypsy hadn´t appeared on The Flash. So when I chose Kari for that role Gypsy´s super powers did not include vibing between dimensions but when people read it now they might get the impression that I chose Kari because of the tv show where she was sliding between the dimensions.

Kari also was in Hot Blooded, a really bad movie that doesn`t even have full frontal nudity. Nevertheless it´s one of my favorite movies with Kari because she looks really hot in this one. You get to see a lot of cleavage and boobs and in the first sex scene on the bed you can see her sexy ass.

And because one scene where she´s at a gas station and pulls down her leather top to make the desk clerk horny. She´s really pulling it in all directions so you get to see her full boobs. I have no evidence but I swear I can see some nipple. I bet Kari had to do this scene a hundred times as the crew was sabotaging all takes just to see her boobs again and again.

In any case, I had this scene on a video tape on a loop and I must have heard the words " This material just doesn´t breathe ! " a hundred times.

Like I said there is no full frontal nudity in this cineastic masterpiece but you get a bit of sideboob in a scene that was heavily cut on german tv.

They cut parts from when she´s using a whip to get into the mood and pours hot wax on his body. They also cut some parts from where she´s on top of him which I didn´t know until I found the movie on the internet.

Damn you, german tv for keeping Kari Wuhrer´s sideboob away from me !

Time to stop crying about my old home and drop some knowledge about the country where I will spend the rest of my life with Geography Now.

It´s been a hot minute since I last wrote about afroamerican 36D ( !!! ) - 24 - 37 aphrodite Normani but I just could let the opportunity pass to include her music video Wild Side where she teams up with rack - tastic 34E - 27 - 36 rapper Cardi B who showed her stripper skills in Hustlers.

In the video nubile nymphomaniac Normani is paying homage to cult siren Debra Paget whom some of my readers might remember from Fritz Lang´s classic double feature of The Tiger Of Eschnapur and The Indian Tomb.

Especially the second one has gone down in erotic movie history because of Debra´s ultrasexy dance in a barely there outfit that only got through the censors through a miracle since it left nothing to the imagination.

With her mega raunchy performance sexbomb Debra Paget shot entire generations of prepubescent boys into puberty prematurely and it´s no wonder that she received more horny fan letters than silver screen sex icons like Betty Grable and Marilyn Monroe after the movie hit theaters.

Now I don´t know if the next section should be another installment in my extremely popular ( at least I like to think it is popular amongst my reader ) MOVIE RUMMAGE TABLE or if I should inaugurate CULT SIREN RE - WATCH.

In any case, not everything has been horrible since coming to Spain like sometimes there are actually some cool movies on tv. A few weeks ago they were showing TAI PAN and since I had just re - watched SHOGUN before coming to Spain I decided to give TAI PAN another re - watch.

For me SHOGUN, TAI PAN and NOBLE HOUSE build a trilogy. Anyway, it has been really a long time since I watched TAI PAN so that I had forgotten almost everything about it. So imagine how surprised I was when one of my ultimate tv crushes Janine Turner not only showed up out of nowhere but totally stole the show from asian lubrication sensations like Joan Chen in what must be the most daring clevage possible without going topless.

As longtime followers of the blog know asian girls are my kryptonite so for me to rank Janine Turner´s performance in this above Joan Chen - who has a few nude scenes - is quite the accolade. As my faithful readers also know I am a huge fan of NORTHERN EXPOSURE, one of THE best tv shows that ever aired and subsequently of sexy Janine Turner who starred in it.

Sadly there are not a lot of clips from NORTHERN EXPOSURE on YouTube and the few I found have all been deleted. What is also difficult to come by are performances by Janine Turner where she can really show her stuff.

One I still vividly remember was episode 2 from the sixth season of Mike Hammer called Bonecrush in which a 22 year old Janine Turner played a nymphomanic ( aren´t all women in this series nymphomanic, especially the so - called Hammerettes ? ) horny sexbomb which she had no problem pulling off thanks to Janine´s bonerinducing 40C - 22 - 37 measurements.

Every normal, red - blooded guy would have done her in a minute but as always in the show since Mike Hammer knew her so long he saw her more like a little sister than a sexual partner. One of Janine Turner´s breast scenes is when she tries to get Mike Hammer aroused while wearing a super ventilated red shirt. Boy, that shirt had so many cleavage windows that it was basically just a lot of thin stripes which only barely covered Janine Turner´s spectacular breasts leaving not much to the imagination.

When Janine´s character didn´t manged to get Mike Hammer aroused she was - understandably - miffed so when Mike´s only remaining friend in the police departement ... at least his only male friend. As he seems to have an unlimited supply of female acquaintances willing to do whatever Mike Hammer needs them to do in the hopes of getting a taste of ye olde patented 150 percent satisfucktion guaranteed Mike Hammer meatpole.

Like the thirsty, big breasted real life Power Girl below played by none other than PLAYBOY´s Playmate Of The Month for March in 1982, blonde 34C - 23 - 33 blow up sex doll extreme Karen Lorre formerly Karen Witter.

Now some people might be already getting out the pitchforks because I brought up another mega busty sexbomb but besides the episodes Satan, Cyanide and Murder and Kill Devil ( where the scene above is from ) she also appeared in Bonecrush alongside Janine Turner. Which makes sense since Mike Hammer was investigating the murder of a quarterback and one of the suspects was a jock f - word - ing his way through the cheerleaders.

As we all know the main purpose of the cheerleaders is to bear the sexual assault of the adrenalin charged jocks at the after - game victory parties and with her porn star body Karen Witter was just born to play this role.

Coming back to Janine Turner´s character, after Mike Hammer spurns her proposition to assume the position ( or more likely the positions since she intends to have sexual intercourse with Mike Hammer many positions in all night long ) Mike Hammer´s only remaining - male - friend in the police departement walks in and she blatantly asks him if his old friend Mike has some performance problems with his little Mike. Which is the only reasonable explanation for not banging Janine Turner´s brains out.

And with that thought in mind we come back to TAI PAN in which Janine Turner doesn´t wear only one, nor just two but at least three different dresses that show off her breast features. And when I say " show off her breast features " I mean expose her upper body completely while still managing to cover up her nippels. It´s like she´s advertising motorboating and the only thing mising is a sign that reads " Best double breasted dick massages in town. Special offer : bring one friend and get a deepthroat blowjob for free. No age check. " I have no idea how the costume person got away with this or if it is even historically accurate and I don´t care.

By the way, the reason why I said that Janine Turner wears at least three different dresses is that I suspect the version I saw might have been cut.

Now movies or tv series are usually not censored in Spain but in the montage clip from TAI PAN I used to make the GIF of Janine Turner ( which is the only one I could find ) there are some nude scenes I don´t recall seeing this time around. Although maybe I was just going for another beer when they were on screen. Which would be completely typical for me.

Anyway, apart from Janine Turner´s possibly breast scenes on screen ever TAI PAN still holds up pretty good so if you haven´t seen it yet you should definitely check it out. The same goes for SHOGUN and NOBLE HOUSE.

Since we already have Sin City and Mike Hammer in this post we continue the whole hardboiled gumshoe detective theme with the most famous newspaper strip about a private investigator, Chester Gould´s Dick Tracy.

One reason why I wanted to include the video above is that together with the Nightmare On Elm Street box I also got the movie adaption from 1990 by Warren Beatty. As longtime followers of TALES FROM THE KRYPTONIAN know a pet pevee of mine are all pop culture related things that are overlooked, underappreciated, forgotten or simply slept on by the general populace. And with all the rage about movies based on comics nowadays there is a whole bunch from the 90s nobody talks about anymore like Dick Tracy, The Shadow, The Phantom, The Rocketeer, The Crow or The Mask.

When Warren Beatty´s Dick Tracy movie first opened in movie theaters ( the reason why I especially mention Warren Beatty is that there have been Dick Tracy movies before, most of them in black and white of which I posted one or two on the blog ) it wasn´t a huge success which was in part because of the other movies that were shown at the same time.

Another part was because it was not a superhero movie so people were not as familiar with the source material as it is always the case with the non spandex clad comic heroes. I have to admit that I don´t know that much about Dick Tracy but I wanted to give the movie another objective look although big part of that is owed to the participation of - literal - cult siren Madonna who always has such bad luck with picking her movie roles.

Speaking of the importance of picking the right roles, I wasn´t the biggest fan of Lucy Lawless ( I was more interested in banging Hudson Leick since Callisto had not only the sexier costume, but also bigger boobs ) until I found out that the reason why they picked her was that she was the only one willing to do it. The other actressess passed on what they perceived to be only a small bit part. So when Xena made a return performance and spun off into a mega successful series a lot of actressess had to eat crow.

When I select the videos for this section I try to give my readers a wide variety since I know that not everybody likes the same topics. I always like to include a funny one and I have watched a lot of George Lopez lately.

Speaking of latin people that can get a raise out of you - even if they are only animated - together with S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Maria Hill who had a butt to rival natural born stripper Jennifer Lopez the wasp was responsible for some of the most memorable moments of Avengers - Earth´s Mightiest Heroes which made it hard ( pun fully intended !!! ) to follow the story.

No Retreat No Surrender - or how it is known in Germany Karate Tiger - was one of THE quintessential martial art flicks. The movie was so successful in Germany that the Karate Tiger label was spun off into an entire franchise that brought together such diverse martial art movies like Jean Claude Van Damme´s Kickboxer movies, some movies with Cynthia Rothrock and even the Best Of The Best movies under its wide umbrella.

Speaking of the way of the fist, we are closing things out with City Hunter which I know nothing about except the movie adaption with Jackie Chan.

New to the blog ? Everything you need to know about TALES FROM THE KRYPTONIAN : top ten posts / more posts of interest / best of the best

Good side, evil must hide. Marred side, woe betide.


  1. Hi there.

    "Now I am not saying that the whole thing has no foundation and I am not saying that people don´t have the right to their own opinion but how long do we as comicbook people have to keep chewing up the same piece of gum ?"

    I find it of an absolute and abhorrent hypocrisy that the active censorship of one person (never mind, that he's also a comics genius that will live in History a lot longer than any of this polemics and their instigators) is made in the name of tolerance and inclusiveness. As if no-one had the right to think differently from their self-espoused beliefs.

    As Miller was supposed to attend Thought Bubble - will I ever be able to spout those two words again without them being tinged by utter contempt? - next 13-14 November, I'm of a mind to dedicate those two days to posting about my favorite comic books by Miller.

    Maybe everyone should do something like that.



  2. Hope everything is ok with you, I've noticed you haven't updated for a month & we all miss your posts!

  3. Well, lately I can only use the laptop for a few hours each day so finishing posts takes even longer than usual.

    Also, somebody hacked my e - mail account and stole all my personal data. So I had to close all my accounts for amazon, PayPal, etc, and go to the police to file a report for the money he took from my bank account. I also had to close down my old e - mail address, mail the few connections I still have my new e - mail address and change the new address for the old addres s on all of my websites.

    I hope that it´s all taken care of now and that after finally finish watching the last season of THE FLASH ( and the newest episodes of STARGIRL ) I can put the finishing touches on my last three posts.

  4. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Good to hear you are okay. Worried 'bout ya.
