Thursday, March 31, 2022

It´s a Tittilating Thursday with Bill Ward !

Yes, as if I didn´t have enough on my plate already - I still have to put the finihing touches on my last four posts which include a Yaya Han Chun Li request post - I have decided to make another tribute for pin up legend Bill Ward, whose anniversary would have been on the 6th of this month.

The reasons for this are firstably, that I wanted to put something different on the blog. And I know what you are going to say, there IS a lot of original art on the blog. In fact it really has become rather the norm instead of the exception. It´s true, I like to switch things up so there will not be two Marvel Comics posts ( or DC Comics posts for that matter ) in a row but even if I go from Marvel Comics to DC Comics to independent comic company it still falls mainly into the superhero or at least comic book category - if I decide to throw in a classic comic series from time to time.

But it´s all about the art and this is a nice reminder that there is a lot of great art out there beside the realm of superheroes and even comicbooks.

The second reason is that I went through my picture archive and realized that I never made the Bill Ward follow up post I promised. Yes, I already wrote two Bill Ward posts but the first one was only a short spin - off post where I got a bit into Bill Ward´s history and his Torchy series and only the second one was a full blown pin up post. So I always thought I had already done two Bill Ward pin up posts when in reality I had only done one. And seeing that I wrote the last one back in 2020 it´s about time for more.

And last but not least, while most of my last four posts is set there may be some parts I have to cut and this way I have somewhere to put it. But enough with this organisatory stuff, you are already bored out of your mind ( I also have a short attention span ) so let´s get to the good stuff.

I used to have this book. A few years back I ordered The Glamour Girls of Bill Ward from Fantagraphics Books via amazon on a hunch and because of the price I thought I had ordered a softcover. Just a few weeks prior to that I had bought The Pin Up Art of Dan DeCarlo and thought this would also be a manga sized booklet. Imagine my surprise when it was not only in hardcover but the size of european comic albums. Anyway, like most of my comic collection - as well as my other wordly possessions - I left it behind when I came back to Spain. I have looked for it a few times since installing myself in my new not new old home but it seems to be out of print. Now I´m not mentioning this to whine about everything I lost but to tell you there are opportunities that come around once in a lifetime. And while you may regret buying some books or comics that is nothing compared to the regret one has for not have taken a chance on it. Words to the wise.

Speaking about following a hunch, while racking my brain about which movie would fit in with the topic of busty glamour babes in black and white I suddenly had a flash since The Adventures Of Nick Knatterton - The Theft Of Gloria Nylon fits that bill perfectly. Especially since it has such tantalizing temptresses like Maria Sebalt who plays the gang leader Virginia Peng and who is criminally underused throughout the movie.

Now longtime followers of the blog know that I already posted the movie in my spotlight on NICK KNATTERTON , one of Germany´s most famous comic series ( I´m not kidding ) but after checking out the post I saw that all of the videos had been deleted so it´s about time to remind my faithful followers of that as well as bring it to the attention of any newer visitors.

For the movie itself, while it is pretty entertaining it´s not really a good adaption of the Nick Knatterton comic strip and just used the name of a famous german comic series. So why did I feel the need to re - post it ?

Well, as longtime followers of the blog know I have a weak spot for those obscure, underappreciated, overlooked or outright forgotten movies that are based on comicbooks nd the weirder or quirkier they are the better.

Now the cartoons are the reason why I started that post in the first place, which was instigated - once again - by a comment from Comic Bits Online blog mastermind Terry Hooper about german comic book documentaries.

Or rather the total lack thereof. You see, the case is : there are no german documentaries about comics. What you see on german tv are either documentaries from Amerika or France ( which means you are probably watching arte ). Apart from that you get short clips from the news or a report on comics from tv but those are filled with the usual prejudices about comics. Despite any hopes of success I went on YouTube to look for videos about some classic german comics - which is how I discovered a Nick Knatterton cartoon existed. I know. I shouldn´t be allowed to call myself a comic fan. Anyway, the first video I found was episode 5, MIEZEN MACHER UND MONETEN which has the first appearance of Mi - Tse Meyer.

But not only is it the first epsiode with the hasian femme fatale it also has the part where Nick Knatterton finds his nemesis Virginia Peng completely naked in the sauna ( sorry, no full frontal nudity on this one guys ).

Closing things out on german master detective NICK KNATTERTON, since it also has been deleted I am re - posting the cult movie The Man Who Was Sherlock Holmes with iconic screen duo Hans Albers and Heinz Rühmann.

Since we are on the subject of detectives inspired by Sherlock Holmes I have to mention Case Closed - or how it is known by everybody outside of the US Detective Conan - especially when I have a video to go alongside with it, which is extremely rare. For those who have never heard of the manga - or the anime - you can read a synopsis of it by yours truly here .

From all the comics I was still reading before moving to Spain I haven´t delved back into this one because I am not sure if I should. And not because it is bad but because I had to get rid of my entire collection which was every number until the current ones. I guess I´m not so much unsure if I should get back and the question is more how far back should I go ? Because while you can read every book for itself there is a bigger story that connects everything so you need the back issues for context.

Now because it´s so seldom that I find a video about Case Closed I never get to write much about it so there are a few things I have to mention.

Firstably they always mention that while Shinihi Kudo´s ( or Jimmy Kudo in the american translation ) body was shruken to that of a kid he still has the keen intellect of a teenage student which helps him solve his cases.

Now I don´t want to rain on anybody´s parade but that does kind of limit our hero. Because even if he is the smartest teenager in Japan he is only a teenager. And I don´t want to say that teenagers in general are stupid but when I look at my life for example and how things - and my brain - have changed from when I was a teenager to now the changes are drastical.

It´s on an entirely different level. I mean, take movies for example. If you have watched certain movies as a teenager and later as an adult you may have noticed that there are a lot of things - like subtext or references to other things - to which you were completely oblivious as a teen. Likewise there should be some cases where Jimmy doesn´t pick up certain clues because he lacks the reference or the maturity and he would need the help of an older person like Professor Agasa or Richard Moore. In fact, that would be a great idea for a storyline : Jimmy is confronted by a new evil mastermind who works for the men in black - so far I don´t think he has met his Doctor Moriarty yet - but since he is an adult and our Jimmy is basically still a teenager Richard has to take the lead and crack the case.

The next thing I want to mention is that Jimmy is a very bad boyfriend. I know that he has to keep away from Rachel to protect her from the men in black but would it kill him to call or e - mail her once a week ? No, he completely ghosts her and then wonders why she is so desperate to hear from him every time it looks like Conan gets a call from Jimmy. In Today´s modern age there are dozens of ways how Jimmy could stay connected with Rachel without putting her in danger. On top of that he - kind of - spys on her constantly as her roommate and confidant boy Conan not to mention that he is using his transformation into a little boy to completely perv on her booming teen body. Yup, Conan king of the peeping Toms.

And since Case Closed caters not only to a children´s demographic but also to a huge teenage audience there are numerous occassions where wishfulfillment is at its finest as Conan and the gang are at the beach and Conan ( sometimes joined by Heji ) gets to perv out on not only ravishing Rachel - or Ran - in a bikini but also sexbomb Sonoko, killing - it - in - a - swimsuit Kazuha, their classmates ( they just recently introduced a new female classmate of Rachel whose breastsize rivals even Power Girl but I don´t think we have seen her in a bikini yet ) and dozens of bikini clad japanese teenage blow up sex dolls. Plus Conan gets his own private peep show every time Rachel and the girls decide to go shopping for swimsuits.

Speaking of private peep shows, if you think seeing Ran in a bikini is the most skin Conan has seen then you have no idea. There are numerous occassions where Ran has taken a bath with Conan and the little pervert got to see Ran´s full naked body. Which makes the following clip kind of weird because it´s not like Jimmy hasn´t seen Ran´s nude bod before.

Granted, it is unexpected and it is full frontal nudity plus from what we can see ( damn censorhip ) Ran has a banging body and some impressive oppai. So there is some merit to Conan doing the old anime nosebleed.

You know, if Ran ever finds out that Jimmy used his Conan persona to see her naked he is dead meat. Don´t forget that she is an expert karateka who has gone toe to toe with worldclass martial artists as well as skilled assassins. Although I guess that Jimmy would say it was totally worth it to see Rachel in lingerie and hot outfits. And I can´t really argue with that.

Daimn, these asian girls are fire ! Right out of the gate the first is one hundred percent wifey material with a bubblebutt that doesn´t quit.

A bit small in the chest area so I couldn´t cast her as Ran who has gotten pretty large boobs but she would definitely make a good Sera - you know, the new girl who has almost no breasts - and I would love to dicktame her.

The one that comes in at 5:22 minutes though is mot definitely my Ran and I would cast the one at 8:16 as Sonoko because that is one sassy ass wiggle if I have ever seen one. You can already picture her draining dicks.

As for Kazuha, I´m still torn between the girl that comes in at 6 : 38 and the one at 7 : 01. I guess I would have to do some one - on - one private ejaculation elimination sessions to pick a winner - Monster´s Ball style.

Closing the case on Detective Conan ( see whar I did there ? ) we have another live action movie with the exploits of famous student sleuth Shinichi Kudo before he was shrunk by the men in black - no relation to the organisation in the Will Smith movies. Which were based on a Marvel Comics series. Well, technical it was a Malibu Comics series but then Marvel bought Malibu Comics because they needed their digital coloring departement to compete with iMage Comics so now it´s Marvel Comics. 

We continue the hardboiled crime theme with one of my favorite tv series whose protagonist hits like a hammer. And no I am not talking about Mike Hammer who had such incredible sexbombs among his cast like northern exposed 40C - 22 - 37 cult siren Janine Turner, big breasted real life Power Girl and PLAYBOY´s Playmate Of The Month for March in 1982, blonde 34C - 23 - 33 blow up sex doll extreme Karen Lorre formerly Karen Witter and last but not least obligatory 90s erotic sexsation Shannon Whirry - who later became famous for doing it for real with her male co - stars on camera like in her movie Ringer . I bet that lucky bastich Stacy Keach plowed them all.

No, I´m talking about the guy here who makes Dirty Harry look like an exemplary police officer and Rmbo like a pacifist. The cop who not only throws the rule book out of the window but turns it into swiss cheese with his trusty Betsy first. A man who can sense a gun being cocked miles away but at the same time has not  clue what an ultimate sexbomb his partner is. That´s right, I´m talking about the man, the myth, the legend, the true blue, one and only gun toting arm of the law, Sledge Hammer.

Speaking of actresses who could have made a fortune working the stripper pole, while it didn´t have such a steady stream of cameos by buxom bra busting beauties like Mike Hammer there was one cast member who got one leg up ( although all male viewers dreamt of her putting both legs up ) namely Anne - Marie Martin who played Sgt. Dori Doreau, the hardbody of the law with legs almost up to her chin. We all dreamed of her assuming the position so we could give her a full cavity search. The blonde honed her incredible curves as a horse riding world championship contender for America so she is an expert at breaking in wild broncos, taming breeder stallions with the long stroke, natural insemination and dressage riding.

All of this comes in handy in my favorite episode, Model Dearest in which Dori Doreau goes undercover as a bikini model which thoroughbred stud mare Anne Marie pulls off easily thanks to her bonerinducing bikinibody.

Anne - Marie also appeared in episodes of the Wonder Woman tv series, Buck Rogers in the 25th Century and T. J. Hooker and in Prom Night and Halloween II. And if you think Runaway was the worst movie she did think again because she also was in the Doctor Strange tv movie. She deserves her own cult siren post but so far I don´t have enough material for that.

Okay, I don´t know if I mentioned this before ( I was probably too busy drooling over Anne MILFie Martin ) but there was a short lived two isssue mini series of Sledge Hammer which was published by Marvel Comics.

The series was written by Jim Salicrup and illustrated by Alex Saviuk and at that time NEW WORLD had bought Marvel Comics so it was only natural that they would let them make the movie adaption. However I don´t know how serious everybody involved with the comicbook was. As it is pointed out in this STARLOG post about the series nobody expected Sledge Hammer to get a second season so they didn´t plan long term.

Some people say that the second season is not as good as the first one but I have to veto that and not only because without it we would never have gotten to see canadian MILF sexbomb Anne Marie Martin in a bikini.

Coming back to the Sledge Hammer comicbook, they tried to win more reader interest by having Spider - Man as a guest star in issue 2 - or at least some crook dressed up as everyone´s favorite wall crawler - but I guess it was too little to late since the series never got a third issue.

For those interested there is a detailed article on COMICBOOKTIDBITS .

There are so many adaptions, homages or rip - offs on Sherlock Holmes that even I can´t keep track of them all. Thank God there is Forgotten Television to remind us of gems like Sherlock Holmes In The 22nd Century.

Now at first I thought this two parter was a crossover between BraveStarr and Sherlock Holmes In The 22nd Century but that would be too easy. You see, the two episodes Sherlock Holmes In The 23rd Century - which for some reason appear on YouTube as Sherlock Holmes In The 21st Century - were supposed to be a back door pilot for yet ANOTHER Sherlock Holmes in the future cartoon show. For some reason that never came to be and I can´t say if that was a blessing or a curse. One thing is for sure : with two cartoon shows that have almost identical titles it would have been mighty confusing especially if they had a crossover where the Sherlock Holmes of the 22nd century meets up with the Sherlock Holmes of the 23rd century.

Now for Without A Clue - where the spanish translation of the title is more literal while the german one Genius And Kisser is just weird - the new take is not that they put the story in a different time. And I can´t tell you more without giving away too much except that Michael Caine plays Sherlock Holmes, Ben Kingsley plays Doctor Watson, they both are brilliant and this is the funniest Sherlock Holmes movie I have ever seen.

The movie also features british 34C - 26 - 35 brabuster Lysette Anthony among its cast whom my longtime followers my remember from the only memorable scene from Mel Brook´s Dracula - Dead And Loving It movie.

A spoof of Coppola´s Dracula movie it didn´t do much financially and the only reason why it´s still on tv in reruns are the hot vampire babes in the movie. I mean female vampires have always been sexy but Lysette really takes it to a new level the way she squeezes her big talents together.

Holy motorboat, Batman ! I´d let her suck me any time she wants - as long as she doesn´t drink my blood, if you know what I mean. Although, for a chance to do Lysette I would even give a pint of blood. Damned, indeed.

Speaking of super stacked seductive silver screen sexbombs, we wrap things up with The Paleface ( His Angel With Two Guns in german ) starring Bob Hope and all natural 38D - 25 - 36 sex symbol Jane Russell.

One of my favorite Marilyn Monroe movies is Gentlemen Prefer Blondes because you get two incredibly hot sexbombs for the price of one as the buxom Busenwunder Jane Russell plays Lorelei Lee´s bosom buddy ( with a very big emphasis on the bosom part ) raven haired beauty Dorothy Shaw.

The movie gave me the first inkling that I may not be a gentlemen because I prefer dark haired Jane over blonde Marilyn Monroe which became very obvious to me in the parts where she poses as Marilyn´s character and really kills it. Jane Russell has just much more Ooooomph ! for me.

Indeed, Jane Russell had so much Oooomph ! that her bonerinducing dance number in the 1953 Howard Hughes movie The French Line had censors in an uproar. Movie producer Howard Hughes was no stranger to controversy, especially when it came to Jane Russell. His focus on Jane's cleavage in The Outlaw ran afoul of The Production Code in 1941. The French Line had its own set of controversies. Jane's ample bosom literally popped out of the screen in 3 D and to stress the point Howard used the tagline " J.R. in 3D. It'll knock both your eyes out ! ". He also added the raunchy song and dance number " Lookin' for Trouble " performed by Jane in a revealing one - piece outfit with three strategically placed cutouts.

The Breen Office refused the Production Code seal of approval, branding the film " offensive " because of " indecent exposure " during the soon - to - be notorious dance number and the Archbishop of St. Louis Joseph Ritter forbade Catholics " under penalty of mortal sin " from seeing it.

New to the blog ? Everything you need to know about TALES FROM THE KRYPTONIAN : top ten posts / more posts of interest / best of the best

His real name is Artie Morty.

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