Sunday, March 05, 2023

Why everybody wants to pop with Psylocke

Today we penetrate Psylocke deeper ... I mean, we dive deeper into the topic of the X - Men taking a look at one of its most popular members - at least during the time when I was reading the book I never know if these heroes and heroines are still popular or still alive ( if you can call somebody like a comicbook character alive ) within the current status quo of Marvel's mutant universe - the pink haired, big breasted asian penetration sensation with a bubblebutt and legs for miles Psylocke.

Well, as so often this post has its secret origin with another post and in this case it was while doing some research for my last post. Which was a spotlight post for ravishing 35D - 24 - 36 cosplay redhead Ashlynne Dae .

Those who have actually read the post and not only looked at the nice pictures may remember that one of the incredible cosplays I featured was X - MEN member Psylocke and that I commented on how I didn't realize how skimpy her costume was until I saw Ashlynne's actual cosplay.

Which may sound unbelievable but with the comicbook costumes for women the male audience is used to the fact that most of them are unrealistically formfitting and skin tight, very revealing bordering on lingerie ( although actual lingerie in general covers up more ) with as little fabric as possible being only two inches away from a micro bikini.

But like I said we are already used to this. So when we see the same costume worn by a woman in the real world it is like we see it for the first time and notice how scandalous it is - especially when a living blow up sex doll with a booming pornstar body like Ashlynne Dae is wearing it.

Anyway, besides this fact I also mentioned that when Chris Claremont decided to turn british bra - buster Betsy Braddock from a caucasian sexbomb into an asian ejaculation sensation she also gained the special abilities that were part of the genetic make up like an instant hotness upgrade or being able to spread her especially long and well shaped legs like a fillipino hooker and that she displayed this quite often in comics.

Now the only problem here was that I had a special image by Jim Lee in mind but that I also had already used the very image in a previous post.

And as my longtime followers know I don't like to repeat myself so aside from the unavoidable usage of ye olde " copy / paste " schtick here and there I try to use new images whenever I can. What got me into a bind is that I could not find a good image of Psylocke doing her signature high kicks that was drawn by Jim Lee . His tenure on the x - titles is not as long as one might remember and Psylocke also switches way too soon to the iconic blue and yellow Xavier Institute standard spandex uniforms.

So I had to go and look over ALL of the issues of the adjective less X - MEN book until I could find one that I was happy with. Which was not drawn by Jim Lee but rather by Andy Kubert who was one of stalwarts who had to take over the reigns of the bestselling Marvel Comics titles after the mass exodus of all of their top talent to found iMAGE Comics.

Of course I ended up with way more pages that I bargained for and since addressing all the things I learned - or remembered while going over the issues again - would make the Ashlynne Dae post too long I decided that I had enough material for a kind - of - but - not - quite X - MEN spin - off post. In fact now I have enough material for at least eight X - MEN posts.

Okay, the first thing I want to say is that I completely forgot how long Andy Kubert was on the just X - MEN book. He started with issue 14 and while there are the usual fill - in issues by a plethora of guest artist he stayed on the series until issue 59 starting in 1992 and finishing up his run in 1996. Which means that if you picked up an issue of X - MEN during this 4 year period it was most likely to be drawn by Andy Kubert.

But that was not the only X - Men related work Andy Kubert did in the 90s. Oh no, he drew the Wolverine : Rahne Of Terra one shot in 1991, three issues of Uncanny X - Men between 1991 and 1992 while - also in 1992 - doing four issues of Ghost Rider before turning in four issues of Amazing X - Men in 1995, being the regular penciler on Ka - Zar from 1997 to 1998, on Captain America from 1998 to 2000, the six issue Wolverine Origin series from 2001 to 2002, the eight issue Marvel : 1602 book written by Neil Gaiman and Ultimate X - Men from 2001 to 2005.

Meanwhile his brother Adam Kubert took care of the Marvel titles Ghost Rider / Blaze : Spirits Of Vengeance from 1992 to 1993, the first three issues of X - Men 2099 in 1993, Wolverine from 1993 to 1996, Weapon X one to four in 1995, The Incredible Hulk from 1997 to 1998, adjective - less X - Men from 1998 to 1999 and Uncanny X - Men from 1996 to 2000.

So to say that the Kubert brothers had a huge impact on the x - books is a big understatement since the two of them practically defined the look of Marvel Comics mutant universe in the 90s. But more than that they worked on a lot of their major franchises and helped getting books out on time and making them look slick during a time that was a big ordeal for the company. Which is one of the reasons I decided to make this post since I don't know if that herculean task has really been acknowledged.

And since we are on the subject of underappreciated comicbook creators I also wanted to give another shoutout to Fabian Nicieza who was the main writer on just X - MEN. No matter if you love or hate such iconic X - Men events like X - Cutioner's Song, The Phalanx Convenant or Age Of Apocalypse Fabian Nicieza did a lot of the heavy lifting and you cannot deny his worldbuilding skills. His accolades at Marvel Comics are too long to list now but thankfully I already did a tribute post to his tenure on X - Force with artist Greg Capullo in 2019 that goes much more into detail.

And speaking about going into more detail, I think it's about time we get back to Psylocke since I don't think my readers came here for the stats.

The first thing I noticed was that the writers leaned heavily into the whole asian persuasion thing by not only having every X - Man getting the hots for Psylocke's new asian assassin / pornstar bod but also trying to pair her up with a suitable partner in the team. And one of their first choices was the X - Men's leader Cyclops ( since women always go for the alpha male ) who was established as having a thing for sexy telepaths.

Because not only did he put the moves on the X - Men's triple x - rated redhead Jean Grey by accidentally ( of course ) dropping in on her every time she was changing out of her skin tight uniform and into her civvies.

Which by the way she could have prevented if she really didn't want to see her naked because she's a telepath and could sense his approach.

He also was banging her silly and those two were one of the few Marvel Comics character where the readers knew they were getting it on on a regular basis. Cyclops also had sex - on the mental plane as well as in real life - with the X - Men's bad girl turned good but she's really good when she's bad the busty blonde White Sex Queen of the Hellfire Club herself, Miss Emma Frost who sports underwear instead of a costume.

But while Emma at least had the decency to wait with dicktaming Scott until Jean was not around and only doing it on the psychic plane ( which for a telepath like Jean Grey still counts as cheating ) with an option to completely turn Scott into her willing sex slave once Phoenix had died - again - Psylocke not only put the moves on Cyclops by sporting her new bikini in the now famous issue 8 she also did this right in front of Jean.

They also did the accidentally dropping in on a team member while they are in a shower thing but turned it on its head by Psylocke apparently waiting for Scott in nothing than a towel and being almost disappointed when he leaves instead of doing what every normal red blooded man in his place would have done : show her the quickest way to Pound Town.

By the way, a lot of people only know Cyclops from the movies and are probably wondering since when the scrawny boring milktoast they saw on screen has so much game with the hot ladies. Well, since the movies focus on Wolverine as the main character of course we see everything through his lense and in his world Cyclops is only the annoying dude who gets on his nerves and cockblocks him from banging Jean's brains out.

In the comicbooks however Cyclops is one of the most seasoned X - Men, an accomplished hero with a crazy dominance of his powers ( which are way better than charging playing cards with kinetic energy and them throw them at the enemy in hopes of accomplishing something ) who is their best leader, a guy men emulate and the women want to be with.

The original Scott Summers is a complex and much deeper character than in the movies and also one of my favorite X - Men of all time. He is just one of the coolest dudes around so naturally he gets to bang all of the hottest babes on the block which include two telepaths and a mind wiped non powered clone of his first love who turned into a succubus with mad magic powers from Limbo ( for more on the Goblin Queen Madelyne Pryor check out my spotlight post which also features the aforementioned 35D - 24 - 36 cosplay blow up sex doll Ashlynne Dae ).

By the way, while I certainly understand the advantages of having a partner who knows every sick sex dream you have and can turn it into reality without actually having to talk about it I have to question Cyclops obsession to always go with telepaths because being with a woman who can read your mind is not always a good thing. I mean I am certainly no expert on women but I know into how much trouble you can get only by saying the wrong thing. Now multiply that with the factor of - at least - one hundred when it comes to things you don't say but only think of.

Speaking of mindreading massitas with massive melons, while the love triangle with Psylocke, Scott and Jean never really worked for me and was doomed from the start to the writers it only seemed natural because everybody was smooching up to the X - Men's xxx - rated hentai hottie.

Not only the good guys but also bad guys like Matsuo ( is it a coincidence that Jim Lee named one of the main bad guys from the Hand clan after artist Jeff Matsuda who often copied his style ) who was responsible for brainwashing Betsy Braddock into the Hand's newest assassin and planted a porn subroutine into her mind to turn her into his obedient sex slave.

When he realized that she had broken the mind control and was not inclined in any way to give in to his sexual urges he was so distraught that he tried to commit seppuku but Psylocke managed to stop him at the last moment by reminding him that there were enough bigbreasted brainwashed sexbombs under his command that he could use to vent his sexual frustrations. I have no idea if Betsy did herself a favour with that.

Then there was also the dirtiest and meanest old man ever Sabretooth who just shoved his tongue down Psylocke's throat but I'm not sure if that was really a sexual thing. The incident happened during the ill - fated period where Professor X granted Sabretooth asylum at the x - mansion while having the bright idea to use one of the world's most dangerous killers as a training tool, an upgrade from the danger room.

Of course Psylocke whooped his butt during the rematch and one has to wonder if the shrewd writers were already setting up the next match up between these fighters which would not end as favourable for Psylocke.

And this is where I am going to cut the post short but since most of what is to come is about Gambit ( I know, who would have thought I would write a solo post about him of all the X - Men members ? ) you can find this in the second part of our little Andy Kubert X - Men retrospective .

zooma zoom zoom on psylockes boom boom



and I have not read an X - MEN comicbook for decades so I am not in the loop but for those that are still interested in those kind of things it seems that Wolverine and Kitty Pryde have been involved in different circles ( how it so often happens with these new storylines that involve multiple books ) and there has been a reunion recently that turned out quite awkward. Like I said, I don't read these books anymore but if you are not afraid of any spoilers you should definitely check out Brian Cronin's article about it on COMIC BOOK RESOURCES. Speaking of which, and

and according to Brian Cronin over at COMIC BOOK RESOURCES Disney plans to reveal Nightcrawler's true true origin - not the true origin that Dave Cockrum came up with the concept during his run on The Legion Of Super - Heroes but since he didn't get to use him he introduced him as one of the new diverse international X - Men in the groundbreaking Second Genesis of the team and




wolverine anime

bob hoskins as wolverine


the less successful mutant superheroes


psylocke in real life daimn that ass

It's been a hot minute since I last posted a video with Adison Briana ( which was in my Paul Smith X - MEN tribute post ) and even longer since I posted a video of this crew with the mysterious unknown hasian sex goddess which made me seek out these videos in the first place .

Now this is one match made up in sex heaven because not only do you have this great song by one of my favourite more recent discoveries ( I have to admit that I'm seriously lagging behind on current musicians and if it weren't for the videos of the TEENS REACT channel - of which you can find a nice selection featuring my future wife Jair and Haley who developed Russ Meyer - sized porn star boobs in the following Gambit spin - off post - I wouldn't even know half of them although I discovered Jhene Aiko on an episode of The Tonight Show with Jay Leno ) you also have this asian dancing sensation with her natural born stripper moves ( for those who want to skip to the important part of the video Madame Butterfly comes in at 5:19 minutes with the best part staring around 6:43 minutes, daiiiimn, those asian men milking machines really know how to spread those legs ) and if this doesn't make you cream your jeans .... well, I almost wrote " nothing will " but let's just wait what happens after our next videos because the asian sensation train doesn't stop here.

yeom eun sun

comes in around 4:11 minutes

Aside from Kim Da Som we have the winner of the 2019 Musclemania Miss Bikini Fitness Korea competition Lim So Young at around 7:00 mins ( technically she comes in after that but if you skip to 7:02 mins or even 7:01 mins you might miss the first close up on her fantastic bubblebutt ) who got her own cult siren entry - which I will finish one of these days.

Man, I wish I could have met Lim So Young in my sexual prime than we could have had an iconic asian penetration sensation weekend ( and when I say weekend I mean one of those extended weekends that start on Thursday and last until Tuesday ) where this deepthroat dick draining expert just mercilessly milks my cock dry like she owed me money and we could have implemented some seriously dangerous positions. Asian nympho sluts like her will just completely ruin you for all other women.

sonia edde is it just me or is her necklace pointing directly to her boobs


last dragon

pam grier


shaka zulu

rip lance reddick









motor girl


fetter loser im exil video second re upload

silas episode 1




tik tok boom boom challenge I had to disqualify some because they did change to different outfits and a few other because it is clearly stated in the rules that you are not allowed to wear anything under the black jacket but I have made a few exceptions for those who took the jacket off - as long as they are only wearing a bra underneath points were given for overall sexiness and how perfectly shaped the breasts are with extra points - naturally - to the exxtra large breasts but also bikini tan lines as longtime followers of the blog know that is a special fetish for me now this was not my original selection but a few of the living blow up sex dolls in the videos were too hot so they were slapped with an age restriction on YouTube and

the omen


episode one


x - quote of the day

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