Monday, March 06, 2023

It seems that even blogger hates Gambit !

Or at least what he did. And no, apparently I can not tell you what it is because it goes against the rules of what you can talk about on blogger.

Regular blog visitors may remember that this post has been flagged as NSFW and unflagged as SFW dozens of times over the last weeks and the reason for that is that I had no idea why it was deemed NSFW. Before you say that I probably had a good idea why it landed in the NSFW category I have to remind you that every time - not just once or twice but every time - I resubmitted the post - with no changes I might add - it was immediately approved as SFW again. Sometimes four or five times while I was sleepig so it was not even me resubmitting the post. Blogger did that all by itself. That's right. If it really contained NSFW material it should have been flagged as NSFW the very second it was resubmitted without any changes. But it wasn't. And this is the crux with blogger.

They never tell you what is the problem. They just tell you that your post contains material that is NSFW - or worse was flagged by somebody else as NSFW which means it could quite possibly be really SFW but just offensive to this particular person - but they never tell you in which way.

They just give you a link to the blogger rules of what is safe to post and what is not safe to post so if you don't have Nazi propaganda or fascism, satanism, other extremist world views or religions or political agendas or anything in the prohibited sex department or the usual stuff people get upset about in your post it's pretty much guessing. Except for when they outright delete a post - what happened with this one after they put it back to the draft stage - but they still don't tell you which part of the post exactly is the offensive part ( with the way SJWs have infiltrated everything the answer is probably : all of it ) so here's hoping that I have successfully eliminated all NSFW parts ( not all offensive parts because that would not leave me with much ) and my suspicion is that Gambit - sympathisers have started this to conceal what a grade a creepo he is.

Yes, my faithful followers may understand why I am surprised myself but after what was supposed to be just a short spin - off post from my spotlight post on ravishing 35D - 24 - 36 cosplay redhead Ashlynne Dae about Marvel's hottest ninja babe - asian sensation Psylocke - got longer and longer to the point where I had twice as many pictures as usual I decided to cut this part of it especially since it is more about Gambit then about Psylocke. And everybody knows just how much I love Gambit.

So if you are a bit confused or you just missed it please read part one - which is much more about Psylocke - then come back and we continue.

Now Fabian Nicieza also paired Psylocke up with Gambit ( or Gambito how I like to call him since I feel his spanish name is much more fitting ) and I have to say that I am not a big fan of that particular combination.

Not only because I am not a big fan of Gambit. To say that I despise him with a passion would be a big understatement and longtime readers may remember that I not only included him in my X - Men team of choice just so that I could kill him off again and again at the beginning of each issue in subsequentially more inventive and more brutal ways. I also made the argument around the time Marvel Comics decided to fully ruin Iceman by making him gay without reason that if anybody on the X - Men's roster is a closet homosexual the most likely candidate would be cajun Gambit .

And speaking of the X - Men's roster, Gambit should not even be on it in this or any other parallel reality after they found out that he is solely responsible for the killing of most of the Morlocks and countless other mutants during the genetic purge of the Mutant Massacre. Of which I used to have the omnibus hardcover and it was glorious. I don't think it is available for a reasonable price now but if you can find it at a comicbook store with a bit of a discount this x - collection has my recommendation.

Okay, I know what all of the Gambit lovers out there are saying right now, that it was a along time ago and that he was in a bad place when Mister Sinister contacted him to form the Marauders. And that when he found out what he was about to do he tried to warn the mutants but he was too late and could only save Marrow and that he has atoned for his sins and that he should be given another chance. Because if there is one thing the X - Men are all about it is about giving people a second chance.

I mean, they took a gamble on Wolverine and Rogue and they turned out all right. They also tried to cure Sabretooth but that was a completely different train wreck. Which resulted in what may be my favorite X - Men issue of all times which I have to mention because Psylocke goes up against Wolverine's Daddy / Not Daddy and gets a vicious beatdown that leaves her at death's door. One of these days I have to write about this.


As an aside note, some of the best moments of the whole " Let's take a psychopath like Sabretooth to the x - mansion and see if we can cure him before he kills us all. Whatever happens first. " story were Gambit's interactions with Sabretooth. Marvel's writers always tried - and failed spectacularly - to make Gambit more interesting by giving him a past that is shrouded in mystery ( like anybody really cares about it ) so when it came out that he not only has dealt with Sabretooth before but that Sabretooth knows some juicy intel about Gambit that Gambit doesn't want to come out things got surprisingly interesting at Xavier's Institute.

I mean at that point it was still not known - for neither the readers nor the X - Men - that Gambit practically handpicked the Marauders and that Sabretooth was a part of the team. But Sabretooth was dropping heavy hints when he was with Gambit saying things like " Well, well, well, if it isn't my favorite Cajun this time on the side of the angels. Do your new mutant friends know what you have done or are you trying to keep your cozy little thieves nest ? Better be nice to me or I might fill them in on a few details you would like to keep secret. " or when he was with Rogue he asked her how long she was being friendly with Gambit and that she better not turn her back to him because you can't trust him.

Which brings us back to the Mutant Massacre and the petition of all the Gambit fans to give Gambit a second chance. And I say that's utter bs.

Because nobody would be pleading for that if he had been a Nazi or been a part of a lynch mob. But he just gets a pass because he's so cool and the girls - and quite a few of the boys - like him and he's so dreamy. No.

What he did was way worse than being a Nazi or being part of a lynch mob. And the fact that he was depressed and didn't care makes it even worse and not better. Because first of all the argument he didn't know what Mister Sinister was planning doesn't fly. The first rule of business is to always always always do a background check on your clients because they never tell the truth even moreso the shadier the services you offer.

I didn't buy the whole " Oh he's a professional but he forgot to do a basic background check. " thing in Leverage and I don't buy it here. Either you are a professional and then doing a background check on your clients is something you do automatically without thinking or you only claim to be a professional but you clearly are not. Some people have also said that Gambit was suspecting that Mister Sinister was up to no good but he had no other chance than to do what he had tasked him with. Which is one more big pile of horse manure. If he really suspected Mister Sinister's plans could potentially hurt someone he could have torpedoed his plans by - Oh I don't know - compile a team of mutants that look like tough cutthroats but are really completely inefficient fuck - ups ? But no Sir.

He just goes and assembles the biggest and baddest team of mentally unstable killers the world has seen. What did he think Mister Sinister needed them for ? A tea party ? An elaborate heist ? I may not be an expert but I don't think you need trained killers to steal something. And somebody like Gambit who claims to be one of the best thieves on the planet should know it too. So no, Gambit doesn't get a pass. Because there are some things that you can atone for but never be forgiven for.


But even with all of this aside if we choose to ignore it like a little kid I am still not up for the pairing of Psylocke with Gambit because he's a big old perv. Because it takes one to know one and let me tell you Gambit has all the trappings of a pervert and he is constantly trying to hit on all female X - Men members. There is first and foremost the secret love of my life ravishing Rogue on whom he shamelessly hits all the time while also being unable to get past the whole " if I touch you I absorb your psyche and powers " thing. I mean, how many times have the X - Men gone up against adversaries who were able to negate Rogue's powers with a little doohickey and how many times has one of them taken one of these things afterwards to see if they cannot use them to help Rogue out with finally getting laid ? It's like they don't WANT her to feel better.

But all the X - Man ladies just swoon about his french accent ( which I bet is fake too ) which is something I never understood about americans.

I always thought they hated the french and called them quitters since the second world war. But when there is one halfway decent looking bloke who talks in a french accent all the women loose their panties.


Now leaving the inexplicable effect of a fake french accent aside the main reason why Gambit is a bonafide creepo is something that I can't mention on blogger without them deleting the entire post and judging by the stuff I DO get away with here - which a lot of people tell me is way too oversexed and almost pornographic - you can imagine how sick and perverted that reason is. I hate to be so unspecific but I worked too hard on this post to let them delete it a second time. Although those that are more familiar with the X - Men lore might have already guessed what it is. As a hint : just remember who brought Gambit into the X - Men fold, what her situation at that time was ( and no, I don't mean her status as a team member ) and you can probably guess what I am trying to get at.


On top of that there is something involving the X - Men pluckiest new teen member Jubilee - which is also something I have to leave to your imagination ( except for those - again - who know their X - Men history since they probably already guessed what I am referring to ) and that was way before her second mutation into the big - breasted Boobilee persona that turned the entire male x - fandom into drooling idiots. Of course Marvel Comics just had to completely ruin her by turning her into a vampire. This is not what x - fans meant when they said they wanted Jubilee to suck them hard. Anyway, let's just say that Gambit's attempts at being a surrogate father and do Wolverine one better by replacing him in that position ( no pun intended ) had a dark and disturbing undertone.


That's another thing that annoyed me ( and when I say " annoy " I mean " peed me off to no end " ) that the writers were always trying to make Gambit look more cool by downgrading Wolverine. But it's not only that Gambit had to be better than Wolverine at everything or having been at all the cool places before him. No, while they wanted Gambit to beat Wolverine at everything the writers also knew that in reality there was no chance that Gambit was truly better at anything than Wolverine and that if they did something like that the Wolverine fans would be up in arms. So every time Gambit bested Wolverine they immediately had to devalue the victory by Wolverine being sick or injured so he was not at the top of his game or it was a brood infested evil clone or whatnot.

Anyway, coming back to Psylocke and Gambit, while it was not totally out of character for Gambit wanting to slambang the living daylights out of an asian blow up sex doll with oversized oppais, a perfect bubblebutt that can crack walnuts and legs for miles almost up to her neck - even if she is not a minor - I felt that somebody who seems like an intelligent woman and who can read minds on top of that would see right through his womanizing facade. But maybe that's just wishful thinking on my part giving one of my asian wet dreams and the x - women too much credit.

And that's all for Today as I feel I have shot my bolt and said all I have to say about Psylocke and Gambit. I am sure that once I have recharged my batteries there is much more to discuss about mutants, Andy Kubert and yes, also Psylocke ( we still haven't talked about the mindfuck storyline that turned her into an asian mega sexbomb since that particular can of worms deserves a post of its own ) in future x - posts. To me my X - Men.

I know that I should probably wrap up the older posts which have more of the obligatory video sections covered first but seeing as this post has already disappeared twice I think I should put a bow on it while I can.


I might not have a video for everything I usually include but since this was only supposed to be a quick spin - off post to begin with I hope my readers will give me some leeway. Especially if it leaves me free to spend more time and effort on finishing the older posts. Since time is of the essence we skip the links and go straight to our first - comicbook related - video about the work of Arthur Adams. Who is an artist that I am a huge fan of as longtime followers of the blog can attest. Man, I used to have so much of his body of work and now most of it is gone.

Thankfully I still have my MARVEL MASTERWORKS : THE UNCANNY X - MEN hardcovers where they included his UNCANNY X - MEN and NEW MUTANT annuals that were part of the ASGARDIAN WARS storyline as well as the complete LONGSHOT six issue mini series. You know, I used to complain that they put everything including the kitchen sink into those editions - mainly because I already had the material in trade paperback - but now I am glad they did because otherwise I would not have any Arthur Adams comics. Anyway, as I said I am a huge Arthur Adams fan and my Arthur Adams spotlight posts go back as far as 2011 although the first one was just the announcement of ARTHUR ADAMS MONTH . Which was not as grandiose as it sounded. The idea here was to include a piece by Arthur Adams in every post for that month but I don't think I really stuck to it.

For my first REAL Arthur Adams post my readers had to wait until 2017 ( I have no idea why it took me that long ) but they were rewarded with a BLACK AND WHITE birthday post with all the trappings - which included independent and DC Comics material but mostly Marvel Comics stuff.

I wrote the next Arthur Adams birthday post in 2018 ( which featured artwork for all the different companies he worked for including some censored art for THE AUTORITY 28 - as well as my version of what the page was supposed to look like ) but in 2019 I managed to do a whopping three Arthur Adams posts : since the previous Arthur Adams tribute posts included mostly newer material I went back to his earlier work and the first one was all about LONGSHOT - which was his introduction into the comicbook industry - and THE ASGARDIAN WARS which was his follow up.

The next one was more of a BAYWATCH spin - off post but I did include some ASGARDIAN WARS pages that I could not fit into the previous post while the third one was a quick review of the ULTIMATE X : ORIGINS five issue series , mainly because the hardcover edition of that beautifully rendered - and masterfully written by Jeph Loeb - opus was offered at amazon Germany for a measly 5 EUROS which was an absolute steal.

My last two Arthur Adams tribute posts were written in 2020 although technically they were just one post that had become too long and so I had to split it into two posts : both of them included more classic X - Men stuff by Arthur Adams, the first one quite literally since it contained a lot of the Arthur Adams covers for CLASSIC X - MEN which reprinted the original Chris Claremont / John Byrne run ( and beyond that ) with some additional pages. The pages were added by Chris Claremont to explain some stuff he had to gloss over when the original issues were published because they did not have the time or page count and they reprinted them in omnibus form. Not the full issues, just the added pages plus the new back up stories which included some of the earliest work on the X - Men by Jim Lee . Which makes it one of the oddest omnibus collections they put out since I guess it makes only sense to buy this as an addition to the omnibus with the full issues. Otherwise you can't even read it.

Anyway, the second Arthur Adams tribute post from 2020 had more pages from THE ASGARDIAN WARS storyline and a few newer original art pieces.


You might notice that the Arthur Adams birthday post is usually the first post in April but this year I did not have the necessary time and material to write one but who knows ? Maybe I can do one next year. Staying with Marvel's merry band of mutated malcontents, since the X - Men rights are in the hands of Marvel again this might be a good time to remind people what NOT to do with the train wreck that was the GENERATION X pilot.

The best part of the failed tv show pilot is Matt Frewer best known - at least to people from my generation - as Max Headroom which starred one of my all time tv crushes, wet sex dream Amanda Pays with whom we all fell in love in the 1990s The Flash tv show starring John Wesley Shipp as the fastest man alive. But you can read more about that in my latest FLASH FRIDAY post about DER ROTE BLITZ which also has all the links for the FLASH FRIDAY WITH PAUL RYAN posts and literally all posts where I wrote about DC Comics' Scarlet Speedster but most importantly includes the connection living 38B - 24 - 33 blow up sex doll Joyce Hyser who gained her place in the Hollywood Boob Hall Of Fame for the breast and most iconic naked boob flash in 80s cinema has to the Speed Sultan.

For those who are uncertain if they want to check out that post let me add we also cover ( no pun intended ) the late 39E - 24 - 36 bra - buster Becky Mullen as well as 44E - 22 - 34 Baywatch babe Pamela Anderson , Becky Mullen's tenure as Sally. the farmer's daughter on G.L.O.W. , her best nudity in skin flick Sinful Intrigue which features hasian 34C - 24 - 34 playmate Chona Jason and midnight movie veterans Griffin Drew and the late Lorissa McComas, stratusfying 44E - 24 - 37 wrestling blow up sex doll Trish " the dish " Stratus, stripping lesbian 36B - 25 - 38 science fuction cult siren Claudia Christian, Scrooged afro - american nipple slip aphrodite Jamilah Lucas, latin sex goddess Thalia, argentinian all natural 40D - 22 - 36 born for porn telenovela superstar Luisana Lopilato and her striptease on REBELDE WAY at age 16 as well as her tenure on CASADOS CON HIJOS which is the argentinian version of MARRIED WITH CHILDREN, a full episode of MARRIED WITH CHILDREN and a plethora of cult sirens.

Also you should not wait too long because I already had to replace the two episodes of CASADO CON HIJOS and the Christmas Special with Peter Alexander was also deleted - for which I could not find a replacement.

Coming back to Max Headroom, for all who missed that particular gem of must see entertainment here is all you need to know in condensed form.

Besides Max Headroom and the villain Moloch in Watchmen Matt Frewer also played the world's greatest detective in four Hallmark movies and if I had watched them before posting one I probably would have included The Royal Scandal from 2002 with Liliana Komorowska who turns in a bonerfide performance as the erection inducing Irene Adler. As it is I wanted to include The Case Of The Whitechapel Vampire in the bonus section of my spotlight for Miss Bikini Korea 2019 contest winner Lim So Young as part of a Jack The Ripper double feature together with the 1985 tv movie Terror At London Bridge starring David Hasselhoff and 40D - 25 - 36 Busenwunder Adrienne Barbeau but then decided against that.

Which may have been for the best since this case is actually not about Jack the Ripper but rather about a series of murders at Whitechapel ( which is where Jack the Ripper found his victims so it's understandable to assume this movie is about him ) which are accredited to a vampire.


Since I already mentioned Jim Lee's tenure on the X - MEN books I want to include a video for my spanish followers - if I still have any - about the series he started when all the so called " hot artists " at that time left Marvel Comics to start their own comicbook publishing company iMAGE Comics : WildC.A.T.S. Which for a time was very successful.

I don't want to bore you with all the details since I already wrote at length about it in my GYPSY IST VERWIRRUNG ! post from 2006 but to say that I ate up the first issues of this book would be an understatement.

The series had a few ups and downs after the initial run by Jim Lee with creative highlights under Alan Moore or Travis Charest but at its peak it even spawned - no pun intended - a cartoon series that was supposed to compete with Fox TV's biggest cartoon show at that time : the X - Men.

Now as always - or at least if it is available on YouTube - I have included the first episode so you can make up your own mind and you might want to check this out BEFORE the prior video goes into too much detail about the contents of the various episodes to avoid unwanted possible spoilers.

One of the reasons why Jim Lee rose to such prominence so quickly was his dynamic art style and neo cyberpunk page layouts and he and the iMAGE crew were some of the first artists who brought an asian aesthetic to american comicbooks since they were heavily influenced by mangas.

Speaking of appealing asian aesthetics, I am not sure if this is the same competition dicktamer Lim So Young ( whom I gave her own solo post ) was participating in since she won the title of Miss Bikini Korea 2019 and these videos are titled Sports Model but maybe these are just different categories in the same event. In any case I thought that stunning Lee Eun Ji fits right into the whole covert action team vibe with her swimsuit that looks like what you would get from a femme fatale like Bond girl.

As always here is a longer video with stunning Lee Eun Ji ( I hope I got the name right ) coming in at around 8:55 minutes and if somebody out there has any additional information - whether it is about if that is the same competition with Lim So Young or any further data about Lee Eun Ji like her measurements - please let me know in the comments below.

Now a lot of people ask me : " Subzero, what is cyberpunk ? " okay, they don't. Nobody does. People don't ask me anything which is one of the reasons why I started writing this blog. But if they did wouldn't it be a neat segueway into our next video ? Which is the last part of a series of documentaries about cyberpunk. It would have been cool if this would have been the second part because that one includes Masamune Shorow's groundbreaking Ghost In The Shell - which surely was a big influence on Jim Lee and an entire generation of american comicbook artists ( as I am sure it also influenced comicbook artists around the world ) - but since I already included the video in a previous post we come to the big finale.


Speaking of third parts, we come to what would have been the third instalment in my Jack the Ripper hattrick with Jack's Back in which a serial killer in Los Angeles decides to celebrate Jack the Ripper's 100th birthday by committing similar murders. The movie stars James Spader - best known for Stargate and The Blacklist - and who I thought to be the aforementioned Amanda Pays but it's Cynthia Gibb. I also thought that the cast included cult siren Daryll Hannah but that is Danitza Kingsley.

Apropos, Danitza Kingsley appeared on Star Trek : The Next Generation and the only other actor I recognized in this movie is Robert Picardo best known for playing the holographic medical emergency program on Star Trek : Voyager where he was the only other interesting character besides sexborg Seven Of Nine played by 40E - 22 - 36 Busenwunder Jeri Ryan .

Coming back to comicbooks we have the runaway duo of CLOAK & DAGGER going up against the ghost of Jack the Ripper in the Marvel graphic novel Predator And Prey with pencils by Larry Stroman, EC Comics artist Al Williamson on the inks ( who also inked my favourite DAREDEVIL run by Ann Nocenti and John Romita Jr ) and written by Bill Mantlo who also penned the ROM, SPACEKNIGHT series by Sal Buscema and the HULK opus CROSSROADS ( also with art by Sal Buscema ) about which I did a spotlight post since it is one of my favourite HULK stories.


With a book like CLOAK & DAGGER my mind goes instantly to sword and sorcery and there even is a movie called Sword And Sorcery. Okay, it's called The Sword And The Sorcerer which is the next best thing. Now I swear I didn't do this on purpose and only looked up the cast right now but the movie stars Richard Moll best known as bailiff Nostradamus " Bull " Shannon on Night Court alongside the late 80s Power Girl Markie Post .

Usually I would include the obligatory part about Markie Post on Night Court and most importantly The Fall Guy where she got to show off her bonerinducing 42C - 22 - 36 bikini porn body in a few episodes but since I already included lenghty parts about this in the pop culture trivia / cult siren section of my FLASH FRIDAY WITH CARMINE INFANTINO post as well as my FANTASTIC FOUR FRIDAY WITH THE BUNDYS post I am skipping it because - as they say - " this post is so packed it could go on holiday ".

Staying in the realm of sword and sorcery / fantasy since Gambit is a member of the thieves guild ( except for the 90s X - MEN cartoon show where it was deemed unacceptable to have an assassin's guild so they changed the assassin's guild to the thieves guild and the thieves guild to the player's guild since that was also the only explanation why Gambit is always throwing playing cards at his adversaries - which is the worst thing he could use really because those damn cards never go where you want them to go ) and Robin Hood is often called the prince or the king of thieves here is THE best adaptation of the legend of Robin Of Locksley ( which also sounds like a movie title ) starring the one and only Michael Praed as Robin Hood. Besides the hauntingly beautiful soundtrack by Clannad this show introduced a diverse band of merry men that became so iconic they blatantly ripped it off for the 1991 Kevin Costner movie.

Closing out the fantasy part of this bonus section since we already had one so bad it's good fantasy movie I thought it appropriate to include one that is not only of the best from this genre but also one that falls into the " perfect movie " category besides being one of the most quotable films of all times, The Princess Bride which just had its 35th anniversary.

Coming from Robin Hood to another famous Robin in Hollywood I wanted to pay tribute to one of the funniest men in the business who will be sorely missed because at times like these who doesn't need a good laugh.


It has been a hot minute since I posted a video from the React channel and normally I wait for a special occasion. And I'm so glad that this is an Adults React video so I don't get into trouble when I say : " Daaaaiiiimn, when did Haley get a visit from the boob fairy ? Because these are some massive Russ Meyer sized melons. Did she have them done for a starring role in a porn movie ( one can only hope ) ? " Those are some impressive talents she displays there. Also the preview picture doesn't help much either because she looks like the newest living blow up sex doll model.

Which now that I think about it would be a great idea for a prank style of video with Busenwunder Haley. They would tell Haley that they would pretend she is a new kind of deluxe blow up sex doll and bring her to various clients and then they would be completely surprised when she starts to talk and that they would all jump out and do the big reveal.

Of course Haley would protest and claim that she looks nothing like a blow up sex doll - which is what all women say even if they do - but it would be the producer's job to convince her. And they could even say that the newer blow up sex dolls look more life like than previous ones.

Now the catch here would be that they would also prank Haley because they would tell her " customers " ( Which could be her fellow male co - reactors but I still have not decided. Because some of them could be reluctant to use their friend as a sex toy although most of them have probably dreamed about doing this ever since her twin torpedoes grew to such titanic proportions. ) that she is a new kind of interactive sex doll and they bring her to the best customers to work out a few kinks.

This is the new super deluxe model nicknamed " Dolly Part Em " for the most intense extreme sexual intercourse experience with extra large XXL sized breasts which has gotten great responses from the clients but that there were some incidents where the interface has malfunctioned and the doll has started to believe that she is not a sexbot but a real person who has tried to convince the customers to stop using and abusing her.

And that if it tries to tell them that she is not the ultimate men milking machine that they just have to ignore that and keep on banging her processors out that the system will re - adjust to its normal setting after they have cum inside her a few times. You see where I'm coming from ?

Anyway, we have the unsuspecting Haley doing her best impression of the ultimate living blow up sex doll ( not that she needs to strain herself too much in that department because she looks the part without trying ) all excited about the big reveal who gets more and more stressed when the guys keep pounding her harder and harder with rising enthusiasm.

And we would have the lucky stiffs who were selected to participate in this scam who get to vent all of their sexual frustrations on a living blow up sex doll with a clean conscience thinking she is just a love machine.

The producers would tell wet sex dream Haley that it is a TRY NOT TO BREAK CHARACTER challenge to get her to go along to have sex many positions in with the horny perverts as long as possible when it's really a TRY NOT TO PASS OUT WHILE BEING SLAM - FUCKED challenge for her.

And they would tell the male participants that it's a TRY NOT TO TRY THE NEWEST SEX DOLLS video when in reality it is a TRY NOT TO BREAK A BIG BREASTED SEXBOMB WHILE DICKTAMING HER challenge. It goes without saying that in any scenario the guys win and Haley is bound to loose.

After the guys have used Haley for a few days drilling every orifice of her bonerinducing pornbody with their gigantic members squirting until they can't get it up anymore the producers would come to take Haley back and they would act all surprised because the skit did not go as intended.

Even though it did go as planned but of course they could not tell her.

I don't know if they should reveal to the participants at the end that it was a real person - maybe they could say that there was an unfortunate mix up and instead of the new sex doll model they got a visit from one of the females engineers who was a former pornstar and based the look of the sex dolls on herself - because then the guys would feel awful or if they should do something different like arrange for a " chance " meeting between Haley and the guys to see the sheer shock on their faces when they see that there are real women looking like that in the real world.

We could also try and convince nubian sex goddess Jair and fillipino hooker - in - training Jayka to partake in the social experiment so that Haley does not get suspicious that she is the only one who does it and it would be even convincing because some prefer black or asian sexbots.

Now I went back to find out how on earth an old breast fixated pervert like me could have missed Haley's huge hooters and first of all there are a lot of videos I missed and there were a lot of videos where she was hiding her giant - sized woman - things under a thick shirt or sweater.

And I don't want to confirm old stereotypes by claiming that as a thickk blonde Busenwunder with massive melons Haley is destined to end up doing porn movies ( which not only all of her male fans would love since that would be beyond epic as Haley has a lot huge lesbian following on unsocial media ) or at least shake everything her Mama gave her in music videos but I think that in this case the evidence really speaks for itself.


Speaking of big breasted React sexbombs with a body made to be slam - banged six ways to Sunday in porn movies, my future wife Jair has been killing it lately because not only does she wear some very provocatively tiny tops Jair is also letting her giant chocolate coconuts all hang out !

It's like she's auditioning for Memoirs Of A Nymphomanic Ex - Nun With A Lot Of Sexual Catching Up To Do In A Short Amount Of Time Part 2 : How My Internship At A Re - Education Center For Well Hung Serial Rapists Went Completely Off The Rails Because Of My Deepthroat Addiction or something. And I don't know for what the React guys are grooming Jair but they love to make her swallow huge amounts of elongated things .

Afro - american aphrodite Jair really turns every Teens React video into a Tits React video with her huge Jair - bags and the newer readers of the blog who have never experienced Jair´s jair - rection provoking bouncing action might want to click here for my future wife Jair´s breast video .

Likewise Jayka´s best video of all times ( at least until now, I hope she can still top it ) is the dance video where her oppai almost pop out of her top and Jayka constantly has to adjust her bouncing milkshakes .

Daimn, it´s no wonder those tight fillipino nymphos took over the entire porn industry with their relentless asian lubrication sensation marathons.

Man, it´s about time that they have Jair do a wet t - shirt car wash or at least a micro bikini / string tanga striptease / lapdance preferably with another react sexbomb like Jayka or Krischelle now that she's finally 18.

Sadly brabusting Teens React Busenwunder Becca has not appeared in any videos for a long time ( let's hope she is earning a living doing what is most beneficious for mankind : taking her clothes off and revealing her spectacular body in front of dozens of drunks or starring in adult movies where she uses her huge breasts for what they are intended, namely massaging giant horsecocks until they are hard enough to cut a diamond after which she impales herself on the lucky stiff's boner while doing the splits and sliding up and down on him making him squirt again and again until she has milked him completely dry ) but I think with her new Playmate Of The Decade - sized gazongas Haley can more than give her a run for her money. And I would also include Izzy in this eclectic group after the way she practically throws her boobs in your face in her latest videos where she also brings us a lot of cleavage bouncing action.

Another up and coming nubian boob star is alluring Angel who not only already has a stripper's stage name but she has developed greatly in the chest area over the last months giving male co - reactors huge boners.

As black women Jair and Angel are predestined for working the pole and since Jayka is of fillipino descent she would be a natural at this. And I bet she also can spread her legs better than Jennifer Lopez in Hustlers.

They could make it a punishment for losing one of these challenges and regular visitors of the blog may remember that I called " Foul ! " on the constant dog food eating punishment. I mean really, react audience ?

There are so many hot react babes at your disposal and the best you can come up with is " They should eat a can of dog food. " There are better uses for those absolutely stunning girls that immediately come to mind and on spanish game shows it is a staple that female contestants are drenched in water or wear a wet t - shirt, which could be adapted here.

Jair would be perfect for this and it´s too bad that The Bikini Open and other bikini / wet t - shirt shows like the California Girl Bikini Contest or Blue Ribbon Babes are not still around because she would be killing it.

I mean, really, who gets off on watching Jair eat disgusting stuff and who would prefer her punishment was to don a wet t - shirt and wash a car ?

What would be even better ( and therefore would never happen so I´m still rooting for the car wash idea ) is to either put a stipulation that Jair has to wear a t - shirt ( preferably a really tiny one with a lot of holes ) and for every food she tried she gets doused with a bucket of water.

Or - what I would prefer - she has to wear a wet t - shirt and a tiny g - string that doesn´t cover anything so her private parts would be fully exposed - and work the stripper pole for five minutes for every food.

And if you think that five minutes on the stripper pole is not much time just watch what dynamic Diana is able to achieve in about four minutes.

I don't know but it is kind of weird that they ramp up the Reactors Eat Weird Things videos right after I said I don't approve of the React girls having to eat weird things as a punishment and they went right for the loophole ( or maybe their real targets are other holes ). Anyway with so many new videos it was hard ( and getting harder by the minute ) to narrow it down to just five but here are Jair's newest top five videos.

Most times when I mention the React Channel Zuchtstuten I include a bikini or wet t - shirt video and here are a few ideas for Jair, Angel and especially Haley's outfits in the next videos. Just to put it out there.


Switching things up we have a video about a funny campaign from my old hunting grounds Baden - Wuerttemberg. It is one of the most productive states in Germany and especially where I lived - Schwabenlaendle near Stuttgart - is known for being a breeding kind for all kind of inventors.

I mean, they invented the first car for crying out loud. I don't know if it has influenced me in any way or if I always had a knack for DIYing things ( which is how my whole career as a comicbook publisher started ) but I definitely know that their way of not letting anything that is still useful go to waste - which some people see as being stingy - has become part of my general attitude. I hate letting anything useful go to waste which was one of the reason why I started my BIG CHRISTMAS CONTEST where I gave away all the FREE COMIC BOOK DAY and GRATIS COMIC TAG comics I did not need in my personal comicbook collection anymore for free guys.

Man, I miss my old Heimat, especially the landscape of Germany with its hills and deep valleys. Speaking of which just the other day I stumbled upon these videos of Red presenter Annemarie Carpendale - formerly Annemarie Warnkross - letting it all hang out. I mean as a former dancer for the pop group Bellini we are used to see her in skimpy outfits but I guess this is as much as you can get away on tv without going outright topless. I found two versions - one without sound and one with the sound - and ultimately decided to post both just in case anybody is interested in what she is saying. Also I naturally found a lot of other videos with her in hot outfits so if you want to see more videos with her - or have any info on her measurements - please let me know in the comments below.

Since I already mentioned german comics I wanted to include a video from a channel I found the other day. Mostly because it is one of the only comic related videos with the X - Men even if it does not mention them.

You might wonder how that can be and the reason is that way back when Williams Verlag published Marvel Comics in Germany the X - Men were not popular enough to get their own book. So they were relegated to the back up feature in HULK - who before that was called HALK by publisher Bildschriftenverlag probably to get the readers to pronounce his name right - like so many others series. Since I have already written at length about which series were the back up in which comic I will skip that part.

Anyway, usually I don't like videos that reduce comicbooks to so called " keys " which are key issues with the first appearance of characters and their resale value ( I swear the whole world has gone nuts and even my relatives think the only thing comicbooks are good for is to sell them at a higher price than when you bought them ) because for me collecting was all about the stories and the art and the overall reading experience ( people will probably think I am crazy and threaten to take away my comicbook membership card but I owned a few comics that I have not only read but re - read a number of times and there were hardcovers I read at least once a year thus completely ruining their resale value ) but since this guy is mainly a trading card collector - where it is more about trading than collecting them - I am going to make an exception.


Coming back to the topic of cops and robbers, since I have posted a few videos about the most well known thief in anime - Lupin III - and there are no full episodes of Kaito Kid on YouTube we have another blast from the past that goes into the same tropes as Maurice Leblanc's gentleman thief Arsene Lupin with the magical girl series Kamikaze Kaito Jannu or Jeanne, The Kamikaze Thief in the german translation and Phantom Thief Jeanne in the englisch version which translated the title more to its original meaning which was Divine Wind Phantom Thief Jeanne.

I have to admit that I am not too familiar with the series since I have only seen one or two episodes but it's not like the plot is that original.

You have your protagonist - in this case a girl - who steals things - in this case she doesn't really steal them but she is still guilty of breaking and entering - and you have your special police task force trying to prevent the theft and catch them in the act. As usual the police is alerted to the thefts by a letter and the chief of the task force is related to a person close to the protagonist. Which is not to say that it's a bad cartoon since it is not always about an original plot and more about the execution. I think the main reasons why I never watched many episodes is that the art style didn't appeal to me. I know, a lot of people think that manga or anime have only one style because that is what they first and foremost know but there is a multitude of art styles and I just didn't like this one.

Now when talking about juvenile delinquents and the police force you have to go with the all time classic The Commissioner by the late Falco.

I have to include another video with Falco since it is a very rare one : this live performance Rock Me Amadeus with three dancers from the Television Ballet was part of his appearance on german Saturday Night variety show Ein Kessel Buntes ( A Kettle Of Colour ) which ran for almost 21 years - from 1972 to 1992 - with a total of 113 shows, six per year.

Now I have included episodes of famous german crime tv shows like Derrick, Tatort or Ein Fall Fuer Zwei in previous posts but Today I am going with something a bit less serious : an episode of the slapstick comedy show Nonstop Nonsens with Dieter Hallervorden as a police man.

From funny stories we come to Amazing Stories - or Incredible Stories how the show was called in Germany ( Astonishing or Uncanny Fairy Tales in Spain ) an anthology series created by Stephen Spielberg. The story goes that while shooting the Twilight Zone movie he really got a hankering for doing an anthology tv show but since there were already plans to revive The Twilight Zone he just came up with his own show.

In Germany it took a long time for the show to air on tv ( it originally ran from 1985 to 1987 but arrived on german tv screens in 1993 ) and before that there was only a movie that came out in 1991 - which were just three episodes slapped together but at least it included the mummy episode which is THE funniest episode of the series - followed by eight video tapes with three episodes each. When it finally was shown on german tv it didn't reach a wide audience since they kept the tradition of showing cult shows like Seinfeld or Northern Exposure after midnight.

I have no idea why they did that but I do remember that whenever the question came up why these shows never reached such high ratings as in Amerika the program executives claimed that the german audience was more sophisticated than the american audience. And it could not have something to do with the fact that they only aired these shows when most everybody - except for people who can't sleep or don't have a job - was asleep. Fun fact, since I was unemployed a few times during my life I got to watch some of these shows that landed in the only to be shown to german audiences after midnight time slot and for the other cases that was what the vcr recorder was invented for. You just programmed the thing and watched it the next day. Of course that didn't work when they changed the time it aired without warning which is why I started to either get the recording going before going to sleep - if it was not too late - or programming the taping with a buffer of one or two hours.


Coming back to the topic of Marvel Comics mutant books it seems the younger generations never have much luck be it on the small screen or on the big screen with the aforementioned failure of the Generation X tv show pilot and the newest New Mutants movie getting such a negative response from critics and audiences alike. As for myself I  still have not had time to see it so I can't compare the two films but from what I have seen in the video below at least the special effects look solid. For me it seems that this movie suffers from what most modern comic adaptions suffer from : rampant wokeness and unnecessary constant SJW lecturing.

Since I have already mentioned it in a few posts I don't have to repeat that for me NEW MUTANS is the best teen team book Marvel Comics ever did - hands down - and newer readers might want to check out my Bob McLeod or Bill Sienkiewicz birthday posts where I wax philosophic about possible movie adaptions and the difference between real diversity and representation - which is what we got in the 1980s - and Today's boring blackwashing and pandering which comes in the disguise of diversity.

When I first started this post I wanted to mention the Epic Collection Generation X : Back To School since I used the series as an example of prime Chris Bachalo artwork in my latest post about the tv adaption of Neil Gaiman's groundbreaking SANDMAN series since I wanted my readers to have the chance to check it out for themselves but it has since then gone up in price from the 30 bucks it was offered at amazon back then.

Now the reason why I brought up Generation X - besides the possibility to pimp another great teen team book - is that one of the members is Johnathan Starsmoke who is missing half a face because he could not control his mutant power when it manifested and it burned it right off.

Which made me think immediately of the 1989 Tobe Hooper sci fi horror thriller Spontaneous Combustion. Which is probably not a mutation but since they still don't know if it is a scientifically valid phenomenon or an urban legend it as well might be. In the case of the movie it could be seen as a mutation since the main protagonist inherits his powers from his parents who partook in some really weird scientific experiments.

The main character of Spontaneous Combustion is played by Brad Dourif whom the younger audience best knows as Grima Wormtongue from Peter Jackson's terrific The Lord Of The Rings movie trilogy but people from my generation know him as the voice of Chucky. Our good friend Buck from Videobuck has gone to all the trouble of watching everything Chucky related - including some things I didn't even know existed like a tv series - but we start the journey with the first one, the original.


Now it probably won't be a big surprise that my favourite Child's Play sequel is Bride Of Chucky - mainly because of real life ( all natural ! ) 40D - 24 - 35 Power Girl Jennifer Tilly - especially since I mentioned it and tittilating Jennifer Tilly's titanic twin torpedoes at any opportunity.

The brunette knocker knockout has slowly but surely built an impressive resume, including an Oscar nomination for her performance in the 1994 Woody Allen period comedy Bullets Over Broadway. Notorious for her squeaky voice which might alienate the squeamish of ear ( while turning on all others ) and her naturally large breasts, she has often displayed deep cleavage in photos as well as in movies. On occasions she is topless in movies, but rarely in full frontal form, though she did do a fully nude scene during the 2001 Broadway revival of the play The Women. Showing a good sense of humor, she parodied herself in Seed of Chucky in 2004.

Some people say that I always write the same thing but that is because my situation is often the same as the last time I mentioned something.

For instance the last Chucky movie I saw was still Bride Of Chucky and I have neither seen Seed, Curse nor Cult Of Chucky or any of the movies that followed. And like I said, I wasn't even aware of the Chucky tv show.

Wow, I really do fall behind on my horror viewing and writing this section most often than not is my only way to catch up. Coming back to Jennifer at first she thought her career was over when she did her first Chucky film but it seems that she has now totally embraced her new fan base.

Together with her appearances on Family Guy she has really reinvented herself for a new generation. Now with the Family Guy thing I have to take your word for it. I don't watch the show since I don't find it funny.

The only halfway interesting thing I saw was when Lois got bigger boobs.

Also there seem to be a lot of musical numbers in Family Guy that are straight out copied from other movies and since I already know the source material I don't know why I should watch a second rate version.

Now the last time I wrote about Jennifer Tilly I included some of her essential videos like her oversexed appearances on Craig Ferguson´s Late Late Show where her sex drive is out of control or the episode of The Graham Norton Effect ( was this the program he did before The Graham Norton Show ? ) where Jennifer is rocking a huge cleavage.


Which brings us to the topic of the poker tournaments and to back this up a little Jennifer Tilly playing poker caught me completely by surprise.

At that time they had started to show poker games on tv in Germany and I couldn´t stand it. It was on at least two tv stations and one showed it every day. And during every commercial break on any tv station you had to endure at least three commercials about playing poker. So I did not watch any of it and when I found out what I missed I was of course devastated and had to turn to the internet to find clips on YouTube.

What really got me was that everybody was really excited about it which is no wonder since it´s not everyday that Jennifer puts her raunchy rack attack on display like that. Of course when you use such huge weapons of mass erection playing poker - and Jennifer surely had no problems distracting her opponents by showing off her gorgeous breasts - it plays with the imagination and there was a lot of sexual innuendo and play of words. The list goes from huge pair, top pair, big flash to everything else and words like poker suddenly sound like poke her and going all in had another meaning. To break the others concentration Jennifer made sure to bend over quite often even using the old " Oops, I have to pick up my bag. " excuse to give everyone present a good eyeful of her perfect 40D puppies. It´s a wonder ( or a shame ) they didn´t fall out of her dress.

Now in previous pop culture trivia / cult siren spotlight sections I have re - posted the best clip of Jennifer Tilly playing poker and using her big pair to distract her opponents EVER !!! since both the videos and the download links disappear rather quickly. But Today I can't even do that since there are no videos of this historic moment in boob history left and the only download link I found is as part of a Jennifer Tilly compilation .

It is still her best poker clip and you can see by her smile that she´s fully aware that both of the guys at the table are staring at her juicy boobs.

The guy she tries to beat acts like he doesn´t notice that she is putting her torrid teasing twin torpedoes on display because he knows that once he takes a peek at her massive mounds of pleasure he is done for. But so does Jennifer who uses every dirty trick in the book to get a raise out of him like leaning forward, changing positions so she is shoving those big melons in his face making sure he can´t help getting a good eyeful or putting her huge puppies on the table where they are better illuminated all the while thinking : " Don't worry, my friend, I´ll get you hard yet. "

They are both dissimulating and it looks like he´s praying for strength not to look at her and to keep his huge erection from breaking the table.

I think this is called the cleavage standoff. In the end Jennifer´s clever tactics win : he has given up all resistance and is drooling all over her.

Speaking of things that are so hot that they are likely to catch fire here is Andrea Guasch channelling her inner Chanel and for those who want to compare it to the original version I included six of Chanel's best live performances of SloMo in my RON FRENZ SPIDER - GIRL post from 2022 .

Andrea Guash does a fantastic job of being almost as good as Chanel but she is out of breath a few times which shows how difficult the combo of singing and dancing is and how impeccable Chanel's delivery was. Spain really was robbed at the Eurovision Song Contest but at least the entire world knows who was the real winner. Man, if that doesn't get you hard nothing will. And speaking of hard, in Spain Roadhouse was called The Hard One or The Tough One ( El Duro ) so we are taking a look back at not only the best action movie of 1989 but one of the best action movies ever to be made with a stellar performance by the late Patrick Swayze.

Now one of the best things in Roadhouse - besides the nude scenes by blonde 34A - 23 - 33 cult siren Kelly Lynch and bra - busting 42D - 24 - 35 Busenwunder / stunt co - ordinator Julie Michaels - is the inclusion of Sam Elliot who is a real man's man, one of the few left in Hollywood who followed in John Wayne's footsteps. He is a real salt of the earth kind of guy who elevates every movie he appears in and if I had not already included Spontaneous Combustion in this post I would post the 1978 horror cult classic The Legacy so you can check out a young Sam Elliot.

As it is I will have to leave that film for another post but for those who are curious I am leaving the link so you can at least watch it on YouTube.

Now before my german audience starts thinking I have forgotten them we continue the best action movies of the 80s series - jumping around to fit the needs of the particular posts - and this time we take a look at the other top nine action movies that came out in 1989 besides Roadhouse.

After so much high octane action we come to my favourite kind of action which regular blog visitors already know is busty bouncing action. Now this is kind of a re - post since I posted a video of this before but seeing as that was seven years ago and I finally found it in good quality we could classify it as a new upload. Also I am going to post this anyway.

I don't think there is any male - at least in Amerika I am not sure where the rest of the world is concerned - who has not seen Carly Christine Carrigan's bonerinducing strategy to distract her opponents on Family Feud leaving them drooling but for those who haven't here is an episode where she really shakes her giantsized melons like there's no Tomorrow.

It will probably not surprise anyone that her first appearance already did secure her a top spot in the hallowed halls of the Hall Of TV Boob Fame or that besides a cafe she also owns a farm because you just know cows are not the only ones who get their gigantic udders milked on that farm.

Yup, for a little extra Carly's horny customers get to go straight to the source and squezze out their own pint of milk and for an even bigger contribution Carly demonstrates that it is true what they say about girls that grew up on a farm : they know how to milk you dry til the last drop.

Carly is especially gifted with that  - thanks to years of practice with first being forced to massage her classmates giant horsecocks with her big boobs ( which she developed at a very young age which brought her first the scorn of her female classmate but once she got the unwanted attention of all male classmates they got envious of her bonerinducing funbags ) and once the teachers caught Carly polishing their hot rods she spent her days swallowing her professors pulsating schlongs during oral tests ( which Carly aced Succa Cum Louder ) or deepthroat detention.

And once word got out what a natural born blowjob talent the blow up sex doll was the male population of her hometown lined up to tame her.

Coming back to Family Feud this is not Carly's first show. Because there is a recap at the beginning from the previous one in which Carly answers the question of host Steve Harvey how they call her if her initials are C C C with the famous words : " They call me DD. " for two obvious reasons.

Speaking of bra - busting blondes, regular blog visitors may already be aware that back in the heyday I had a huge crush on S Club 7's resident Busenwunder Jo O'Meara with brunette 38C - 24 - 33 boob popper Rachel Stevens a close second. And for the readers who are wondering why I didn't include Jo's measurements that's because I could not find any info on it so if you have - them please let me know in the comments below.

Coming back to Sam Elliot he was the narrator in the Cohen Brother's The Big Lebowski and we have Comicbookgirl19 taking another of her deep dives into the movie and its connection to zen buddhism that might just help you see the film - and yourself - in a new and unexpected way. 

After action movies of the 1980s we come to the 100 best 1980s cartoons although you have to keep in mind that this list - which includes a few more shows than just 100 - is not about the best cartoons that started in the 1980s but rather the best cartoons that aired during the 1980s. On top of that this list is about cartoons that aired in Peru which means that there might be cartoons from the 1970s and 1960s in this video because they were still in reruns in the 1980s or they reached the audiences in Peru later than in the rest of the world. Which changes from country to country. I mean, in Germany Dragon Ball aired ten years after the show hit the tv screens in Spain and even then they felt the need to censor it.

We are also stepping back in time to the 1970s - in this case the year 1977 - for a rare episode of The Archie And Sabrina Surprise Package and if you are wondering why I am starting with episode 18 that is because the quality of the previous episodes is too low to include them in a post.

I already posted the video with the better footage of the fantASStic Psylocke cosplayer in the Psylocke / Andy Kubert X - MEN post ( daimn, those butt shots ! ) but since we have somebody dressed up as Jubilee in this one I thought it would fit the overall topic of this post much better.

New to the blog ? Everything you need to know about TALES FROM THE KRYPTONIAN : top ten posts / more posts of interest / best of the best

A man doesn't grow a moustache, the moustache grows the man. 

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