Thursday, April 11, 2019

Timetraveling Thursday with Arthur Adams

This post should have been up last week but better late than never. With my last two Arthur Adams tributes I posted a selection of the best new art by the master but as you can guess from the title Today we are revving up the old way - back machine to a time when Arthur still did interior work.

Now I usually don´t do two Marvel posts in a row but since it has been a really long time since my last post - which ended up being two Marvel posts in a row - I´m bending my own rules here a bit. I just want to get something on the blog for the few readers I have left and I already had all the material for this Arthur Adams birthday post prepared. As to why I didn´t post so long I think I mentioned it in my last post but we will get more into detail about that in the bonus section of the next few posts.

Okay, as I said we are traveling back in time, to the year 1985 to be exact when Donna Troy married Terry Long, we found out what to get FOR THE MAN WHO HAS EVERYTHING, a Crisis on Infinite Earths started while the Surtur Saga reached it´s conclusion just a few months before the start of my favorite crossover SECRET WARS II and Arthur Adams hit the comic scene with a big bang in the form of the LONGSHOT six issue mini series .

Like most great comic artists it took Arthur Adams a few years to become this overnight success and he had his share of problems. Initially Ann Nocenti - which some of my readers may remember as the writer of my favorite run of DAREDEVIL - had this idea for a mini series which had been turned down by every artist before she pitched the idea to Arthur Adams.

He did some preliminary design drawings basing the look of Longshot on singer Limahl ( ask your parents who that is ) and Ricochet Rita on Ann Nocenti. And as happenstance would have it departing Marvel editor Al Milgrom found the samples while cleaning out his office for Carl Potts.

What Arthur Adams struggled with the most on the first issue was getting the perspective right and drawing things he was not accustomed to like babies, windmills or people smiling. Also Ann Nocenti´s script was so dense - featuring up to 20 panels on any given page - that he had to redraw the first half. Which is why it took him eight months to finish it.

With the help of Elliot Brown, Walter Simonson and Jim Shooter Arthur Adams quickly improved but it still took him two years to draw all six issues and you can see the sweat and effort on the page. As R. A. Jones wrote in his review of the first issue of LONGSHOT for AMAZING HEROES :

Longshot does have one major saving grace, and that is the penciling of Arthur Adams. I'm going to once again go out on my prophetic limb and predict that Art will soon become a fan favorite. He has a dynamic style that grabs your attention and won´t let go. To be sure, he exhibits some of the weaknesses of any young artist, the occasional awkward pose or crude drawing - but as a first effort this is incredibly impressive. In fact, this limited series should be worth buying simply to watch the progress Adams makes from issue to issue.

For those who haven´t read the series it even came out in Germany by the Bastei Verlag and there is a Marvel premiere hardcover and trade paperback that you should find at cover price at any well stocked comic shop. Especially the trade has been available for the longest time - dating back to the times when Marvel was very particular about what they put in trades and reserved that for special occassions like THE DARK PHOENIX SAGA or KRAVEN`S LAST HUNT - so you can probably find it in bargain bins.

One reason why I wanted to include the pages of LONGSHOT in this post is that he has always been one of my favorite X - Men who has been all but forgotten in favour of the pretender Gambit or like I call him el Gambito.

Longshot made one of my favorite periods in UNCANNY X - MEN ( the so called Outback Era by Marc Silvestri when the team was based in Australia ) a lot of fun to read since he brought a sense of innocence coupled with excitement and adventure to the team. He was one of the coolest guys without even trying - or being blissfully unaware of it - while Gambit on the other hand was so obviously tailor made to appeal to girls and secretly gay readers that it was painful for all who remembered the Longshot era.

I have long speculated that all fans of Gambit must have come in reading UNCANNY X - MEN well after Longshot had exited the title because otherwise Gambit is such an obvious cheap Longshot knock off that you can´t take him seriously. But before I get into another of my long anti - Gambit rants let´s return to the early Marvel work of Arthur Adams.

His next project was a double whammy - in more ways than one - and consisted of NEW MUTANTS SPECIAL EDITION 1 and UNCANNY X - MEN ANNUAL 9 which was the tail end of the Asgardian Wars story line and clocked in at a whopping 64 and 48 pages. For those that thought after doing the LONGSHOT series Arthur Adams was going to take things easy.

The story started in the X - MEN / ALPHA FLIGHT mini series and I won´t spoil it for those who have not read it but Loki´s grand scheme failed but since he has promised not to get revenge on neither Alpha Flight nor the X - Men that were present ( and as uncharacteristic as that may sound this is a promise Loki has no other choice than to keep ) he can´t harm them.

On the other hand neither Storm nor the New Mutants fall under this vow so Loki takes out his frustration on them. He is especially smitten with Storm ( which villains doesn´t surrender to her charms ? ) but besides the obvious physical attraction he plans to return her lost powers over the elements to her. Or better yet transform Ororo into the new goddess of thunder so she can support Loki´s bid to become the new ruler of Asgard.

Anyway, the New Mutants have all kind of adventures in Asgard but by the end of the issue they are scattered all over the nine realms ( which again, are in separate locations, not one situated in another ) and it takes the X - Men annual to tie it all up. What made these two stories stand out - besides the mindblowing art by Arthur Adams - was that the team of the New Mutants underwent several changes that had repercussions in their ongoing title. Which was a nice change from the other annuals or specials where you have the heroes go on a journey and sometimes even have traumatic experiences but it never has any impact on the monthly title.

Which may be one of the reasons why Marvel puts it into every reprint they can. Aside from the ASGARDIAN WARS paperback you can find it in ESSENTIAL X - MEN volume 6, NEW MUTANTS CLASSIC volume 5, MARVEL MASTERWORKS : UNCANNY X - MEN 11 and - I guess - volume 12. Like me you probably have at least one version of it and I know for a fact that I have at least one version in german, one version in spanish and also the pocket book from PANINI UK that has the first part of that story. By the way, there will be an upcoming post about how PANINI Deutschland is corn - holing the german reader market. And that´s putting it in nice words. 

And that´s my clue to wrap up the main part of the post for Today.

Originally I wanted to include two more x - related specials by Arthur Adams but as always I had to add a few pictures so I have to leave it for my next Arthur Adams spotlight to abide by the 23 pictures per post rule.

Also I think it´s better to focus on a few stories in any given post instead of including as much as possible. Which of course doesn´t apply to our entertainment block which got so long that I had to make four spin off posts - so far. But let´s get to the reason why guys really read my posts opening our litany of buxom celebrity birthday babes on March the 17th.

Can I say that I really envy rapper Ice - T ? Not only is he an award winning musician, iconic rapper and accomplished actor he also is married to a real life blow up sex doll, Busenwunder Nicole " Coco " Austin, who turned 40.

Since she looks like the original Bart Sears Power Girl with her 39DD - 23 - 45 measurements I cast her in that role in the first part of the Subzero edition of my Casting the Justice League of America movie post series

Speaking of the b - word, Brittany Daniel turns 43 whom most people may know from Joe Dirt, Joe Dirt 2, It´s Always Sunny In California, Just Shoot Me !, Club Dread, That 70´s Show, That 80´s Show or Dawson´s Creek but for me she will always be the buxom blonde twin who saved my summer.

Longtime readers may remember my post from my return to Spain and how far away from everything it is back home. I don´t know if it was during the time when my mother tried to get me to cold turkey comics but one year there was really not much on tv and as I had already read all the books and comics I had brought from my last trip to civilization so I was starving for entertainment in form of movies and tv especially involving hot women.

Unfortunately my parents had the control over the remote at that time so the only chance to wrestle it away from them was while they were making dinner. Which meant I was stuck with prime time tv shows which were not really known for including a lot of scantily clad girls. You have to remember this was pre - 24h nonstop tv and naked chicks going at it on HBO. But as fate would have it I discovered Sweet Valley High, which would have been your average teen show if not for the fact that it had two incredibly hot blonde sexbombs with hardbodies that make guys go crazy as the main protagonists who were twins to top things off. Brittany played Jessica Wakefield while her real twin sister Cynthia Daniels - whom you might know from her role in The Basketball Diaries with Leonardo DiCaprio -

played Elizabeth Wakefield. This show really helped me through some rough ( and hard ) times and on some days a scene with Brittany / Cynthia in a hot outfit - or even better - a bikini was the highlight of that day.

Since they are twins they both celebrate their birthday Today so I want to be fair ( especially since I can´t be sure who wore which outfit in which scene and both are damn hot ) and say thanks for the mammaries to both.


Now with our next candidate I have a love / hate relationship because on one side you have to acknowledge that Peter Illmann - who turned 60 - was indeed the music tv presenter of the first hour years before Mtv and VIVA would appear on german tv screens. On the other hand it means I have to talk about Formel Eins which was the worst music show. But it was the only one we had ( if you don´t count Die Deutsche Hitparade which mainly played Schlager music ) so we had to bear the horror of it.

Peter Illmann was the first host and he was kind of a mack daddy although that only evolved over time. Still, he was not the best host. That dubious honor belongs to his replacement, Ingolf Lück who innovated the show by turning his introductions of the various musical acts and music videos ( they showed both ) into little sketches. It was only downhill after he left as they got their first female presenter Stefanie Tücking who was much too tame for this kind of show and she then handed the reigns over to Kai Böcking who was completely clueless. I remember that in his first show he had Sabrina Salerno as a guest and she was just too much woman for him.

Sabrina was mostly known for two things ..... well, actually three things : the twins ( obviously ! ), lots of wardrobe malfunctions of the tiniest outfits that were riding up or wet t - shirts and see - through bikinis.

At the time Sabrina Salerno, the cult siren with the obligatory bouncing action was at the height of her popularity in Germany thanks to her worldwide number 1 smash hit Boys Boys Boys ( which was especially popular in those countries that showed the uncensored version of her video where her tiny bikini top could not contain the singing sexbomb´s huge melons ) and various articles in teen publications like Bravo and Popcorn and nude pictorials in adult men´s magazines like Penthouse.

So they had to invite her to Formel Eins which was the music tv for german teenagers. The show was a total train wreck, they always cut the videos because the producer of the show was in Bavaria and they are very catholic and prudish down there. When Sabrina was there as a guest they didn´t play her video and told her she had to do a live performance. Which was obviously more than they bargained for because Sabrina began to shake rattle and roll her boobs up and down like there´s no Tomorrow.

Of course they were appalled but they could not do anything against it. The camera man tried to prevent the worst by doing a lot of close ups and just filming Sabrina´s head but as you can see it didn´t help that much.

Coming back to Formel Eins, while Kai Böcking did the most shows with 120 episodes they ultimately had to cancel it because of the upcoming competition of Mtv and VIVA who showed all music video in full and not only one per show. By that time Peter Illmann was no longer on tv although after leaving Formel Eins he did two other music programs, P.I.T. - Peter Illmannns Treff and Peter´s Pop Show which were successful for a while.

As for Sabrina " Bouncing Action " Salerno, I wrote her first cult siren entry way back in 2014 with annual re - posts in 2015 , 2016 and in 2017 where I always tried to do the ultimate version adding little things here and there.


Our last birthday for March the 17th is Patrick Duffy who turned 70 and is best known as Bobby Ewing in Dallas which featured just a plethora of hot babes like Stacy Sanchez, Michelle Johnson, Priscilla Presley, Coleen Camp, Charlene Tilton, Deborah Shelton, Morgan Fairchild, Barbara Carrera, Tracy Scoggins, Claudia Christian, Lesley Anne - Down, Victoria Principal, Janine Turner or Audrey Landers who together with her sister Judy Landers was one of the hottest commodities of that time. They knew how to squeeze their big talents and could have made a fortune working the stripper pole.

Before the Hilton sisters, Mother Nature blessed us with the stunning Landers sisters, and if you were a teen in the 1980s, the only crack you were on was the roughly twelve inches of cleavage shared between Judy Landers and her sister Audrey. They helped keep the boob in " boob tube " for over a decade, with appearances on nearly every hit tv show requiring a dyed - in - the - scalp blonde with the breast - busting bikini to match.


The 80s gave us a lot of the Landers sisters, mostly on the small screen, where they were often fashioned in as little clothing as possible and even less dialogue. It's hard to imagine though, or it's hard when you imagine, just how famous older sister Audrey Landers became playing the perennial bubbly blonde for our perpetually perky peckers. The sexbombs dazzled us with their own brand of twin magic long before the Bellas arrived on the scene and I must confess I prefer their version of it since here we got two sexbombs for the price of one while Bree is just a poor version of Nikki since she got her boobs inflated to pornstarsize. But back to the Landers.

Both of these blow up sex dolls would have been perfect in a Little Annie Fanny movie since with their perfectly shaped breasts, butts that won´t quit, legs almost up to their chins plus their lean and fit tireless bodies they were born for porn and back in the 80s they were the hottest blonde double d combo everybody fantasized about as two thirds of a sandwich.


In real life neither of them were but they clearly were unaware of the general public´s perception of them as the ultimate sex symbols. Proof of that is the fact that they did a very tasteful but non - nude ( and non - paying, so thanks for that ) PLAYBOY pictorial for publicity reasons only.

They thought it would help the direction of their career and that the roles they would be offered would change from cheerleaders to more mature roles. Of course the incredibly sexy pictures had just the opposite effect since a lot of people had not actually seen the pictorial and just assumed they had done nudity and so all of the roles they were offered had nudity.

Like I said, for two such incredible sexbombs it´s astounding that they managed to life a life without sex scandals and they are both married and have two kids, Audrey has twin sons and Judy has two daughters. There have been a few attempts to do a reality show with the sisters but their everyday life turned out to be too boring for the networks and since they refused to spice it up to get more viewers nothing ever came out of it.

There was more about the Landers sisters in a recent post but because that part got longer and longer I gave them their own cult siren entry .

But as astonished as I am to see myself write this - maybe it´s the fatigue - I think we already have more than enough hot women in this post so instead I want to talk about a different tv series. Long before he voiced Steve Trevor on Justice League Patrick played another super hero, the only equivalent of Aquaman or Namor we were going to get on tv screens.

Yes, that´s right. I´m talking about the aquatic anachronism, the deep - sixed defender, the nomadic nautilus, the water warrior of the waves Mark Harris a.k.a. The Man From Atlantis which not only had a sadly short lived tv series but also a brief seven issue comic book series by Marvel.

Man, with italian 80s sexbomb Sabrina Salerno, 80s cult show Formel Eins, Sweet Valley High and now The Man From Atlantis this part feels like a part of my childhood. Which basically is the whole idea behind this section : me rambling about the things of Yesteryear. And apropos, I kinda liked The Man From Atlantis. It was not high entertainment - most stuff that was on tv at that time wasn´t - but despite the formulaic antagonism of the evil Schubert ( which for some reason never came up in music class ) it was entertaining and I was not too discerning as long as I got to see a super hero on tv. Or at least the tv producer´s version of a super hero.

You can read the first issue on DIVERSIONS OF THE GROOVY KIND ( and when I say the first issue this includes feature articles, pin ups and the letters page ), SPACE : 1970 has a cover gallery from that series plus the original black and white art for a Mark Harris pin up by the great Gene Colan, PLAIDSTALLIONS has some pages from the UK comic that was published in the Look - In magazine, for a lengthy article on Look - In visit Mark West´s STRANGE TALES website and last but not least the tv series is on ME TV list of 15 Forgotten Sci - Fi And Fantasy Series Of The 1970s. 

We continue our trip down memory lane on March the 22nd with Hugo Egon Balder who turned 69. He is of course best known as the host of TUTTI FRUTTI and I love wikipedia because I have never heard it described anywhere else as a soft - porn tits - out show but I guess it kind of was .

I recently found a website with entire episodes of the german cult show as well as from the italian original Colpo Grosso and while some parts are dated and I fastforwarded in a couple of instances I have to say that Hugo does a pretty good job all things considered. It´s not easy hosting these kind of shows with class and humor without it getting smutty and there are several people who tried and failed. So proper kudos for that, Hugo.

One of the main attractions of the game show TUTTI FRUTTI was of course brabuster Monique Sluyter who not only had no problem taking off her clothes on tv she also often disrobed for various gentleman magazines.

Regular readers of this blog already know that I cast her as Fire a.k.a. Beatriz da Costa in the Andy Sidaris Special of my popular Casting the Justice League of America movie series and I also kept mentioning her in all kind of post like  the annual re - posts about italian mega soccer MILF Simona Ventura until I decided to give Monique and the Tutti Frutti girls their own post which I re - posted in 2016 in a new and better version.

But the blow up sex doll from the Netherlands was not only in PLAYBOY multiple times she also was a big factor in my obsession on blondes with giant breast like Power Girl with her impersonation of Marilyn Monroe .

In the old comics artist Wally Wood kept making Power Girl´s breasts bigger and bigger to see how far he could take it. Or at least that is the urban legend. Speaking of Wally Wood´s version of Power Girl, if you want to see for yourself if there´s any truth to the claim that he supersized Power Girl´s boob you can find the original art for the 17 page story from All - Star Comics 65 at the private collection of James Halperin and you can see them at an even bigger resolution at HERITAGE AUCTIONS . Well, in regards to Power Girl´s gigantic breast size ( let´s not loose track of what is really important here ) fact is that the artists after Wally Wood drew her with normal proportions .... or what is considered normal for superheroines.

Until Bart Sears took over the character, buffed her up and returned her signature breast size - at least until the whole NEW 52 fiasko / retcon.

When I started to read american comics the DC universe was brand new thanks to the Crisis on Infinite Earths fallout and I grabbed all the series I didn´t know which included the two fisted combo of Justice League by Keith Giffen, J. M. DeMatteis and Kevin Maguire and Justice League Europe also by Giffen and Matteis, art by Bart Sears and inks by Pablo Marcos whom I knew from his work on Defenders. I don´t know if it was fate but the very first issue of Justice League Europe I got was issue 4 in which Power Girl, Flash and Animal Man share a hotel room as they go to Bialya on an undercover mission. I re - read the issue a few times and I always wondered if these more human - and more horny in the case of Flash - heroes didn´t spend the dull waiting time in a more adult way.

Well, I was young, in my sexual prime and had a lot of spare time in the barracks ( we were three in one room but the others went home after duty so I had the black and white television set with a lot of TUTTI FRUTTI and PLAYBOY LATE NIGHT episodes all to myself which didn´t exactly help my situation ) so I re - read the issue a few times imagining what could have happened if Animal Man would have gotten Power Girl under his control with pheromones. Ah, all the things I would have done to her.

For me Bart Sear´s version is still the definite version of Power Girl and when DC started back - paddling with REBIRTH and restoring many things I was curious what that meant for Power Girl. I had hoped that there might be a return to her former glory in store for her but so far the SJWs have stuck the real Power Girl in limbo and replaced her with a political correct, flat chested black version. I guess Kara is too much woman to for them.

Speaking about the best Power Girl of all times in Justice League Europe, in 2016 I finally managed to do another post about Darick Robertson in which I mentioned the BREAKDOWNS storyline that introduced Power Girl´s famous coconut bra costume. And I just want to say that I still have not given up on a Yaya Han Power Girl coconut bra cosplay ( with the tiniest coconut shells you can find although compared to her huge 40D oppai all coconut shells probably look small no matter how big they are ) as she has already shown that she does a terrific Power Girl cosplay and she certainly has no problem filling out the magical cleavage window.

Longtime readers may be already tired of this but it seems that nowadays I can´t write a new post without mentioning hot sexbomb Becky Mullen .

Besides appearing as Sally, the farmer´s daughter on the first season of GORGEOUS LADIES OF WRESTLING and various guest appearances on every major tv show ( of which her most memorable is an episode of MARRIED WITH CHILDREN opposite Pamela Anderson ) Becky also was in various erotic midnight movies including SINFUL INTRIGUE with Chona Jason.

With all that said german audiences know her best from taking her clothes off on TUTTI FRUTTI . But her biggest contribution to american culture still is HARD HUNTED and there are two other actresses from Andy Sidaris movies who appeared on TUTTI FRUTTI, Sandra Wild and Carolyn Liu . I wrote more on this in my Andy Sidaris edition of Casting the JLA movie .

Andy Sidaris was probably THE BEST director of action movies for adults and his cast read like a WHOS´S WHO of playmates : Roberta Vasquez , Ava Cadell , brunette Cynthia Brimhall, Dona Speir , Pandora Peaks , Julie Strain , Shae Marks, Samantha Phillips and Julie K. Smith to name just a few.

For those who haven´t read any of my previous Andy Sidaris posts besides those I already mentioned there is the Ava Cadell solo post , the Dona Speir post ( with reposts in 2017 and in 2018 ) and a Sybil Danning post .

Becky Mullen´s post is a spin - off that used to be in one post with Janet Jones Gretzky , best known for appearing in a white swimsuit in Police Academy 5 - Assignment Miami Beach and real live Power Girl Leslie Easterbrook who had the most famous scene in Police Academy 4 - Citizens on Patrol in which she emerges from a pool in a wet t - shirt .

Since I have already mentioned mega MILF Simona Ventura I want to add that the busty blonde celebrated her 54th birthday on April the 1st.

And since I am too busy to do a new repost - and already missed her birthday - I want to at least post a video with some of her breast melons.

Just one day earlier, on March the 30th one of my favorite asian pornstars, deepthroat addict Miko " So Horny Love You Long Time " Lee a. k. a. the human suction pump celebrated her 42nd birthday and with my sexual predilection towards asian sexbombs I just had to include her in this post.

The former fluffer for emergency cases who allegedly sucked dozens of gay porn actors back to heterosexuality is no strangers to frequent visitors of the blog because besides being included in two posts of my Casting the Justice League of America series I kept mentioning her so often in posts about other hasian sexbombs like Akira Lane , 55KK babe Minka or cosplay queen Yaya Han that Miko Lee finally got her own cult siren entry in 2016 .

One reason why Miko Lee kept popping up in the posts about Yaya Han is that I needed a body double for Yaya´s more explicit scenes I had in mind.

Which is not ideal since Yaya Han has a 40D bust and Miko Lee is nowhere near in that league. Thankfully it looks like hasian talk show host Jeannie Mai is auditioning for the part and while she also is a bit smaller than Yaya in the chest area she does have an impressive skill set. I am convinced.

This hot sexbomb is of vietnamese descend and even though she is " only " a 37C and not a 40D like Yaya I think she could be a body double for her.

At least it would be fun to put her body to the test for the sex scenes.

Mai oh Mai, she could keep me awake for more than one thousand and one nights but she would not be telling any stories since Jeannie would be too busy giving my magic lamp ( which not only grants more than three wishes but also grows to enormous size if you rub it the right way ) a spit shine with her asian lubrication before applying the wax with her huge massage balls. For the finish she insists on french polishing it as she is a pro in the use of asian lapping materials. Plus Jeannie is too classy to talk with a full mouth and it would be difficult to tell a story while getting her brains f - worded out and screaming with pleasure at the top of her lungs.

Just look at the size of her hooters ! How did her husband let go of this asian penetration sensation ? Anyway, from what I have seen Jeannie´s soft lips would fit perfect around me and even if she probably could not swallow the whole shaft I´m game for some asian lubrication ejaculation.

Speaking about asians with overdeveloped oppais who were born for porn to complete the asian penetration trifecta I want to include another video of cosplay icon Yaya Han whose 37th anniversary was just Yesterday.

So far I had written six posts on Yaya - two of them are pretty safe but the other four are absolutely not safe for work - and I keep mentioning her on various JLA casting posts and any other posts involving asian sexbombs like Kiana Tom, Ava Cadell, Akira Lane, Miko Lee, Gail Kim or Minka and I swear the completely NSFW BIG YAYA HAN POST is still in the pipeline. In the meantime I have made two new posts about Yaya which showcase a part of her incredible anatomy that I have ignored too often - her legs.

Now don´t let the preview picture fool you, Yaya Han is wearing her bonerinducing Eliza from Tekken Revolution costume in the video.

I don´t know if there have been a lot of updates on Yaya Han´s official vlog but I know what she could do in her next video to increase her audience. As I have mentioned a few times Yaya is not getting any younger so she might think about doing these videos while her body is in its physical prime. I mean, why not make the best of her porn implants ?

Or she could do one of these upbra reviews that are so popular with my readers for some reason. The woman in the video below has smaller boobs than Yaya Han - her breasts are 34DDDs while Yaya´s giant melons are 40Ds - which is the reason why I think she would kill it. Also finding a bra for such titanic twin torpedoes like Yaya´s double airbags may be difficult so this would not only benefit her male fans but ultimately Yaya Han herself.

Our last birthday takes us back to March the 26th when Brian Bolland turned 68. Like Arthur Adams he has shifted his work from interior pages to covers which was the main focus of my only spotlight post for him .

I still have a lot of original art pages of him that I want to post ( Which I want to mention that I don´t own since I have been contacted a few times about that. All of the original art that I post on the blog I find on the internet which is one of the reasons why I always make sure to thank all the people who put it on the interwebs. ) - including some CAMELOT 3000 pages. So there might be a Brian Bolland post somewhere along the line, hopefully before his next birthday. Originally this was part of a spin - off post but I already had a comic book related video on that post when I found this one from Comic Tropes so I decided to put it here. There are still more than enough comic book birthdays on that other post anyway.

Whenever hasian sexbomb Yaya Han appears in a post you know chances are high that I will include a video about eastern movies and this time I have selected a review of an underrated manga adaption. With Lone Wolf And Cub and Lady Snowblood we are steadily but slowly working up quite the track record. What I am not so sure about is if Mark Dakascos is really better known from The Iron Chef than as Woo Fat from Hawaii Five - O.

It´s time for another batch of red carpet sexbombs. Nina Carla ( 33 ) is an american model ( 34D - 23 - 35 ) from the Pacific Islands born on September the 8th in 1985, Caya Hefner ( 33 ) was born on May the 15th 1985, she is an american model ( 34D - 23 - 34 ) of indonesian and chinese descent who was married to Hugh Hefner´s younger brother Keith from 2012 until his death in 2016, Jenna Charlette is a model from El Salvador and Kristina Menissov is another opera singer turned model / actress from Kazakhstan.

With our last video I could have gone with the usual and an episode of Samurai Champloo but instead I chose to include another 80s smash hit.

New to the blog ? Everything you need to know about TALES FROM THE KRYPTONIAN : top ten posts / more posts of interest / best of the best

Opportunity only gives you knockers once. I had to pay for my giant cosplay boobs.

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