Thursday, May 05, 2022

Defenders Donnerstag mit Steve Englehart

I get the feeling that with each step forward I take I take two or three back because in order to finish my posts I have to start new posts which in turn start even more spin - off posts. Case in point : I had started my MARVEL AGE OF COMICS post to finish my FRANK ROBBINS INVADERS post but now that post has become too long so if I ever want to finish it I have to take the part I had initially cut from the Frank Robbins post and transfer it to this post which will be all about the super hero team the Defenders.

Because as fate, destiny, kismet or just dumb luck would have it I didn´t have the time to work on the blog the last few days so instead I have been going through my folders and preparing stuff for future posts. And as it so happens I did have a lot of original art from the DEFENDERS series but no color pages to go with it. So I have been doing that and at the moment I am at issue 74 but that´s more than enough for the purpose of this post.

Which will be my first proper DEFENDERS post. Longtime blog followers may remember that I did a run down of the team´s history in my post about Power Man and Iron Fist´s semi quasi crossover with Doctor Who and I will be copy pasting a lot from that. At least up to a certain point.

As always I am trying to kill three birds with one stone : doing a post to finish up another while at the same time doing a Sal Buscema tribute post since he was the artist on the issues in this post ( it´s been a hot minute since I did one of those ) and a Steve Englehart birthday post since he wrote them and he just celebrated his 75th birthday on the 22nd of April.

Okay, so who are the original Defenders ? The first team was Doctor Strange, Hulk, Namor the Sub - Mariner and the Silver Surfer and even if the last one joined late these are considered the four core members.

The origin of the Defenders lies in two crossover stories by Roy Thomas prior to the official founding of the team. The first, in DOCTOR STRANGE 183, SUB - MARINER 22, and THE INCREDIBLE HULK 126 occurred when the DOCTOR STRANGE series was canceled and the storyline was then completed in the other series. Dr. Strange teams with Sub - Mariner, then the Hulk to protect the Earth from invasion by Lovecraftian inter - planar beings known as the Undying Ones and their leader, the Nameless One.

Barbara Norriss, later the host of the Valkyrie, first appears in this story.

In the second arc in SUB - MARINER 34 - 35, Namor enlists the aid of the Silver Surfer and Hulk to stop a potentially devastating weather control experiment, inadvertently freeing a small island nation from a dictator and facing the Avengers under the unofficial name of the " Titans Three ".

The Defenders first appeared as a feature in MARVEL FEATURE 1, where the founding members battled the alien techno - wizard Yandroth, and remained as a team afterward. Due to the popularity of their tryout in MARVEL FEATURE, Marvel soon began publishing DEFENDERS. Then my favorite nordic metal bikini wearing sexbombshell with the huge twin torpedoes - the Valkyrie - was introduced to the team in issue 4. Writer Steve Englehart has stated that he added the Valkyrie to the Defenders " to provide some texture to the group " and ho - boy I loved her textures.

Englehart wrote THE AVENGERS - DEFENDERS CLASH crossover in AVENGERS 116 - 118 and DEFENDERS 9 - 11. Len Wein briefly wrote the series and introduced such characters as Alpha the Ultimate Mutant and the Wrecking Crew. He later became the editor for several issues. This is the point where the second team of Defenders emerged which included Nighthawk, yes, Luke Cage too but most importantly such hot babes like the aforementioned Valkyrie, Hellcat and Red Guardian. I really should have done a COMICBABE BATTLE entry on that group back in the day.

But that´s a topic for our next DEFENDERS post. Now one of the reasons why I decided to do this post is that Comic Tropes just recently dropped a video about how influential Steve Englehart´s writing was in the 70s with groundbreaking stories that had a big impact not only on the Defenders but also on the Avengers, Captain America, Doctor Strange and Batman.

Most comicbook afficionados know all of these stories but it´s not until you take a look at all of them together that you get an idea how big Steve Englehart´s influence was in shaping this decade in comics. And beyond.

Because a lot of the stories that followed were built on the foundation he laid down. For example I don´t think we would have gotten the iconic CAPTAIN AMERICA NO MORE ! storyline in which Steve Rogers relinquishes the uniform of Captain America and Johnny Walker picks up the mantle only to emerge with a new superhero identity - the U. S. Agent ( which was the basis for the FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLDIER tv show ) without Steve Englehart´s SECRET EMPIRE story which led to Steve Rogers giving up being Captain America and creating the new super hero identity of Nomad to fight crime. Which has subsequently been used by different characters over the decades. But that´s again the topic for another post.

From one Marvel charcter who suffers from uncontrollable bouts of anger we come to the original rage monster as Forgotten Television takes a look at the 1982 cartoon about fellow Defenders founding member the Hulk.

Next we have another fanmade mash up of iconic tv series in a no holds barred brawl between the Hulk and Six Million Dollar Man Steve Austin.

Okay, technically Daredevil was not a member of the original Defenders although he joined the team on adventures in issues 89 to 91, 104 and 106 to 107. He also became a member in one of the later incarnations of the team which became the inspiration for the Disney show. And I think one of the reasons why they decided to call the show The Defenders is that somebody in marketing must have decided that calling the team what it was Heroes For Hire or Marvel Knights didn´t have the same ring to it.

Since I have temporarily exhausted all my Prince Namor videos I am going with another curious YouTube find The Super Globetrotters. At least there is an aquatic connection as the villain they face in the episode is called Whaleman although he uses a mechanical whale to commit crimes.

Now this is where I left things off in the first version but seeing as we have more space here I absolutely have to include italian all natural 35E ( !!! ) - 24 - 35 Busenwunder Juliana Moreira who certainly would make a most stunning Jessica Rabbit. At first I was a bit hesitant to put her in this post but seeing how all of the clips with her on Cultura Moderna I posted previouly have been deleted -  and it has been more than a year since her last appearance - it is about time for an encore performance.

Juliana Moreira could teach the girls of Russ Meyer´s grindhouse classic Faster Pussycat ! Kill ! Kill ! a few things about sexy go go dance moves.

Especially her patented boob thrust technique which is guaranteed to give even gay men a huge erection. As longtime followers of the blog know I am a huge fan of those boob bouncing / thrusting dance move.

While a lot of the videos don´t have the best quality thankfully the video with Juliana Moreira´s breast moment has excellent quality. The format is weird but besides that it´s a - okay. In the video Juliana Moreira goes into full Sabrina Salerno mode on her male tv audience as - much like the italian 38DD - 24 - 26 cult siren with the inbuilt bouncing action who put the pop in pop music in her famous video Boys Boys Boys - Juliana´s bikini top surrenders trying to contain her supple boobs and shows a lot of nipplage.

Now I am not sure if this rates as a wardrobe malfunction since those are supposed to be unintentionally and Juliana Moreira must have tried out the bikini top beforehand and so must have known what would happen.

I always try to bring my readers the best material but while I did find a lot of videos with her most of the download links had expired. Thankfully a few still work ( Juliana Moreira best moments mix / Juliana in green bikini / dark blue outfit / red and white outfit / casting black bra and panties ).

Faced with the dilemma of either spending a lot of time on making GIfs that had Julianas best moves but were of really poor quality and spending the same amount of time on making some GIFs that were of much better quality but showed only her second best moves I chose the latter option.

And before you think it´s all about the boobs there is another side to Juliana Moreira. It´s no wonder she managed to bang an entire group of boy scouts into a coma with her rumpshaking techniques when the horny teenagers sexually assaulted her behind the scenes of a charity event. 

Making the animated GIFs I had to select the best moments from all of Juliana´s appearances on Cultura Moderna - at least from the compilations I could download because they are of better quality than the videos from YouTube - and yup, right, that is only her second best boob shaking move.

This is Julianna Moreira´s best boob move and naturally I could not find a video in good quality of it. Thankfully I found GIFs of it on the internet.

Sadly this is the best video I could find of Juliana Moreira´s boob dance but daimn, that´s what I call talent. I also like the way she laughs which is similar to Shrinking Violet´s laugh on the underrated Legion of Super - Heroes cartoon and I can just imagine her laughing like this when she has just broken down her latest underage boy toy´s defenses with her double - breasted deepthroat massage and goes on to dicktame the guy without mercy. Once she has managed to lure another teenage stud who has a overproportionate horsecock into her bedroom she polishes his erection until he is hard enough to cut a diamond at which point the uses her ability to spread her legs better than a seasoned fillipino hooker to pound his schlong all night long turning him into her personal breeding stallion and making him shoot his load again and again until he is completely dry.

There are too many videos with Juliana Moreira´s to include them all so here is another compilation with some of Juliana´s best bikini moments.

I found some complete episodes of Cultura Moderna and I´m including one here for those readers who are curious or those who understand italian.

From modern culture it´s just a small step to the works of Vincent Van Gogh, one of the founding fathers of what people consider modern art.

Now I was going to write that we come back to modern culture since you could argue that pop culture is in fact modern culture but on the other side it could also be said that all movies are works of art and therefore we are simply staying in the realm of modern art. Whichever you subscribe to you know that you are starting to get old when movies like Young Sherlock Holmes - or like it was called outside of Amerika Sherlock Holmes And The Secret Of The Hidden Temple - which everybody from my generation knows ends up being called a lost classic. Fun fact : just a few days after I included the video below in the post they showed the movie on Spain tv.

From Sherlock Holmes earliest - and yet at the same time more recent - adventure we come to a case where he was already a seasoned pro with the 1955 Sherlock Holmes tv series starring Ronald Howard as the world´s greatest detective. If you recognize him from anything it´s probably from playing Eastley in Agatha Christie´s Murder She Said ( or how it is called in Germany 16 Uhr 50 ab Paddington ) one of the best known and most beloved Miss Marple movies with the great late Margaret Rutherford.

Not quite the world´s greatest detective but arguably one of the greatest detectives of Japan is Shinichi Kudo - or how he is called in the american translation Jimmy Kudo or Bobby Jackson - and I wrote more about him and Case Closed in my latest tribute post to pin up legend Bill Ward .

Now I said arguably because even if you rate all the other great detectives from Japan that appear in the show as less smart than Shinichi - or Conan - there is still the fact that - as the intro keeps reminding us that while he now has the body of a little boy he still has the keen intellect of a high school student. And that´s it : the keen intellect of a high school student.

I don´t know about you but after seeing a lot of high school comedies I would not rely on those slackers to solve my case. I mean under realistic circumstances Shinichi would only be able to solve the cases as long as the criminal is below or on the same mental level which means a high school student. And there would be some cases where Ran´s Dad would be the one to solve them. Because I don´t want to burst your bubble but all the " Yay, being young is the best and old people are not good for anything. " rah rah rah BS Hollywood propaganda does not work in the real world.

Coming back to my last Bill Ward homage post, besides Shinichi Kudo and other famous detectives the bonus section also included the greatest german detective - at least within the realm of comics - Nick Knatterton.

Closing the case of famous sleuths of fiction we have 34C - 23 - 33 cult siren Madonna with her rendition of Sooner Or Later from Dick Tracy.

While it´s not really a detective story there is a big mystery to unravel in Momo a movie that I included for my spanish speaking audience and which I already had to re - upload although in a lower quality than the original.

Besides being a pretty faithful adaption of Michael Ende´s book the movie also helped launch career of Radost Bokel who played Momo. For her the huge success of the film was a two edged sword because on the one side it made her a household name but at the same time she was typecast to similar roles for a big part of her career. Luckily - at least for all of her male fans - her way of telling the world that she was not that little girl anymore and more importantly showing that she had grown up quite spectacularly and in all the right places too was getting naked for the german PLAYBOY in what might be one of the most stunning pictorials in PLAYBOY history.

Now I knew that there had also been an animated adaption of Momo or The Strange Story Of The Time Thieves And The Child Who Brought The Stolen Time Back To The People and I even manged to find episode one.

We are coming back to culture although a different culture which is body culture. Sadly I could not find a video from Radost Bokel´s PLAYBOY shoot so I´m going with the next best thing : the bonerinducing Hannah Palmer.

As regular visitors know I posted videos of her before and those that don´t have an age restriction get taken down from YouTube pretty fast.

That´s when you know that you are hot : when your videos get plastered with age restrictions - though she is not naked not even partially - or are deleted very fast. Well, here´s hoping this lasts longer than the last one.

Apropos longer, since most videos with Hannah Palmer are very short - and I didn´t want to include the usual top five because we already have so many videos with boobie - shaking italian all natural 35E ( !!! ) - 24 - 35 Busenwunder Juliana Moreira - I wanted to include a longer bikini video and it should be no surprise to regular visitors that I went old school with a video from the golden age of bikini contests, the 1990 bikini contest at Penrods on South Beach. I don´t know if it is just my imagination or the nostalgia but the bikini babes from this era were just on another level.

Coming back to the topic of being typecast after playing a great role, while it can have positive side effects - like Radost Bokel´s nude PLAYBOY shoot to distance herself from her Momo role - Robert Patrick did have his share of obstacles after playing the T - 1000 terminator in Terminator II : Judgement Day. I think the first big part that I saw him in after that was Agent John Doggett in The X - Files and he is currently on tv as Agent Gallo on Scorpion which is especially funny to my mother because gallo is spanish for rooster and she has to laugh when they call him Agent Rooster.

Last but not least there are two more movies I have to mention : first off Double Dragon where Alyssa Milano´s born for body was booming and she put her firm teenage butt cheeks on display in a pair of cut off jeans.

Sexbomb Alyssa Milano ( who got two entries on this blog, the main post and the bonus round with her best episodes on CHARMED ) is of course best known as the most charming, sexiest and all around greatest of all the Halliwell witches, Phoebe Halliwell on the cult tv show Charmed.

I did a re - post of Alyssa Milano´s cult siren entry on her birthday in 2016 - and finally did a superpimed version with a plethora of GIFs in 2019 - and it is weird that she is trying to make herself the feminist figurehead of the whole Me Too movement with such actions like a proposal of a sex strike.

I wonder whom she is trying to make forget her nude roles, us or herself.

From the moment she showed her perfectly shaped tits to the world on Outer Limits - thanks to the lower restrictions of the Sci Fi Channel - it was clear this blow up sex doll was born for porn which she proved with her completely uninhibited sex scenes in Embrace Of The Vampire .

Coming back to Robert Patrick and Double Dragon you can find more videos about everything from the movie to the cartoon show and the comicbooks in my upcoming post honoring the great late George Perez .

The other movie of Robert Patrick I HAVE to mention is Striptease where he plays the good for nothing husband of Erin Grey played by natural born 36C - 27 - 36 stripper icon Demi " Wants " Moore " Sex " whom I constantly have to mention on the blog since she is the number one of my Top Movie Stripteases thanks to her more than spectacular performance in that film.

So it´s probably no surprise that particular movie was the main - but not only focus - on her original 2015 cult siren entry and the re - post in 2016 .

Then I tried to take a break from writing re - posts of natural born stripper Demi Moore which worked fine for a whole year but in 2018 I finally broke down to do a new version - and in two parts no less ( part 1 / part 2 ).

Making another callback to Terminator II : Judgement Day we have another time travel movie with Clockstoppers which more than a forgotten film is more of an unknown movie for me since I never even knew it existed. The premise sounds interesting enough to check it out plus it has Michael Biehn from the first Terminator movie as the villain.

Once again we have an episode of Classics Of World Literature to set the mood for the next videos and Today it´s Dante Alighieri best known for the Inferno part of his book The Devine Comedy. I´m sure you´ve heard the phrase " Dante´s Inferno " somewhere even if it was just a game.

We start our journey to the bowels of the underworld with Stephen King´s cult movie sequel Children Of The Corn II : The Final Sacrifice.

We have a double feature from New Castle After Dark and I must admit I´m more interested in House II than in Dark Night Of The Scarecrow. On the other hand I haven´t seen the latter so it might surprise me. Hmmm, I´m only realizing now that we have a lot of second parts in this section : first Terminator II then Children Of The Corn II and now House II. Weird. 

I was thinking which cartoon video I should include in this post when I suddenly remembered the other team of heroes produced by Marvel Comics that was called The Defenders. Because some people my not know this but not only was Defenders Of The Earth a co - production of King Features Syndicate and Marvel Productions, the was also a short lived five issue mini series under Marvel Comic´s Star Comics imprint written by Stan Lee who also wrote the lyrics to the title song of the cartoon show.

We are staying with children´s entertainment as I share one of these rare YouTube finds with my faithful followers : a full episode of Sesame Street.

And we are closing things out with a video for my german audience as we continue our Lex Barker retrospective with The Pyramid Of The Sun God.

New to the blog ? Everything you need to know about TALES FROM THE KRYPTONIAN : top ten posts / more posts of interest / best of the best

Come with me if you want to live.

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