I know that you expected to find the post about NEMI next but the past few days other things have been on my mind and I have learned that it´s futile to try to write about other things when outside forces point you in a certain direction. And with certain direction I mean the Teen Titans or like I knew them during my childhood : Junge Giganten.
Now the reason for that are twofold : the first being that I finally got volumes two and three of the NEW TEEN TITANS OMNIBUS and the second that I found some issues of the Teen Titans in one of my brother´s comicboxes that are scattered throughout the house right now.
I know I shouldn´t waste so much time and energy bringing order to my brother´s comic collection when it would be much better applied to my own comic collectabilia but I just can´t help it. Now I don´t know if I have mentioned it before ( and if it must have been in one of my earliest posts so I´m not sure if anybody but my most faithful readers know it ) but my brother has always been a practicer of the old pile file system. And with that I mean he puts all his comics on huge piles, first on his table, when the table is full on the space surrounding the table and lastly all over the floor and on every empty surface. When the room is finally full with piles and there is no room to walk the comics are thrown into boxes and that´s that. And when I say thrown I´m not talking about putting them in order according to the series or any of that fancy stuff. No, since the piles accumulate over months they are usually unsorted and just the new comics that he receives each month on top of the ones from last month.
Which would be a tolerable system if there weren´t the piles of unread comics here and there and which land atop of the other comics when they are finally read ( sometimes years after the series has ended ) or the piles which fall down and are assembled in no particular order. And I´m not even talking about the instances when my mother wasn´t in his room to clean and didn´t just cram all the comics she could find into boxes. So whenever I have the chance to delve into his comic collection without having to jump into a huge comic pile I take it.
Okay, here comes a small confession : one of my pet peeves is putting comics in order. There is a little bit of Monk in me that just can´t stand it if comics are just thrown around in piles and all over a table. And it´s not just that I want to read them and it´s difficult if they are not in order.
No, even when I have no intention of reading them I still have this urge to put them right. So Yesterday as I had nothing more important to do I sorted through all the comics that were in this blue comic box and some of them were issues of the various TEEN TITANS books ( we´ll come to that in a moment ). My, you should have seen the delight on my other brother´s face when he came home from work Yesterday and found all the comics scattered all over the sofa. But anyway, I spent most of Today reading some of the issues from my brothers collection because I still have some gaps in my own collection.I thought that by getting the omnibus hardcovers I could finally read them all in order but thanks to DC´s weird selection for those collections that ship seems to have sailed.
Now for those readers who are not so versed in the pitfalls of comic collecting I should explain why it´s so difficult with the TEEN TITANS.
I mean, most comics have various incarnations - which we card carrying comic freakis call volumes - which start with a new number 1 in most cases but with the TEEN TITANS most of these volumes start under a different title. And then there are the Baxter issues. I already explained the whole deal with the Baxter issues in this post but for all those who are too lazy to go back to the old post here comes the short version.
In 1985 DC offered deluxe editions of their six bestselling titles :
MEN, THE OUTSIDERS and VIGILANTE. Not only were these series printed on
high quality paper ( the so - called baxter paper ) which made
the colors look better but instead of the usual 23 pages of comic they
offered 28 pages. Most comics were printed on cheap, low quality paper
although there were some limited series and reprint titles that also got
the Baxter treatment. Beside the fact that the price of the Baxter
issues were twice the regular price - 75 cents - they could only be
found in comic stores.
To someone reading comics right now this may not sound like a big deal
but back then it sure was since deluxe editions were not as common and
the Baxter issues sure had some nifty bonus stuff. Another reason why
the Baxter issues are so special is just becoming apparent now to all
comic readers who happen to have such issues in their collection,
especially in those that are not available as a reprint : the apparent
absence of decay. Every collector of american comics is faced sooner or
later with the problem that no matter how carefully he keeps his comics
over the years they begin to deteriorate until it is almost impossible to
read them. Which is doubly painful when it´s one of your favorite
When the Baxter issues hit the comic market the book was " split into
two " with the inexpensive version called TALES OF THE TEEN TITANS and
the deluxe edition, which started with a new number 1 under the name THE
NEW TEEN TITANS and later changed it to THE NEW TITANS. The cheaper TALES OF THE
TEEN TITANS continued for a while with new issues but later on started
reprinting the Baxter issues until it was canceled in favor of the
deluxe series.
So now you have two series with three different titles and different numbering. As an example : issue 87 of TALES OF THE TEEN TITANS is the same as issue 27 of THE NEW TEEN TITANS but issue 42 of TALES OF THE TEEN TITANS is the continuation of the regular series. And to make matters worse, there is also TEEN TITANS SPOTLIGHT which features solo stories of Titan members or affilates or even enemies which sometimes are an important part of the story.
So the publishing timeline is issue 1 to 40 of THE NEW TEEN TITANS, then issue 41 to 58 of TALES OF THE TEEN TITANS. Issue 59 of TALES OF THE TEEN TITANS is a reprint of DC COMICS PRESENTS 26, which was the first appearance of the new team. Now the book splits into two formats, with the cheaper one continuing on to issue 91 and the more expensive one going from issue 1 ( which has the same content as issue 61 of the cheaper version ) to 31. Here the cheaper TALES OF THE TEEN TITANS is cancelled so you have to continue with issue 32 of THE NEW TEEN TITANS. And that book goes on until issue 49 under the old title and changes into THE NEW TITANS with issue 50. It´s all rather simple.
Now from a logic standpoint it´s easy to see which way is the best to take since the Baxter issues are the more robust and if you don´t want to invest too much in the hardcover omnibus - or can´t get them cheap from amazon as I did - it´s a good idea. But you can´t always find the Baxter issues and some collectors might prefer the cheaper versions or want to get both versions because some of them have really great covers by people who don´t make that many covers anymore like this wonderful Starfire cover by Brian Bollard.
Now you might ask, what if somebody doesn´t want to buy back issues ? For the longest time there was no other way to read the classic issues because the only trade that was available was THE JUDAS CONTRACT which contains New Teen Titans 39 - 40, Tales of the Teen Titans 41 - 44 and New Teen Titans annual 3.
It´s without a doubt the best story of the legendary Marv Wolfman / George Perez run and one of the first trades I ever possessed but apart from that you had to get the back issues if you didn´t want to buy the expensive archive editions which were at 50 bucks each. Later on DC released the trades TERRA INCOGNITO which contains New Teen Titans 28 - 34 and New Teen Titans annual 2 and THE TERROR OF TRIGON which contains Tales of the Teen Titans 60 - 64 of issue 1 - 5 of the new Baxter series. There is also the WHO IS DONNA TROY trade that collects New Teen Titans 38, Tales of the Teen Titans 50, New Titans 50 - 55 and part of Teen titans / Outsiders Secret Files 1. Which might explain the strange selection for the DC OMNIBUS.
Okay, at this point some of my readers are probably going : What´s a Teen Titan and why are they new ? So I guess some explaining is in order. I think it all goes back to DC´s teen sidekicks and Robin.
In April of 1940 Batman´s sidekick Robin debuted in issue 38 of DETECTIVE COMICS to attract young readers to the title, which was a huge success since readership of the Batman family titles doubled.
Soon other series wanted to get in on that action so Flash got Kid Flash as his sidekick, Aquaman got Aqualad, Green Arrow got a sidekick in the form of Speedy ( which later got many drug related jokes because of the name and his bouts with drug abuse ) and Wonder Woman got Wonder Girl as her younger sister which later became one of the biggest retcon - continuity desasters because somebody read a story wrong. But let´s not open that particular can of worms unless there is a real reader demand.
Speaking of reader demand, while teen sidekicks were never a big thing at Marvel after what happened to Bucky, it was still very popular at DC so someone had the idea to get those teen sidekicks together first unofficially in 1964 as a " junior Justice League " in BRAVE AND THE BOLD 54 that featured Robin, Kid Flash and Aqualad. Later on Wonder Girl joined, Speedy replaced Aqualad and they took on the name Teen Titans.
I never read the book so I can´t say why it only lasted 43 issues but I think the appeal for young readers would definitely be there. Especially if you don´t focus so much on the superhero missions and more on the part of teen sidekicks hanging out after a " hard day at work ", drinking root beer, listening to some bebop music and maybe trying to hit on Wonder Girl. Man, she was the only girl in that group. That´s something I would like to read if it would be anything like the stories Mike Allred did for his SOLO issue ( click here for an interview about the issue ). Now that would have been a groovy NEW 52 title.
Anyway, the Teen Titans that got me going were the third incarnation of the team that was created by Marv Wolfman and George Perez in the 80s although it would take me a bit to get there.
Which brings us to the beginning of the post and Die Jungen Giganten. When Ehapa decided to publish Teen Titans in Germany the new series by Wolfman / Perez was already a hit and it would have made sense to either start with this brandnew series or go back to the first Nick Cardy series.
Well, if you know anything about the history of american comic publishing in Germany you know that it never made any sense, doesn´t make sense and never will make sense. So instead of going with either of the popular series Ehapa decided to start this new collection with a real stinker, namely the second Teen Titans series that started in November 1976 and continued the numbering from the first series. The team got new members like Mal ( finally I know where the black dude in the Young Justice show comes from ), Duela Dent, Bumblebee and even a whole new team as Beast Boy, Golden Eagle, Hawk, Dove, Lilith and Bat - Girl formed Teen Titans West. Now this Bat - Girl was not Barbara Gordon but Bette Kane, who was the niece of the Golden Age Batwoman ( yes, the one with the purse ) who later on simply vanished from the Teen Titans roster when Crisis on Infinite Earth wiped out the Betty Kane Batwoman.
Anyway, while the series brought many new members to the roster it only lasted 10 issues and only the gods know why Ehapa insisted on starting with material from the book. To add another wrinkle to it I´m not sure if they released it in chronological order since SUPERMAN PRÄSENTIERT JUNGE GIGANTEN SUPERALBUM 1 has the cover for issue 52 while the second installment sports the cover for issue 47 and contains issues 47, 48 and 49 ( I couldn´t find any info about the contents of album 1 ).
In the third installment we finally get some Marv Wolfman / George Perez material, namely issues 3 and 4 of the NEW TEEN TITANS or better parts of it. Yes, the german reader gets thrown into the new team with just a short caption : " They banded together following the example of the Justice League. Today in a new lineup ! Tierboy ( BEAST BOY ), Cyborg, Blitzkid ( KID FLASH ), Rabe ( RAVEN ), Robin, Starfire and Wunderteen ( Wonder Girl ) they are - ( dramatic pause ) - JUNGE GIGANTEN ! "
Boom ! There you have it : new lineup, no introductions, deal with it.
And as I said, the german version contained parts of it. As a german reader you had to get accustomed to some pages being left out to fit the german comic format and in album 3 page 13 of issue 3 was cut as well as the final page of issue 4. Now I don´t want to get into detail what was cut out, changed, miscolored, which swastikas got erased and which went overlooked because that could be a whole series of posts. For those who are interested and can read german you can find the horrendous details of JUNGE GIGANTEN 7 on this link by Ralf H. It´s the issue guest starring the Doom Patrol or like they were called in Germany Die Retter ( The Saviours ) which is a pretty loose translation to put it mildly.
Now you may ask yourself why I choose the title according to the movie DR. STRANGELOVE if the german issues were butchered in this fashion and I can tell you that in this instance ignorance was bliss. I didn´t know about the missing pages, the miscolouring or the butchered translation with Ehapa´s awful machine lettering without the original issues.
I mean, even if I would have had the original issues at that time I couldn´t have read them so I had to rely on the german versions anyway.
In any case, all I knew was that this was an exciting new series ( much better than the first two issues of Junge Giganten ) with gorgeous art by George Perez who I probably hadn´t seen that much of before. I know there was some Justice League / Justice Society crossover in a SUPERMAN TASCHENBUCH but I´m not sure if that was published before or after JUNGE GIGANTEN. And I also didn´t care to be thrown into it in the middle of the story. For one - again - I didn´t know, and second, back then you weren´t as fixated on linear storytelling as Todays readers.
I don´t want to repeat myself, but readers nowadays want to get in at the ground floor, they have to start with issue number 1 or they don´t start a new series at all and they want to be spoonfed with everything. Back when I started reading we couldn´t care less. For one, starting with issue 1 was near to impossible because all of the series were in the 100 or 200 issues. So you either started reading with issue 148 or you didn´t start at all. Second, some comics weren´t numbered continuously like in America but instead got numbered according to the year. For instance SUPERMAN / BATMAN issue 25 / 1977 or ROTER BLITZ 11 / 1979 and so on.
Another aspect was that - as with most of the Marvel books before they were published by Williams - german publishers often released the issues out of order skipping some issues as well as jumping forward and back.
On top of that even IF there would have been a new series that started with issue 1 and was published in chronological order you had no guarantee that you could get it at your local stationery shop which was the comic outlet of that time. If you had a stationery shop in your village.
Now I don´t want to make it sound that back then we comic readers were tougher ( that´s for the following generations to decide ) but you had to be more of a hunter. It´s nothing you chose but something you had to develop out of necessity. Reading comics and especially reading comics in Germany at that time was catch as catch can and you didn´t care about issue numbers, chronology or completeness of your collection. You just were happy if you got some good issues and for me reading comic series from issue 1 up to the following issues was always the exception. Even much later when I finally found some american issues of THE NEW TITANS during my military service in Munich it was with issue 56, right after the WHO IS WONDERGIRL ? storyline and right before the Wildbeast Hunt.
I just got all the issues I could get and started looking for previous issues later on. This then brought me to the JUDAS CONTRACT trade that would fill some gaps and I added some issues here and there over the years.
I also followed the book through the following volumes, even if sometimes it was pretty hard. Now some people may think it´s mainly nostalgia but there are just too many people out there who consider the run by Marv Wolfman and George Perez one of the best written and illustrated comics of all time so there might be something to it. I always said that you keep buying the same comics over and over again, in most cases comics that are special to you and most often than not fall into the category of classic. Which makes total sense because there´s a reason why there are classics. Those are comics that stand the test of time and which you still can read decades from now.
Which I tend to do more in the collected format lately. I have to say, at first I just bought the first volume of Planeta´s spanish edition of NUEVOS TITANES because it contained all the issues I was missing. But after I had held it in my hand I just had to get the second volume which was sadly the last one published before Planeta closed down business. Now, two years later I finally have gotten the following issues with volumes 2 and 3 of DC´s hardcover omnibus editions ( and now I also know that the reason why the spanish version was only half as expensive is that it´s also only half the size ) but I still have some gaps in my collection of that period.
But it´s much too late to get into that since it´s once again time to wrap things up. Boy, that was one long post and I just hope all that talk about the german editions and comic collecting in my youth wasn´t too boring. I tend to ramble a lot and my biggest problem has never been what to write about since once I start I can usually go on for hours shooting off on one tangent after another. Anyway, at least I managed to get my posting quota up this month with seven posts for June. Yay me !
In the next part - which won´t be up for a few days so my readers can appreciate this marathon post - we will get to the snafu or not on DCs hardcover collections. Any excuse to post gorgeous George Perez art.
I know, you´re anxiously awaiting the video at the end of the post so let´s get to it without any further ado. Since it has one of the best known covers here is a video of THE NEW TEEN TITANS issue 13.
And here´s a video I wanted to post for quite some some time now, the greatest team up of all time : Batman and Space Ghost. Enjoy !
New to the blog ? Everything you need to know about TALES FROM THE KRYPTONIAN : top ten posts / more posts of interest
Friday, June 28, 2013
Thursday, June 20, 2013
And I declareth this day Superman Day !
Since the new MAN OF STEEL movie is starting in german movie theaters Today I thought it appropriate to participate in the meme of Superman Day that is going through most blogs lately. You see, this blog´s title alone pretty much makes it mandatory for me.
Now I´m not one hundred percent sure when Superman Day exactly is supposed to be ( according to Cleveland it´s on April the 18th , the day Action comics 1 appeared but at the 1940 World Fair Superman Day was on the 3rd of July ) but since I´m always behind on actual stuff as this I´m not too concerned with that. As you may have guessed from the title of my blog I´m a huge fan of Superman and there´s nothing I like more than to wax the philosophic about Superman lore. I know that some people have problems with the character of Superman, his perceived invulnerability or his supposedly weak rogues gallery but I have always liked the Superman universe because - let´s be honest - it´s the ultimate science fiction universe and I´ve always been a fan of science fiction.
There are some of the best science fiction stories in the Superman canon ( some of the best comic stories of all times even ) like the classic trifecta MUST THERE BE A SUPERMAN ?, FOR THE MAN WHO HAS EVERYTHING and WHATEVER HAPPENED TO THE MAN OF TOMORROW ? But also Grant Morrison´s rather recent ALL STAR SUPERMAN and SUPERMAN AND THE FIEND FROM DIMENSION 5 chronicled in Action Comics 1 to 18 of the NEW 52 book are a damn good read.
If you want to brush up on your Superman history, Comicbook Resources has compiled a master list of THE 75 GREATEST SUPERMAN STORIES OF ALL TIME where you can check out all the great ones. And while I´m a bit disappointed that some of my favorite Superman stories with art by Carlos Pacheco like CAMELOT FALLS or ABSOLUTE POWER aren´t higher in the ranking it is a pretty complete list of all the best of the best.
You can also find a list of THE TOP 10 SUPERMAN TRADE PAPERBACKS at Collected Edition, the number 1 website for wait - for - the - traders.
Coming from best to worse Comicbook Resources I LOVE YA BUT YOU`RE STRANGE series has the weirdest of the weird Superman stories like the time Superman and Jimmy Olsen encountered a world based on horror movies , Superman murdering a guy so Lois won´t marry him , Superman adopting Jimmy Olsen then tormenting him , Lois planning to beat up Wonder Woman to score with Superman , Superman gaining the ability to shoot tiny Supermen out of his fingers or When Lois hypnotized a baby to get Superman to marry her . You can get all these as well as other stories with Superman, Lois and Supergirl and the weirdest moments of comics in general through the big master list .
Speaking about masters, since I mentioned Carlos Pacheco earlier on, fellow blog MAN OF BRONZE has provided the link to this really extensive interview with Carlos Pacheco where he talks at length about his comic career and his work on Superman. Sorry, but it´s in spanish.
Now I know I already posted this link to the SUPERMAN PAGE where you can get all the Superman audio plays but I just wanted to repost it for all those readers who missed it.
Superman celebrates his 75th anniversary this year and THE COPYDESK has a nice article called THE SUPERMAN LIVES AND HE`S 75 that explains - way better than I ever could - why the Man of Steel has been such an enduring concept over the ages.
From fellow blogger Max Romero at GREAT CEASAR`S POST comes a post about DC COMICS PRESENTS 10 by Cary Bates and Joe Staton in which Superman travels back in time, looses his memory and teams up with Sgt Rock and Easy Company to fight Nazis .
DC COMICS PRESENTS is a series that was very prominent in the german editions when I was a kid - which were done by Ehapa back then - but like always they were scattered through all the different Superman comics of that time like Superman / Batman, Superman Sonderband, Superman Extra, Superman Album and Superman Taschenbuch.
Those stories were always a treat especially those that Jose Luis Garcia Lopez illustrated like the team up with Adam Strange or the race between Superman and the Flash which has become something of a tradition and was even adapted in the animated series. Here´s the clip :
Like I already discussed in length in my Coverstory posts, for some strange reason word ballons were often eliminated from the german versions which I always found strange since they added much drama.
Superman Taschenbuch 20 cover from DC Comics Presents 6
And here is the original and much more dramatic cover
It´s been a while since I read them and for everybody who hasn´t read them my tip is to get the first volume of DC SHOWCASE PRESENTS, which reprints the first 26 issues. Since I have bought too many comics the last few weeks ( or more to the point a few that were a real bargain but still expensive ) I´ll have to skip on that one but I will definitely be on the lookout for the second volume that includes issue 36, written, penciled and inked by Jim Starlin and required reading for every fan of James Robinson´s STARMAN series. What a fantastic cover.
And speaking of fantastic covers, you can find the Six Grooviest Superman Covers at fellow blog DIVERSIONS OF THE GROOVY KIND, including this intriguing cover. Yeah, Superman, finish that creep.
Where does he get off dressing like you anyway ? Stinking phoney with his stupid excuses....an actor, right, tell me another one. And whoever has heard of a movie called MAN OF STEEL, no really ?
Of course no new post would be complete without a selection of homage covers from the vast collection of famous Superman covers. I thought about doing Action Comics 1 or the cover for the first DC / Marvel team up of Superman and Spider - Man but since I don´t have that much material on them I decided to go with another very famous cover featuring Superman : Crisis of Infinite Earths 7 by George Perez.
I mean the image is so iconic that it was used as one of the mock covers for the other universe in the FRINGE tv show.
Now, before CRISIS 7 there were two other covers with Superman in a similar pose. Only this time Lois Lane took Supergirl´s place.
Here are a few more homage covers :
And that´s all for this section. If you still haven´t read CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS you should definitely check it out since it not only is one of the best comic stories of all time and without any question one of the best works of the creative team of Marv Wolfman and George Perez.
No, it also shows how a company wide reboot SHOULD be done. This is the mother of all crossovers and if the guys at DC had any recollection of this masterpiece such a cluster - f - word like the NEW 52 would never have happened in the first place. Oh, the humanity !!!
Now I could do a whole post on Supergirl and her different costumes over the decades alone but there are a few things I wanted to include here since I have no idea when I will find the time to get around to do it.
The first one is this really awesome costume for Superwoman Laurel Kent from the Legion of Superheroes ( click here for the fullsize version ).
The lineart is by Jesus Merino, the colors are by Spidermanfan2099 ( click here to check out more gorgeous pieces in his DeviantArt gallery ) .
Speaking of gorgeous pieces here is a cosplayer that makes Supergirl´s new costume look good.
It´s really strange that all those years that Supergirl had a shitty comic ever since the post - crisis era my brother was reading it, but now that she finally has a solid book with an interesting new angle and decent art I have to give him the first trade as a Christmas present to get him to read it. Some people really have no taste whatsoever !
And speaking about people who have no taste, I would be really neglecting my duties if I didn´t mention Superman´s much more interesting cousin from another earth. This nice piece by artist Nebaroth shows pretty good why you can´t just take Supergirl and suddenly turn her into the new Power Girl. It just doesn´t fit - in more ways than one !
( click here for the fullsize version and Nebaroth´s DeviantArt gallery )
Our final tidbit is this little Superman cartoon I found somewhere on the internet :
So that´s all for Today and look to the skies, fellow comic readers, for the Man of Steel who fights the neverending battle for truth, justice and the american way. Remember : we can all be heroes.
Wow, six posts this month and still counting, this must be a new record. I´m certainly making up for the first half of the year when I was down to one post a month. Just don´t expect this streak to hold on too long since I have to get some rest Tomorrow and will probably not do another post until next week. I´ll probably just give this post the final proof reading but there won´t be anything new. But it was good to get some new Superman - centric stuff on the blog. The new readers must be wondering what the heck this blog is about with all these strange posts about fish sandwiches, beer, old comics nobody gives a fart about and all this comic pimping. I just hope it still is entertaining to some extent.
Now, on the page where I found the TWO - FISTED TALES movie there was a link for CREEPSHOW 2 but after watching that I knew I couldn´t torture my readers with it. I totally forgot how bad it was. Anyway, the video I decided to post instead is more a treat to my german readers because it´s from one of the cartoon series that never made it to Germany. Whenever the guys at ComicGeek Speak talk about CHALLENGE OF THE SUPER FRIENDS it´s something I know nothing about.
And here´s where YouTube comes into play because that´s one gap in pop culture knowledge it can help fill. Now, for all who don´t know, Hannah Barbera did a searies of cartoons based on the Justice League and other heroes in the DC universe, with a whole plethora of titles, first SUPER FRIENDS and then THE ALL - NEW SUPER FRIENDS HOUR, CHALLENGE OF THE SUPER FRIENDS, THE WORLD´S GREATEST SUPER FRIENDS - AND JUSTICE FOR ALL, SUPER FRIENDS - A DANGEROUS FATE, SUPER FRIENDS - THE LOST EPISODES, SUPER FRIENDS - THE LEGENDARY SUPER POWERS SHOW to finally THE SUPER POWERS TEAM - GALACTIC GUARDIANS .
It´s from the latest that I picked the video, THE DEATH OF SUPERMAN which is the finale of the series. If you have seen it before, I hope you enjoy this trip down memory lane and if it´s your first time you might want to check out the other episodes of the various series which I´m sure you can find on YouTube ( click here for the wikipedia episode guide ) .
New to the blog ? Everything you need to know about TALES FROM THE KRYPTONIAN : top ten posts / more posts of interest
Now I´m not one hundred percent sure when Superman Day exactly is supposed to be ( according to Cleveland it´s on April the 18th , the day Action comics 1 appeared but at the 1940 World Fair Superman Day was on the 3rd of July ) but since I´m always behind on actual stuff as this I´m not too concerned with that. As you may have guessed from the title of my blog I´m a huge fan of Superman and there´s nothing I like more than to wax the philosophic about Superman lore. I know that some people have problems with the character of Superman, his perceived invulnerability or his supposedly weak rogues gallery but I have always liked the Superman universe because - let´s be honest - it´s the ultimate science fiction universe and I´ve always been a fan of science fiction.
There are some of the best science fiction stories in the Superman canon ( some of the best comic stories of all times even ) like the classic trifecta MUST THERE BE A SUPERMAN ?, FOR THE MAN WHO HAS EVERYTHING and WHATEVER HAPPENED TO THE MAN OF TOMORROW ? But also Grant Morrison´s rather recent ALL STAR SUPERMAN and SUPERMAN AND THE FIEND FROM DIMENSION 5 chronicled in Action Comics 1 to 18 of the NEW 52 book are a damn good read.
If you want to brush up on your Superman history, Comicbook Resources has compiled a master list of THE 75 GREATEST SUPERMAN STORIES OF ALL TIME where you can check out all the great ones. And while I´m a bit disappointed that some of my favorite Superman stories with art by Carlos Pacheco like CAMELOT FALLS or ABSOLUTE POWER aren´t higher in the ranking it is a pretty complete list of all the best of the best.
You can also find a list of THE TOP 10 SUPERMAN TRADE PAPERBACKS at Collected Edition, the number 1 website for wait - for - the - traders.
Coming from best to worse Comicbook Resources I LOVE YA BUT YOU`RE STRANGE series has the weirdest of the weird Superman stories like the time Superman and Jimmy Olsen encountered a world based on horror movies , Superman murdering a guy so Lois won´t marry him , Superman adopting Jimmy Olsen then tormenting him , Lois planning to beat up Wonder Woman to score with Superman , Superman gaining the ability to shoot tiny Supermen out of his fingers or When Lois hypnotized a baby to get Superman to marry her . You can get all these as well as other stories with Superman, Lois and Supergirl and the weirdest moments of comics in general through the big master list .
Speaking about masters, since I mentioned Carlos Pacheco earlier on, fellow blog MAN OF BRONZE has provided the link to this really extensive interview with Carlos Pacheco where he talks at length about his comic career and his work on Superman. Sorry, but it´s in spanish.
Now I know I already posted this link to the SUPERMAN PAGE where you can get all the Superman audio plays but I just wanted to repost it for all those readers who missed it.
Superman celebrates his 75th anniversary this year and THE COPYDESK has a nice article called THE SUPERMAN LIVES AND HE`S 75 that explains - way better than I ever could - why the Man of Steel has been such an enduring concept over the ages.
From fellow blogger Max Romero at GREAT CEASAR`S POST comes a post about DC COMICS PRESENTS 10 by Cary Bates and Joe Staton in which Superman travels back in time, looses his memory and teams up with Sgt Rock and Easy Company to fight Nazis .
DC COMICS PRESENTS is a series that was very prominent in the german editions when I was a kid - which were done by Ehapa back then - but like always they were scattered through all the different Superman comics of that time like Superman / Batman, Superman Sonderband, Superman Extra, Superman Album and Superman Taschenbuch.
Those stories were always a treat especially those that Jose Luis Garcia Lopez illustrated like the team up with Adam Strange or the race between Superman and the Flash which has become something of a tradition and was even adapted in the animated series. Here´s the clip :
Like I already discussed in length in my Coverstory posts, for some strange reason word ballons were often eliminated from the german versions which I always found strange since they added much drama.
Superman Taschenbuch 20 cover from DC Comics Presents 6
And here is the original and much more dramatic cover
It´s been a while since I read them and for everybody who hasn´t read them my tip is to get the first volume of DC SHOWCASE PRESENTS, which reprints the first 26 issues. Since I have bought too many comics the last few weeks ( or more to the point a few that were a real bargain but still expensive ) I´ll have to skip on that one but I will definitely be on the lookout for the second volume that includes issue 36, written, penciled and inked by Jim Starlin and required reading for every fan of James Robinson´s STARMAN series. What a fantastic cover.
And speaking of fantastic covers, you can find the Six Grooviest Superman Covers at fellow blog DIVERSIONS OF THE GROOVY KIND, including this intriguing cover. Yeah, Superman, finish that creep.
Where does he get off dressing like you anyway ? Stinking phoney with his stupid excuses....an actor, right, tell me another one. And whoever has heard of a movie called MAN OF STEEL, no really ?
Of course no new post would be complete without a selection of homage covers from the vast collection of famous Superman covers. I thought about doing Action Comics 1 or the cover for the first DC / Marvel team up of Superman and Spider - Man but since I don´t have that much material on them I decided to go with another very famous cover featuring Superman : Crisis of Infinite Earths 7 by George Perez.
I mean the image is so iconic that it was used as one of the mock covers for the other universe in the FRINGE tv show.
Now, before CRISIS 7 there were two other covers with Superman in a similar pose. Only this time Lois Lane took Supergirl´s place.
Here are a few more homage covers :
And that´s all for this section. If you still haven´t read CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS you should definitely check it out since it not only is one of the best comic stories of all time and without any question one of the best works of the creative team of Marv Wolfman and George Perez.
No, it also shows how a company wide reboot SHOULD be done. This is the mother of all crossovers and if the guys at DC had any recollection of this masterpiece such a cluster - f - word like the NEW 52 would never have happened in the first place. Oh, the humanity !!!
Now I could do a whole post on Supergirl and her different costumes over the decades alone but there are a few things I wanted to include here since I have no idea when I will find the time to get around to do it.
The first one is this really awesome costume for Superwoman Laurel Kent from the Legion of Superheroes ( click here for the fullsize version ).
The lineart is by Jesus Merino, the colors are by Spidermanfan2099 ( click here to check out more gorgeous pieces in his DeviantArt gallery ) .
Speaking of gorgeous pieces here is a cosplayer that makes Supergirl´s new costume look good.
It´s really strange that all those years that Supergirl had a shitty comic ever since the post - crisis era my brother was reading it, but now that she finally has a solid book with an interesting new angle and decent art I have to give him the first trade as a Christmas present to get him to read it. Some people really have no taste whatsoever !
And speaking about people who have no taste, I would be really neglecting my duties if I didn´t mention Superman´s much more interesting cousin from another earth. This nice piece by artist Nebaroth shows pretty good why you can´t just take Supergirl and suddenly turn her into the new Power Girl. It just doesn´t fit - in more ways than one !
( click here for the fullsize version and Nebaroth´s DeviantArt gallery )
Our final tidbit is this little Superman cartoon I found somewhere on the internet :
So that´s all for Today and look to the skies, fellow comic readers, for the Man of Steel who fights the neverending battle for truth, justice and the american way. Remember : we can all be heroes.
Wow, six posts this month and still counting, this must be a new record. I´m certainly making up for the first half of the year when I was down to one post a month. Just don´t expect this streak to hold on too long since I have to get some rest Tomorrow and will probably not do another post until next week. I´ll probably just give this post the final proof reading but there won´t be anything new. But it was good to get some new Superman - centric stuff on the blog. The new readers must be wondering what the heck this blog is about with all these strange posts about fish sandwiches, beer, old comics nobody gives a fart about and all this comic pimping. I just hope it still is entertaining to some extent.
Now, on the page where I found the TWO - FISTED TALES movie there was a link for CREEPSHOW 2 but after watching that I knew I couldn´t torture my readers with it. I totally forgot how bad it was. Anyway, the video I decided to post instead is more a treat to my german readers because it´s from one of the cartoon series that never made it to Germany. Whenever the guys at ComicGeek Speak talk about CHALLENGE OF THE SUPER FRIENDS it´s something I know nothing about.
And here´s where YouTube comes into play because that´s one gap in pop culture knowledge it can help fill. Now, for all who don´t know, Hannah Barbera did a searies of cartoons based on the Justice League and other heroes in the DC universe, with a whole plethora of titles, first SUPER FRIENDS and then THE ALL - NEW SUPER FRIENDS HOUR, CHALLENGE OF THE SUPER FRIENDS, THE WORLD´S GREATEST SUPER FRIENDS - AND JUSTICE FOR ALL, SUPER FRIENDS - A DANGEROUS FATE, SUPER FRIENDS - THE LOST EPISODES, SUPER FRIENDS - THE LEGENDARY SUPER POWERS SHOW to finally THE SUPER POWERS TEAM - GALACTIC GUARDIANS .
It´s from the latest that I picked the video, THE DEATH OF SUPERMAN which is the finale of the series. If you have seen it before, I hope you enjoy this trip down memory lane and if it´s your first time you might want to check out the other episodes of the various series which I´m sure you can find on YouTube ( click here for the wikipedia episode guide ) .
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Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Too hot to post ( and the finer points of beer drinking according to Subzero )
The weather in Germany really is extreme - either extremely cold or extremely hot. Last Friday I was complaining about the constant rain and now the last few days it has been unbelievably hot. So it´s time to get some shade, break out a cold one and just relax. And read some comics.
I thought about doing some special recommendations but nothing comes to mind that is a specific summer - centric comic ( not that there aren´t probably dozens of comics out there that are about summer ) or one that suddenly becomes a better read just because it´s hot outside.
And I think with all the comic pimping I´ve done over the last few posts you´re probably tired of my constant pulp peddling. My amazon bargain picks for this week are still the EERIE ARCHIVES VOLUME 12 and the IRON MAN OMNIBUS, especially the Iron Man book which is at a really ridiculous price. I have to say, together with the two TEEN TITANS OMNIBUS I have my comic shelf is starting to buckle but you really can spend a few days reading those hefty tomes. They´re just not so great to transport. So if you read them at home it´s great but I wouldn´t have to schlepp them to the beach, especially because they can get wet and full of sand.
Anyway, Today it was so hot I broke my rule to never leave the house on my free days to get the two essential things on such a hot day : ice cream and beer. I have to say that there are a lot of things I like about England like Alan Davis or Doctor Who but the fact that they drink warm beer still creeps me out. It´s almost as bad as the people from Cologne who drink beer out of those small test tube glasses. And don´t get me started on french beer. During my student exchange in Montbeliard they had one called MUTZIG BRÄU which we called SCHMUTZIG BRÄU ( MUDDY BREW ) because God knows what they put in there. These are the moments when I´m thankful for the Reinheitsgebot . But back to my shopping, of course I wasn´t the only one who had that particular idea so all of the MAGNUM ice cream was sold out and I had to get another brand. Thankfully at least they still had some of that BECKS Green Lemon beer I bought Yesterday.
Ever since PLUS was absorbed by NETTO the assortment of goods leaves much to be desired, especially where beer is concerned. They don´t have any good malt beer, only a sickening sweet malt drink and no mixed beer to speak of except BECKS.
I have to say I´m not a regular beer drinker and if I leave it to special occasions, which is mostly to celebrate something or when it´s really very hot like today. Because that´s when a beer tastes extra good. Anyway, because I mostly drink beer on special occasions I tend to go for special brands like Desperado or Budweiser ( which you don´t find in every supermarket in Germany ) or mixed beer. I think I developed my special taste for mixed beer on one of my visits to the Comic Action in Essen.
Me and my brother were rooming with the nice guys from Schwarzer Turm and after the first day was over we all went shopping since we haven´t had time to buy anything during the day. They had a shopping list and everyone had to get some items and return to the shopping cart quickly - preferably before closing time. I remember that beer was one of the items that was on my part of the list and they had two different types of beer. It was some no name brand - like most supermarkets have - and they had regular beer and mixed beer, I think with lemon. My brother just wanted to buy the regular beer but I insisted on getting some of the mixed beer. For my personal consumption if need be. So we did our shopping, returned to the pad where we were all bunking and had the usual fun and games. Man, those guys really know how to have a good time. Anyway, as the evening went on the most asked question soon was if there´s still some of that mixed beer stuff left. I think the next day we only bought the lemon beer. And a good time was had by all.
In the last part from this series I had posted some covers that pay homage to that famous panel where Peter Parker quits being Spider - Man with the costume in the garbage can.
Well, since then I have come across another batch of covers that riff on the " Spider - Man No More ! " theme which I wanted to post. The first one is from another Marvel series WONDER MAN and I can´t believe I forgot this cover. I read the complete series and it was rather good.
Of course such a striking cover motif was also very popular with their Distinguished Competition and they used it very faithfully in this rendition.
A few more homages from DC, this time they take a few more liberties with it.
The next one is Alex Ross´ variant cover for Dynamite´s GREEN HORNET 15. I´m so glad I got the DYNAMITE ART OF ALEX ROSS book when it was offered at a bargain price at amazon, I could just gush over his art for hours. In fact, I´m sure I already did on various occassions.
Another strange one, this time from the horror series HACK / SLASH where I really tried to get into the series. But somehow the quality of the book did not merit the high praises it got in all the reviews. Not that it was bad but I had expected something more.
The next one is a rather peculiar one and comes from Francesco Francavilla.
Our next ones take us again back to Spider - Man himself. A bit loose with the composition this time it´s Mary Jane who takes center stage with this variant cover from the infamous ONE MOMENT IN TIME story that finally explained why Peter and MJ were not married in the BRAND NEW DAY fiasko. I can´t believe that it was because a thief fell on him and he was late. Who writes this stuff ?
Of course the famous panel is also referenced in other comics so here are two panels although I have no idea from which comic they are.
And the last one - at least in this series - is John Romita Jr´s variant cover for HULK 13.
Now I said " this series " because while all these pictures are derived from the " Spider - Man No More ! " issue the picture is not in actuality the cover of Spider - Man 50. The picture on the cover was a very different one and - staying on the subject of the Hulk for a moment - one that was used for the movie poster of the last Hulk movie.
Here´s the original cover to issue 50 of Amazing Spider - Man, masterfully rendered by comic legend extraordinaire John Romita.
But I think we´ll leave those for our next post. For Today it´s once again time to wrap things up for me since I´ve heard the PEANUTS CD three times now and I have to prepare my stuff for work Tomorrow.
If you are reading this in Germany I hope you found a place to chill - as dem crazy kids say nowadays - and you can enjoy the cool evening. And don´t forget to stock up on ice cream, beer and sun tan lotion.
Today´s video of the day is not related to the topic of this post. A few days ago I was discussing with a fellow comicer how some of the best comics are war comics like DC´s THE LOSERS, WEIRD WAR TALES, SGT ROCK, Marvel´s SGT FURY AND HIS HOWLING COMMANDOS, ALL WINNERS SQUAD or Charlton Comics THE LONELY WAR OF WILLY SCHULTZ. One of the most famous is probably EC´s TWO - FISTED TALES
that ran 24 issues from 1950 to 1955 and had stories by such comic masters like Harvey Kurtzman, John Severin, Wally Wood, Johnny Craig, Will Elder, Jack Davis, Alex Toth, Gene Colan, Joe Kubert, George Evans, Reed Crandall or Bernard Krigstein. Most of the stories were war stories but there also were some adventure stories about cowboys and indians, roman gladiators and well, mainly men doing manly stuff.
In 1992 there was a tv movie produced by Richard Donner which wasn´t half bad and which had an impressive cast with William Sadler, Raymond J Barry, Dan Aykroyd, Lance Henricksen, Brad Pitt and Kirk Douglas. Just the right movie to watch while knocking down a few cold ones. Enjoy !
New to the blog ? Everything you need to know about TALES FROM THE KRYPTONIAN : top ten posts / more posts of interest
I thought about doing some special recommendations but nothing comes to mind that is a specific summer - centric comic ( not that there aren´t probably dozens of comics out there that are about summer ) or one that suddenly becomes a better read just because it´s hot outside.
And I think with all the comic pimping I´ve done over the last few posts you´re probably tired of my constant pulp peddling. My amazon bargain picks for this week are still the EERIE ARCHIVES VOLUME 12 and the IRON MAN OMNIBUS, especially the Iron Man book which is at a really ridiculous price. I have to say, together with the two TEEN TITANS OMNIBUS I have my comic shelf is starting to buckle but you really can spend a few days reading those hefty tomes. They´re just not so great to transport. So if you read them at home it´s great but I wouldn´t have to schlepp them to the beach, especially because they can get wet and full of sand.
Anyway, Today it was so hot I broke my rule to never leave the house on my free days to get the two essential things on such a hot day : ice cream and beer. I have to say that there are a lot of things I like about England like Alan Davis or Doctor Who but the fact that they drink warm beer still creeps me out. It´s almost as bad as the people from Cologne who drink beer out of those small test tube glasses. And don´t get me started on french beer. During my student exchange in Montbeliard they had one called MUTZIG BRÄU which we called SCHMUTZIG BRÄU ( MUDDY BREW ) because God knows what they put in there. These are the moments when I´m thankful for the Reinheitsgebot . But back to my shopping, of course I wasn´t the only one who had that particular idea so all of the MAGNUM ice cream was sold out and I had to get another brand. Thankfully at least they still had some of that BECKS Green Lemon beer I bought Yesterday.
Ever since PLUS was absorbed by NETTO the assortment of goods leaves much to be desired, especially where beer is concerned. They don´t have any good malt beer, only a sickening sweet malt drink and no mixed beer to speak of except BECKS.
I have to say I´m not a regular beer drinker and if I leave it to special occasions, which is mostly to celebrate something or when it´s really very hot like today. Because that´s when a beer tastes extra good. Anyway, because I mostly drink beer on special occasions I tend to go for special brands like Desperado or Budweiser ( which you don´t find in every supermarket in Germany ) or mixed beer. I think I developed my special taste for mixed beer on one of my visits to the Comic Action in Essen.
Me and my brother were rooming with the nice guys from Schwarzer Turm and after the first day was over we all went shopping since we haven´t had time to buy anything during the day. They had a shopping list and everyone had to get some items and return to the shopping cart quickly - preferably before closing time. I remember that beer was one of the items that was on my part of the list and they had two different types of beer. It was some no name brand - like most supermarkets have - and they had regular beer and mixed beer, I think with lemon. My brother just wanted to buy the regular beer but I insisted on getting some of the mixed beer. For my personal consumption if need be. So we did our shopping, returned to the pad where we were all bunking and had the usual fun and games. Man, those guys really know how to have a good time. Anyway, as the evening went on the most asked question soon was if there´s still some of that mixed beer stuff left. I think the next day we only bought the lemon beer. And a good time was had by all.
In the last part from this series I had posted some covers that pay homage to that famous panel where Peter Parker quits being Spider - Man with the costume in the garbage can.
Well, since then I have come across another batch of covers that riff on the " Spider - Man No More ! " theme which I wanted to post. The first one is from another Marvel series WONDER MAN and I can´t believe I forgot this cover. I read the complete series and it was rather good.
Of course such a striking cover motif was also very popular with their Distinguished Competition and they used it very faithfully in this rendition.
A few more homages from DC, this time they take a few more liberties with it.
The next one is Alex Ross´ variant cover for Dynamite´s GREEN HORNET 15. I´m so glad I got the DYNAMITE ART OF ALEX ROSS book when it was offered at a bargain price at amazon, I could just gush over his art for hours. In fact, I´m sure I already did on various occassions.
Another strange one, this time from the horror series HACK / SLASH where I really tried to get into the series. But somehow the quality of the book did not merit the high praises it got in all the reviews. Not that it was bad but I had expected something more.
The next one is a rather peculiar one and comes from Francesco Francavilla.
Our next ones take us again back to Spider - Man himself. A bit loose with the composition this time it´s Mary Jane who takes center stage with this variant cover from the infamous ONE MOMENT IN TIME story that finally explained why Peter and MJ were not married in the BRAND NEW DAY fiasko. I can´t believe that it was because a thief fell on him and he was late. Who writes this stuff ?
Of course the famous panel is also referenced in other comics so here are two panels although I have no idea from which comic they are.
And the last one - at least in this series - is John Romita Jr´s variant cover for HULK 13.
Now I said " this series " because while all these pictures are derived from the " Spider - Man No More ! " issue the picture is not in actuality the cover of Spider - Man 50. The picture on the cover was a very different one and - staying on the subject of the Hulk for a moment - one that was used for the movie poster of the last Hulk movie.
Here´s the original cover to issue 50 of Amazing Spider - Man, masterfully rendered by comic legend extraordinaire John Romita.
But I think we´ll leave those for our next post. For Today it´s once again time to wrap things up for me since I´ve heard the PEANUTS CD three times now and I have to prepare my stuff for work Tomorrow.
If you are reading this in Germany I hope you found a place to chill - as dem crazy kids say nowadays - and you can enjoy the cool evening. And don´t forget to stock up on ice cream, beer and sun tan lotion.
Today´s video of the day is not related to the topic of this post. A few days ago I was discussing with a fellow comicer how some of the best comics are war comics like DC´s THE LOSERS, WEIRD WAR TALES, SGT ROCK, Marvel´s SGT FURY AND HIS HOWLING COMMANDOS, ALL WINNERS SQUAD or Charlton Comics THE LONELY WAR OF WILLY SCHULTZ. One of the most famous is probably EC´s TWO - FISTED TALES
that ran 24 issues from 1950 to 1955 and had stories by such comic masters like Harvey Kurtzman, John Severin, Wally Wood, Johnny Craig, Will Elder, Jack Davis, Alex Toth, Gene Colan, Joe Kubert, George Evans, Reed Crandall or Bernard Krigstein. Most of the stories were war stories but there also were some adventure stories about cowboys and indians, roman gladiators and well, mainly men doing manly stuff.
In 1992 there was a tv movie produced by Richard Donner which wasn´t half bad and which had an impressive cast with William Sadler, Raymond J Barry, Dan Aykroyd, Lance Henricksen, Brad Pitt and Kirk Douglas. Just the right movie to watch while knocking down a few cold ones. Enjoy !
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