Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Mutanten Mittwoch : Alan Davis EXCALIBUR

I didn't realize it but this is my 1.340th post ( Yay ! ) and as promised in my spotlight on Alan Davis contributions to the Batman universe here is the first of many EXCALIBUR posts that will appear in the near future.

Usually I am a bit hesitant to do two posts about the same artist so close together but seeing as it will take me at least three posts to put all the new material on the blog I decided to bend my rules a bit here even if the last Alan Davis post I started isn't finished. What else is new, right ?

Usually I write about the genesis of the post and the logistics behind the scenes before coming to the original artwork but since I already covered that in the aforementioned post and I don't want to bore all my faithful followers to death by endlessly regurgitating everything we'll skip that.

What I want to mention for new visitors is that as mentioned there might be some artwork I have included in previous posts but because of the nature of the beast back then the artwork was all over the place since I always used - and still do use - the best pieces that are available to me.

And when I speak of original artwork I am of course talking about stuff and scans I find online on sites like Heritage Auctions, Comic Art Fans and lately more and more on Comic Link. I want to stress again that I don't own any of the original pages I post here or in any other post and in fact aside from a few scattered Artist's Editions and some sketches I got at cons ( back when I could still go to cons ) I don't own any original art.

Just to make that clear. Anyway, as I was saying in the old posts I posted whatever was available to me at the moment while this time around we are going in chronological order what means that in this post will be all the original artwork I found from the graphic novel EXCALIBUR : THE SWORD IS DRAWN ( which you can find in its entirety here if you want to read it ) and the issues 1 to 5 which means that we will be covering the EXCALIBUR issues from the INFERNO crossover. As longtime visitors of the blog know this is one of my favourite X - MEN crossovers so I am sure I will have plenty to say on the subject. So I am trying to keep this intro short and sweet without further delay since it has been almost five years since my last EXCALIBUR tribute which is definitely too long for comfort.

doctor who with spandex

sword stuff

sword links

Most of my readers probably know that EXCALIBUR team member Rachel Summers - who is the daughter of Scott Summers a. k. a. Cyclops and Jean Grey from an alternate future timeline - went by the superhero codename Phoenix after Jean Grey's demise in The Dark Phoenix Saga .

When Jean Grey came back from the dead - because comics - it took her some time to go back to her old superhero codename Phoenix. But wait, wasn't Rachel Summers using that name ? What happened to her ? Don't worry my friends, your trustworthy old pal Brian Cronin on COMIC BOOK RESOURCES got the hook up for all you x - freaks out there as he not only goes into detail about when Jean Grey re - adopted the name of Phoenix but also has the lowdown on when she got her telepathic powers back .

sword videos




I haven't seen the film in such a long time that I thought I imagined it


blame canada

british sitcoms

carry on

gabby b in english



new mutants



The following video is about an oddity in the history of soft - sex skin flicks but longtime followers of this blog will instantly recognize the names Zachi Noy and Sibylle Rauch - especially the latter one since I mentioned german 44D ( !!! ) - 24 - 36 Busenwunder Sibylle more times than Zachi. Although I might have misspelled Sibylle's name on occasion.

The blonde Frauleinwunder was not only PLAYBOY's Playmate Of The Month Of July in June of 1979 in the german edition of Hugh Hefner's famous lifestyle magazine for gentlemen, she also appeared in a lot of german skin flicks like the very successful Lass jucken, Kumpel series but her most famous roles were in parts 3 to 7 of the Lemon Popsicle nudie comedy series besides Zachi Noy which brings us back again full circle.

In Israel and most parts of Europe the Lemon Popsicle movies have been a big part of the culture but since they are probably not that well known outside of it I might have to explain the basic plot. Lemon Popsicle ( Eis Am Stiel in the german translation which means literally Ice Cream On A Stick ) is an israeli movie series produced by Menahem Golan and Yoram Globus - whom older readers might recognize as the masterminds behind Cannon Films who have produced or distributed such 80s movie classics like Enter The Ninja, Revenge Of The Ninja, Ninja III : The Domination, 9 Deaths Of The Ninja, American Ninja, American Ninja II, American Ninja III : Blood Hunt, American Ninja IV : The Annihilation, American Ninja V, Bloodsport, The Kickboxer, Death Warrant, Death Wish II, Death Wish III, Death Wish IV : The Crackdown, 10 To Midnight, Murphy's Law, Act Of Vengeance, Heat, The Seven Magnificent Gladiators, Sindbad Of The Seven Seas, Hercules and The Adventures of Hercules ( all four starring Lou Ferrigno ), The Barbarians, Gor, Outlaw Of Gor, The Throne Of Fire, The Lord Of The Rings, Legend, The Naked Face, Bolero, Emanuelle 4, They're Playing With Fire, Flodder, Bluebeard, Never Too Young To Die, Desperately Seeking Susan, Mannequin, Absolute Beginners, Electric Dreams, Amadeus, Big, All Of Me, Missing In Action, Missing In Action 2 : The Beginning, Braddock : Missing In Action III, Firewalker, Hero And The Terror, Code Of Silence, The Hitman, Hellbound, Invasion : USA, Delta Force, Delta Force II : The Colombian Connection, Delta Force III : The Killing Game, Lifeforce, The Quiet Earth, Hard Rock Zombies, The Evil Dead, Night Of The Creeps, Aladdin, Runaway Train, Tai Pan, Quigley Down Under, Powow Highway, Link, Pirates, Convoy, Speed Zone, The Hitcher, Flesh And Blood, Highlander, Conan The Barbarian, Red Sonja, Rambo : First Blood II, Cobra ( called The City Cobra in Germany ), Over The Top, Lock Up, Raw Deal, Armour Of God, Amsterdamned, Street Smart, Superman III ( or how it is called in Germany Superman III : The Steel Lightning Bolt Superman IV : Quest For Peace, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Masters Of The Universe, Red Scorpion, Cyborg, Biggles, The Adventures Of Buckaroo Banzai In The 8th DimensionDreamscape, The Philadelphia Experiment, Black Moon Rising, Harley Davidson And The Marlboro Man, Xtro, Really Weird Tales, Three Kinds Of Heat, The Frog Prince, Snow White, The Company Of Wolves, Howling II : Your Sister Is A Werewolf, Teen Wolf Too, Silver Bullet, Dead Zone, Children Of The Corn, Firestarter, Cat's Eye and The Amityville Horror which I have all featured or at least mentioned or am planning to feature here.

So yup, Cannon Films was my childhood. Coming back to Lemon Popsicle, the series follows a trio of friends on their quest to loose their virginity which was not the part that I was most interested in but rather all the naked boobs you could see - especially Sibylle Rauch's teutonic twin torpedoes. The story takes place in the 50s which for a lot of viewers brought a lot of nostalgia as did the soundtracks which were full of 50s classics and so always were pretty high in the german charts. So you had the double whammy of Lemon Popsicle being the most watched movies in german movie theaters while the soundtracks sold extremely well.

But Sibylle was not only paired with Zachy Noi in the Lemon Popsicle movies they quickly became an erotic comedy duo in movies like The Incredible Adventures Of Guru Jacob or Private Manoeuvres, an erotic military comedy of which I have posted the movie poster a few times.

And that brings us finally to the soft sex skin flick oddity I mentioned at the beginning because the movie that in following video was supposed to be the sequel to that and the final entry in the Lemon Popsicle series.


As for Sibylle Rauch, before becoming one of the most successful porn stars with one of the biggest german porn companies ( her sales records breaking movie BORN TO LOVE even guest starred british porn superstar Sarah Louise Young although she even topped the success of this with SISTERS IN LOVE which also starred her sister Sylvie Rauch, I guess dick taming runs in their DNA ) she tried to use the career boost from the Lemon Popsicle movies to jumpstart a singing career ( this was the time when women with big breasts like the italian 40D - 24 - 36 men milking machine Sabrina " bouncing action " Salerno, danish 46E ( !!! ) - 23 - 37 Busenwunder Brigitte Nielsen, polish 45F - 23 - 33 Danuta or Samantha Fox became big stars thanks to the predominance of music videos ) and she was the publisher - as well as the face and body - of the german HUSTLER from 1992 till 1995. She did a lot of cocaine and I thought she had died in 1997 but apparently Sibylle did survive her suicide attempt.

Well, I couldn't find Private Popsicle - Part 2 but I did come across The Quiet Earth. And you decide for yourself which one is the better movie.




Next we come to someone who has not been in a superhero movie and I don't know if that is a good thing or not because while british 40D - 24 - 33 bra buster Samantha Fox definitely had all the physical requirements to fill out Power Girl's magical cleavage window - and then some - back then not many superhero movies were treated seriously, so who knows.

With all the times I have mentioned Samantha Fox on the blog - the last time was in my third post about Joe Staton's tenure on GREEN LANTERN ( new visitors might also want to check out my post on Joe Staton's GUY GARDNER series as well as his POWER GIRL ) - I have not always included the best ... or in Samantha Fox's case more accurately the breastest .... videos because she never really showed that much in her music videos.

Not by Today's standards and not compared what the most famous page 3 girl showed every day in the pages of The Sun and newspapers around the world, PLAYBOY, Penthouse or other adult magazines from that time.

Maybe it's just me but compared to her biggest rival at that time italian 40D - 24 - 36 sex symbol Sabrina Salerno Samantha Fox also covered up more. At least Sabrina appeared in hot bikinis in her music videos most famously in her career making video Boys, Boys, Boys ( Summertime Love ) where she not only wore a tiny bikini but her giant melons also were too much for the bikini top so it always slid down and you could see her nipples. Which led to her having to do a censored version that could be shown on Mtv and Sabrina gaining world fame wherever the uncensored version was shown. But there also was a lot of Sabrina Salerno's patented bouncing action in her videos - especially her live performances - which Samantha Fox's music videos were sorely lacking.

And when Samantha Fox did incorporate bouncing action it mostly was for naught because Sam was always very covered up so you didn't see anything while Sabrina's more open clothing style and her proneness to wardrobe malfunctions lend itself more to that. Add to that that it has always been difficult to find live performances of Samantha Fox where you get your money's worth and you may understand why there have not been as many videos by Samantha Fox on the blog than of sexy Sabrina.

But that doesn't mean that I am adverse to posting Samantha Fox videos especially on the rare occasion that I find some in good quality - which happened just recently. And the main reason why I haven't put any of them on the blog until now is that I thought I already did so. Writing 30 posts simultaneously can get a bit confusing sometimes so I hope my readers will cut me some slack here. Like with all of my videos I chose those that I knew and that have been a part of my formative years as a horny teenager as well as those that have the best quality and the ones where you can rally see more of Samantha Fox bonerinducing body. And if you have any suggestions or videos of Sam that you think belong on the blog - especially in good quality - let me know in the comments below.

Those who have read this blog since its early days may remember that I started writing about Samantha Fox in the posts of Sabrina Salerno but in 2017 I finally managed to do a post on Sam. Or better two posts since so much stuff I wanted to say about her had accumulated that I had to split it into two parts : the first part with the regular musings and the second part which is totally not safe for work and probably not 100 % the truth.

Sam is best remembered as the nation’s favourite Page 3 girl after first posing topless when she was 16 as she was blessed with a stunning 34D - 22 - 31 figure ( later to fill out to 36D ! ). For three years Sam Fox was voted Page 3 Girl Of The Year and became one of the most photographed women of the decade alongside Princess Diana and Margaret Thatcher.

And like Sarah Young Samantha did not believe she had what it takes.

Sam burst on to the scene in her teens after her mother put her forward for a modelling contest and Samantha came second of 20,000 entrants.

Until that point Samantha, who had been attending stage school and had a Saturday job at a supermarket, had her heart set on becoming a singer.

She feared she could never be a model because her boobs were too big.

I asked my mum if I looked fat in a dress because my boobs looked too big in it. She said, " Your boobs are great. " I only realized they were fine when women began paying for surgery to have boobs like mine.

The reason for including Samantha Fox is that I want to acknowledge her because while I think she never lived up to her true potential she still was one of the hot sexbombs during my puberty. Ah, the things I would have done to Sammy if I got my hands on her when I was at my prime !

I always had the impression that she could do more but didn´t want to do it. I remember that some years ago, well, more than a few years because this is about a video cassette, I found a video which was kind of a MAKING OF one of her calendars. I expected to see some skin, not hardcore but at least as much as you could see in the calendar but the video was more like something out of Sesame Street and every time there was some exposed skin Sam was frantically obsessed with covering up again as quickly as possible. Now maybe she was tired of always showing her body and being objectified but then she should have either not have done the calendar in the first place or not try to sell a video that is tamer than an episode of the Muppet Babies. Just my 5 cents.

As for Sabrina " Bouncing Action " Salerno, her first cult siren entry was way back in 2014 with annual re - posts in 2015 , 2016 and in 2017 where I tried to do the ultimate version adding some new stuff here and there.

Who quickly seems to be becoming the Samantha Fox of this generation of millennials ( who act woke like they are above such basic cravings but put a big - breasted sexbomb with legs for miles almost up to her neck and an ass that just won't quit like the one we are going to talk about in a few moments in front of them in a spicy situation and they turn into drooling perverts who can't wait to slam - bang such a living blow up sex doll six ways to Sunday in the worst way no matter which part of the LGBTQLMAA alphabet they identify with ) is all natural 40D ( ! ) - 24 - 33 Busenwunder Sydnet Sweeney who would have been a prime candidate for my SEARCH FOR POWER GIRL post series over on my old boob blog.

Now the reason why I am using the term " would have been " is not because I am doubting Sydney's qualifications for that role - as she is an acclaimed actress in her own right who obviously could fill out Power Girl's magical boob window with no problem - and more based on the fact that my SEARCH FOR POWER GIRL series is currently on hiatus which is for the most part due to the loss of my old cult siren picture archive.

Well, that and my backlog of a few dozen unfinished posts. Besides the fact that Sydney was obviously born for porn I would not have to worry about her willingness to get completely naked in front of a camera like some of the other contenders for playing DC Comics Maid Of The Mighty Melons in a movie adaption ( or may I even hope in a full blown multiple seasons tv series or spin - off ) because if there is one thing Sydney is known for - besides her stunning body that can give even the gayest monk a giant erection - it's her spectacular and often extremely graphic nude scenes in tv shows like EUPHORIA and movies like THE VOYEURS where you can see Sydney Sweeney in all her uncensored nude glory.

As usual I am not familiar with EUPHORIA as I obviously live under a rock when it comes to newer tv shows although I have been aware of Sydney Sweeney for quite some time as the YouTube algorithm at least made me aware of her appearance on James Gordon's late night show where she presented her spectacular boobs to a drooling audience. But like always I couldn't use the video right away and so it got shelfed and because there are always ten things I have to do at the same time I forgot about it and my memory is so bad that I can't even tell you how she popped up on my radar again. Now while I don't know much about EUPHORIA ( which is the reason why it may take some time to include the usual links ) you might think that on a show with such a plethora of explicit sex scenes the male actors would insist on method acting. Especially with such ultimate dick - drainers like Sydney Sweeney or Alexa Demie but according to Sydney herself the whole things is not as stimulating for the actors as for us.

As Sydney - who has gone on record about her very realistic nude scenes and is very outspoken about the double standard of nudity in Hollywood where male actors are often praised for their willingness to get naked in front of a camera which often leads to getting awards while women are put down for making the same choice ( thankfully that has not deterred her from getting her sex freak on and what is even better she promised more nude skin to come - no pun intended - in the future as long as they are true to the character and serves the overarching narrative of the project ) - has mentioned in many interviews she is a stout advocate of making actors feel safe and comfortable while filming intimate scenes and the actress / producer is a big advocate of intimacy coordinators.

Which is something I hadn't heard of before but it makes a lot of sense because while we all may have these ideas about filming sex scenes with an ultimate men milking machine like Sydney Sweeney who really knows how to pump a guy dry to the last drop in reality it is a job that requires a lot of choreography and the scenes are more technical than romantic.

Because there are people staring at her, there are pads between them, there are nipple covers and weird sticker thong all up in her butt ( but thankfully not all the time as we have gotten to enjoy some full frontal nudity scenes with Sydney Sweeney over the years ). Now this job of intimacy coordinator might be what I should be doing because they have to carefully choreograph every intimate scene and go into detail about how it plays out to make sure that all the actors feel comfortable with what is asked from them. As both - producer and resident stunt cock - I would of course insist of rehearsing all of the extremely explicit sex scenes with such an ultimate sex machine like Sydney Sweeney myself.

Now in past posts I have mentioned that with other cult sirens I would relocate such intimate activities to a five star hotel at an undisclosed location for the benefit of the girls who are safe from the crew taking turns at dicktaming them afterwards. It goes without saying that I would try to get the special " taming suite " with the soundproof bedroom so that we don't disturb the other hotel guest when these sexbombs scream at the top of their lungs when I slam - bang their brains out six ways to Sunday and six days until Sunday in a penetration sensation marathon.

But with somebody who has already done as many sex scenes - and very explicit ones at that - and is such a pro when it comes to spreading her legs like a fillipino hooker and ride huge schlongs all the way to Laramie - how they call it in Germany - I don't know if she would agree to such an extensive squirt marathon if I don't have a good motivation for Sydney.

And while the whole thing would be extremely satisfying for me Sydney would see it as just a job. On top of that if there was any taming to be done it would be done by Sydney who would have me squirting buckets like a damn fire hose through the night until I can't get it up anymore.

One thing I can't get over with ( but which happens with a lot of drop dead gorgeous stars ) is that this particular deepthroat world champion - who really knows how to wear out a dick with ye olde " pop till you drop " routine and who was completely wasted in Disney's godawful " Madame Web " fiasko - does not see herself as a sex symbol. Granted, for Sydney those bonerinducing scenes are not very glamourous but since she got pretty big boobs at a young age - which at first got her a lot of ridicule from her female classmate but that quickly turned into envy as Sydney drew the unwanted attention of all her male classmates and quite a few teachers - and has been very accepting of her body ever since those days she must be aware which effect this has on males when she gets naked.

I mean, she brought hundreds of pupils to tears when she became part of the math club and the robotic team instead of the theatre club - where they were hoping to drill her in Gustave Flaubert's " Madame Bovary " - or the movie club - where they had already invested in new cameras to film the porn version of the classic " Deep Throat " with Sydney Sweeney.

The jocks were likely disappointed that she was on the snow slalom team, the baseball team and the soccer team instead of being " head " cheerleader ( with a big emphasis on the head part as in oral sex as in deepthroat sex doll ) for which she was nominated by the girls on the cheerleading squad who were anxious to get a break. As we all know, the main function of the cheerleaders is not to cheer but to bear the brunt of the horny jocks sexual assault during the post game victory parties in order to prevent those serial - rapists - in - training from gangraping all bigbreasted classmates, parents or teachers that are not quick enough.

Now I know that I have already one video with Sydnety Sweeney at a late show but I wanted to include her appearance on SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE .

There will be more late night show videos with Sydney Sweeney in other posts - which will be probably before this one in the chronological order of the blog which might be very confusing for my readers but those that are frequent visitors must be accustomed to this modus operandi since I always try to put the breast stuff into the most recent posts on the blog.

darkwing duck

german intro

a different duck of course I had to pick the episode where the castle ends up in spain to see if they check all the usual stereotypes

audio drama

no one can tell me that they really think this looks better than the original version crossover

a bit of nostalgia for the german visitors from my generation






speaking of warriors knights and warriors princess malice tug o warrior

princess malice played by cameo kneuer

As some of my longtime readers may know flex appealing Cameo Kneuer on the other hand is the little sister( not so little where her milkshakes are concerned ) of non other than buffed blonde built 40C - 27 - 37 body Corinna Kneuer a.k.a. Cory Everson who I have mentioned a few times on the blog. Besides being another hot candidate in my famous SEARCH FOR POWER GIRL series requested by a reader ( which may have something to do with her attire of choice while working out in the gym, OMFG !!!!! ) Cory Everson is an accomplished female bodybuilding champion who won the Miss Olympia contest six ( ! ) years in a row, from 1984 up until 1989.

She also appeared in movies like Double Impact with Jean - Claude Van Damme, Natural Born Killers or Ballistic and a plethora of tv series most notably 3 episodes of Hercules : The Legendary Journeys as Atalanta, one of the many hot sexbombs that made watching the show bearable.

Because in episode 16 of season 2 called " Let The Games Begin " Cory plays the role of hot MILF aunt. Her nephew Damon is the typical bored juvenile delinquent who doesn´t pay his aunt Atalante much attention - until she not only turns out to be an old acquaintance of Hercules but a total sexbomb. Which is revealed when during an attack her robes are ripped off to reveal her chiseled boner - inducing physique that is only barely covered by what looks like a cross between a greek battle suit for Aphrodite and a special sado maso outfit right from Victoria´s Secret.

This immediately jumpstarts not only Damon´s puberty but also his sexual obsession with his hot aunt. Which tells us two things. One, the idea of having sex with your aunt may be older than we think and two, while being a lazy juvenile delinquent in training he's not a peeping Tom.

Because you know that if Damon had spotted Atalante soaping up her playmate bikini body under the shower he would have spent all his time trying to get her drunk enough to tie her to his bed and bang her brains out six ways to Sunday. Keeping in mind that he´s at that age when you can stay hard for days he would have a field day / week dicktaming his busty aunt with his giant monstercock until she is his obedient sex slave.

He would not know his own strength and a less experienced girl would be seriously hurt but with Atalante being in the peak physical condition she is in she would not only remain unharmed but even moreso enjoy getting slam - fucked many positions in by her nephew´s relentless horsecock.

The plot of the episode is that Hercules and Atalante initiate the olympic games to end the battles between the Spartans and the Eleans so Damon pretends to be interested in the games. But it´s all a ploy to check out his aunt like in the scene where they arm wrestle and he loses because Damon is too busy staring down her cleavage, drooling over her boobs.

sheena in mejico

series retro

marcela unda best cleavages





five most sexual asmr

sword banner

sword quote of the day


Anonymous said...

You said you lost your Erika Andersch/Diamond files. You might want to check this space: https://www.deviantart.com/siguifan/gallery/88211467/american-gladiator-diamond

SUBZERO said...

Holy bouncing action, Batman ! Thanks for the link. Sadly it's too late to include it in my AMERICAN GLADIATOR spotlight in this Ron Frenz THORSDAY post https://talesfromthekryptonian.blogspot.com/2023/02/its-thorsday-with-ron-frenz-not-soul.html but I definitely can use it in newer posts. Back in the day I used to go back and rework the old posts but blogger has a tendency to flag all finished posts as NSFW whenever I change something.