Like every year it has snowed here in Germany and all the people who are going on holiday with their car are caught up in big traffic jams. And because of the snow there have been quite a few accidents. I just mention it because every year it´s the same. There is always one last reminder of winter which usually happens just before April. In April you never know which weather it´s going to be but there is one thing you can count on : right before April it gets cold for one final time usually with lots of snow. So it´s weird to see all the people acting surprised every year. To tell you the truth I keep the winter tires on till the beginning of April.
Anyway, I only wanted to put up a quick post wishing all my loyal readers Happy Easter.

That was the plan anyway. But like always things happened differently. Originally I wanted to post something that was somehow conneceted to Easter and since it was the only thing that I could come up with I wanted to post something with Jessica Rabbit ( therefore the Jesssica bunny pic right at the beginning ). My idea was Easter = bunny = comicbunny = Jessica Rabbit. Sometimes strange things happen in life. In my life that often involves tv. I don´t know if you are familiar with the concept of synchronicity but to my understanding it´s that strange phenomenon when things happen that are connected or kind of the same. You think about a person who suddenly calls you. Or you hear about a book and the next day the movie version is on tv. For me it´s often that I see an actor in a movie and the next day he appears in one or two tv shows I watch.
This week the guy who played Lt. Disher on MONK also appeared in another movie I was watching the next day. And in this weeks episode of MONK the story was about a murder case in the rap industry as well as the episode of BONES. Weird. Anyway, what was even weirder was that today I was watching South Park....which in itself was not weird. A few weeks ago I saw the South Park episode that was a spoof of Frank Miller´s 300

and since it was really funny ( not like this stupid version that is running in cinemas right now ) and it was followed by the Zombie spoof episode I decided to watch it more often. I used to watch it regularly but lately I hadn´t watched any episodes so most of the episodes they aired were new to me.
Last week I had seen the first part of the Fantasialand story but obviously I missed part two since they showed Episode III ( great Star Wars reference by the way ) today.

They always show two episodes and the second one was the Guitar Hero spoof. And in the episode they played a song that I had heard somewhere else this week. I knew that I have heard it before in some movie, tv show or commercial. It took me five minutes till I remembered that it had been on SUPERNATURAL.

This Monday they showed the penultimate episode of the first season and the song from South Park played at the beginning. Now there is always great music on Supernatural ( they must have the mother of all soundtracks ) usually from Def Leppard or Led Zeppelin so I thought one of the two bands played the song. But on south Park they mentioned that it was from some group named Kansas. Okay, I´m a musical illiterate. What can I say ? So I got on the internet and did some research because it is a really great song. The title is " Carry on my wayward son ".
Here´s the actual clip from the episode of SUPERNATURAL.
Here´s another one that has the full song with clips from the show SUPERNATURAL.
The last clip is of a ten year old girl who plays the song on a keyboard and who totally rocks.
Last but not least here´s a link that I got from DAVE´S LONGBOX. It´s really hilarious but I don´t know if it´s really such a good idea to crank up your speaker to eleven - especially if you are at work. Nevertheless you should really check it out. It´s pure genius !
So that´s all for today. Anyway, happy holidays to all comic afficionados out there.
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