Yes, I just wanted do do a quick post - 30 minutes, 1 hour tops - but fate had other plans. The reason for this post is another comic convention in Spain that´s taking place - well, it starts tomorrow. Not a big salon but rather a salita the 2nd SALITA DEL COMIC IBEROAMERICANO takes place in Cáceres ( I have no idea where that is ) from the 22nd to the 27th of March 2011.
I have thought about sharing this information with german comic news sites but since my last two reports have been ignored I decided to post it here. Since I´ve never been to this particular comic convention I can´t comment on the quality but judging from articles I´ve read online it seems to be a small but fun con. So if you´re in Spain around that time you might want to check it out.
From next Tuesday, the 22nd and till Sunday 27th of March, you can attend the second edition of the SALITA DEL COMIC in Cáceres, named so with a lot of humor last year by its organisators. Before the inauguration, on Wednesday the movie MARIA Y YO can be seen, and the exhibition VINILOS DE COMIC in the Filmoteca de Extremadura.
On Wednesday the starting shot will be given to the comic week in Cáceres, situated in the Sala Vintage. There will be exhibitions of Dario Adanti, Ed or Lluisot. On Thursday there will be a round table panel titled COMICS AND HORROR in the Sala Belles Artes, and the movie EL GRAN VAZQUEZ can be seen in the Filmoteca de Extremadura.
On Friday there will be another round table ( in the Sala Belles Artes ) which will be most interesting about Chris Ware and his influence. There will also be a screening of NAUSICAA OF THE VALLEY OF THE WIND and to liven up the night, a concert by Victor Coyote in the Sala Belles Artes. On Saturday another talk about HUMOR AND IBERAMERICAN COMICS, and the presentation of some new comics like NAVIO DE TUERTOS de Fermín Solis, YUPULCA de Miguel Farrona y José Luis Forte, ROLAND de Borja González and the second issue of the fanzine HARTO.
The last day is dedicated entirely to the comic fleamarket starting at high noon at the Sala Belle Artes.
The official poster was done by Fermin Solis and the salita is organized by Extrebeo and Cexeci. For more information - and a short podcast about the announcement of the event on a radioshow - you can follow this link that will lead you to the official blog. And you can read the spanish version of the text above right here
Official announcement :
The II Salita del Cómic Iberoamericano, that wants to spread comics, their reknown and appreciation will be celebrated in Cáceres between the 22nd and 27th of March, organized by the Centro Extremeño de Estudios y Cooperación con Iberoamérica ( Cexeci ) and exTreBeO, Asociación Cultural de Amigos del Cómic de Extremadura.
This event wants to make comics known as a " complete art form at the height of the XXI century " with authors from Spain and Latin America, also inviting all comic artists that exist in Extremadurs, professionals and aficionados alike.
This year we have as invited artist Darío Adanti, argentinian artist and animator especially known for his work on the spanish cult humor magazine EL JUEVES. For this occasion the publishing house Glénat just published a book that collects all his work for the weekly publication titled ALL THAT RADIOACTIVE DANDRUFF.
Also attending will be Ed, illustrator and graphic designer from Argentina from the publishing house Mamut, specialized in comics for the youngest readers, like the Comitte of Extremadura informed in its press release.
Lluïsot is another invited artist, a spanish illustrator who won the Lazarillo de ilustración award last year, together with Enrique Flores, artist and illustrator from Extremadura. The Lazarillo award is the most important award dedicated to children´s illustration. Lluïsot´s pages of CARNE DE PSIQUIATRA for the magazine EL JUEVES " have set the highest bar of surreal humor in this country ".
The three artists will be showing examples of their work in the Sala Belles Artes, on Viena Street 16, in Cáceres, and will hold a conference in the Public Library Antonio Rodríguez Moñino / María Brey on Saturday the 26th of March.
The week will be rounded up with a series about movies and comics in the Filmoteca de Extremadura, various round tables dedicated to comics, presentations of comic publications of authors from Extremadura and the already usual successful ending on Sunday the 27th with the comic flea market.
Well, I hope all who attend will have a great time and thanks to my peeps from Rantifuso for sending me the link about YUPULCA.

Today´s video is AVENGERS - EARTH´S MIGHTIEST HEROES from Marvel. It´s nothing new for american audiences but here in Germany we´re still waiting for it. I don´t know if this was made in anticipation of the upcoming Avengers movie but the series is quite good and they even got the characters of Hulk and Thor right.
Best Thor line : That is a very big head.
New to the blog ? Everything you need to know about TALES FROM THE KRYPTONIAN :

Thank you very much for this post!!
great blog If you are the type to update your blog regulary, then you have gained one daily reader in me today. keep up the super work.
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