Saturday, March 21, 2020

Sentinel of Liberty Saturday with Mark Waid

It´s often difficult to separate an artist from his work but since I already wrote about my concerns about Mark Waid´s attempts to destroy the comicbook industry ( which in light of the current crisis seem even crazier ) last year we can focus on two of his comicbook series I can recommend.

Well, technically three of the series he has written but I´m counting his run on CAPTAIN AMERICA and the series CAPTAIN AMERICA : SENTINEL OF LIBERTY as just one book. I was a bit reluctant if I should do a post for Mark Waid but it gives me the opportunity to post some of the great original art for this series that I have been collecting. And with Ron Garney and Adam Kubert we have two really great artists working on these books.

Speaking of great artists, the second series written by Mark Waid that I want to feature a bit in this post is DAREDEVIL and by all rights I should not have read this series because Chris Samnee is one of these artists I try to avoid. You know, the more realistic artists who use these thick lines and do really simple - almost basic - drawings with not a lot of detail.

Not that I have anything against this kind of style but you normally find this in independent books and I am not one of those guys who think that a superhero comic should look like an independent comic if that means you can sell more copies. So by all rights I should not have read this series.

Somehow I did - I think I read the first issue because it was free online - and I have really grown to appreciate Chris Samnee. Not that I think he is right for every comic series but he really has a more varied line thickness, he draws a lot of detail - when necessary - and he has a real knack for page layout and design which helps to elevate the book. As for Mark Waid´s writing let me just mention that when I was slowly quitting reading Marvel Comics the last two books I bought on a regular basis were Mike Allred´s SILVER SURFER and Mark Waid´s DAREDEVIL. As soon as those two books wrapped up I was out of Marvel Comics and with all the crappy material that followed I did not make it out of the door one second too soon.

One of the main reasons for doing this post on Mark Waid was his run on the second volume of THE FLASH which I did enjoy very much. And while he didn´t start the run - that was William Messner Loebs who is one of the many writers who is all but forgotten by Today´s comic book readers - he did flesh out the character of Wally West ( who is still my favorite Flash ) quite a bit. Especially in the stories Born To Run and The Return Of Barry Allen the second of which was basically the blueprint for Eobard Thawne a.k.a. Professor Zoom a.k.a. The Reverse Flash in the CW FLASH tv show.

The second reason is that I have a lot of links for new readers thanks to my almost weekly FLASH FRIDAY series. I still have posts planned but I do not know when I can get to it so all my new readers - as well as those who have missed them - can check out the issues I posted from Mark Waid´s run on THE FLASH which are issue 113 , issue 114 , issue 115 , issue 116 , issue 117 , issue 118 , issue 119 , issue 120 , issue 121 , issue 122 , issue 123 , issue 124 , issue 125 , issue 126 , issue 127 , issue 128 and issue 129 .

I also did a special post for the late Mike Wieringo who was the penciler for a fair share of issues as well as providing covers for a lot more of them so he had a big impact on the look of the series for a long period of time.

Speaking of favorite artists who have passed away and who worked on THE FLASH Paul Ryan did a lot of the issues above and a few more that I posted but I am not going to put all of them in this post especially since he also worked on other titles that I featured like AVENGERS or AVENGERS WEST COAST. Another series was THE FANTASTIC FOUR and I am still working on bringing my readers the new FANTASTIC FOUR FRIDAY WITH PAUL RYAN feature. At the moment I have more than enough original art assembled but I still have to go through it and - what is the biggest work - find all the corresponding color pages. In the meantime you might want to read my special Paul Ryan spotlight to find more about this great artist.

Speaking of series by Mark Waid I HAVE covered in previous posts I almost forgot THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD with George Perez where I wrote about issue 1 , issue 2 , issue 3 , issue 4 , issue 5 , issue 6 , issue 7 , issue 8 , issue 9 , issue 10 and issue 11 so far. I plan to do posts for issues 12 and 13 but since the art was done by Jerry Ordway and not by the great George Perez I might save them for another Jerry Ordway spotlight birthday post.

So it seems that in past years I skipped the birthdays from March the 21st because there are only two important anniversaries. The first is Timothy Dalton who turns 74 whom Today´s audiences probably know best as Niles Caulder from the Doom Patrol tv series or as Lord Rasselon from Doctor Who´s two - parter The End Of Time which was the end of David Tennat´s Doctor. For people from my generation he was the cool James Bond after Roger Moore had turned the british super spy into an annoying bore with the charme of an Edeka manager. Anyway, Timothy Dalton starred in only two James Bond movies, The Living Daylights and Licence To Kill ( I wrote more about the second one in this MOVIE RUMMAGE TABLE special for Robert Davi´s birthday who played the Bond villain Franz Sanchez ) and besides Maryam D´Abo he has worked with some of the hottest female celluloid co - stars like Ornella Muti in Flash Gordon ( and there will be a few posts with the comicbook adaption of that movie by Al Williamson ).

But Flash Gordon was not the only movie that was an adaption of a comic strip in which Timothy Dalton had an ultimate sexbomb as a co - star, there was also Brenda Starr where every teenager´s dreamgirl Brooke Shields got soaking wet and almost had a wardrobe malfunction . OMG !

To complete the comic movie hattrick there is The Rocketeer which may look like it was based on a comic strip but it was actually a rather new comic that only felt like an old time pulp comic. Timothy Dalton´s co - star in this one was Jennifer Connelly and I bet I am not the only one who was disappointed that the movie was produced by Disney since that meant that all the raunchier scenes with Cliff Secord´s girlfriend Betty ( who is supposed to be pin up goddess Betty Page ) from the comic were cut.

It´s no wonder that the movie didn´t perform as well at the box office as it could have if it had been a more faithful adaption of the original source material and has become one of the more obscure comic movie adaptions.

Finishing up Timothy Dalton´s comicbook connections he was also in an episode of the Tales From The Crypt tv series, Werewolf Concerto based on the original story by Johnny Craig from The Vault Of Horror issue 16 .

But I think I might have posted that already so here is The Emperor´s New Clothes from Shelley Duvall´s Faerie Tale Theater narrated by James Bond.

Today´s second and most important anniversary is the late Russ Meyer and anybody who has been reading this blog for more than a few weeks knows what a big impact the King of the big breasted babes has had on my life.

And while I have mentioned some of the well endowed actresses from his cult movies like 39D playmate Eve Meyer , 44F Busenwunder Uschi Digard or natural born indian 42F stripper Raven De La Croix in various posts I have only written solo cult siren entries for two of the greatest Russ Meyer muses : Haji and Tura Satana . Tura´s post is mostly about the cult movie Faster Pussycat ! Kill ! Kill ! ( The Devil Women of Tittfield in german ) although it touches on her other movies and has her full bio.

Speaking of Russ Meyer movies, one of my favorites is UP ! starring Raven De La Croix. She looks like a real life Wonder Woman and it´s a shame there never was a Wonder Woman movie with Raven in the lead role.

The former blow up sex doll template played the role of überbusty amazonian princess in the 1984 Jim Wynorsky skin flick The Lost Empire. I wrote a bit more about her in my first Justice League Casting Alternates .

Meyer’s 1976 comedy thriller UP ! was co - written by Roger Ebert and contains Nazis, lesbianism, rape, buggery, a backwoods sheriff, piranha, kinky sex - and that’s just the first 10 minutes ! The movie offers a lot of very graphic sex scenes which are highly erotic, well photographed and stunningly edited. The female cast members all engage with the outdoor, sunny California countryside, but under a spell of kinetic blankness like sex machines gone wild especially Janet Wood who not only has a name made for porn movies if I ever heard one but also one of the best scenes with her on - screen partner Robert McLane who was a homosexual in real life.

I have read that homosexual actors are often used in straight porn movies because they can pound a woman for hours without risking to climax but Janet Wood doesn´t look like a woman who cares if her sex partner will squirt as long as she can milk him dry. So either she rode him like a woman possessed because she could vent all her pent up sexual frustration or she worked herself into a frenzy trying to put him on the straight path again.

In any case with a name like Janet Wood she was predestined for explicit sex scenes and her nymphomaniac urges got the better of Janet because she has never acknowledged her nude work in this film over the decades.

Now besides possibly being the first Russ Meyer movie I saw in a cinema another reasons why it´s my favorite - besides the bevy of hot sexbombs like Kitten Natividad or Marianne Marks in the cast - is the lead actress.

The gorgeous Raven De La Croix with an exotic name and a body which can only be a true gift from the gods, stars as Margo Winchester, one of Meyer’s strongest female characters. Constantly victimized by most men, yet refusing to play the victim, spitting out her lines in a Mae West - type drawl, Raven De La Croix and her bountiful figure totally steal the movie.

Totally nude and usually running around outdoors for most of the film, De La Croix is incredibly sexy and funny. She had done lots of modeling by 1976 and appeared in UP! after coming to terms with the fact that she had to perform nude scenes and graphic sex scenes. According to De La Croix, she really went all out for this film, destroying her feet while running through the desert, almost sacrificing her life during the drowning / rape scene, and unknowingly being body doubled during some of the more questionable sex scenes ( I wonder where they found the body double ).

Since I already posted all the Russ Meyer movies I could find on YouTube - as well as all clips related to that - I am going with somebody who would have been perfect for a Russ Meyer movie with her 36F ( all natural !!! ) - 25 - 39 measurements. It´s jamaican Instagram model Lexi Hart and her huge chocolate covered marshmallows bring all the boys to the yard.

Staying with the topic of big breasted women I originally wanted to post the video Dos Bros from The Boss Hoss in an earlier post but that didn´t happen because of a case of mistaken identity so I am including it here.

Now I have to say that I haven´t kept up with Scott´s videos over the last few months so I don´t know if it´s the quarantine affecting his mental state or if this is something that happened slowly or if it something he´s smoking but some of his newer videos - like the one about Thor - don´t make a lot of sense. And it´s not like I am against coming up with a crazy theory and then follow it to it´s ultimate conclusion. But taking a personal experience, randomly connecting it to something by force and trying to validate something that should have never happened in the first place .... look, you can try to paint a cowpie a pretty color but it´s still a cowpie.

Anyway, here Scott talks about the fact that comicbooks - and especially superhero comicbooks - are much more political than some people give them credit for. It also examines the strange fact that different people seem to have different definitions of when a comicbook is political or not.

To remind the world that there are also good things that came out of Germany ( although technically Adolf Hitler came from Austria but that has never stopped anybody from laying the blame on Germany ) here is a video about a flavor that you won´t find anywhere else on the planet.

Another reason for including the video is that one of the translations for " Waldmeister " - besides " woodruff " and " wild baby´s breath " ( ??? ) is " Master Of The Woods " although " Master Of The Forest " would be more accurate and this gives me a nice segueway to Today´s creature feature Venom - Legend of the Spider Forrest. I came upon this while looking for a spider - themed horror flick for the post about Todd McFarlane´s run on AMAZING SPIDER - MAN and with Venom in the title I just had to post it. 

I try my best to avoid repeating myself with the cartoon series and thankfully there is always one show I forgot like Martin Mystery.

Now some of you may know it but for those who don´t it´s based on an italian comicbook series from the same publisher that puts out Tex, Nathan Never and Dylan Dog ( about which I´ve written in these posts ).

New to the blog ? Everything you need to know about TALES FROM THE KRYPTONIAN : top ten posts / more posts of interest / best of the best

Oh, you´re cute ... like a velvet glove cast in iron.

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