Wouldn´t you know it, just after I finished with the main part of this year´s Ron Frenz tribute he goes and posts some incredible original art on facebook. But while it is too late to include it in my last post I still can make a spin - off post ( which also has the added bonus that I can divide the post addendum between two posts ) and to make it something special instead of doing just a simple spin - off post let´s make it an all Thor post.
If you have read my last post you know that I said I didn´t want to post anything I might need for my series on Thor´s SOUL SHROUD SAGA. Now on the other side I didn´t want to just post pin ups of Thor. Don´t get me wrong, Ron Frenz´ Thor pin ups are wonderful. But I didn´t want to put them all into one post. So I also included original art from Ron Frenz´ THOR run which happens before the SOUL SHROUD SAGA. Also - as blog regulars know - I´m a big fan of Eric Masterson so I have included art with him. And now let´s go back to the glory days when all was fine in Asgard, Thor was a person and not a job description nor a chick and knew that deeds are what makes someone worthy and not if that person thinks its worthy.
We are still making our way through the celebrity anniversaries for February the 4th with Tom Tayback who celebrated his 70th birthday. Okay, he only starred in four movies but the reason why I instantly recognized him is that one of them was Greg Hyppolite´s Undercover Heat with über bodacious Athena Massey as sex starved undercover cop Cindy Hannen.
Even if the story is nothing new - a female cop has to go undercover as a callgirl to find a serial killer - Undercover Heat is one of the best erotic movies I have seen because it has the perfect blend of crime, suspense, erotic and humor that few directors of this genre achieve. It also has a nice pacing of five minutes of story development followed by five minutes of erotic scenes and so on. But the biggest reason why this movie is so entertaining is the stunning Athena Massey and her spectacular body.
The character Athena plays is a somewhat repressed woman who never had much time besides her police work to explore her sexuality but as she goes undercover she makes up for that in spades. The plan going in is that her superior will send her clients so she can keep her cover and give him regular status reports. But as they sometimes come too late - to their appointments that is not as in relayed ejaculation - the sex depraved bombshell is already busy sexperimenting with the other potent studs.
There is even a threesome with a client and his big breasted wife so this movie has it all. So this is my recommendation for the day and if you haven´t seen it yet you definitely have to check out Undercover Heat.
You might think that we have definitely arrived in the more safe for work area of pop culture with Frank Zander who celebrated his 79th birthday.
He is the bedrock of german Schlager and pop songs with unforgettable hits like Der Ur - Ur - Enkel von Frankenstein, Ich trink auf dein Wohl Marie, Oh Susi ( der zensierte Song ) or Hier kommt Kurt the very first german rap song. And for those interested in obscure trivia I might add that starting in 1978 he had various hits under the pseudonym of Fred Sonnenschein und seine Freunde. His friends in this case were golden hamsters and like with Alvin and the Chipmunks their voices were altered electronically. Now one of those hamsters was voiced by Hugo Egon Balder, one of the hosts on Tutti Frutti alongside brabuster Monique Sluyter .
But the blow up sex doll from the Netherlands was not only in PLAYBOY multiple times she also was a big factor in my obsession on blondes with giant breast like Power Girl with her impersonation of Marilyn Monroe .
Regular readers of this blog already know that I cast her as Fire a.k.a. Beatriz da Costa in the Andy Sidaris Special of my popular Casting the Justice League of America movie series and I also kept mentioning her in all kind of post like the annual re - posts about italian mega soccer MILF Simona Ventura until I decided to give Monique and the Tutti Frutti girls their own post which I re - posted in 2016 in a new and better version.
And I just wrote a spin - off post with all the usual links to Janet Jones Gretzky and real live Power Girl Leslie Easterbrook who had the most famous scene in Police Academy 4 - Citizens on Patrol in which she emerges from a pool in a wet t - shirt . And while the obligatory Andy Sidaris actresses / playmates / sexbombs like Roberta Vasquez , Ava Cadell , brunette Cynthia Brimhall, Dona Speir , Julie Strain , Shae Marks , Julie K. Smith and Samantha Phillips are mentioned the main part is about blonde brabuster Monique Sluyter and the obligatory plethora of Tutti Frutti girls .

Now usually I just include a short part with them in the posts but this time I did a somewhat longer version so I could include all the new download links I found while writing this post. I just recently included a whole slew of new ones but those are just for compilation and mixes while these new ones are not only for entire episodes - which are always ultra rare - but for german episodes which are even rarer. Some of them even include my favorite Tutti Frutti girl ( whom you can see just below ).
Coming back to Frank Zander, he also wrote the anthem for soccer club Herta BSC, since 1997 he does personalized birthday CDS singing a special birthday song with your name and since 1995 he gives a Christmas dinner for the homeless in Berlin. His trademark is his raspy voice which is due to a tonsilitis he got in the beginning of the 70s. He also worked as an actor on such cult comedy shows like Bananas and has done voice acting on everything from Asterix to The Last Unicorn. Although my favorite song from him is the german title song for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Which for me is still the best cartoon adaption of the comic book heroes. Is it just nostalgia or did we have the golden age of cartoon series in the 80s ?
You can find a more complete list of birthdays from February the 4th in last year´s BAYWATCH spin - off post and from February the 1st up until the 5th in this post on Ron Frenz´ run on AMAZING SPIDER - MAN . Which brings us back to comics with the anniversary of Rich Buckler on February the 6th.
Now I would not say that he has always been a favorite artist of me and that´s mostly because I had no idea how big his contribution to comics has been. I knew his name and a few of the comics he had provided art for but it was only through the research on this blog that I found out how many of my favorite stories he helped bring to life. So since it is one of my favorite things to bring attention to those artists who are underrated, underappreciated or even largely unknown I made a folder specifically for Rich Buckler´s art and did spotlight posts for him in 2017 and in 2018 .
Both Rich Buckler posts contains more celebrity birthdays from February the 6th and since I have nothing important to add I skip them this year.
Another indispensable birthday is cult siren Dona Speir who turned 56 on February the 7th. Her exceptional talents include breasts as big as her head and just as visible. She also has the smooth, muscled legs and firm, ripped glutes of a person who makes her living with her physique. Her face is framed in a mane of brightly cast blondness. She is best known for her role of secret agent Donna Hamilton, the go - to gal in Andy Sidaris' flashy series of spy - chick erotic thrillers since 1987. The highly successful, often imitated, never duplicated Sidaris formula can be distilled to bombs and bullets and boobs and beaches and Bond gadgetry and hot tubs that double as think tanks. The intangible that pulls it all together ? Dona Speir.
Andy Sidaris was probably THE BEST director of action movies for adults and his cast is a WHOS´S WHO of playmates : 40DD Playmate Of The Month November 1984 Roberta Vasquez , hot 34D Page 3 girl turned sex therapist Ava Cadell , 41D Penthouse Pet Of The Year 1993 Julie Strain , Samantha Phillips, 34D Playmate Of The Month May 1994 Shae Marks , 36D Penthouse Pet Of The Month February 1993 Julie K. Smith , 34C Playmate Of The Month September 1993 Carrie Westcott or Dona Speir to name just a few.
Roberta Vasquez was born in Los Angeles, on February 13, 1963. She became Playmate of the Month for November 1984, her measurements then were 40DD - 25 - 36. She stood at 5'8", weighing 125lb, with some of the most perfect natural breasts to ever appear inside PLAYBOY magazine.
The big breasted latina is well known to longtime readers from baring her breast ASSets in many Andy Sidaris movies in fact I cast her as Big Barda in the ANDY SIDARIS SPECIAL EDITION in the special Subzero bonus round of my Casting the Justice League of America movie series. And while I have not done a solo post for her - yet - she has been regularly mentioned in the original Dona Speir cult siren post and all subsequent re - posts of it.
The first time I mentioned Andy Sidaris was way back in 2013 but it took me until 2015 to do my first spotlight post on him and afterwards Dona got her own cult siren entry in 2016 with re - post in 2017 and again in 2018 .
There are also more celebrity birthday from February the 7th to be found in the Dona Speir posts and I already covered Today´s celebrity birthdays in my second WEBSLINGING WEDNESDAY WITH RON FRENZ post from 2017 .
Since we already had a video with an animated Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles special ( I know an episode of the 80s cartoon would have been more appropriate but I already posted a plethora of those - and some have been deleted - I didn´t want to repeat myself ) we are continuing with a look at all the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Christmas Specials.
Coming back to the topic of this post I couldn´t find a video about Ron Frenz´ and Tom DeFalco´s run on THE MIGHTY THOR which shows how underappreciated it is. Which is one of the reasons why I decided to pimp it more. Now I´m not that delusional that I think I am the sole reason why Disney started to reprint the run in the recent Epic Collections. Sooner or later they had to reach that point and Disney is not going to squander any reason to milk the Marvel Comics cash cow for money. But I like to think that I did my bit - together with other comicbook afficionados online - to make people aware that there is a demand for those stories. Anyway, since I could not find a video of that run here is one from the german comicblogger Crayton pimping the Dan Jurgens / John Romita Jr run.
A.k.a. SUPERMAN WITH A HAMMER. Despite Dan Jurgens apparent lack of comprehension about the differences betwenn the thunder god and the Man of Tomorrow John Romita Jr.´s art alone is worth the price of admission. Speaking of prices, I had the omnibus hardcover of the Dan Jurgens / John Romita Jr. run even though I already had all the issues. It was a neat way to have it handy without digging through the back issues.
I didn´t get a chance to re - read it though because I just sold it together with most of my other omnibus hardcovers. The only thing that lessens the blow is that I bought the 125 Euro book at amazon for 67 bucks so when I had to sell it at half price I only lost a few Euros. And with some of the other omnibus hardcovers I paid even less than half price so I didn´t loose that much. I still would have preferred to take them with me to Spain especially those that are out of print now. Some of them - like the IRON MAN BY BOB LAYTON AND JOHN ROMITA JR or the SECRET WARTS II omnibus hardcover - are impossible to get not to mention that those are some of my favorite comicbook collections. Awww, well, I still have the single issues from the Jurgens / Romita Jr. run but I have to sell those too.
I can´t believe how long it has been since I posted a video with hasian Übersexbomb Jeannie Mai so it´s high time to rectify this gross oversight.
One reason why Miko Lee kept popping up in the posts about Yaya Han is that I needed a body double for Yaya´s more explicit scenes I had in mind.

At least it would be fun to put her body to the test for the sex scenes.

Speaking of being the ultimate ho, while Jessi didn´t become a hooker she showed in a recent jeans photoshoot that if she had chosen that profession she would have made a fortune as a professional prostitute.
Does anybody know where I can find more high quality pictures of this ?
Usually I post the top five performances but Today I am just including Jessi´s breast performance plus the official video for those who have not seen it because I still have to review all the live performances I found. The title of the song is Nunu Nana although with Jessie´s bonerinducing rack attack it should be more likely called Boobie Whammy or OMG XXL Oppais.
We continue our globetrotting tour in Berlin with some german choice food. I have to confess I am not sure if I have ever been to Berlin. Back when we tried to get Kerosin Comics back on its publishing feet we did a few comic conventions in Germany but I am not sure if we also went to the one in Berlin. I remember that the last one we did was in a city that was really dirty. And with dirty I mean really filthy, trash on every street and garbage everywhere. That might have been Berlin. In any case if I haven´t been to Berlin yet I doubt I will ever visit there in the future.
Time for another video with the rack - tastic Angie Griffin, one of the few female cosplayers on the planet who can give walking blow up sex doll Yaya Han and her huge hasian sexsation 40D porn implants a run for their money with her giant - sized ( and 100 percent all natural ! ) 41E double airbags.
Daimn, no disrespect to Scarlett Johansson but Angie is my choice for Black Widow and I bet her huge melons would turn Bucky into Fucky.
If the Black Widow had a body like that in the comicbooks it´s no wonder that Captain America insisted on interrogating her himself after she defected to the West to find out if she was still spying for the russians.
In an undisclosed motel. For a few months. Daimn, maybe it´s just me but Natasha Romanoff lost a lot of sex appeal when she stopped being a russian spy who used her special KGB sex techniques to get intel from hapless american studs with huge horsecocks. It´s the same with figure skater Katarina Witt ( and what a figure : 36C - 24 - 36 ). Ever since the fall of the Berlin Wall and the reunification of Germany she lost a lot of her sex appeal. On the other side she has done a few PLAYBOY shootings since then which we would not have gotten if she was still in East Germany.
It´s been a while since I started this post so I don´t even remember what this video is about but I think the preview picture tells you all you need to know : Angie is wearing a blue top with a nice cleavage that squeezes her incredible boobs almost up to her chin. By the way, be sure to watch this from the beginning, otherwise you will miss Angie´s breast bounce action.
Coming back to the topic of our post here is a video I was saving for my next Vince Coletta birthday post but I don´t want to wait until October.
While I wasn´t the biggest fan of Vince Coletta I think his inks fit THE MIGHTY THOR ( I did two spotlight posts for Vince´s work on that series in 2016 and in 2019 ) and since most of Marvel Comics output in the early days were drawn by Jack Kirby Stan Lee had to find a way to not make it look generic. Which he did by assigning different inkers to different titles.
Sometimes you find the craziest things on YouTube and contrary to how it sounds, this is not the intro song for the Thor cartoon from 1966 that was part of the famous The Marvel Super Heroes show which also included Captain America, The Incredible Hulk, Iron Man and The Sub - Mariner.
Speaking of which, in honor of my future - and former - homebase ( and because it´s the best quality I could find on YouTube ) here is an episode of Thor in which he goes up against his evil stepbrother Loki. Who is not the god of mischief like it is falsely credited in some of the newer comics ( mainly because Tom Hiddlestone has so many female fans ) but the god of evil. Who constantly tried to destroy Asgard, Midgard and the universe.
After this Thor hattrick we are going over to the other side on the street with another episode of Inside Of You with Katie Cassidy. Which is more apropos for me than my readers since I am currently re - watching Arrow.
We return to Spain for one final time with another episode of Viaje Al Centro De La Tele which is all about the greatest hits of 70s disco pop.
Closing things out we have another creature feature with Island Of The Burning Damned and even if it´s not a production of the famous british Hammer Studios it does star Peter Cushing and also Christopher Lee.
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I know I´m only a mortal, and a stand - in for the real Thunder God but wouldn´t it be a whole lot safer for Odin if we tried a more subtle approach than your standard frontal assault ?
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