Thursday, April 09, 2020

Time for a commercial break - DC edition

After this avalanche of Hollywood stars, starlets, Andy Sidaris babes and playmates it´s time for a little break because we still have at least five more posts of bare naked breast and bootylicious buttocks ahead of us - if we continue at this pace of two months per post - so I thought why not break out some of that material that always accumulates over the years when I´m doing the research for a post because I think it´s so cool that I have to share it with my readers but then I never get to use it ? Right ?

So for this post I have decided to go with some of the in - house ads you used to find in comicbooks and since our last two comicbook related posts were about italian fumetto MARTIN MYSTÉRE and another entry for the X - MEN MONTH courtesy of the great Gil Kane it´s time for a DC Comics post.

Since this post is all about pimping DC Comics I wanted to include a video about that and I actually found a commercial from 1994 that tries it´s hardest to convince people that DC Comics are not for kids anymore. The only thing I find a bit suspicious is that all of the comics they are showing to prove their point like ARKHAM ASYLUM or WATCHMEN are from the 80s. Why don´t they show some of the cool DC comicbooks from the 90s ?

Speaking of things from DC Comics that are not for kids anymore, longtime readers are already aware about my obsession with their Maid of Massive Mammaries Power Girl - since she not only comes up a lot in the Hugh Hefner tribute posts but I also mention her very often in connection to not only my CASTING THE JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA MOVIE series but also my SEARCH FOR POWER GIRL series I used to write at my old boobblog - but new visitors of the blog might wonder what´s the reason behind it.

If they have heard about Power Girl at all. It has a lot to do with her character and that is not an euphemism for the fact that she not only possesses the body of a Playmate Of The Year, legs up to her chin and the biggest and most perfectly sculpted breasts in the entire DC universe.

Power Girl is such an incredible sexbomb that she is on a whole different level when it comes to sex appeal : she is the only heroine out of a literal plethora of heroines that look like they just stepped out of the pages of a gentlemen´s magazine at DC where the fact that her giant - sized XXL supermelons leaves all the men - including normal people, super villains and super heroes - drooling like crazy and they all lust after her pornstar body is an integral part of her persona and constantly comes up in stories.

But all physical qualities aside, as I always say : Supergirl is Superman´s cousin while Power Girl is a super heroine who just happens to be related to Superman. Anyway, this is already getting longer than planned. In our last post I had a video about the urban legend that artist Wally Wood drew Power Girls breasts bigger and bigger to see when censors would notice it and Today we take a look at her convoluted and very confusing history. 

Apropos well rounded things, getting a bit too enthusiastic about Power Girl´s breasts and casting a Justice League of America movie : do you know who would be perfect to play Power Girl ? How about playmate Dana " Double Dee " Brooke ? The wrestling blow up sex doll has the right cup size to play the Sexbomb of Steel. Daimn, her body is just built for porn.

I last mentioned her in my post for Beyonce´s 35th birthday - which is kind of fitting because she is Dana Brooke´s favorite musician is - but since I didn´t have no videos with her she has been absent ever since.

Which was back in 2016 so to make up for that here are just a few of the new videos I found with her plus more facts about Dana since I didn´t write much about her. Dana´s real name is Ashley Mae Sebera although she looks more like a CHESTy than an ASShley to me if you know what I mean.

She has worked as a bikini model for brands like RockStar Bikini thanks to her incredible 40D - 27 - 36 measurements so she has no problem filling out Power Girl´s magical cleavage window plus she has the natural porn star look which makes all horny men drool which is just what the role needs.

By the way, some people ask me where I get the measurements from since they are sometimes not the same as they read somewhere else but I consult various websites and use the most common denominator. With Dana Brooke for instance most websites list her as a 37D girl but there are a few that rank her as a 40D and what can I say, I´m a hopeless optimist.

Speaking of giant - sized 40D melons Dana has the same breast size as cosplay blow up sex doll Yaya Han but Dana Brooks is 5 feet 3 inches while Yaya Han is only 5 feet 1 inch tall so Yaya Han´s porn star implants look even bigger than Dana Brooke´s huge melons in comparison to her body.

And people wonder why I am obsessed with Yaya´s overdeveloped oppai.

So far I´ve written six posts on Yaya - two of them are pretty safe but the other four are absolutely not safe for work - and I keep mentioning her on various JLA casting posts and any other posts involving asian sexbombs like flex appealing Kiana Tom, Ava Cadell, Akira Lane, Miko Lee, korean wrestling knockout Gail Kim a.k.a. Die Geile Kim or 55KK ( !!! ) Minka .

I swear the completely NSFW BIG YAYA HAN POST is still in the pipeline. In the meantime I have made two new posts about Yaya which showcase a part of her incredible anatomy that I have ignored too often - her legs.

Which is unbelievable because not only does Yaya have a set of legs that can give you an instant erection she has also demonstrated in her Chun Li pics that she can spread her legs better than Jennifer Lopez in Hustlers .

For some reason I didn´t get to do a birthday post for Yaya Han in 2019 so to compensate for that I did three new ones this year ( since I couldn´t get all the new pictures with her I wanted to post into one post ) : the first one is a spotlight on her Eliza from Tekken Revolution cosplay, the second one has five more erection guaranteeing cosplays with the asian ejaculation sensation and post number three has my final selection of Yaya Han´s breast new cosplays mostly of Danganrompa´s Junko Enoshima.

And there is also a special Eliza / Chun Li spotlight post which was my first reader´s request Yaya Han post ever. By the way, if there is a special Yaya Han cosplay you want me to spotlight on the blog drop me a comment, maybe I have already some material that I can put into a post quickly.

Apropos, one thing I have noticed is that some websites don´t have her measurements. Which is kind of hard to believe for me since it took me less than 5 minutes to google it. Really, guys ? You couldn´t be bothered to spend a few more minutes to get the facts ? What´s even worse is that some websites have a text part with her biography and another part with her stats. And her measurements - no matter how inaccurate they might be - are included in the text but are listed in her stats as unknown. Now that is what I like to call beyond lazy. All they had to do was read the bio and transfer her measurements to the stats. Is that really too much work ?

Or are there different people who write the text segments and who fill out the stats and they can´t be bothered to look at the other´s work ?

Anyway, coming back to Dana Brooke, before she became a wrestler she was a bodybuilder and participated in the Arnold Classic three times and won the Female Image Award at Mr. Olympia in 2017 so she has the right physique to portray Power Girl with a hardbody chiseled out of stone.

She also was a gymnast for almost 18 years who qualified for the 2001 Junior Olympics so you know she has no problems doing the splits - also known as the big equalizer or the move that seals the deal - which is always a plus when it´s time to do a sexy striptease or a nude scene.

Another reason why Dana Brooke was predestined to play Power Girl in a JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA / JUSTICE SOCIETY OF AMERICA movie is that she also took up the sport of Diving where she secured a district title but gave it up because it was not challenging enough, seeing as she can hold her breath for hours. Which is no wonder with that huge pair of lungs.

This skill set comes in handy during oral sex and her ex - boyfriends like Dolph Ziggler can attest that she is a world class deepthroat champion.

And that in turn helps dicktamer Dana Brooke with the explicit sex scenes which are mandatory for someone with her erection guaranteeing body shape. Come on, she was born for porn movies and everybody knows it.

I was always bummed out that she had to play second fiddle to Charlotte Flair since she has more star qualities but I guess the WWE is milking the Flair name as long as they can. Yes, I´m going on the record that personally Charlotte never did much for me since Dana has much more sex appeal.

Now as longtime readers are aware of I had difficulties following the WWE so my knowledge of what happened during the last two decades is sketchy at best. I just wanted to mention that before we come to the matches in hopes to get a bit of leeway if I don´t get all of the facts right.

This is Dana Brooke on the blue carpet of the WWE 20th Anniversary celebration last year showing of her breast features in a black dress. Yep, if you ever wondered what keeps up a strapless dress this is the answer.

Here we have an even more impressive video of Dana Brooke showing off her huge power girls in a black dress with - are those little metal spikes ?

I also wanted to include a match with Dana Brooke and naturally I chose the one with her breast outfit. Not only for me but also for my readers.

Because after all my rambling about her physical attributes they now expect me to back up my claims so I had to pick a match where you can actually see some of Dana´s fetching features which are often almost completely covered up. It´s Dana´s first match at Smackdown - I think - and it´s against lass kicker Becky Lynch. Now I don´t think I mentioned Becky Lynch on the blog before so here are my two cents about her.

While I don´t understand why she insists on being called " The Man " when she is clearly " The Woman " is beyond me but from all the women that are currently in the WWE roster she is the only one who can keep my interest.

Especially her blood feud with the aforementioned Charlotte Flair was very entertaining. And for me it´s all Charlotte´s fault. Because a real friend would have let Becky fight her championship match and then after she won the title she would have competed against her. A real friend would not have felt the need to weasel her way into the championship match, turn it into a triple threat match and betray Becky just so she could get another notch in her belt. I can totally understand that Becky Lynch was pissed since this was a match she had literally worked towards for years.

And everybody knows she would have won. So no, I have no sympathy for Charlotte Flair and she deserves everything Becky Lynch did to her and will do to her in the future. Speaking of Becky Lynch, as a wrestler she is phenomenal but where her sex appeal is concerned I am a bit confused.

Don´t get me wrong, she looks pleasing enough and you know what they say : You can sleep with a blonde and you can sleep with a brunette but you´ll never get any sleep with a redhead - because she will milk you dry !

But while Becky Lynch has a certain appeal that ends as soon as she opens her mouth - at least when she uses it to speak. I´m sure being a redhead she can also use her mouth to give men pleasure without end but when she speaks she sounds like a drunk irish trucker looking for a bar fight.

Whew, that was a long rant but like I never tire of saying I don´t get to write about wrestling too often so whenever I have the chance I tend to overcompensate. Coming back to Dana Brooke´s match against Becky I guess nobody expected Dana to win and I have included two videos : the first one doesn´t have the entire match but the quality is much better.

After this long side journey to power slams and former power lifters with giant - sized power boobs born for porn we are back in the 90s which according to Luke Mockridge brought forth the coolest generation that ever lived. Now I might be a bit biased here and maybe it´s the nostalgia speaking but as somebody who lived through both decades I think the 80s has the 90s clearly beat when it comes to music, movies or comicbooks.

I´m not saying the the 90s were as bad a decade for comics as everybody paints them to be - I have written more than enough posts talking about all the great comics that came out in the 90s to say otherwise - but a lot of the 90s stuff was just recycling the groundbreaking ideas of the 80s.

One thing I have to admit is that the 90s were the high watermark where blow up sex dolls in music videos are concerned and a big factor in that was the stellar rise of the Wonderbra which lifted, pushed and squeezed popping pop star poppers to new heights. Speaking of stellar, as a prime example of a sexbomb who greatly benefitted from the use of supportive breast devices I want to repost afro - norwegian aphrodite Stella Getz.

Longtime readers may remember this teenage heartthrob but for all who are new to the blog here is a short recap. Stella Getz smash hit Ta - Di - Di - Boom came out in 1996 but for some reason the video and anything revolving around it was impossible to find for the longest time. She had a much bigger hit with Friends so that was what she was known for in Germany and her video for Ta - Di - Di - Boom was only once shown on the show Nachtschicht which showed uncensored music videos after midnight.

Now Stella wasn´t naked or anything in the music video but I guess they didn´t show the video on regular music television because Stella had squeezed her still considerably big talents into a push up that was at least two sizes too small. She also had tied her shirt under which gave them the much needed extra support since she was shoving her boobs in your face.

Speaking of push ups, some people argue that wearing them is cheating but I say there has to be something that CAN be pushed because if a girl is flat - chested not even the best wonderbra in the world is going to make a difference. And as you can see not only does Stella have plenty to push, from the bouncing action of her stellar sweater puppies you can see that it´s one hundred percent all natural grade a boobies. She almost looks better with the white top than with the blue shirt and the push up bra and if she had worn a wet t - shirt in the video she would have killed it.

Well, I guess Busenwunder Stella had just too much bouncing action going on for der german television which probably was her way to get rid of her girlie image by pushing her boobs almost up to her chin. And before you ask, yes, she was already 19 years old when the music video was shot.

Coming back to comicbooks, in our last post we had a video about the urban legend concerning Power Girl´s boobs so to continue the topic of common comic misconceptions this one is about the time Marvel Comics almost bought DC Comics. Which happened a bit different than you might have heard and who better to clear this up than Comic Misconceptions ?

Yep, Brandon´s Cult Movie Reviews really found another turkish Superman movie. Here in Germany the only chance to see such cineastic gems is through the show Schlefaz which is short for Die Schlechtesten Filme Aller Zeiten ( The Worst Movies Of All Times ). Which would be a good show if the hosts wouldn´t insist on appearing in drag, constantly talk about how bad the movies are and insert their unfunny commentary.

Coming from cheap movie knock offs to the real deal DC Comics super heroes the Super Friends are one cartoon show that is very difficult to get a hold off in Germany. There is no tv network that shows it, you can´t get it on DVD or BlueRay and there are no episodes on streaming services.

The only full episodes I have seen of it are from a The Best Of Superman DVD with episodes of all the different cartoons Superman appeared in. 

Keeping the theme of superheroes on tv going one of the shows I enjoyed was Mr. Terrific which was called Immer Wenn Er Pillen Nahm in Germany.

The network that produced it had two superhero shows but while Mr. Nice really was not based on a pre - existing superhero Mr. Terrific was actually a mash up of two members of the Justice Society of America : the name was of course taken from Mr. Terrific and and the pills which gave our hero super powers with a one hour time limit was based on Hourman.

Changing the subject we have another video about life in Germany.

We are closing things out with the Supergirl panel from Wizardworld. It´s without the Supergirl from the tv show but with the Supergirl from the movie. By the way, I am currently re - watching seasons seven to ten of Smallville and I completely forgot that Helen Slater played Superman´s Mom Lara - El and that Dean Cain also had a guest role on that show.

New to the blog ? Everything you need to know about TALES FROM THE KRYPTONIAN : top ten posts / more posts of interest / best of the best

Denn seine große Stunde kam immer, wenn er Pillen nahm !

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