Friday, December 27, 2019

We, the unwanted, unloved, unpublished

After our last cult siren overloaded post I thought we should bring things back to comics especially since this is post 1,100. I thought about what I could do for this momentous occassion and since I don´t have the time to go through all my posts to do a Best Of The Best post I have decided to salvage some of the unpublished comicbook art that has accumulated now.

So this will be a different BLACK AND WHITE post because since the following pieces of original art have not been published there is no corresponding color pieces ( in most cases ) so I have to use the color cover that was published instead. Which I will be using. Now you may ask yourself why I put in most cases in brackets. The reason for that is there are some cases where the unpublished cover was used later on another issue, another comic series and in some cases even in another country.

But let´s not get ahead of ourselves. Unlike previous BLACK AND WHITE posts I can´t count the original piece of art and the colored version as one because there are a lot of cases where I have more than one color piece to go with the original art. So we are once again bending the 23 pieces of art for the main part that I have for my posts but I hope this will make the post shorter. As always I have tried to give the post some kind of theme and we have a lot of FANTASTIC FOUR and Fantastic Four - related art and series in this post. But also to other series. In any case, we start with the unpublished cover to FANTASTIC FOUR issue 52 by Jack Kirby .

Which is a great cover. As some comic afficionados out there might know this was the first appearance of T´Challa a.k.a. The Black Panther. And there lies the problem. Because as you can see T´Challa wears a mask that doesn´t completely cover his face so you can see he´s black. This is a rare case where somebody went to the trouble and colored the piece of original, unpublished art ( hey, it´s the King, Jack Kirby , what did you expect ? ) but I can´t for the life of me remember where I found it, sorry.

Now I am not a comicbook insider so I have to stick to what I read and what I can guess but as far as I know this was one of Marvel Comics first big, black super heroes. I know there is one member of SGT. FURY AND HIS HOWLING COMMANDOS who also was black who predates him. As I said I can only speculate to the motives why the cover was changed but if you know the story the Black Panther invites the Fantastic Four to Wakanda - which also gets introduced in that issue - but only to test his powers against them. Back then the main task of the covers was to sell the issue.

Today they put something on comics you would usually see as a poster but in those pre - internet days the cover was the only source of information readers had to what was happening inside. So you didn´t want to give any story surprises away like the identity of the mysterious Black Panther. Also I am sure that back in those days some drugstores or wherever you got your comic thrills back then were reluctant to sell a comic with a black person on the cover. I´m not saying that´s right, only that it happened. 

As you can see above the cover that was finally published in America showed the Black Panther with his face fully covered and also has a less kinetic but more ominous and dramatic composition. And I´m saying the cover that was finally published in America because while I could not find the original art for it I suspect this was also not Jack Kirby´s first version of that particular cover since the FANTASTICI QUATTRO cover that was published in Italy shows the Black Panther without the full face mask.

While in Spain they didn´t deal with any loco gringo nonsense and having to decide which one to use and just made their own cover, as usual.

As a last comment on the cover for FANTASTIC FOUR 52 Sal Velluto did a fantastic Famous Marvel Moments - One Minute Later variants for it.

Our next unpublished FANTASTIC FOUR cover by Jack Kirby is for issue 64.

And here is the original art for the cover that saw print in America ( you already saw the colored version of this at the beginning of the post ).

Once again, different countries did different versions. In Germany the Bildschriften Verlag as well as Williams Verlag stuck to the original version.

Now in Spain we have two different versions, one that is pretty much similar to the original cover only instead of throwing a fireball at the Sentry Johnny Storm blasts him ( they probably thought that was more dramatic ) and a painted version where Reed Richards´ elongated arm is cut off and the Human Torch is in a different position altogether here.

Last but not least we have two covers where I am not sure for which issues they were intended or even if they are unpublished covers.

But wait, there is more. When I said last but least I only referred to the fact that these are my last FANTASTIC FOUR pieces. You might remember however that I said there would be some Fantastic Four - related stuff in this post. Now one of the many members of the Fantastic Four´s ever changing roster that only was on the team for a time ( although in her case it was longer than most ) is Jennifer Walters a.k.a. the Sensational She Hulk. And back in the day her own series was written and drawn by none other than John Byrne ( which is still the best version of She Hulk ) who also wrote and drew an iconic run on FANTASTIC FOUR . So I guess there is enough of a connection to include some unpublished covers.

The first one is for issue 9. As some of you who have already read this great run know John Byrne left the title after the eight issue but he had already drawn the cover and  at least one page of issue 9 in which John Byrne´s creation Rog 2000 was supposed to make a guest appearance.

With the next one by Adam Hughes and Brian Steelfreeze I am not 100 percent sure but there is a SHE HULK cover with the Hobgoblin instead of the Green Goblin. So maybe it didn´t have the right Goblin on the cover.

I want to include two more unpublished covers. The first one is AVENGERS 37 by Don Heck and the published cover was done by the great Gil Kane .

The reason why I had to post this is that - at least in my opinion - Don Heck is one of the artists who is criminally underappreciated by the comicbook fandom at large despite his great contributions to the comicbook landscape not only at Marvel Comics but also at DC Comics.

So far I have only done a spotlight post about his great work on IRON MAN ( with a lot of pages from the german issues by the Williams Verlag ) but I hope to add a few more entries in the hopefully not too distant future.

Our final unpublished cover is by Pat Broderick and Tom Palmer and was intended to grace issue 63 of the real CAPTAIN MARVEL a.k.a. Mar - Vell.

The only problem was that the title had been canceled with issue 62.

The story scheduled for CAPTAIN MARVEL 63 finally saw print when MARVEL SPOTLIGHT continued with the adventures of Mar - Vell although with a brand new cover courtesy of Frank Miller and inker Terry Austin .

But whatever happened to the original cover for CAPTAIN MARVEL 63 ?

Well, that was used as the cover for issue 196 of THE COMIC READER.

Well, this is it for Today and I hope you liked my a bit more comicbook relevant and more text intensive 1,100th post. Here´s to the next ones.

There are still a few Jack Kirby links I haven´t posted yet but since they are more related to DC Comics than to Marvel Comics I will save them for the next post. So we also have a few celebrity birthdays in this post but since I miraculously have managed to write more posts these last few days ( although the last two are still unfinished ) we don´t have as many as in previous postings. And to make things easier there were no noteworthy anniversaries Yesterday so we can go directly to the birthday list of Today.


We are off to a good start with italian Power Girl Sara Varone who turns 47. This mega MILF with the incredible measurements of 37DD - 23 - 34 used to show her titanic twin torpedoes on the tv show Buona Domenica.

And when I say that she showed them I really mean that she showed them. Not like on german tv where you have hot women with mouth watering melons but they dress like nuns. No, Sara always knew what her breast features were and how to best present them to the audience. And in the few cases where she didn´t have a generous cleavage she opened her zipper under the pretense that she was getting hot. She reminds me of Sophia Loren who always was more my kind of girl than Marilyn Monroe.

Well, even if they showed something like that on german tv ( although I don´t recall somebody like Daniela Elger or Tatjana Ohm taking their shirt off on live tv and they certainly didn´t pose nude for a calendar like Sara did several times ) this would be as far as it would go. Well on italian tv ( and likewise spanish tv ) that´s just the start and from there on it´s all showers and wet clothes. Or in this particular show it involves a surfboard.

Yes, that´s right. Just get an electric bull, get rid of the saddle, put a surfboard on top and you´re ready to go. That´s tv genius right there.

All you need are a dozen sexy ladies trying to stay on top of the surfboard while keeping their unmentionables covered up. Which thankfully not always is all that successful. Entertainment can be so easy sometimes.

Sara Varone was a very prominent cult siren on my other let´s say more babe oriented blog so I thought I could easily just copy / paste her cult siren entries but as it turns out like so often my memory is not as good as it was. And while I did write several posts about her for the most part it was just pictures - most of them not suitable for this blog - and download links - which I would probably not include even if they had not expired.

Well there still was some basic information about Sara Varone I could use and here I can at least add some videos and animated GIFs with Sara although concerning the latter it was not that easy finding good ones.


We come to our first connection between wrestling and asian sex bombs with Bill Goldberg who celebrates his 53rd birthday. Besides being one very successful wrestler he has appeared in movies and tv series, most noticeable the fourth season of The Flash as Big Sir. The older comic fans might remember that character from the iconic run by Keith Giffen, J. M. DeMatteis, Kevin Maguire and Bart Sears . He was a member of the Injustice League and their version of the Hulk : a strong guy with a rather simple mind which they changed for understandable reasons on The Flash.

Now you might ask yourself how all of this ties in with hot asian sex bombs since there were none on The Flash. That is true but Bill Goldberg also was in Universal Soldier 2 with Michael Jay White ( who plays DC character Bronze Tiger on Arrow ), Jean Claude Van Damme and Kiana Tom, one of the hottest sex bombs that ever graced a tv screen. Fitness guru Kiana Tom´s name means " moon goddess " and she owes her exotic look to her mixed heritage of chinese, hawaiian and irish. The hasian blow up sex doll surely knew how to make men drool on Flex Appeal, where she used to give entire generations of horny teenagers huge erections with her 36Ds.

This earned Kiana Tom her very own cult siren entry which I reposted in 2016 and again in 2017 . I also cast her as the female post CRISIS Dr. Light in my first CASTING THE JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA MOVIE ( THE HOLLYWOOD EDITION ) post and I also mentioned Kiana in my second alternates post as part of a lesbian double dildo fourway sex orgy with porn star Miko Lee , fetish model Akira Lane and cosplay icon Yaya Han .

So far I had written five posts on Yaya - two of them are pretty safe but the other three are absolutely not safe for work - and I keep mentioning her on various JLA casting posts and any other posts involving exotic sexbombs like Kiana Tom, Ava Cadell, Akira Lane, Miko Lee, Gail Kim or Minka and I swear the completely NSFW BIG YAYA HAN POST is still in the pipeline. In the meantime I have made two new posts about Yaya which showcases a part of her anatomy that I have ignored too often - her legs.

Since we already had 40D sexbomb Yaya Han in our last post I want to keep her part even shorter but I still want to include a video with this outfit.

Coming back to hawaiian heartbreaker and PLAYBOY centerfold Kiana Tom, as an actress her most famous part was in UNIVERSAL SOLDIER 2 or UNIVERSAL SOLDIER - THE RETURN how it is sometimes called were her short bit part at the beginning is the only redeeming value of the flick.

In the scene Jean Claude Van Damme and Kiana Tom´s character Maggie are running an exercise run against the universal soldiers. They are separated and Kiana Tom is captured by wrestler Goldberg. Now I don´t know where the logic is here as he´s supposed to be some kind of cyborg but he does what any healthy man would do in his situation. Namely tie the helpless Kiana Tom whose shirt reveals a really huge bulge to a tree.

But it gets even better as Goldberg ( named Romeo in the movie which might explain why he tries to get it on with Kiana ) rips open her shirt !

Now that´s what I call entertainment : we´re only six minutes into the movie and we already see Kiana´s bra - clad melons exposed ( sadly she doesn´t go bra - less although she definitely has the hardbody to pull it off, but since she doesn´t show more skin it is the erotic highlight ). It is just a quick glimpse, but you can see that Kiana really doesn´t have much to be ashamed of because those perfect heavenly hangers look amazing !

The only thing that brings this down is that some sources claim that Kiana used a boob double for the scene. Which is hard to believe since it really isn´t necessary. Dammit, Kiana´s body is banging and if you check out the frames just before her pigeons fly loose you can see her big bust ready to explode. So the only reason why they would have used a double would be that she was too erotic and they shot somebody with a smaller chest. I´m no expert on chest sizes especially when it comes to american chest sizes but I like to believe that we get to see the real Kiana. And if not then I stick to the theory that Kiana´s at least as gifted as her body double or that Kiana´s chest is even bigger because otherwise it makes no sense.

In any case I´d like to get more information on who was her body double for the scene since she must also be a pretty hot number. Back to the scene, there isn’t a whole lot of skin here, but the bra busting moment might have you doing some serious Van Dammage to your man region !

Which makes it even less understandable that she didn´t do a nude scene in Universal Soldier 2. It´s not like Kiana has any problems with nudity since she not only posed naked for PLAYBOY, no, she also confessed that she is such a perfectionist that she had to wait until the right time in her career where she felt her body was in the best shape it has ever been in.

Too many actresses or female celebrities get the urge to do nude pictures when they are older or they want to show that they are still hot but most of them didn´t think of doing naked photos in their younger years and so their new pictures are useless because we have nothing to compare it to.

But Kiana did it right, she made it at her physical prime and her pictorial is awesome ! It´s no wonder her issue completely sold out in one month. 

As for her role in the film, Maggie is hardly used ( no pun intended ) and many reviewer bemoan that she didn´t get naked. I don´t know where the producers are coming from as they fumbled one of the biggest pulls of the movie when they decide not to make her a bigger part of the movie.

Really guys, which producer in his right mind passes up an opportunity to get a body like this naked ? Let´s just be realistic here. If a hot exotic sexbomb like Kiana Tom with a pornstar hardbody that just won´t quit was my co - worker I´d definitely spend all my free time slam-banging the living daylights out of her until I had tamed Kiana to be my obedient sex slave. 

So for those who can´t get enough of Kiana Tom you might want to check the infamous Bodyshaping Bikini Workout ( part 1 / part 2 / part 3 ) that YouTube already took down once as long as you still can. Probably because besides Kiana Tom you also get the no less stunning Kimiko Tanaka who is an exotic mix of american indian and japanese. So you get two exotic sexbombs wearing tiny bikinis for the price of one which must have lead to countless guys getting the mother of all nosebleeds because of oppai overload. Plus in the second part Carla Dunlap substitutes Kiana Tom.

But before you think I´m only mentioning Bill Goldberg as part of a cheap ploy to include all the stuff about Kiana Tom ( which granted, I have done in the past but then you can never have too much Kiana Tom in your post ) I have an actual video with Bill. Okay, he doesn´t look to good in it but that´s what happens when you go up against the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be, the excellence of execution. 

As longtime readers know the Dearly Departed section is the part I least enjoy but I feel it´s important - especially in these times we live that is moving so quickly thanks to twitter and facebook and which does not seem to have something akin to longtime memory - to remember those who are no longer with us but who have entertained us over the years. In this case it is Joan Marie Laurer a.k.a. Chyna who passed away in 2016.

Man, I´m always complaining that I don´t get to write about wrestling very often and now we have a lot of wrestling stuff in two posts in a row.

And it could have been even more since a lot of other wrestlers celebrate a birthday Today - including Cesaro who turns 39 - but I don´t want to work on this post forever. So I am not going into Chyna´s full history here.

I remember that when she first appeared on the scene she really was The Ninth Wonder Of The World as she was one of the first women who could take on the big boys. At first she looked more like a dude but later she had a more feminine physique. She did some porn movies but I can´t say much about them because I never watched them. Not because I wasn´t interested in seeing here naked but from what I have seen the production values on those were pretty low ( except maybe for the SHE HULK parody ) and it seemed more being a case of I am young and I need the money than really doing something deserving with her. Speaking of which, the tv studios sure knew better that someone with the qualities of Chyna does not come around very often so she appeared on a plethora of tv shows.

Chyna also appeared twice in PLAYBOY ( and on the cover ) and her pictures were of much better quality than her adult movies so I did buy those issues and still have them somewhere. Anyway, as with Bill Goldberg the reason why I chose to include Chyna in this year´s cult siren roll call - apart from the fact that it is long overdue - is that I have a video for her.

And in good quality. It is kind of a two - fisted combo since the other one is the consequence of what happens here. But I don´t want to shoot my bolt too quickly and am saving the other one for my next remembrance of Joan Marie Laurer where I can hopefully go into more detail than here.

There is another celebrity birthday from December the 27th but since I already covered it in Normani´s cult siren entry we continue with my usual selection of interesting, amusing or at least entertaining videos. As most of this post was about Jack Kirby´s Fantastic Four I wanted to include a video with some art from that series and since I am a big fan of original art here is one about the Artist´s Edition. As I have already explained at length in this post I have recently bought my first Artist´s Editions and when I ordered my second one I was really tempted to buy the one below instead of the second Thor by Walter Simonson book. In the end the completionst in me won so that I have both Walter Simonson books. At the moment my appetite for new Artist´s Editions - or any other new hardcovers - is satisfied thanks to the four omnibus and two king - sized hardcovers I got for a real steal from amazon but if I get a hankering for them again Jack Kirby´s Fantastic Four are definitely in the top spot. 

We started this post with the Black Panther so I wanted to include him in some way. At first I thought about Kendrick Lamar´s song for the movie but I have the distinct impression that I already put it in another post. So just to be on the safe side until that is cleared up here is a conversation with Brian Steelfreeze who worked on the latest version of the book.

Tomorrow would have been comic god Stan Lee´s 96th birthday so to honor somebody who proved that one man can change the world here is one of the famous Fantastic Four audio dramas that was not only narrated by the man, the myth, the legend but also has Ghostbuster / Saturday Night Live´s Bill Murray as the voice of The Human Torch, Johnny Storm.

Now I don´t have a good reason to include this video with bra busting ASMR Amy except that the only thing better than a video with the blonde blow up sex doll is one with two versions : the good girlfriend and the bad girlfriend. Which have basically the same measurements but still I think it would be more fun to hang with the bad one. The whole thing kind of reminds me of the Invisible Woman / Malice storyline where Malice was slowly corrupting Susan into becoming more sexually aggressive. I don´t remember much from it ( man, I really have to re - read the Tom DeFalco / Paul Ryan run one of these days and a few of those issues are part of my new INFINITY WAR omnibus ) but it was also implied that porn Malice gave Susan more self confidence which resulted in Susan´s best costume so far.

I always wondered how far the changes in Susan´s psyche and behavior ( especially in the bedroom ) went but I guess a mack daddy like Reed wouldn´t complain as long ( no pun intended ) as he benefit from that.

Since I skipped the Kendrick Lamar video we need another music video and longtime readers already know that it took me a few years to make the obvious connection to famous german band Die Fantastischen Vier.

I tried to find a film that fits the whole Fantastic Four motif of the entertainment section and since a big part of the book is science stuff and fighting against planetary perils from outer space Today´s in flight movie is Meteor starring Sean Connery, Natalie Wood and Karl Malden.

We are closing out things with the first family of 80s superhero cartoons.

New to the blog ? Everything you need to know about TALES FROM THE KRYPTONIAN : top ten posts / more posts of interest / best of the best

Mister Fantastic is the name his wife gave him because he can stretch every part of his body into every shape imaginable.

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